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Which religion's God is the most superior than all the other religion's God?

Which religion's God is the most superior than all the other religion's God?

  • My religion's God is the most superior.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • All the different Gods from different religions is all equally superior.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I've no answer for this question but would like to know the true answer.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • I've no answer for this question and have no interests to know the true answer.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • It's impossible to know which religion's God is the most superior.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Other answer.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • No any religion's God is more superior than any other religion's God.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Different religion/belief/believer will have different answer, because their standard for God vary.

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters


Whether or not if a person find it a waste of time for the searching of true religion, is depends on his opinion to do so, is depends on why he wants to do so, is depends on whether he's willing to do so.

If he think it's deserves to do so, then he do it; if he think it's not deserves to do so, then he don't do it.

Yes, our world have many different religions, and there're quite a few of believers from quite a few of different religions who say that if non-believer search for the truth wherever it is without any biased intentions and with great sincerity then surely non-believer will be led to the right path by their religion's God.


Religion A: If non-believer search for the truth wherever it is without any biased intentions and with great sincerity then surely non-believer will be led to the right path by my religion's God.

Religion B: (Similar statement to religion A)
Religion C: (Similar statement to religion A)
Religion D: (Similar statement to religion A)
Religion E: (Similar statement to religion A)
Religion F: (Similar statement to religion A)

Non-believer: Religion A-F is contradicting with each other.
So why doesnot one go out of this circle by saying God ( guide me to the right path )... to concetrate on demanding this from God and by repeating it , surely it is a positive step in itself


Well-Known Member
Do you believe Pudding that there is heaven and Hell in the hereafter?
I'm unconvince by any religion to believe their claims that there is heaven and hell.

So why doesnot one go out of this circle by saying God ( guide me to the right path )... to concetrate on demanding this from God and by repeating it , surely it is a positive step in itself
After the attempt, if the non-believer say that there's empty response from any true God to enlighten and tell him that which religion's God is the true God, then this non-believer will be blamed that he cannot find the true God because he's demanding the true God with biased intentions and not sincerely enough.

If the non-believer fail to channeling to the true God many times after attempt, should he still keep on trying infinitely until he succeed?
Should he use all his life to channeling with the true God if it's fail all the time?

After the attempt, if the non-believer say that there's response from a true God to enlighten and tell him that religion A is the true religion, then this non-believer will be blamed that he cannot be led to the right path by religion A-F's true Gods because this non-believer search the truth with biased intentions and without sincerity.
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Our world have about 4,200 religions and beliefs, to research all their different holy books may consuming too many times or there's not enough of one's life time to research all of them.

Even when a person did research, assume he found the exclusivist religion A's God to be the true God, but other different exclusivist religion may still regards exclusivist religion A's God as false God.

If a person's conclusion is that he disbelieve in all religion's God and be a good person, exclusivist religion may still call the person sinner.

But this is just a statement without evidence to support it.

Or that this religion did provide some supernatural/spirituality evidence, but this supernatural/spirituality evidence cannot be objectively replicate to show to non-believer.
This supernatural/spirituality evidence can only be testimony by believer and it's accuracy is inconsistence.

Many other religion may also have this kinds of supernatural/spirituality evidence to support their religion's claims.

It's not non-believer's fault to disbelieve in those exclusivist religion if they feel the evidence is unconvincing.

The conclusion is everyone will only believe/follow what convince them. Maybe there've 1000000 versions of different interpretations of true religion/beliefs, everyone will still choose their preferences to follow with.
Do you agree with me that God sends prophets to people to convey His word ? Do you agree that God who deserved to be worshipped is just enough to not leave us without any guidance (books) in this messy world ?if the answer is yes then Pudding prophets of God are known not only to Islam but to Christianity and Judaism ... noone can deny that Abraham , Moses , Noah , Jacub , Joseph , John , David , Solimon ., Mohammed ...etc are all messengers from God all came with miracles to people as an evidence that they are sent by God .No one can deny that each messenger came with a book for example :Jesus with the Bible , Moses with Torah , David with the psalms , Muhammed with the Quran .....
Each prophet came in a certain era with a book from God as a guidance to humanity and all call to the same msg that God who deserves to be worshipped is the Creator , the Sustainer , the All knowing , the All hearing , the All seeing the Merciful and so on ...
Each prophet predicted the one coming after ...
For example , Moses predictef Jesus ...
Jesus predicted Muhammed ...
NOTE : all prophets support each other , they are not contraducting or fighting coz they all call for the same issue ...
That s why in Islam , it is a must to believe in all prophets and if one denies one of them he turns to be a desbeliever...even Jesus .. if a muslim denies Jesus , he turns to be a disbeliever by Islam ... in the Quran there is a whole chapter called "Mary"
What about other religions do they have messengers , do they have books from God .. may be you will tell me yeah they have holy books .. describing them as holy is as regards to them not to God ( the creator )


I'm unconvince by any religion to believe their claims that there is heaven and hell.

