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Which religion has the best fruit?


Question Everything
By their fruits...

Blue zones - Okinawa (Japan), Ikaria (Greece), Loma Linda (USA), Sardinia (Italy), and Nicoya (Costa Rica).... who lives the longest?

Who has most cash? Who is happiest? Whose marriages work out the best?? Who has the most nobel peace prizes - who is smartest?.... Who has won the most wars?

By their fruits...

"I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore.." India has the most kids, Hinduism must be correct...

By their fruits...

Post the accomplishments of your chosen group. What makes your group chosen by God :)

If someone wins a war, lives longer, has more kids, doesn't get divorced, is blessed with wealth and prosperity - it is all from God, right? So let's look at data, which group is most blessed? Which group is chosen by God?
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Well-Known Member
If someone wins a war, lives longer, has more kids, doesn't get divorced, is blessed with wealth and prosperity - it is all from God, right? So let's look at data, which group is most blessed? Which group is chosen by God?
Hmmm... this could be difficult. Bible tells that those who follow Jesus will get hard times, they are persecuted and treated like Jesus was.

But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for my name's sake.
Luke 21:12

That is why, maybe the most persecuted and mocked group is the closest of God's group?


Question Everything

I am disappointed you do not mean actual fruit. Because a lot of Pagans are avid gardeners who can cultivate some amazing fruits for you to eat..God?

I'd be impressed with actual fruit :)

I mean, there was that poor fig tree that was cursed for not having fruit, soooo trees with fruit should be blessed, right? (except that garden of eden fruit I suppose)

It's all very confusing, what the point of any of it is...


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
By their fruits...

Blue zones - Okinawa (Japan), Ikaria (Greece), Loma Linda (USA), Sardinia (Italy), and Nicoya (Costa Rica).... who lives the longest?

Who has most cash? Who is happiest? Whose marriages work out the best?? Who has the most nobel peace prizes - who is smartest?.... Who has won the most wars?

By their fruits...

"I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore.." India has the most kids, Hinduism must be correct...

By their fruits...

Post the accomplishments of your chosen group. What makes your group chosen by God :)

If someone wins a war, lives longer, has more kids, doesn't get divorced, is blessed with wealth and prosperity - it is all from God, right? So let's look at data, which group is most blessed? Which group is chosen by God?
I'm a little confused. Normally when I hear Christians mention "by their fruits," they are talking about virtues, not longevity or wealth or any of the other things you bring up.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
By their fruits...
First you have to understand what the fruits are that are being talked about in the Bible and these are fruits of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Regards Tony


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
My first thought was of a mango.
Mine was tomatoes. Can't grow mango in my lands without a greenhouse. But I have had the blessing of trying fresh mango right off the tree. It's amazing. It doesn't need our help to do what it does so much, not like a tomato. Mine didn't do so great this year. :coldsweat:

Botany nerd alert - when I think "fruit" I think the botanical definition thereof, not the culinary. Which makes a heck of a lot more things fruits than most would say... haha.


Question Everything
First you have to understand what the fruits are that are being talked about in the Bible and these are fruits of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Regards Tony

There are quantifiable, measurable, data that can be seen from these.

Love: what religious group runs the most homeless shelters? Which group donates the most to hospitals? Whose members have given what they have to the poor and follow Jesus, living without excess sacrificing - showing love to all? (Has to be legit charity, NOT missionary fake charity - but real - like paying hospital bills)

Joy: which religious group isn't on anti-depressants? Which group has the least number of suicides? Which group's meetings are filled with the most laughter and dancing?

Self-control: which group has the fewest overweight members? Which group has the most educated people? The least alcoholics? The least living in debt?

Words are cheap.

I'm interested in data.

If anyone can show their group is the best in the world for something like the above, show me the research, show me the data, and I'll be interested in learning more about your group.


Question Everything
I'm a little confused. Normally when I hear Christians mention "by their fruits," they are talking about virtues, not longevity or wealth or any of the other things you bring up.

Data for virtues would work too. Which group has the fewest pedophiles, the least adultery, most charity.


Question Everything
Yes, like ...

"If someone wins a war, lives longer, has more kids, doesn't get divorced, is blessed with wealth and prosperity - it is all from God, right?"​

I look up to my grandparents. They went through war, raised kids who weren't their own, long amazing marriage, joyful most loving and beloved people - and were well taken care of in their old life because those they raised turned around and paid it back, so you could say they died wealthy. They lived a long life. They weren't religious - never went to church.

