What? Me worry?
In what sense, in what cases - do you think to say that God creates evil? How would this differ from satan?
(since you aren't a Christian, I think our perspectives differ. Still, want to hear what you think.)
Follow me on this. God creates everything and everything to God carries the same weight. Man tips the scales on what God has created. "Good" and "evil" are man-made concepts and definitions, not Celestial. The shooting in Las Vegas is no more evil than the humanitarian sacrifices afterwards are good; that is, unless we decide so. The main thing about any happenstance in our lives is not if they are good or evil, but how we react to whatever occurs. Thus, when we understand and accept that every thing is of God, we tend to live a more peaceful and moral life. This IMHO, is the meaning of Isa. 45:7. Consequently, if God did not create evil, then who does? If you say Satan, then aren't you saying there is another Deity that is as at least as powerful as God?