After the attempt, if the non-believer say that there's empty response from any true God to enlighten and tell him that which religion is the true religion, then this non-believer will be blamed that he cannot find the true God because he's demanding the true God with biased intentions and not sincerely enough.

After the attempt, if the non-believer say that there's response from a true God to enlighten and tell him that religion A is the true religion, then this non-believer will be blamed that he cannot be led to the right path by religion B-F's true Gods because this believer search the truth with biased intentions and without sincerity.
So you donna believe in heaven and hell ...
So shall i know the religion u follow ?if u dont mind of course


Well-Known Member
Do you agree with me that God sends prophets to people to convey His word ? Do you agree that God who deserved to be worshipped is just enough to not leave us without any guidance (books) in this messy world ?if the answer is yes then Pudding prophets of God are known not only to Islam but to Christianity and Judaism ... noone can deny that Abraham , Moses , Noah , Jacub , Joseph , John , David , Solimon ., Mohammed ...etc are all messengers from God all came with miracles to people as an evidence that they are sent by God .No one can deny that each messenger came with a book for example :Jesus with the Bible , Moses with Torah , David with the psalms , Muhammed with the Quran .....
Each prophet came in a certain era with a book from God as a guidance to humanity and all call to the same msg that God who deserves to be worshipped is the Creator , the Sustainer , the All knowing , the All hearing , the All seeing the Merciful and so on ...
Each prophet predicted the one coming after ...
For example , Moses predictef Jesus ...
Jesus predicted Muhammed ...
NOTE : all prophets support each other , they are not contraducting or fighting coz they all call for the same issue ...
That s why in Islam , it is a must to believe in all prophets and if one denies one of them he turns to be a desbeliever...even Jesus .. if a muslim denies Jesus , he turns to be a disbeliever by Islam ... in the Quran there is a whole chapter called "Mary"
Your religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for me; just like any other religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for you because you find their evidence/argument is unconvincing for you and only find your religion's evidence/argument is convincing for you.

I disbelieve those religion because i conclude it is unconving to me; you also disbelieve those religion because you conclude it is unconving to you.

What about other religions do they have messengers , do they have books from God .. may be you will tell me yeah they have holy books ..
Yes, other religions have holy books.

describing them as holy is as regards to them not to God ( the creator )
I cannot understand your meaning.
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Your religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for me; just like any other religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for you because you only find your religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for you.

I disbelieve those religion which i conclude it is unconving to me; you also disbelieve those religion which you conclude it is unconving to you.

Yes, other religions have holy books.

I cannot understand your meaning.
I mean is it logical that every one says i have a holy book then it is holy ?or it should be authenticated by God ..
Note : forget about my religion now Pudding , am talking about logical principles ....


Your religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for me; just like any other religion's evidence/argument is unconvincing for you because you find their evidence/argument is unconvincing for you and only find your religion's evidence/argument is convincing for you.

I disbelieve those religion because i conclude it is unconving to me; you also disbelieve those religion because you conclude it is unconving to you.

Yes, other religions have holy books.

I cannot understand your meaning.
I donna deny that other relugions have holy books thats undebatable fact ...
But not every creed is there claimed to be a religion is a religion ...thats my point got it ?and therefore their books are holy ciz they regard it so not coz it is from God


Well-Known Member
I mean is it logical that every one says i have a holy book then it is holy ?or it should be authenticated by God ..
Note : forget about my religion now Pudding , am talking about logical principles ....
If everyone say that you have a holy book because you first tell them you've a holy book, then it's just means that they say you've a holy book.

The label of "holy book" just means that it's mystical and is inspired by a deity.

If they find your evidence/argument to support your holy book's claims to be unconvincing for them, then they will disbelieve your holy book's claims.

You mean that you deny the idea of God ..or u r agnostic or spiritual or what
I mean that i do not follow any religion's God's moral/law because i do not believe in any religion's God.

I donna deny that other relugions have holy books thats undebatable fact ...
But not every creed is there claimed to be a religion is a religion ...thats my point got it ?and therefore their books are holy ciz they regard it so not coz it is from God
No, i can't get your point, your statement doesn't make sense to me.


