Absolutely the resistance to the BB was all about atheism for atheists.
several [cosmologists] complained that the beginning of time implied by the Big Bang imported religious concepts into physics; this objection was later
repeated by supporters of the steady state theory.
[46] This perception was enhanced by the fact that the originator of the Big Bang theory, Monsignor
Georges Lemaître, was a Roman Catholic priest.
[Hoyle] found the idea that the universe had a beginning to be
resembling arguments for a creator, "for it's an irrational process, and can't be described in scientific terms"
a clear case of science v atheism
Lemaitre in stark contrast went out of his way to disassociate the very theistic implications atheists found uncomfortable, even telling the Pope to quit gloating.
He separated his personal belief from his theory, that's how science should work, but how does an atheist separate a belief he doesn't even acknowledge as such?