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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Delusion? Wishful thinking? Of a mix of the two things?


- viole
I can't figure. But what I find interesting is that there are seances and meetings where evidently the dead are called up from -- somewhere...Let me put it to you this way -- I'm glad (thankful) that I know what the Bible says about this. And insofar as special occurrences, such as Moses communicating with God and the exodus from Egypt and that whole story, I have come to the understanding that, frankly, it MUST be true. Despite Spinoza and Einstein's theories about who or what "god" is...and naysayers. It took a long time for me to get to this point and frankly many of the comments on these forums have helped me reason on matters.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Pretty funny, when you think about it. It's as if someone is toying with people's mind - making them feel they are special as a spirit medium.
I know there are people out there whom have had a difficult life, and being made to feel special, would certainly appeal to them. I could see someone evil, taking advantage of that.
There is no doubt in my mind that there are evil spirits who pretend to be someone else in order to deceive people. Since God told His people NOT to communicate with them, there are reasons.


Veteran Member
There is no doubt in my mind that there are evil spirits who pretend to be someone else in order to deceive people. Since God told His people NOT to communicate with them, there are reasons.
Eve fell for it. History repeats itself.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Even if those paranormal things had not happened, I would know he wants me to communicate with him since we discussed it long before his demise.
There is another poster here that has a similar situation. @SalixIncendium stated that he had a pact with his daughter, that she would in some way or another, contact him after her death. It never happened.

Why would some people have such an experience, but others not?

@Sgt. Pepper has agreed with me that ‘spirits are unpredictable’ - they will make their presence known to some, but not to others. I don’t recall though, if she ever gave a reason why that is so. (If she has, then if she wishes, she can state that reason.) I believe I know why….and it’s not for good intentions.

That’s why Jehovah God, at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, condemned those who ‘inquired of the dead’. (It’s lumped together with ‘casting spells, sorcery, engaging in witchcraft & sacrificing one’s children in the fire.’)

If, as Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, “the dead know nothing”, then the dead can’t communicate with the living. That begs the question, exactly who are the living, the ones grieving over their dead, communicating with, who are pretending to be their dead loved ones?

We can begin to appreciate why God condemns such practices; he wants to keep us safe from these misleading & nefarious forces, which are influencing not only morals but also religious ideologies, anything that is in opposition to our Creator.

By impostering the dead, making it seem our dead loved ones are ‘alive in another realm’ (which is what many people want to believe anyway), it’s an elaborate yet easy method they* use to seemingly discredit the Bible’s word on this matter.

* fallen angels. Jude 1:6

PS, to Trailblazer: That’s why @YoursTrue said, regarding your husband talking with you: “he can’t”; not that he won’t ; he simply has no ability to.

The only hope the Bible holds out for the dead to live again, is the Resurrection, that both Jesus (John 5:28,29; 6:40), the Apostle Paul (Acts 24:15), and others alluded to.

If they are already alive in another realm, there’s no need for a future resurrection…. The idea of an immortal soul and a future Resurrection are conflicting concepts.

And the Bible only speaks of a resurrection.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There is another poster here that has a similar situation. @SalixIncendium stated that he had a pact with his daughter, that she would in some way or another, contact him after her death. It never happened.

Why would some people have such an experience, but others not?

@Sgt. Pepper has agreed with me that ‘spirits are unpredictable’ - they will make their presence known to some, but not to others. I don’t recall though, if she ever gave a reason why that is so. (If she has, then if she wishes, she can state that reason.) I believe I know why….and it’s not for good intentions.

That’s why Jehovah God, at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, condemned those who ‘inquired of the dead’. (It’s lumped together with ‘casting spells, sorcery, engaging in witchcraft & sacrificing one’s children in the fire.’)

If, as Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, “the dead know nothing”, then the dead can’t communicate with the living. That begs the question, exactly who are the living, the ones grieving over their dead, communicating with, who are pretending to be their dead loved ones?

We can begin to appreciate why God condemns such practices; he wants to keep us safe from these misleading & nefarious forces, which are influencing not only morals but also religious ideologies, anything that is in opposition to our Creator.