If everyone say that you have a holy book because you first tell them you've a holy book, then it's just means that they say you've a holy book.

The label of "holy book" just means that it's mystical and is inspired by a deity.

If they find your evidence/argument to support your holy book's claims to be unconvincing for them, then they will disbelieve your holy book's claims.

I mean that i do not follow any religion's God's moral/law because i do not believe in any religion's God.

No, i can't get your point, your statement doesn't make sense to me.
Have u ever read the Quran or verses from it Pudding ?


Amor Vincit Omnia
Tie between the gods of radical Christianity and radical Islam, since both of their adherents are equally fervent about arguing over adjectives like the ones in the poll. The other gods, not being quite so up themselves, merely watch on in quiet amusement.


Well-Known Member
Have u ever read the Quran or verses from it Pudding ?
What is your purpose for asking whether or not have i ever read the Quran or verses from it?

If i have read it, and find it unconvincing to me, then you'll say that my reason for disbelieve it is wrong?
Well, if it is so, then i'll analyse your reason for thinking why i'm wrong.
Then if i find your reason is unconvincing for me, i'll disagree with you.

I disagree with you, you disagree with me, i say i'm right, you say you're right, the conversation end.

And to answer your question without the above assumption, i have not ever read the whole Quran or verses from it, i also have not read any other religion's versions of holy book in whole book, i have only read a small portion of Christianity's Bible in the past.
I do not have any plan to read any religion's book for now.
Quite a few religions insist that only their religion's book is true and all other religion's book is wrong or partially wrong, this is a concept that i cannot accept nor will i accept.
I'll only follow what i think is convince to myself, just like any other non-believer or believer of any religion that they only follow what they think is convince to themself.
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What is your purpose for asking whether or not have i ever read the Quran or verses from it?

If i have read it, and find it unconvincing to me, then you'll say that my reason for disbelieve it is wrong?
Well, if it is so, then i'll analyse your reason for thinking why i'm wrong.
Then if i find your reason is unconvincing for me, i'll disagree with you.

I disagree with you, you disagree with me, i say i'm right, you say you're right, the conversation end.

And to answer your question without the above assumption, i have not ever read the whole Quran or verses from it, i also have not read any other religion's versions of holy book in whole book, i have only read a small portion of Christianity's Bible in the past.
I do not have any plan to read any religion's book for now.
Quite a few religions insist that only their religion's book is true and all other religion's book is wrong or partially wrong, this is a concept that i cannot accept nor will i accept.
I'll only follow what i think is convince to myself, just like any other non-believer or believer of any religion that they only follow what they think is convince to themself.
Ok Pudding i asked u this question coz one cant judge or reject a religions God without reading about this God from the main source of legislation of such religion , thats why i ask you that when you have free time just have a look in the Quran ..
See what that book says and for sure no one has the right to obligate others to embrace a certain religion .. i could say that it is a main principle taught in the Quran " There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. "(2:256).


Well-Known Member
How can we be enlightened in your pov to know God?
Through study, meditation, seeking truth and wisdom in whatever place one might find it, introspection, discussions with people with open minds, and more. It takes much time, effort and many lifetimes.


Well-Known Member
Do you think a religion has the right to offer human sacrifices if its idea of God is such that offering such things is good to do?
No, but this is now and that was then. Do you think the actions of the WBC are the correct way to honor God? Do you think that the actions of the Islamic terrorists, who, IMO, are NOT practicing correct Islamic faith, is the correct way to honor God? The question of human sacrifice was how those people thought was best to honor their gods. Over time, that was found to be erroneous. We can only come to know God through study and practice and IMO, that takes time and effort.


No, but this is now and that was then. Do you think the actions of the WBC are the correct way to honor God? Do you think that the actions of the Islamic terrorists, who, IMO, are NOT practicing correct Islamic faith, is the correct way to honor God? The question of human sacrifice was how those people thought was best to honor their gods. Over time, that was found to be erroneous. We can only come to know God through study and practice and IMO, that takes time and effort.
I agree Jo. that SURE those terrorist claim that islam orders them to do so and this fact is one of the furthest from truth....look at the name itself ..
One if the meamings of the word islam is [emoji14]eace ...


I agree Jo. that SURE those terrorist claim that islam orders them to do so and this fact is one of the furthest from truth....look at the name itself ..
One if the meamings of the word islam is [emoji14]eace ...
Sry this face with the tongue out is typed wrongly i mean "peace"
Through study, meditation, seeking truth and wisdom in whatever place one might find it, introspection, discussions with people with open minds, and more. It takes much time, effort and many lifetimes.