Well-Known Member
The issue here is about 'conservatives'; not Republicans or Democrats. I made a correction in my post to that effect.
Not diluted, equalized and standardized across the board. This is America, not Confederate Texas.
'Their people' are, in the larger context, 'Americans'. And as I understand it, Federal Law overrules State Law in the case of conflict. That is why Federal troops could be called into the South during the Civil Rights era.
Pro-choice and pro-life are matters of personal choice, and therefore, a right to choose. Whatever one choses is a matter universal to all women across state lines. It is an issue outside of state boundaries.
The article referred to 'health providers who perform abortions'. That can include Planned Parenthood, but also includes medical doctors or any other certified medical facility.
The Constitution makes no provision for this kind of meddling by the federal government. If one of the enumerated rights of a citizen is violated, that is one thing, but demanding a state spends tax money on what it doesn't want to.The issue here is about 'conservatives'; not Republicans or Democrats. I made a correction in my post to that effect.
Not diluted, equalized and standardized across the board. This is America, not Confederate Texas.
'Their people' are, in the larger context, 'Americans'. And as I understand it, Federal Law overrules State Law in the case of conflict. That is why Federal troops could be called into the South during the Civil Rights era.
Pro-choice and pro-life are matters of personal choice, and therefore, a right to choose. Whatever one choses is a matter universal to all women across state lines. It is an issue outside of state boundaries.
The article referred to 'health providers who perform abortions'. That can include Planned Parenthood, but also includes medical doctors or any other certified medical facility.
As to abortion , no one has the right to murder another person, just because that person is inconvenient.
The warren court, in Roe v Wade wanted desperately to approve abortion, but they were terrified of ruling on the direct murder of a baby.So, they came up with a con. They created the unenumerated right to privacy, no where to be found in the Constitution. So, there con is, what happens between a doctor and patient is private, no one can "look" at what they do, therefore abortion is incidental,it,s all private, if they decide to murder a baby, the law cannot act, because what happened is screened by this new right.
A woman giving birth at 7 months, can decide she doesn't want the baby. She can go to the NICU and strangle it, and she goes to jail for murder.
In the same hospital on the same day, a woman overdue at 9 months + can connive with her doctor to have this baby partially born, then stabbed in the heart or brain, with no accountability for either of them. It happens. And viable babies are murdered every day.
The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that the right to" LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness applies to everyone. No one has the right to commit murder, and someday the supremes will say so, and the government sanctioned genocide will stop.
The warren court, wanting to cave on abortion, but terrified of granting open murder, came up with a bizarre scam to get it through. They came up with the unenumerated right of "privacy"