Pay careful attention to what he said:
King Solomon, who was known for his God-given wisdom, wrote at Ecclesiastes 12:7 B that one's spirit is a neuter "it" .
No afterlife ( being more alive after death than before death ) for a genderless spirit (it).
Any future life for the dead now lies in God's safe hands via a future resurrection - Acts 24:15; John 6:40,44
@URAVIP2ME believes in the resurrection of dead bodies from their graves since he believes that is what Acts 24:15 means. He believes that "raise him up at the last day" in John 6:40, 44 means raise up dead bodies from their graves on the last day. He believes that these new physical bodies will live as men and women forever on earth, like he believes was intended for Adam and Eve. That is what JWs have been taught by their church to believe. They have been programmed to believe it like a robot. According to their beliefs, nobody goes to heaven except a few select people. No matter that the entire Bible says that Christians go to heaven when they die. The JWs believe they know better than all the other Christians who believe they are going to heaven. These beliefs are based upon a misinterpretation of a few Bible verses that they cling to for dear life.
JWs WANT to live on earth forever, so they completely ignore what they don't WANT to believe that is right in the Bible, where it says that after the physical body dies the soul (which is the spirit) is transformed and continues to exist forever as a spiritual body in the Kingdom of God which is in heaven, not on earth.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
The physical body cannot exist in the Kingdom of God in heaven. That is why it needs to be transformed into a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15 New Living Translation
40 There are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth.
The glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies.
They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.
50 What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that
our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.
51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die,
but we will all be transformed!