Everyone I know who is "blessed", is agnostic, not affiliated, so what does that say?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Everyone I know who is "blessed", is agnostic, not affiliated, so what does that say?

That you don't know many people.
That "blessed" is in the eye of the beholder.
That you seem ignorant of the fact that agnostics do not for a homogenous class.
That you draw worthless conclusions from sloppy criteria.

Or, drawing on my three decades as a programmer ...

Garbage In ---> Garbage Out​


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Data for virtues would work too. Which group has the fewest pedophiles, the least adultery, most charity.
When I researched pedophilia, what I found was that they existed in all groups pretty much equally. For example, the percentage of Catholic priests that were pedophiles was not different than pedophiles in society in general.

I have never studied the prevalence of adultery in great detail, but the only studies I've ever seen only remark that it is more common for men than women.

By charity, I assume you are referring the support of charitable causes such as feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, caring for the old and sick, providing help for the marginalized and oppressed. The support can be financial, or the giving of time. I do in fact think that this is indeed impacted by culture/religion.

It is true that people in religious groups tend to give more to charity than those unaffiliated. This is pretty much across the board for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. If I remember correctly, someone who attends church is 40%? more likely to give to charity than someone who doesn't. Of all religious groups, Jews give the biggest percent of our income -- most likely due to tzedakah being an obligation. Indeed it is such a major part of Jewish culture and ethics, that it is not uncommon for Jews who are not even religious tend to generously support noble causes. I've also read that Mormons in particular among Christians are extremely generous.

However, it should also be pointed out that I'm only comparing groups, not individuals. You might find a Christian or Jew or whatever that gives absolutely nothing at all to charity, and an atheist who is extremely generous.

Here is a Pew Research study that looks into how the lives of deeply religious Americans differ:
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I look up to my grandparents. They went through war, raised kids who weren't their own, long amazing marriage, joyful most loving and beloved people - and were well taken care of in their old life because those they raised turned around and paid it back, so you could say they died wealthy. They lived a long life. They weren't religious - never went to church.

Everyone I know who is "blessed", is agnostic, not affiliated, so what does that say?
It means you are generalizing from too small a sampling. This is why anecdotes are never evidence.


Question Everything
When I researched pedophilia, what I found was that they existed in all groups pretty much equally. For example, the percentage of Catholic priests that were pedophiles was not different than pedophiles in society in general.

The issue is not only about prevalence but also how it is addressed. Society at large tends to be more prone to persecute pedophiles than religious communities. Religious groups often view themselves as self-regulating entities and may not adhere to mandated reporting requirements, believing instead in priest–penitent privilege. Most religious communities are male-dominated hierarchies, protecting males, hiding and perpetuating abuse. In contrast, the secular world has mandated reporting laws and makes efforts to address and prevent such issues.

I have never studied the prevalence of adultery in great detail, but the only studies I've ever seen only remark that it is more common for men than women.

The Mormons have "personal priesthood interviews" where male leaders take young girls and women alone into a room behind closed doors, and encourage the girls and women to confess and reveal their deepest longings and desires. I'm sure this might have tied in with the religious foundation - polygamy. Many of the current polygamous offshoot groups oust young males to preserve more girls for the male leaders. The current Mormon prophet is sealed to multiple women (women are not allowed to be sealed to more than one man).

By charity, I assume you are referring the support of charitable causes such as feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, caring for the old and sick, providing help for the marginalized and oppressed. The support can be financial, or the giving of time. I do in fact think that this is indeed impacted by culture/religion.

It is true that people in religious groups tend to give more to charity than those unaffiliated. This is pretty much across the board for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. If I remember correctly, someone who attends church is 40%? more likely to give to charity than someone who doesn't. Of all religious groups, Jews give the biggest percent of our income -- most likely due to tzedakah being an obligation. Indeed it is such a major part of Jewish culture and ethics, that it is not uncommon for Jews who are not even religious tend to generously support noble causes. I've also read that Mormons in particular among Christians are extremely generous.

However, it should also be pointed out that I'm only comparing groups, not individuals. You might find a Christian or Jew or whatever that gives absolutely nothing at all to charity, and an atheist who is extremely generous.

By far, the most charity is provided through secular governments, not religious groups. "The United States spends roughly $1.8 trillion per year on welfare, with the federal government spending over $1.1 trillion and state and local governments spending about $744 billion. This includes more than 80 welfare programs. In fiscal year 2023, the welfare budget was 18% of all federal outlays."

Secular organization takes care of charity, not religious groups.

(I work for the government, have done far more charity through my job than I have ever seen through any religious group).
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