By impostering the dead, making it seem our dead loved ones are ‘alive in another realm’ (which is what many people want to believe anyway), it’s an elaborate yet easy method they* use to seemingly discredit the Bible’s word on this matter.

* fallen angels. Jude 1:6

PS, to Trailblazer: That’s why @YoursTrue said, regarding your husband talking with you: “he can’t”; not that he won’t ; he simply has no ability to.

The only hope the Bible holds out for the dead to live again, is the Resurrection, that both Jesus (John 5:28,29; 6:40), the Apostle Paul (Acts 24:15), and others alluded to.

If they are already alive in another realm, there’s no need for a future resurrection…. They are conflicting concepts.

And the Bible only speaks of a resurrection.
That is, in my opinion and many others who truly believe the Bible's message, the only real hope for mankind.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
There is another poster here that has a similar situation. @SalixIncendium stated that he had a pact with his daughter, that she would in some way or another, contact him after her death. It never happened.

Why would some people have such an experience, but others not?

@Sgt. Pepper has agreed with me that ‘spirits are unpredictable’ - they will make their presence known to some, but not to others. I don’t recall though, if she ever gave a reason why that is so. (If she has, then if she wishes, she can state that reason.) I believe I know why….and it’s not for good intentions.

That’s why Jehovah God, at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, condemned those who ‘inquired of the dead’. (It’s lumped together with ‘casting spells, sorcery, engaging in witchcraft & sacrificing one’s children in the fire.’)

If, as Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, “the dead know nothing”, then the dead can’t communicate with the living. That begs the question, exactly who are the living, the ones grieving over their dead, communicating with, who are pretending to be their dead loved ones?

We can begin to appreciate why God condemns such practices; he wants to keep us safe from these misleading & nefarious forces, which are influencing not only morals but also religious ideologies, anything that is in opposition to our Creator.

By impostering the dead, making it seem our dead loved ones are ‘alive in another realm’ (which is what many people want to believe anyway), it’s an elaborate yet easy method they* use to seemingly discredit the Bible’s word on this matter.

* fallen angels. Jude 1:6

PS, to Trailblazer: That’s why @YoursTrue said, regarding your husband talking with you: “he can’t”; not that he won’t ; he simply has no ability to.

The only hope the Bible holds out for the dead to live again, is the Resurrection, that both Jesus (John 5:28,29; 6:40), the Apostle Paul (Acts 24:15), and others alluded to.

If they are already alive in another realm, there’s no need for a future resurrection…. They are conflicting concepts.

And the Bible only speaks of a resurrection.

I recognize that what you've stated in your post is your own personal opinion, which is apparently based on your religious beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness. Obviously, neither @Trailblazer nor I agree with your religious beliefs or biblical interpretation because neither one of us is a JW. While I can't speak for her, I can assure you that no amount of preaching your interpretation of the Bible or lecturing me about what I believe regarding spirits and the afterlife will ever change my mind. I'm not persuaded to change my mind whenever I read posts in which someone is preaching their preferred interpretation of the Bible or stating their religious or irreligious beliefs as if they are definitive facts in their attempts to invalidate my beliefs about the afterlife. I know what I've personally experienced during the past forty-four years of my life, and no one (who either supports or opposes me) has ever walked a mile in my shoes. If you want to believe that earthbound human spirits are actually demons in disguise, then fine, believe it to your heart's content, but please stop trying to dissuade me and Trailblazer from believing that there are earthbound spirits and that it is possible for the living to communicate with them.

As I've repeatedly stated in this forum, I'm not on RF to convince anyone to believe me and believe in the paranormal. I think that I've made it clear in my posts, either about my beliefs or experiences, that, as far as I'm concerned, it's entirely the decision of the person reading them whether they want to believe me or not. My position has always been that I will never argue or debate about my beliefs regarding the afterlife or my personal paranormal experiences, and I intend to maintain that position. No amount of provoking, lecturing, preaching, proselytizing, criticizing, shaming, or belittling me will ever persuade me otherwise. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "fighting a losing battle." As far as I'm concerned, that's what's happening in this thread, with every single post criticizing my beliefs about the afterlife and my paranormal experiences. I won't be persuaded, so you may as well 'give up the ghost.'


