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Veteran Member
Your post hardly makes any sense - 'when the political turns on the religious'. What the hell you mean here?
Let the great tribulation come, it has been delayed for more than 2,000 years. Jesus told his disciples that it will come in their life-time.
I agree, what the superstitious give in donations to religious institutions, a large percentage of that should be comandeered by government for public welfare.
No. Jesus never taught in the first century - Luke 19:11; Luke 19:12-13

Revelation was never available for first-century people. Revelation was written at the very end of the first century.
The setting for Revelation is for our day, our time frame - Rev. 1:5
Who holds the governments to be accountable _________
Even if government could, would they use a large percentage for public welfare _________
A bad economy could make the wealth religion has as easy taking by the political through central banking systems.
What I mean is somehow religion could cause the political enough trouble or problems to make them turn on the religious.
Religion thinks she sits as some sort of ' religious queen ' that will never see sorrow or mourning.
She has been in bed with the political wanting to throne or dethrone kings/presidents and they will have their fill of her.


Veteran Member
Some call this paranoia.
Like the pope? Your pastor?
So why are religions hoarding cash and not feeding people?
It is Not paranoia to be forewarned as to be forearmed. 1st Thess. 5:2-3
No, Not the pope or pastors but the powers in charge the political will be saying, " Peace and Security...." as the final signal before the tribulation.
Exactly why are religions hording cash or not feeding people? Seems that many do feed and to make 'rice christians' that way.
I recall food ships being sent to ports but on arrival there was No way to get the food to the people.
I recall also on the news people killing farmers for their land, and that meant less food for the people to eat.
So, MAN's long history has shown that MAN has dominated MAN to MAN's hurt, MAN's injury.


Veteran Member
..............Death is afterlife, remember? Life goes on, in your beliefs. How? No one knows, so we throw it out because there is no facts to support the claim. And it is a concept that apveals to the most basic fear among insecure humans, the fear of death. Why not promise the guilible everlasting life? It's not like they will come back to life and sue the church for fraud, right?.............................
N0, No 'death is Not afterlife '
Life does Not go on after death.
The dead are Not alive, the dead are dead. Dead unconscious asleep as JC and the OT both teach - Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18
Jesus did Not teach being alive at death, but Jesus taught future Resurrection on the last day - John 6:40,44
That 'last day' is Jesus coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years.- 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
So, ' there will be' (<- future ) a resurrection - Acts 24:15


Veteran Member
Oh, nothing surprising. Trailblazer usually comes up with such contradictory statements.
There is nothing contradictory about what I said. The humans who descended from Adam have one nature which can choose to do evil and one nature that can choose to do good.
That does not mean there were no humans BEFORE Adam.
In other words, that does not mean that Adam was the first man who ever existed.
It only means that Adam was the first man who brought sin into the world.


Veteran Member
Only mediums have psychic abilities. I don't know why.
I did not say all. I said some.
Did @Sgt. Pepper not tell you to give information asked for by mediums? Are you suspicious?
I know you said some.
@Sgt. Pepper told me not to give information to mediums if they ask for it.
No, I am not suspicious of the medium I plan to use since he was recommended by anther medium I have known for over 20 years.
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Veteran Member
Most? Who decided that? You?
In my opinion.
In any case, some are as straightforward as 'Go to bed.' Or 'Take out the garbage.'
Like ..
the living know that they will die
Certainly you don't need a scientist to interpret that for you. So why do you think this needs interpreting?
but the dead know nothing at all
It is not straightforward unless one believes that the physical body is who we are. I do not believe that.

The living know that their physical bodies will die physically, but some of the living know that is not the end of their life since they know their souls will continue to live in a spiritual body.

Dead bodies know nothing at all since their brain died when their physical body died, but some of us know that the dead physical body is not the person.
The the soul is the person, and the soul continues to live after the body dies. The soul has full consciousness, so the person knows everything it knew before the body died.




Veteran Member
Matthew 16:24-26 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

If we follow Jesus we will gain eternal life, that is what Jesus was saying in the verses above.

"whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." Jesus was saying to deny our selfish desires, things we want that are not of God, and to follow in His Way. For whoever will live for selfish desires will lose his eternal life, but whoever follows Jesus shall gain eternal life.

If we live for self and the worldly things and things of the flesh we gain the world but we lose our soul because we lose eternal life.
It is the soul that gets eternal life, not the physical body. The physical body was created to be mortal, not immortal.

As for sins, God is the Ever-Forgiving, so God forgives all our sins except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 12:31-32 “So I tell you, every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven—except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come.”


Gen 2:7- And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.-KJV with God's Name put back in!

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
It is not straightforward unless one believes that the physical body is who we are. I do not believe that.

I don't believe that either.

The living know that their physical bodies will die physically, but some of the living know that is not the end of their life since they know their souls will continue to live in a spiritual body.

In all honesty, I don't believe that death is something that should be necessarily feared. We all have an upcoming appointment with death, and it is just an unavoidable part of life. As a medium, I've helped both the living and the dead come to terms with death and learn how to accept it. My main priority as a psychic medium is to help earthbound human spirits come to terms with their own deaths and then persuade them to cross over into the spirit realm. I've also helped the living cope with their own impending death, the death of a loved one, a friend, someone else they knew, or the deaths of multiple people.

Personally speaking, I'm no longer afraid to die since I renounced my Christian faith and belief in God. I've learned to rely solely on my forty-four years of experience as a medium to alleviate my fear of dying. As a medium, I believe that I have a reasonable understanding of what happens to human spirits in the afterlife. I do, however, wonder how I will die and whether I will choose to or be able to cross over into the spirit world. But I'm not overly concerned about what will happen to me on the other side. After what I've experienced, I've decided that the afterlife isn't something that I should necessarily fear.

Dead bodies know nothing at all since their brain died when their physical body died, but some of us know that the dead physical body is not the person.

With that in mind, it makes sense why Christians believe that the dead know nothing. But the earthbound spirits of dead people usually know quite a bit.

The the soul is the person, and the soul continues to live after the body dies. The soul has full consciousness, so the person knows everything it knew before the body died.

While that is true for most human spirits, there are some spirits who don't know that they are dead, or they know they are dead but can't remember what happened to them. Sometimes, when a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly, they don't realize that they've died. If they are in shock and traumatized over their death, they can forget how they died, forget who they are and their memories of their life, and even forget how to speak. On occasion, I've met spirits who appeared to have forgotten how to speak and could only use gestures to communicate with me. Sometimes it takes a human spirit awhile to adjust to being a spirit, especially if they are in denial of their death. As a medium, I believe that the more experienced spirits assist the more recent ones.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
As for sins, God is the Ever-Forgiving, so God forgives all our sins except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

As you know, I don't necessarily believe in the existence of God, but then again, I'm not willing to completely dismiss his existence either. For the record, I explained my beliefs in another thread yesterday (here is the link). As a former Christian, I also have negative views of God. Again, for the record, I further explained my beliefs in another thread (here is the link). I decided to include these links in case not everyone who reads my post in this thread knows what I believe about God or why I renounced my Christian faith. And while I don't share your beliefs, I respect them, and I consider you to be a good friend.


Veteran Member
Right off, I have a couple questions tho:

You don’t believe Adam was the first man, but then you said:

As the descendants of Adam, humans have one nature which can choose to do evil and one nature that can choose to do good.”
As I said before, since Adam sinned, Adam brought sin into the world. The attachment to the material world, which is sin, was inherited by the descendants of Adam.

The humans who descended from Adam have one nature which can choose to sin and one nature that can choose to do good.

That does not mean there were no humans BEFORE Adam. In other words, that does not mean that Adam was the first man who ever existed.
It only means that Adam was the first man who brought sin into the world.
Since we all have that ability, basically Free Will, then we’re all descendants of Adam, right? So how is he not the first man?
Everyone living in this age is a descendant of Adam since they can trace their ancestry back to Adam.
Also, what is the “Adamic cycle of religion”?
In short, I believe Adam was a Prophet, the Prophet who inaugurated the Adamic Cycle of religion, also called the Cycle of Prophecy. The Adamic Cycle ended with Muhammad, who was the seal of the Prophets, since he was the last Prophet in the Adamic Cycle of religion. Being "the Seal" did not mean there would be no more Prophets after Muhammad, as God will send Prophets to mankind as long as he exists.

