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Who Are RF's Artists?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
My youngest daughter is also an artist. She is a wiz with Photoshop as well. She's going back to school to continue her classes in Graphic Design via the GI Bill in about a year and I am excited for her.

Some of her stuff (self portraits):


My daughter and her husband

My family is also really into photography - here's some of our stuff:

Windmill on the old homestead


My son's fiancee took this in Korea


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Please explain how long you have been drawing, painting or doodling.
Since I was knee high to a grasshopper. The trouble is that I am not very good. I still love to draw and doodle though. I just do it.

Where did you get your talent from? Was it a family member or was it inspired from someone else?
My dad's uncle was a poet in Scotland and my mom's family has always been very good at handicrafts.

What medium do you work with best and which do you enjoy working with more?
Words are my favorite medium, but I am very big on "presentation" so even a meal is a work of art when it hits the plate. If you know what I mean. I have been working with concrete and stone building a large bench for two years now. It is an interesting medium... I just wish I had known more about it when I started, lol.

Could you be an artist for a living or do you just like to keep it as a hobby?
I doubt it, though I do have potential as a wordsmith.

As an artist what other mediums or types of art wouldn’t you mind exploring? What are your artistic regrets?
Life is my canvas. My style gets imprinted on everything I touch, so I don't see many limits. I don't have any regrets.

How much have computers affected your art? Are they an asset or unnecessary?
I have used Photoshop since version 1.0 on a "fat" Mac and have even taught classes. Photoshop enables a graphical klutz like myself to achieve a level of perfection I am not capable of without it - as far as pictures go, at least.


Well-Known Member
This thread has faded... So, inspired by Cardero's recent update of his comic thread-

Most of my scribblings are in storage still, and I haven't scanned most of it yet. But here's a few pencil illustrations.
An evil baby pencil sketch I used as an avatar on RF awhile back:

Details from a larger sketch for a comic book panel. I may digitally ink and color it or just bin the whole thing:


And I found this older sketch on my pc:

Argh! Memory attack!

Those drawings remind me of a childrens fantasy book I used to read when I was a chillun! It was about Dwarfs and Faries n' shizz - ima go find the book right now!


Well-Known Member
Please explain how long you have been drawing, painting or doodling.

Mostly doodling to be honest lol! Although every now and then I can go into some sort of hardcore drawing fit and just draw for hours! Been drawing ever since I was a little kid, was more into it back then, nowadays I rarely properly draw, just doodle things, as most of the time I just "visualize" concepts in my head and never take it any further.

Where did you get your talent from? Was it a family member or was it inspired from someone else?

My family members are bollox at anything Art related. Then again, so am I, except I seem to have some "skill" at basic pencil drawings, nothing much else.

What medium do you work with best and which do you enjoy working with more?

Paper, 0.5 mm & 0.3 mm Pencils, my thumb, and Music! Although sometimes I use rulers depending on what I'm drawing.

Could you be an artist for a living or do you just like to keep it as a hobby?

Nah I don't draw enough to make it anything than just a "every now and then" hobby.

As an artist what other mediums or types of art wouldn’t you mind exploring? What are your artistic regrets?

Dunno, I'm kinda interested in digital Art. Also I'd love to be able to use Air Brushes or those fancy coloured markers etc. But meh, I have no regrets really 'cause I'm not always very motivated to draw anyways.

How much have computers affected your art? Are they an asset or unnecessary?

Unneccessary, although I can use Photoshop.


Here's two examples, one from about 1 & 1/2 years ago, the other literally a few weeks ago:


EDIT: Argh screw it, in the end I just made a PhotoBucket account so I could post them in the right size! ^_^

This one was drawn when I had one of those random drawing fits, where I'm just inclined to draw for hours on end. It was originally meant to depict a full-blown invasion, with loads of planes in the sky dropping down people, but in the end I couldn't be arsed drawing all that LOL so I just did the sky as it is, and "finished" it. Although technically it's not finished but I CBA adding to it.

So the Soldier is just sorta...... invading the place by itself, and the Industrial district in the distance has been bombed out...... by bombers that arn't there!

Hahahaha! That's what I get for being lazy halfway through a drawing! :D


This here's from a few weeks ago. My "style" has changed over time, I like to think my characters arn't as "cartoony" any more, but I still have lots of improvements to make. But as I said, I don't draw often enough to really give it much attention.

Nevertheless I still have a lot of fun just making up characters and faces, even if it's just something like a mouth or nose etc.

Again though, with this one I CBA finishing it, mostly 'cause it's just random character "design", and doing hair takes the mick - like really bad.

Although one of my biggest difficulties (other than proportions etc) is shading, and I'm trying to work on it a bit better in this picture, trying to visualize the shadows and stuff in the face etc.
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The Devil herself
Moderator cut: image removed
A sample of my work.
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The Devil herself
Are you a pencil-drawer-only like me, or do you do more stuff in colour/different tools etc?
Well for the most part pencil, but I have experimented with just about everything. Sculpture, oil, water color, pastel. I have even done a handful of tatoos.


Tu Stultus Es
Argh! Memory attack!

Those drawings remind me of a childrens fantasy book I used to read when I was a chillun! It was about Dwarfs and Faries n' shizz - ima go find the book right now!
Don't keep me in suspense- what drawings and what children's books???? Did you find the books? Shizz!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The painting at the bottom is a sad copy of Picasso's Woman in a red chair,my attempt has the breast heading for Australia,still thats cubism for ya

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It has been awhile since this question was posed and we did get a lot of new members so this is the thread where you can introduce your talent and maybe we can coax a few of the regulars to post some current or unseen work.
My current gallery is here: painted-wolfs-den on deviantART
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to up-date in a while because we are in the middle of moving and I haven't had any time to work on new stuff. Plus *gasp and surprize* parenthood a lot more time consuming than sitting down and doodling for hours will allow.

Please explain how long you have been drawing, painting or doodling.
I've been drawing as long as I could hold a crayon.
I also do beadwork and photography.

Where did you get your talent from? Was it a family member or was it inspired from someone else?
Lot's of practice and going to art school for four years. Though I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without help and encouragement from friends and family.

What medium do you work with best and which do you enjoy working with more?
I work best with pen and ink, but I've dabbled in just about everything. I'm currently trying to expand into digital painting to add some color to my work without having to worry about my son "helping".

Could you be an artist for a living or do you just like to keep it as a hobby?
I tend to think of it as a hobby with cash benefits.... but I'm trying to be more professional about it.
I have sold artwork to publishers and sold beadwork here and there to keep me stocked with supplies.
The beadwork and photography have actually helped me a lot, they are much easier to pick up and put down in between bouts of chasing my toddler. They keep me "sane" and still feeling artsy.

As an artist what other mediums or types of art wouldn’t you mind exploring? What are your artistic regrets?
I'd love to try sculpture. :D
I regret not being able to spend more time keeping my talents as sharp as I'd like (and improving) and being able to produce more genuinely finished work.

How much have computers affected your art? Are they an asset or unnecessary?
totally an asset... I use them to clean up my images for publication as well as being able to find useful reference material.

I’m thinking there will be a lot of views to this thread and I really didn’t want to start a separate thread so I am also adding this selfish desperate plea (non-artists can respond).
Where can I find the best knee high white socks with a durable elasticity that would last for a long time before having to replace them?
Sorry I can't help there. :p
