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Where did Cain obtain his food and wife?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome, Sincerely. I don't mean to be argumentative but if you read Genesis 1:26-28 int the KJV you'll see God created men and women in His image way before He create Eden. Genesis chapter 2 says God placed a man in the Garden. It never says this was the first or only man in existence at the time. Thus Cain probably had many young lovelies to choose from after his toss.

Hi BSM, You aren't argumentative---just overlooking the details of what is written. On day six, only Adam and Eve were created. and GOD had finished Creating.
Then on Day seven of creation week, GOD made that DAY Special(As is seen elsewhere in the Writings of the Book called the BIBLE.)----A day of holy convocation with GOD and rest from the weeks toil. GOD Blessed and Sanctified the seventh day of the week.
Now notice that chapter two of Genesis vs.4 has these words---"These are the generations". This is a recaping of chpt. 1 and the giving of more details of some things. Mankind being one of them and the Garden of Eden another.
Marriage was instituted. The Tree of Life and the tree of knowlege of good and evil were made known.
However, it was from the two(Adam and Eve) that all the earth was to be populated.(As was seen in 1:28)


Rogue Theologian
Thanks for the welcome, Sincerely. I don't mean to be argumentative but if you read Genesis 1:26-28 int the KJV you'll see God created men and women in His image way before He create Eden. Genesis chapter 2 says God placed a man in the Garden. It never says this was the first or only man in existence at the time. Thus Cain probably had many young lovelies to choose from after his toss.

Apparently we share a common viewpoint.
I noticed the reading when I was ten years old.

That was 47 years ago...

How about you?


What? Me worry?
probably about the same time, Thief, only more years ago(52) lol. I guess you can assume that the people created on day 6 were A & E, but the verses do not say as much. Also you have to do some contorted reading to say the Garden was created before the seventh day. By any means the question was where did Cain find a wife and no where does the text even hint that Adam was the first or only human created on any day. So again I think it's safe to assume there were other humans outside the Garden.


Veteran Member
probably about the same time, Thief, only more years ago(52) lol. I guess you can assume that the people created on day 6 were A & E, but the verses do not say as much. Also you have to do some contorted reading to say the Garden was created before the seventh day. By any means the question was where did Cain find a wife and no where does the text even hint that Adam was the first or only human created on any day. So again I think it's safe to assume there were other humans outside the Garden.

i can sort of see what you are saying...
so then would you say women were created out man

"she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man. ”


Rogue Theologian
probably about the same time, Thief, only more years ago(52) lol. I guess you can assume that the people created on day 6 were A & E, but the verses do not say as much. Also you have to do some contorted reading to say the Garden was created before the seventh day. By any means the question was where did Cain find a wife and no where does the text even hint that Adam was the first or only human created on any day. So again I think it's safe to assume there were other humans outside the Garden.

I go on with Genesis Chapter Two as an alteration of Man.
Chosen specimen....ideal living conditions....anesthesia and surgery....
cloning....and genetic engineering...

Eve would then be, Adam's twin sister....without a navel.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts...even Sarah was Abraham's half sister, through whose seed (Jesus Christ) all nations would be blessed (be saved if they trust him). Where there is no law, the Bible says, there is no sin. The laws of (incest) were not given until Moses, and even people today who are (not cousins), but 2nd (or 3rd) cousins removed have no danger of defects in offspring. Back then the genes were pure, and Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters over 800 some years or so and they did intermarry. By the time we have Cain's story, there are enough people that they have spread to different lands (of Nod).

Look at people today. We are all very similar except we have differences due to the region we come from. After the Tower of Babel people scattered all over and small groups grew up into nations, hence the differences. But we did not evolve from different 'races'. We all came from Adam and Eve. We are the human race, with many people groups, and so we should love and respect one another, who are all from the same family, really; and all created in the image of God. That is my belief.


What? Me worry?
Eternal life is Free to the Believer.

i can sort of see what you are saying...
so then would you say women were created out man

"she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man. ”

I think you are talking about Eve. But the text in Gen 1 referred to man as male and female, not man and woman. Granted, fine point but a point all the same.


Active Member
I carefully studied the Passages. There is nothing that demands that Adam (male and female) of Genesis 1 is the same as Adam (male) and Eve (female) of Chap 2. In fact, there is nothing in Chap 1 that says that only two people were created then. Next, in Chap 2, the passage on the Garden starts with a verse that says "These are the generations of" There could have been many generations from the creation of the earth and Adam and Eve. If they are the same story of the creation of man than many contradictions arise such as, were plants created before or after man?

Notice, only the plants of the field were created after Adam. A careful study shows the plants were domesticated plants, which were "created" after man arose. Look carefully of Adam becoming alive. It looks almost identical to the New Testament description of a person getting saved or moving from spiritually dead to spiritually alive.

