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Where did Cain obtain his food and wife?


Well-Known Member
and some people avoid known history, and flat refuse common knowledge

True, the history of the source of all things was recorded in the Bible.
Many are flat refusing the common knowledge of Adam having unnamed daughters and that the earth being covered with vegetation and animals.(But, no other human beings.)


True, the history of the source of all things was recorded in the Bible.

mythology is not history

even by the bibles account, this was written thousands of years after the fact. It has no credibility or accuracy concerning historicity of any event regarding the OP.

the people who wrote it even state its allegory and not a literal account of history.

Many are flat refusing the common knowledge of Adam having unnamed daughters and that the earth being covered with vegetation and animals.(But, no other human beings.)

that is not common kowledge.

it is fantasy and illusion based on historical ignorance on your part

hebrews/jews/israelites did not exist prior to 1200 BC, they were Canaanites prior to that time period. NOW this is a fact.

you cannot refute it in any way shape or form no matter how hard you try, because you cannot change reality.
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Rogue Theologian
and some people avoid known history, and flat refuse common knowledge

Common knowledge?

So God and Man have never met?
Dismissing scripture as myth leads to such declaration.

The Garden event happened.

Some people just refuse to believe.


So God and Man have never met?

absolutely not

Dismissing scripture as myth leads to such declaration.

go read the definition of mythology wait ill do it since you wont

Mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

] Myths typically involve supernatural characters and are endorsed by rulers or priests. They may arise as overelaborated accounts of historical events, as allegory for or personification of natural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual. They are transmitted to convey religious or idealized experience, to establish behavioral models, and to teach.

you dont have to believe them, or swallow it hook line and sinker, since its not literal!

its allegory ment to be used as a tool to teach and make people better, by following a literal rule you ruin the mans work

The Garden event happened.

Not according to history, science, scholars, and the people who wrote the words [facepalm]


Rogue Theologian
Your lack of faith is noted.

Man has diverged from the rest of the animal kingdom.
God did it.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that Jesus' genealogy is traced all the way back to Adam in Luke 3, and there were only 9 generations from Abraham to Noah and from Noah to Adam. Everyone (Jews) had genealogies traced back to Abraham and he is an historic figure. So it is not difficult to believe Adam was real, after all, Jesus who was impeccable in character spoke of both Adam and Noah.


Your lack of faith is noted.

Man has diverged from the rest of the animal kingdom.
God did it.

if you rely on absense of evidence to live by, thats fine. but that doesnt mean your NOT refusing known knowledge. :facepalm:

I choose knowledge

God did it

there is NOTHING AT ALL in reality that shows this to be true.


I find it interesting that Jesus' genealogy is traced all the way back to Adam in Luke 3, and there were only 9 generations from Abraham to Noah and from Noah to Adam. Everyone (Jews) had genealogies traced back to Abraham and he is an historic figure. So it is not difficult to believe Adam was real, after all, Jesus who was impeccable in character spoke of both Adam and Noah.

all false

the genealogies are traced back with men who are claimed to have lived 900+ years :facepalm: and according to scholars mythical

scholarships know for a fact that much of this was a literary creation, and it carries no HISTORICITY AT ALL.

Abraham has ZERO historicity and by scholarships is known to exist only in literature. [mythology]

that goes for adam as well that is known Mesopotamian mythology


Well-Known Member
all false

the genealogies are traced back with men who are claimed to have lived 900+ years :facepalm: and according to scholars mythical

scholarships know for a fact that much of this was a literary creation, and it carries no HISTORICITY AT ALL.

Abraham has ZERO historicity and by scholarships is known to exist only in literature. [mythology]

that goes for adam as well that is known Mesopotamian mythology
Ok, but I believe it


Well-Known Member
absolutely not

go read the definition of mythology wait ill do it since you wont

Mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Myths typically involve supernatural characters and are endorsed by rulers or priests. They may arise as overelaborated accounts of historical events, as allegory for or personification of natural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual. They are transmitted to convey religious or idealized experience, to establish behavioral models, and to teach.

According to the "Talk" examination section of the "editors" in discussing what can be posted in wikipedia "MYTH" is a "symbolic narrative". There is still debate raging among them. Anything which is "original material" is labeled such----Therefore, since the Bible was all "Original material", it was classified as "myth".

Now for "Reality" notice the areas which need to be hammered out:
1 Pending changes
Anyone can post on the articles or new material "IF IT MEETS THEIR STANDARDS" ----and those "editors" are people with the same type of bias as is seen on these forums.

you dont have to believe them, or swallow it hook line and sinker, since its not literal!

its allegory ment to be used as a tool to teach and make people better, by following a literal rule you ruin the mans work

Outhouse, Each person has a choice to make---drinking the "kool-aid" of those with "theory--but no verification" or The "Living Water" from The "Witnessed and recorded "examples" which were given for our admonition and learning"---(1Cor.10:6, 11)

Not according to history, science, scholars, and the people who wrote the words

You mean those people who are propagating the falseness that the BIBLE is a "myth"??? AND rejected the Messiah ---Jesus---when HE came the first time???