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I recognize that what you've stated in your post is your own personal opinion, which is apparently based on your religious beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness. Obviously, neither @Trailblazer nor I agree with your religious beliefs or biblical interpretation because neither one of us is a JW. While I can't speak for her, I can assure you that no amount of preaching your interpretation of the Bible or lecturing me about what I believe regarding spirits and the afterlife will ever change my mind. I'm not persuaded to change my mind whenever I read posts in which someone is preaching their preferred interpretation of the Bible or stating their religious or irreligious beliefs as if they are definitive facts in their attempts to invalidate my beliefs about the afterlife. I know what I've personally experienced during the past forty-four years of my life, and no one (who either supports or opposes me) has ever walked a mile in my shoes. If you want to believe that earthbound human spirits are actually demons in disguise, then fine, believe it to your heart's content, but please stop trying to dissuade me and Trailblazer from believing that there are earthbound spirits and that it is possible for the living to communicate with them.

As I've repeatedly stated in this forum, I'm not on RF to convince anyone to believe me and believe in the paranormal. I think that I've made it clear in my posts, either about my beliefs or experiences, that, as far as I'm concerned, it's entirely the decision of the person reading them whether they want to believe me or not. My position has always been that I will never argue or debate about my beliefs regarding the afterlife or my personal paranormal experiences, and I intend to maintain that position. No amount of provoking, lecturing, preaching, proselytizing, criticizing, shaming, or belittling me will ever persuade me otherwise. I'm sure you've heard of the phrase "fighting a losing battle." As far as I'm concerned, that's what's happening in this thread, with every single post criticizing my beliefs about the afterlife and my paranormal experiences. I won't be persuaded, so you might as well give up the ghost.
and you are sure, are you, that the ones you consort with are spirits of those humans who have died? I mean they're not completely dead, in your opinion, are they?


Veteran Member
That is, in my opinion and many others who truly believe the Bible's message, the only real hope for mankind.
@Hockeycowboy said:​
The only hope the Bible holds out for the dead to live again, is the Resurrection, that both Jesus (John 5:28,29; 6:40), the Apostle Paul (Acts 24:15), and others alluded to.​
If they are already alive in another realm, there’s no need for a future resurrection…. They are conflicting concepts.​
And the Bible only speaks of a resurrection.​

John 5:28-29 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

These verses does not mean physical bodies will rise from their graves and live again. It means those who were spiritually dead will gain spiritual life.

This is what resurrection and continuation of life means:
The Resuscitation of Man from the Dead and His Entrance into Eternal Life

421. When the body is no longer able to perform the bodily functions in the natural world that correspond to the spirit’s thoughts and affections, which the spirit has from the spiritual world, man is said to die. This takes place when the respiration of the lungs and the beatings of the heart cease. But the man does not die; he is merely separated from the bodily part that was of use to him in the world, while the man himself continues to live. It is said that the man himself continues to live since man is not a man because of his body but because of his spirit, for it is the spirit that thinks in man, and thought with affection is what constitutes man. Evidently, then, the death of man is merely his passing from one world into another. And this is why in the Word in its internal sense “death” signifies resurrection and continuation of life. Heaven and Hell, p. 351
John 6:40 For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day.

"Raise them up at the last day" means raising their spirits up to heaven where they will take on a spiritual body.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

1 Corinthians 15:44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.
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Veteran Member
There is another poster here that has a similar situation. @SalixIncendium stated that he had a pact with his daughter, that she would in some way or another, contact him after her death. It never happened.

Why would some people have such an experience, but others not?
I don't really know, but I don't think his daughter could have contacted him unless a medium tried to contact her, facilitating that communication.
@Sgt. Pepper has agreed with me that ‘spirits are unpredictable’ - they will make their presence known to some, but not to others. I don’t recall though, if she ever gave a reason why that is so. (If she has, then if she wishes, she can state that reason.) I believe I know why….and it’s not for good intentions.

