Your absurd statement regarding your comparison between Christianity and islam belies your ignorance.
I've already explained to you that I do not consider your opinions authoritative. What you consider absurd or ignorant is irrelevant.
In fact, your inability to see the striking similarities between Christianity and Islam reveals you as somebody who is blinded by a faith based, tribalistic, confirmation bias.
Also, you don't just disagree. You seem offended by the comparison - an emotional response.
Make your argument if you have one.
Prove your point if you can,
I already made my point. It was a long list of similarities, and an explanation for the differences, which hadnothing to do with either religion, but more to do with the culture in which they are rendered.
You ignored all of that, made some comment about studying Islam after 9/11, assumed an air of superiority, and called me ignorant admmy claim absurd.
That means that the argument still stands unrebutted.
Your logic is thus : If an unborn baby is murdered as the result of the murder of the mother, it is a person.
If it is murdered as the result of a conspiracy between a doctor and it's mother, it is not a person.Wonderful, Such mental gymnastics to justify killing an unborn human.
You can stop right after unborn baby and murdered. I've already told you that I don't consider a fetus a baby or lawful abortion murder. It seems that all you have here is an appeal to emotion.
I've also told you that I don't consider the use of terms like baby, life, person, or human being to describe a human fetus as relevant to the moral status of abortion, and also disregarded all of that to return to your semantic arguments.
You seem to believe that if one attaches any of the words just listed to the fetus, abortion is off the table. Will you take a moment and recognize that I don't care if the law or the Bible considers a fetus a person or not, nor do I care how you feel about that? Nothing changes either way. So to keep coming back to, "But, but, but it's a baby, and you're murdering it" is a non-starter.
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