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Which Jesus is the right one?


Be your own guru
Once I had two daughters .. it was amazing to me.
I am happy to know that your daughter is perfectly OK now. Where is God involved in it? A brain injury at the time of birth (as the doctor said) which healed with time. There are millions of parents who are caring for disabled children. Did not they pray?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I am happy to know that your daughter is perfectly OK now. Where is God involved in it? A brain injury at the time of birth (as the doctor said) which healed with time. There are millions of parents who are caring for disabled children. Did not they pray?
I don't know whether they prayed or not. Some probably did. I don't know why God chose to use us but I believe He did so.


Jesus in me
Fair enough. That's what you believe.
I think that two different persons were recorded.

What do you think of these verses? This Jesus is quite different from the descriptions that I've heard during most of my life. How can they align with a loving, peaceful family guy?

Matthew. {10:34}
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not
to send peace, but a sword. {10:35} For I am come to set a
man at variance against his father, and the daughter against
her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in
law. {10:36} And a man’s foes [shall be] they of his own
household. {10:37} He that loveth father or mother more
than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or
daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Mark {3:31} There came then his brethren and his mother, and,
standing without, sent unto him, calling him. {3:32} And
the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold,
thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee. {3:33}
And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my
brethren? {3:34} And he looked round about on them which
sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my
I believe you have no evidence to support that view.


Jesus in me
I've never heard of Orantians, are there any on RF?
The Old Testament God was particularly kind in as much as he required the Israelites to receive any in to their midst, where they were prepared to undertake initiation or whether they were just visitors. And he had offered the same guidance to tribes that were there before the Israelites but who had not followed it.

God's laws were all about producing a strong, cohesive, safe, secure, healthy, fast growing and very healthy people....but of course they kept failing, because they kept losing interest in those laws. Prophet after prophet lamented that fact, and no doubt God could become quite irate about that!
But Jesus (or one of them) was certainly furious about so many people living on the breadline or below when the Levite folks were living so well.
I believe there may be one or two who have read the Orantian book. I have not but I have seen posts from asherents.


Memorable member
Now which Jesus is the real one!

There's one that tells that gathering riches and loving mammon are both very wrong, but some Christians reply by telling me that Jesus believes in profits and rewards for profitable servants. Which one is the right one?

There's the Jesus that orders people never to call others 'fool' but Christians sometimes accuse others of being 'brick-thick'. Which Jesus is the right one?

There's the Jesus that insists on peaceful behaviour and turning the other cheek when slapped. But some Christians insist that Jesus wanted his followers to sell their possessions and buy swords.

And......there are more examples, but you get it.
So which Jesus is the real one?
There were not multiple Jesus(es)? there were multiple authors giving a perspective of the same Jesus. When Jesus told the parable of the servants, and the unprofitable servant, this had nothing to do with money, it was about saving souls of others. His last instructions to his followers were to go into the world and teach people the good news. He spoke in parables so some would understand, to whom understanding was given.

He instructed his followers to get a sword when he was leaving them. He never really said what this meant or what it was for. You can presume many things. When they showed him two swords, he responded I am enough, or it is enough depending on how it is translated. Hard to really take away anything concrete from that scripture.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
There were not multiple Jesus(es)? there were multiple authors giving a perspective of the same Jesus. When Jesus told the parable of the servants, and the unprofitable servant, this had nothing to do with money, it was about saving souls of others.
All I can see in that story is how the master requires profits, and treated the 'secure it only' servant so dreadfully.
The worst kind of capitalism
His last instructions to his followers were to go into the world and teach people the good news. He spoke in parables so some would understand, to whom understanding was given.
If the parables of Jesus were spoken in some code so that only some would understand then he was no teacher. I think that Jesus spoke in a way that might rouse up the poor whilst giving himself every chance to avoid accusations of incitement.
He instructed his followers to get a sword when he was leaving them. He never really said what this meant or what it was for. You can presume many things. When they showed him two swords, he responded I am enough, or it is enough depending on how it is translated. Hard to really take away anything concrete from that scripture.
He demonstrated violence when he ransacked Ana's Bazaar (the exchange and sales booths) and picketed the Temple courts.
He used whips, you know.


Well-Known Member
I remember one time I was rereading the Gospels and I was really struck by how strong Jesus was. I don't believe He was some peaceful, all loving God - I believe He was a really strong person and He definitely stood up to Romans.

A man can’t be strong, peaceful and loving? Jesus has to be John Wayne before Americans can admire him? Actually, that might explain a lot.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
A man can’t be strong, peaceful and loving? Jesus has to be John Wayne before Americans can admire him? Actually, that might explain a lot.
I never said Jesus had to be John Wayne. He was simply a lot stronger of a person than I originally thought he was. And He was a lot more sarcastic than I remembered (or was taught, by Americans).