That’s why Jehovah God, at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, condemned those who ‘inquired of the dead’. (It’s lumped together with ‘casting spells, sorcery, engaging in witchcraft & sacrificing one’s children in the fire.’)
I do not believe we are living in the old Mosaic dispensation so I don't believe those verses apply to this age.

  1. the divine ordering of the affairs of the world.
  2. an appointment, arrangement, or favor, as by God.
  3. a divinely appointed order or age:
the old Mosaic, or Jewish, dispensation; the new gospel, or Christian, dispensation.

Dispensation Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
If, as Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, “the dead know nothing”, then the dead can’t communicate with the living. That begs the question, exactly who are the living, the ones grieving over their dead, communicating with, who are pretending to be their dead loved ones?
Ecclesiastes 9:5 means that dead bodies know nothing because they are dead. How can a dead body know anything when its brain is dead?
The verse is referring to bodies, not spirits. The human spirit continues to live after the physical body dies and it has full consciousness in the spiritual world.
We can begin to appreciate why God condemns such practices; he wants to keep us safe from these misleading & nefarious forces, which are influencing not only morals but also religious ideologies, anything that is in opposition to our Creator.

By impostering the dead, making it seem our dead loved ones are ‘alive in another realm’ (which is what many people want to believe anyway), it’s an elaborate yet easy method they* use to seemingly discredit the Bible’s word on this matter.
Those who have died on earth are alive in another realm. What do you think heaven is? Heaven is the Bible's word on this matter.
PS, to Trailblazer: That’s why @YoursTrue said, regarding your husband talking with you: “he can’t”; not that he won’t ; he simply has no ability to.
He has no ability to comunicate with me unless that communication is facilitated by a medium.
The only hope the Bible holds out for the dead to live again, is the Resurrection, that both Jesus (John 5:28,29; 6:40), the Apostle Paul (Acts 24:15), and others alluded to.

If they are already alive in another realm, there’s no need for a future resurrection…. They are conflicting concepts.

And the Bible only speaks of a resurrection.
I just answered this part above.

John 5:28-29 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

These verses does not mean physical bodies will rise from their graves and live again. It means those who were spiritually dead will gain spiritual life.

This is what resurrection and continuation of life means:

The Resuscitation of Man from the Dead and His Entrance into Eternal Life

421. When the body is no longer able to perform the bodily functions in the natural world that correspond to the spirit’s thoughts and affections, which the spirit has from the spiritual world, man is said to die. This takes place when the respiration of the lungs and the beatings of the heart cease. But the man does not die; he is merely separated from the bodily part that was of use to him in the world, while the man himself continues to live. It is said that the man himself continues to live since man is not a man because of his body but because of his spirit, for it is the spirit that thinks in man, and thought with affection is what constitutes man. Evidently, then, the death of man is merely his passing from one world into another. And this is why in the Word in its internal sense “death” signifies resurrection and continuation of life. Heaven and Hell, p. 351

John 6:40 For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day.

"Raise them up at the last day" means raising their spirits up to heaven where they will take on a spiritual body.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

1 Corinthians 15:44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I don't really know, but I don't think his daughter could have contacted him unless a medium tried to contact her, facilitating that communication.

I don't know about the situation that's being referred to, but I do think that some people just aren't open to spirit communication and interaction, whether it's purposefully intentional or not. I think it is clear that most adults were taught and conditioned while growing up not to believe in ghosts or any other supernatural phenomena. I believe that young children, on the other hand, are still open to interacting and communicating with spirits since they haven't been taught and conditioned yet to close their minds to it and no longer believe it. In fact, it's a commonly held belief among those connected in some manner with paranormal phenomena that the imaginary friend of a young child is actually an earthbound human spirit interacting with them. If it isn't the adult who isn't emotionally receptive to communicating with spirits, then I believe that perhaps it's the spirit that is unable to interact and communicate, whether it's because they haven't figured it out yet or because they lack the necessary energy it takes for them to communicate and interact with the living.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Ecclesiastes 9:5 means that dead bodies know nothing because they are dead. How can a dead body know anything when its brain is dead?
The verse is referring to bodies
Is it bodies?
Look at the very first sentence of Ecclesiastes 9:5…
It says “The living know that they will die; but the dead are aware of nothing.”