Baha'is believe that the Bab and Baha'u'llah ushered in a new Cycle of religion in 1844 AD, called the Cycle of Fulfillment, or the Baha'i Cycle, and that we are now living in the Age of Fulfillment since all the Bible prophecies have been or will be fulfilled during this Cycle.

Briefly, a universal cycle in the world of existence signifies a long duration of time, and innumerable and incalculable periods and epochs. There were many cycles of religion before the Adamic Cycle, since Prophets have been sent by God to humans from the beginning of human existence, which was approximately 200,000 years ago. No records are to be found concerning the Prophets that have preceded Adam, or of the kings that lived in the days of those Prophets, because of their extreme remoteness, as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time. Moreover, such forms and modes of writing as are now current amongst men were unknown to the generations that were before Adam.

Was there sin as we know it before the days of Adam? That is an interesting question. Mankind might have sinned but perhaps God only started holding humans accountable for sin when Adam came into the world because mankind was not spiritually mature enough to be accountable before that.


Veteran Member
It is Not paranoia to be forewarned as to be forearmed. 1st Thess. 5:2-3
Those old stories aren't reliable.
No, Not the pope or pastors but the powers in charge the political will be saying, " Peace and Security...." as the final signal before the tribulation.
This isn't factual.
Exactly why are religions hording cash or not feeding people? Seems that many do feed and to make 'rice christians' that way.
Then religion has failed. Be sure to assign them the blame.
I recall food ships being sent to ports but on arrival there was No way to get the food to the people.
Then there is a management and transport problem.
I recall also on the news people killing farmers for their land, and that meant less food for the people to eat.
And this is supposedly the world your God created and is run by Christians. Not a very good job.
So, MAN's long history has shown that MAN has dominated MAN to MAN's hurt, MAN's injury.
Just as your God created, right? Be sure to assign blame your God for what it created.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Those old stories aren't reliable.

This isn't factual.

Then religion has failed. Be sure to assign them the blame.

Then there is a management and transport problem.

And this is supposedly the world your God created and is run by Christians. Not a very good job.

Just as your God created, right? Be sure to assign blame your God for what it created.
Just in case you want to know where the Dead really are, in a couple of days they will be at the Gorge in George. The last I checked the only tickets available were way back "On the Lawn" and those are $350.00 each:eek::eek:


Veteran Member
N0, No 'death is Not afterlife '
The two are compatible since there can't be a so called afterlife until you die. "After life" literally means death.
Life does Not go on after death.
That's bad news to all those who think heaven awaits them.
The dead are Not alive, the dead are dead. Dead unconscious asleep as JC and the OT both teach - Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 115:17; Isaiah 38:18
Thanks for agreeing with atheists.
Jesus did Not teach being alive at death, but Jesus taught future Resurrection on the last day - John 6:40,44
It's an absurd idea to interpret literally.
That 'last day' is Jesus coming Millennium-Long Day of governing over Earth for a thousand years.- 1st Corinthians 15:24-26
So, ' there will be' (<- future ) a resurrection - Acts 24:15
This isn't factual.


Veteran Member
Ok, but what is your basis, where is the source, for your belief in this?

IOW, where does your belief, that Adam lives in Heaven, come from?

Is it from Baháʼu'lláh’s writings?
My belief stems from the Writings of Baha'u'llah who referred to Adam as a Prophet.
Baha'u'llah wrote that all the Prophets of God are in Heaven in what Baha'u'llah referred to as the Concourse on high, the realm of glory.

“Let not your hearts be perturbed, O people, when the glory of My Presence is withdrawn, and the ocean of My utterance is stilled. In My presence amongst you there is a wisdom, and in My absence there is yet another, inscrutable to all but God, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing. Verily, We behold you from Our realm of glory, and shall aid whosoever will arise for the triumph of Our Cause with the hosts of the Concourse on high and a company of Our favored angels.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 139