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Which is the Most Violent Religion Based on the Doctrine?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Generally I have found the narative of the Bible to be the most violent of all. The Qur'an advocates self-defense whereas the biblical narrative contains multiple examples of total annihilation of civilizations, sometimes without any apparent justification. Even in the New Testament, in Revelation 19, there is a depiction of a rider on a white horse coming down with an army from heaven to slaughter so many people that it makes a pool of blood so high the it reaches the bridle bits of the horses for 300 ft around the city of Jerusalem. This ios followed by a call from the rider of the white horse to the birds to eat all of the people. It is some of the most barbaric and sadistic stuff I have ever read, but that is all I have to say.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I have to say any religion that is revered as a peaceful one and uses that as a distraction to commit atrocities (coughChristianitycough) should be on top of the list. In my humble opinion, such distractions and hypocrisies are more evil than just being all "Yo ... gonna gut you now".

Agricola aka Pam34

B'net refugee
Accused, often. Guilty - no.
The Phoenicians definitely practiced child/infant sacrifice and infanticide. The Greeks and Romans routinely exposed their own children to die. One of the reasons the Greeks thought the Jews were 'uncivilized' was simply because the Jews DID NOT kill their children. They let them live even if they weren't perfect or pretty.

The infamous 'blood libel' first turned up in England in the middle ages. It had no basis in fact, and never did. It still has no basis in fact, but it is still - routinely - brought up as if it meant something.


Active Member
That isn't true, one of the reasons the Jews have been kicked out of so many countries is for ritually sacrificing children, etc....Oral tradition states that, 'the death of the righteous, can atone for the sins of that generation'...So hardly not bloody. :confused:

ffs, is this the 1500s? Anybody born after, idk, 1940 should know why this kind of thinking is unacceptable.

The Greeks and Romans routinely exposed their own children to die.

Not for religious reasons. Most pagan Romans thought that human sacrifice of any kind was barbaric.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I think it does not matter what dogma the religion is based on, whichever religion has the most political and military power at it's disposal will ultimately be the most violent at that time in history.


Well-Known Member
So when saying doctrine, also including the things taught within it?

So for instance Sikhs are trained warriors, with horse back riding, always carrying a knife, etc.

Taoism established Kungfu, thus has a whole martial arts dedicated to it.

Yet in both of these, they are taught as self defense, and used to protect.

So before anyone puts Islam, as far as i was aware Jihad means to protect, not to go attacking people.

Yet Islam is far from innocent, with countless battles described within it, where Allah gives favour to his people to win wars.

So on to the Jewish Bible, which clearly has more wars, violence, brutalization, and severe punishment system than the rest....So i suppose since I've already half answered it, is there any religion less violent? :oops:

People are violent anyway, and recognition of that seems to help dissolve the issue; so at extreme sports matches, such as boxing, rugby, American football, there is then less violence.... Almost like it releases some of the piped up aggression, we all have to some extent.

So what if the religions of violence had some form of martial art/self defense system added to them, do you think it might resolve them causing such violence in the world? :innocent:

I think that all of the violence in texts are the destruction of the abstract within someone's mind rather than literally. Going to war within to overcome and destroy certain thoughts, emotions, knowledge, beliefs, etc. The destruction of mind babies/children/seeds.

People fight, argue, lie, murder, steal, etc. over stories that never happened historically or literally but happen metaphysically. A raging beast within them that needs tamed, overcome, and slain.

I think that religions all need to build a self defense system that destroys their abstract doctrines and dogma that create suffering and violence for themselves and others. Right now, their self defense systems are that raging beast justifying at all costs.
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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
They're all violent to a certain extent. Even the most benign teachings can be twisted into something evil by those with black hearts.


For some reason I don't think this works.
The Jewish god is most brutal in killing people and entire tribes for no reason and declaring people the most righteous who then go and get drunk and have sex with their daughters every night.
Islam is a set of rules, where only the Koran is the common factor which hardly says anything in a coherent manner. The secondary sources make it the brutal, violent and primitive ideology we see in so many Muslims today.
So how do you compare the violence of a god killing people left, right and centre to a god telling his followers to kill others left, right and centre?
Judaism is looking for obedient followers and Islam for obedient warriors. Very different outlook.


New Member
All Semitic religions have a violent God known as Jehovah/Yahweh also translated into Arabic as Allah. The Jewish God of the Old Testament is the most cruel this God of Abraham, that stoops to ordering the rape of even the Jewish women and even worse than bashing babies of the Jews enemies against the rocks, and beheadings of enemy kings..... the disembowelling of their enemies, the pregnant women of the Samaritans. All Scriptures can be provided.