Who knows things? A living body, or a living person?

If you say, “you know something”, you’re talking about your conscious awareness… that’s you as a person.

Regarding John 5:28:29, Jesus said the dead will come out of their “memorial tombs”. The Greek word Jesus used in that verse, “mnémeion”, means “memorial tomb”, different from “taphos”, which just means “grave.”

Hope you have a good day


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Is it bodies?
Look at the very first sentence of Ecclesiastes 9:5…
It says “The living know that they will die; but the dead are aware of nothing.”

Who knows things? A living body, or a living person?

If you say, “you know something”, you’re talking about your conscious awareness… that’s you as a person.

Regarding John 5:28:29, Jesus said the dead will come out of their “memorial tombs”. The Greek word Jesus used in that verse, “mnémeion”, means “memorial tomb”, different from “taphos”, which just means “grave.”

Hope you have a good day
Here's the question, also for @Trailblazer .
Why would spirits need a medium to get to them? I mean I could figure an answer, but rather have a person who believes it's ok to contact dead(?) spirits answer. So to repeat -- why would a spirit need a medium to get to them?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
@nPeace & @YoursTrue ,
I like the Scripture at James 2:19; it always reminds me that, although these spirits are cunning and more powerful than we are, they “shudder” when they think about Jehovah God.

Do y’all remember a WT or Awake article that said something like they hate that name, Jehovah? I know there’s an article, “The Demons Controlled Me”, wherein the man - who later became a brother - said he grew up with the occult, he become a “male witch”, and that during that time he “hated the sound of that name Jehovah.” No doubt because of their influence.

But can y’all remember where an article specifically said the demos hate God’s name?

They know what their future holds, for sure.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't know about the situation that's being referred to, but I do think that some people just aren't open to spirit communication and interaction, whether it's purposefully intentional or not. I think it is clear that most adults were taught and conditioned while growing up not to believe in ghosts or any other supernatural phenomena. I believe that young children, on the other hand, are still open to interacting and communicating with spirits since they haven't been taught and conditioned yet to close their minds to it and no longer believe it. In fact, it's a commonly held belief among those connected in some manner with paranormal phenomena that the imaginary friend of a young child is actually an earthbound human spirit interacting with them. If it isn't the adult who isn't emotionally receptive to communicating with spirits, then I believe that perhaps it's the spirit that is unable to interact and communicate, whether it's because they haven't figured it out yet or because they lack the necessary energy it takes for them to communicate and interact with the living.
@Trailblazer. You know that's really weird and sad. Because it could be very emotional for a person who has lost a loved one to think he can connect with a dead person. and the spirits use this idea to prey upon vulnerable people. Sad. Do I think there are spirits who can be contacted? Yes. Do i think they are who they say they are? (Guess...but the answer is...
NO!) And why WOULD they tell you the truth?
It's rather like a ghost/horror story except in this case, it's close to your home and others. No matter they say how happy they are -- etc. and etc. They're having a good time when they contact vulnerable ones. But I know this won't stop you, but it's ok, it was a good exercise.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@nPeace & @YoursTrue ,
I like the Scripture at James 2:19; it always reminds me that, although these spirits are cunning and more powerful than we are, they “shudder” when they think about Jehovah God.

Do y’all remember a WT or Awake article that said something like they hate that name, Jehovah? I know there’s an article, “The Demons Controlled Me”, wherein the man - who later became a brother - said he grew up with the occult, he become a “male witch”, and that during that time he “hated the sound of that name Jehovah.” No doubt because of their influence.

But can y’all remember where an article specifically said the demos hate God’s name?

They know what their future holds, for sure.
Yes, indeed. I'll look for it, thank you. It makes sense that the demons hate God's name because they know what's coming. Thank you. NOBODY really likes the thought of death -- but the demons are in for it and they know it.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I don't really know, but I don't think his daughter could have contacted him unless a medium tried to contact her, facilitating that communication.

He has no ability to communicate with me unless that communication is facilitated by a medium.

