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Which religion has the best fruit?


Sad for children who believe "God" placed them in abusive poverty stricken circumstances.
Sad for the terminally ill who believe "God" sent the illness.
Sad for the rich who believe they are blessed by "God".
Sad for all uneducated, trapped, brainwashed groupies who waste their time and days reinforcing their ego bubbles, pridefully believing their book/belief/leader is somehow better than another group's book/belief/leader...

hives of bees, flocks of birds, colonies of ants following their queen - not following god, following some little group, trapped in their group, angry at everyone else because of their small insignificant little group. It's no "God" you follow, little ant. "elevation" is no more than a herd bonding instinct, not God.

sir? mam? person? interesting, do you think I am a "sir"? haha living in imagined worlds, thinking you know who someone is :)
God didn't do those things-The rebellion in Eden caused all of mankind's woes. Mortals chose this by rebelling and kicking God in the teeth. Gods kingdom will cure it all.


The resurrection and acceptance of the Prophets were the teachings of the Pharisees.

Matthew 5
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus never started a new religion. He taught Jews to obey the Torah. It was Paul who was responsible for what had been a Jewish sect becoming a separate Gentile religion.
Acts 24:5- a spearhead of the sect( new religion) of the Nazarene.
Rom 10:4-Christ is the end of the law.

Do you still practice that law? One is to be stoned to death if unrepentant-- All of Gods people would be in prison if they did that Mosaic Law. That law is done away with. Amongst others.


Question Everything
I've seen many, many things not loving, as I think we all have. But to the point of the OP, as I understand it, those that love have the finest harvest of fruit.

Yes, I'm impressed by groups who show love - who spend Sundays volunteering at homeless shelters and food banks instead of attending churches.


Question Everything
God didn't do those things-The rebellion in Eden caused all of mankind's woes. Mortals chose this by rebelling and kicking God in the teeth. Gods kingdom will cure it all.

Such a loving parent, to discipline a child who - gasp - ate a piece of fruit - by torturing the rest of humanity.... really? All the horror on this earth is just response to granny eating an apple? ... contradictory illogical confusing directions followed by abandonment and horror .... sounds like such a loving god....

no thank you. I do not want to spend eternity with an entity who sits back and watches horror they cause. I'm glad He doesn't exist. I'll be glad for peaceful rest when I die.


Such a loving parent, to discipline a child who - gasp - ate a piece of fruit - by torturing the rest of humanity.... really? All the horror on this earth is just response to granny eating an apple? ... contradictory illogical confusing directions followed by abandonment and horror .... sounds like such a loving god....

no thank you. I do not want to spend eternity with an entity who sits back and watches horror they cause. I'm glad He doesn't exist. I'll be glad for peaceful rest when I die.
That isn't correct.
God handed Adam and Eve life everlasting, knowing only good, never sick, never without, etc( how much value is that?). In return for that he asked them to not do 1 single thing. Thus they had free will and weren't just robots. They could choose for themselves out of love and respect and gratitude to not do that 1 thing. Along comes a jealous fallen angel who did 0 for them. He lied to them and called God a liar in the process. They took his side, stabbing God in the back, thus God said-ok lets see who is correct. It was a challenge to Gods universal sovereignty in front of all creation( 2 mortals, millions of angels)-- God says its best mortals know only good. Satan says its best if they know both sides as God does.
Satan is a lying rat. All the suffering and death, diseases, cancer, etc caused by that lie. God is always correct. He is very loving and merciful as Jesus showed while on earth. But God has 100% right to say what is allowed in his creation. He owns every iota of it.
Gods kingdom rule will put it back to the way God planned to begin with=New earth, new heavens.


Question Everything
That isn't correct.
God handed Adam and Eve life everlasting, knowing only good, never sick, never without, etc( how much value is that?). In return for that he asked them to not do 1 single thing. Thus they had free will and weren't just robots. They could choose for themselves out of love and respect and gratitude to not do that 1 thing. Along comes a jealous fallen angel who did 0 for them. He lied to them and called God a liar in the process. They took his side, stabbing God in the back, thus God said-ok lets see who is correct. It was a challenge to Gods universal sovereignty in front of all creation( 2 mortals, millions of angels)-- God says its best mortals know only good. Satan says its best if they know both sides as God does.
Satan is a lying rat. All the suffering and death, diseases, cancer, etc caused by that lie. God is always correct. He is very loving and merciful as Jesus showed while on earth. But God has 100% right to say what is allowed in his creation. He owns every iota of it.
Gods kingdom rule will put it back to the way God planned to begin with=New earth, new heavens.