I do stuff
That isn't true, one of the reasons the Jews have been kicked out of so many countries is for ritually sacrificing children, etc....Oral tradition states that, 'the death of the righteous, can atone for the sins of that generation'...So hardly not bloody
It’s not just any garden variety child. The child MUST be a new born Christian child. ALL Jewish sacrifices must be unblemished. Jewish sacrifices must be the cream of the crop. God does not want the sick, lame or lazy. God requires the very best you have. The very thing you value the most. This sacrifice is not complete until it is mixed with the Passover Matzo and eaten.

Read closely how I have worded my reply. Did I go off on one or two tangents, or maybe none at all?

Doug Shaver

.So i suppose since I've already half answered it, is there any religion less violent?
In general, I don't think anyone who is not a member of some religion has any business trying to figure out which of its members has most faithfully interpreted its doctrines. When we see some Christians practicing a religion of peace and other Christians practicing a religion of violence, it seems silly to say that Christianity itself is one or the other. The same goes, I suggest, for any other religion.


New Member
In general, I don't think anyone who is not a member of some religion has any business trying to figure out which of its members has most faithfully interpreted its doctrines. When we see some Christians practicing a religion of peace and other Christians practising a religion of violence, it seems silly to say that Christianity itself is one or the other. The same goes, I suggest, for any other religion.
If you follow that line of argument the only one's left to make an unbiased judgement are the atheists, who are shocked by religious violence into atheism.


So when saying doctrine, also including the things taught within it?

So for instance Sikhs are trained warriors, with horse back riding, always carrying a knife, etc.

Taoism established Kungfu, thus has a whole martial arts dedicated to it.

Yet in both of these, they are taught as self defense, and used to protect.

So before anyone puts Islam, as far as i was aware Jihad means to protect, not to go attacking people.

Yet Islam is far from innocent, with countless battles described within it, where Allah gives favour to his people to win wars.

So on to the Jewish Bible, which clearly has more wars, violence, brutalization, and severe punishment system than the rest....So i suppose since I've already half answered it, is there any religion less violent? :oops:

People are violent anyway, and recognition of that seems to help dissolve the issue; so at extreme sports matches, such as boxing, rugby, American football, there is then less violence.... Almost like it releases some of the piped up aggression, we all have to some extent.

So what if the religions of violence had some form of martial art/self defense system added to them, do you think it might resolve them causing such violence in the world? :innocent:
What is written in the bible isn't really instructions to use violence against others. It is directed at the enemies of Gods people only. There is a means to an end where God is preparing His people and leading them to the promised land. This is in preparation for the coming Messiah which is all part of Gods covenant with us.

But generally God is not commanding that we kill innocents or rape innocent women or do any evil. There are laws and commandments that forbid evil and sin and there were things that people had to do when they sinned against God to make themselves right. But all this is fulfilled in Jesus anyway when He comes. So we are clearly shown that the way we should live is through the example of Jesus and His teachings. There is no ambiguity. But something like Islam does instruct people to do evil. It actually says to kill people if they dont believe. It doesn't discriminate and is ruthless. There is no alternative and option and the only way to avoid doing these things is to go against what it says by trying to justify that it is no longer relevant.
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One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
In general, I don't think anyone who is not a member of some religion has any business trying to figure out which of its members has most faithfully interpreted its doctrines.
It isn't the point of interpretation, it is what is stated.... Many people who've read the Bible in the thread are explaining, it is full of violent atrocities; just different groups of people (religions), interpret their book holy, and ignore the evil within it. :rolleyes:
Did we poison the wells also?
Not sure on that, haven't gone looking for evidence....Just the Tanakh saying we've been murdering prophets, animals, women, children, tribes, etc. :oops:
What is written in the bible isn't really instructions to use violence against others. It is directed at the enemies of Gods people only.
The Bible teaches to stone people of the book to death for petty crimes, like losing ones virginity.... It is full of violence towards its followers, and to kill whole nations who are against it.
There is no ambiguity.
The Bible as any literature is full of ambiguity; that is why there are 42,000 demonnations of Christianity. :rolleyes:
But something like Islam does instruct people to do evil. It actually says to kill people if they dont believe. It doesn't discriminate and is ruthless. There is no alternative and option and the only way to avoid doing these things is to go against what it says by trying to justify that it is no longer relevant.
The Quran is amateurish in comparison to the Bible, with violence towards others; have you read them both? You do realize the Quran is based on the Bible?
Deuteronomy 13:6-10 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; 7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; 8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. 10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
But all this is fulfilled in Jesus anyway when He comes.
Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.