Tomorrow will mark sixteen years since I watched a documentary about a paranormal investigation that literally changed my life from that point on. This documentary profoundly changed my perspective on my mediumship and the paranormal in general. First, it was a real eye-opener for me, and second, it inspired me and gave me the courage to reconsider my abilities and begin to accept and embrace them instead of denying and suppressing them. I had already given my first reading years before to my previous therapist, but it was uncomfortable for me and didn't inspire me to accept my mediumship or inspire me to help other earthbound spirits. The documentary also sparked my interest in researching and investigating the paranormal on my own.

Within a week, I had gone to the library and found books on hauntings and paranormal investigations (read them and made notes), gone to a bookstore and purchased a couple of books on hauntings and mediumship (read them and made notes), purchased a few pieces of basic ghost-hunting equipment, researched local suspected haunted locations in my area, and planned and conducted my very first paranormal investigation. Sixteen years later, I'm now a seasoned paranormal investigator with a vast assortment of basic and advanced ghost-hunting equipment. I've traveled across the country to investigate both suspected and notoriously known haunted locations. I realized during my first investigation that being a psychic medium, a sensitive, and an empath would be to my advantage. And this is all the result of me watching that documentary from sixteen years ago tomorrow. It is an honor and a privilege for me to communicate with and assist earthbound human spirits in crossing over into the spirit world. I also consider it an honor and a privilege to facilitate communication between many of these spirits and their living loved ones. I have helped to reconcile families and alleviate the guilt that both spirits and their living loved ones had carried for a long time. My close friend and mentor, who is also a medium, compared it to being like a counselor for both the living and the dead. It can be distressing for me to see some of these spirits wandering aimlessly almost everywhere I go. And, while I haven't been able to persuade all of the earthbound spirits I've met over these years to cross over, I take comfort in knowing that I've helped many of them finally find peace.


Veteran Member
Is it bodies?
Look at the very first sentence of Ecclesiastes 9:5…
It says “The living know that they will die; but the dead are aware of nothing.”

Who knows things? A living body, or a living person?
A living body is a living person.
If you say, “you know something”, you’re talking about your conscious awareness… that’s you as a person.
Regarding John 5:28:29, Jesus said the dead will come out of their “memorial tombs”. The Greek word Jesus used in that verse, “mnémeion”, means “memorial tomb”, different from “taphos”, which just means “grave.”
I looked at all the Bible translations and most of them say graves, not tombs, not that it matters, because dead bodies that have long since decayed are not coming out of their caskets that were buried in the ground.

John 5:28
Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice

According to my beliefs, that verse means that those who are in their graves of spiritual ignorance of Christ (the spiritually dead) will arise to spiritual life when Christ returns and they hear His voice.


Veteran Member
Here's the question, also for @Trailblazer .
Why would spirits need a medium to get to them? I mean I could figure an answer, but rather have a person who believes it's ok to contact dead(?) spirits answer. So to repeat -- why would a spirit need a medium to get to them?
A spirit who is in the spiritual world needs a medium to facilitate communication between a person living in this world and a spirit who is in the spiritual world because only a medium has the psychic powers that are needed to contact spirits in the spiritual world.


Veteran Member
@Trailblazer. You know that's really weird and sad. Because it could be very emotional for a person who has lost a loved one to think he can connect with a dead person. and the spirits use this idea to prey upon vulnerable people. Sad. Do I think there are spirits who can be contacted? Yes. Do i think they are who they say they are? (Guess...but the answer is...
NO!) And why WOULD they tell you the truth?
Sure, there are mediums who prey on vulnerable people who have lost a loved one, but there are also genuine mediums. The key is to be able to tell the difference.

If I don't tell the medium anything about my late husband, and the medium comes through with information only I could possibly know, there is a good reason to believe the medium contacted the spirit of my late husband. That is called evidentiary proof.

Long ago, my husband and I agreed on something I would ask him if he passed on before me. I don't know if he will remember that now, but even if he doesn't, there are things that are unique to him that I would recognize if I did actually contact him.

The upshot of all this is that I think I will know if the medium got through to him or not. If I do get through I will finally have some closure, but if I don't, no harm will be done.