With the separation of Man in Gen 1 at some unknown time (even 70,000 BC in Africa) and Adam of Gen 2 at around 9,000 BC. Adam and Eve is the story of the invention of agriculture. Even the location is exactly the same as the spot located by scientists. Therefore, there was no problem with such things as where Cain found a wife or food.


Well-Known Member
I think you are talking about Eve. But the text in Gen 1 referred to man as male and female, not man and woman. Granted, fine point but a point all the same.

BSM, the "let us make "man"= Hebrew="adam" and refers to "mankind/man". Vs.27 clarified the understanding to "male and female created HE them."
Adam's(man's) helpmate was shown to be created from a rib of that first created person/human being. However, although the event took place on day six and recorded in Chapter one, the details are recorded in chapter two with the "gererations" of the days of Creation.
That's not an unusual method of relating events. One sees the same actions in books, movies, or other media where there is a shifting of different scenes to keep the details current.
In the "begats", Adam lived after he "begat" Seth 800 years and during his life time "begat" "sons and daughters"(5:4). We only have names for three of the sons. We have no record as to the births of the daughters in relation to the Sons. However, WE have the Record that GOD only did the creating of the one human family on this earth---none other outside the Garden.
Therefore, Cain took a sister for his wife.


Well-Known Member
I carefully studied the Passages. There is nothing that demands that Adam (male and female) of Genesis 1 is the same as Adam (male) and Eve (female) of Chap 2. In fact, there is nothing in Chap 1 that says that only two people were created then. Next, in Chap 2, the passage on the Garden starts with a verse that says "These are the generations of" There could have been many generations from the creation of the earth and Adam and Eve. If they are the same story of the creation of man than many contradictions arise such as, were plants created before or after man?

Notice, only the plants of the field were created after Adam. A careful study shows the plants were domesticated plants, which were "created" after man arose. Look carefully of Adam becoming alive. It looks almost identical to the New Testament description of a person getting saved or moving from spiritually dead to spiritually alive.

With the separation of Man in Gen 1 at some unknown time (even 70,000 BC in Africa) and Adam of Gen 2 at around 9,000 BC. Adam and Eve is the story of the invention of agriculture. Even the location is exactly the same as the spot located by scientists. Therefore, there was no problem with such things as where Cain found a wife or food.

Hi greentwiga, you seem to be ignoring the events which were created on each day(a day period and a night period). That whole week was known time.

You acknowledged the "These are the generations of", but failed to attribute the context to be referring to the days of creation week. see my last post.

Also, see (5:1-2)
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Veteran Member
I think you are talking about Eve. But the text in Gen 1 referred to man as male and female, not man and woman. Granted, fine point but a point all the same.

so he created male and female in the 1st chapter...and from what i gather...a lot of people...not a & e...but the females were not called woman since they were not made from the rib of man...is that what you are saying?


this all exist only in literature, and even hebrews will tell you this is a legend that speaks in allegory

its partially about men that farmed and lived a non-nomadic life VS a man who is nomadic and lives a life as such.

alot of this has to do with early legends of previous religions that resulted due to the conflicts of nomadic people and civilizations or cities percieved as evil, as noted in Lott's fables


Rogue Theologian
King James has it rather simple....

Man...male and female....'go forth be fruitful and multiply'.

Day Seven...rest...nothing more will be created.

THEN Chapter Two....a story of selection and manipulation.


What? Me worry?
so he created male and female in the 1st chapter...and from what i gather...a lot of people...not a & e...but the females were not called woman since they were not made from the rib of man...is that what you are saying?

Not necessarily what I am saying it's what the Biblical text is saying


What? Me worry?
this all exist only in literature, and even hebrews will tell you this is a legend that speaks in allegory

its partially about men that farmed and lived a non-nomadic life VS a man who is nomadic and lives a life as such.

alot of this has to do with early legends of previous religions that resulted due to the conflicts of nomadic people and civilizations or cities percieved as evil, as noted in Lott's fables

not questioning the validity of your post, Outhouse, but to answer the question we have to deal with the information we're given


What? Me worry?
BSM, the "let us make "man"= Hebrew="adam" and refers to "mankind/man". Vs.27 clarified the understanding to "male and female created HE them."
Adam's(man's) helpmate was shown to be created from a rib of that first created person/human being. However, although the event took place on day six and recorded in Chapter one, the details are recorded in chapter two with the "gererations" of the days of Creation.
That's not an unusual method of relating events. One sees the same actions in books, movies, or other media where there is a shifting of different scenes to keep the details current.
In the "begats", Adam lived after he "begat" Seth 800 years and during his life time "begat" "sons and daughters"(5:4). We only have names for three of the sons. We have no record as to the births of the daughters in relation to the Sons. However, WE have the Record that GOD only did the creating of the one human family on this earth---none other outside the Garden.
Therefore, Cain took a sister for his wife.

Just read your post, Sincerely. If I follow your thinking here it seems we can shape-shift any reading out of any religious text to fit our belief, no matter what it says. Don't you feel that sometimes we have to take meanings at face value? Like the bearded guy said "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."