All the suffering and death, diseases, cancer, etc. are caused by the laws of nature, as is all of the joy, life, sunshine, and starry nights. God does not exist, cancer is not a punishment from God nor is good luck earned. It is all nature's fruits, all from nature. We are all interconnected through nature. To live fully is to embrace each breath, each heartbeat, the joys and sorrows, the dance of life in sun and shadow.


All the suffering and death, diseases, cancer, etc. are caused by the laws of nature, as is all of the joy, life, sunshine, and starry nights. God does not exist, cancer is not a punishment from God nor is good luck earned. It is all nature's fruits, all from nature. We are all interconnected through nature. To live fully is to embrace each breath, each heartbeat, the joys and sorrows, the dance of life in sun and shadow.
God didn't punish mortals. He allowed them their choice-to know both good and bad=a major mistake on that choice by Adam and Eve.


Well-Known Member
God didn't punish mortals. He allowed them their choice-to know both good and bad=a major mistake on that choice by Adam and Eve.
The evil action is intentionally designing a system, where suffering can arise, when one is capable of doing otherwise.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing evil about it, since suffering serves a purpose.
As usual, God knew what he was doing.
I realize that you use the optimistic emote as a retort when you have nothing of substance to offer. But I hope that you will one day be able to consider that all intentional infliction of suffering is done with a purpose. Hoping for that level of awareness from you is indeed optimistic of me. :sunflower:


I realize that you use the optimistic emote as a retort when you have nothing of substance to offer. But I hope that you will one day be able to consider that all intentional infliction of suffering is done with a purpose. Hoping for that level of awareness from you is indeed optimistic of me. :sunflower:
That symbol is often used for caring as in "I'm optimistic that you know I care." At least that's how I use it and how I take it when used where direct "optimistic" doesn’t fit.


Veteran Member
I realize that you use the optimistic emote as a retort when you have nothing of substance to offer. But I hope that you will one day be able to consider that all intentional infliction of suffering is done with a purpose. Hoping for that level of awareness from you is indeed optimistic of me. :sunflower:
I do have something of substance to offer it, and I was going to offer it as soon as I got caught up on some posts that I received earlier.

The suffering that humans endure is not intentionally inflicted upon us by an evil God. Suffering is only part and parcel of living in a material world, in which suffering is inherent, as is joy. There will be no more suffering after we leave this world, only joy, if we played our cards right in this life.

I have suffered more in my life than most humans would ever endure without taking their life, and I am suffering again right now.
I used to blame God for my suffering and it took decades to crawl out from under that way of thinking. The same events continue to occur in my life but hating God only made my suffering worse. I finally came to a point about 10 years ago when I realized that God was the only one who could help me and He did. That doesn't mean I do not hurt, but I do not hurt alone, since I know that God is with me.


Well-Known Member
The suffering that humans endure is not intentionally inflicted upon us by an evil God. Suffering is only part and parcel of living in a material world, in which suffering is inherent, as is joy.
A being that is actually capable of doing anything is capable of creating a world without suffering. A being that is actually capable of doing anything is capable of creating a word with only joy and meh. Which means that if such a being created this world then the suffering was an intentional choice. Just like the joy and the meh and the everything else.


The evil action is intentionally designing a system, where suffering can arise, when one is capable of doing otherwise.
Then all would just be robots. God gave all free will so they could choose out of love, respect and appreciation for life to listen to their creator. God is always correct. Its laughable that a mere mortal thinks they know better than God. They cant even create a single blade of grass let alone a universe.


Well-Known Member
Then all would just be robots.
Prove that all would be robots if there was no suffering. Religionists say that, but they rarely think it through beyond the rote words. Don't tell me about God. Tell me how I could not make my own choices if I were not to suffer from my any of my array of choices.


Prove that all would be robots if there was no suffering. Religionists say that, but they rarely think it through beyond the rote words. Don't tell me about God. Tell me how I could not make my own choices if I were not to suffer from my any of my array of choices.
God created Adam and Eve-perfect, never would be sick, never without, always at peace. They screwed it up for all their descendants. Gods kingdom will put it back to what God wanted to start with. All rebels are being rooted out.