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Who are you backing now? (US pres '16)

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I don't think you should, it's more helpful to discount superdelegates so we know who's actually won stuff. The superdelegates can change. If Bernie wins more actual state delegates than Hillary does, the superdelegates might respect the will of the people and switch over to Bernie, or have a voter rebellion on their hands which they will want to avoid.
Most of the super delegates almost certainly will go for whichever candidate has the most regular delegates going into the convention.

If we don't count the super delegates Hillary still has a significant lead at this point, but not insurmountable.

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I don't think you should, it's more helpful to discount superdelegates so we know who's actually won stuff. The superdelegates can change. If Bernie wins more actual state delegates than Hillary does, the superdelegates might respect the will of the people and switch over to Bernie, or have a voter rebellion on their hands which they will want to avoid.
Alright, give me some time.

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Bernie Sanders 53.34%
Hillary Clinton 46.67%

I used delegates won at the top of the screen (not super delegates): 651 Clinton 456 Sanders, and then I counted the un-won states without the super delegate count in parenthesis to get 2921 remaining. I then used the equation
456+x(2921)>651+(1-x)*2921 or switch 456 and 651

Donald Trump 52.43%
Ted Cruz 57.53%
Marco Rubio 68.41%
John Kasich 73.88%
Ben Carson 75.48%
There are no Republican super delegates, so last night's calculation was correct.

This is what percentage of the remaining delegates the candidates need to win their primaries. Sorry I keep editing afterwards. (I am done now; you can type).
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robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Here is my man Zultan Istvan's more detailed platform (http://zoltanistvan.com/Platform.html):

1) Implement a Transhumanist Bill of Rights mandating government support of longer
lifespans via science and technology

2) Spread a pro-science culture by emphasizing reason and secular values

3) Create stronger government policies to protect against existential risk (including
artificial intelligence, plagues, asteroids, climate change, and nuclear warfare and

4) Provide free education at every level; advocate for mandatory preschool and college
education in the age of longer lifespans

5) Create a flat tax for everyone

6) Advocate for morphological freedom (the right to do anything to your body so long as it
doesn’t harm others)

7) Advocate for real-time democracy using available new technologies

8) End costly drug war and legalize mild recreational drugs like marijuana

9) Create government where all politician’s original professions are represented equally
(the government should not be run by 40% lawyers when lawyers represent only 10% of
the country’s jobs)

10) Significantly lessen massive incarcerated population in America by using innovative
technologies to monitor criminals outside of prison

11) Strongly emphasize green tech solutions to make planet healthier

12) Support and draft logistics for a Universal Basic Income

13) Reboot the space program with significantly increased government resources

14) Develop international consortium to create a "Transhumanist Olympics"

15) Develop and support usage of a cranial trauma alert chip that notifies emergency
crews of extreme trauma (this will significantly reduce domestic violence, crime, and
tragedy in America)

16) Work to use science and technology to be able to eliminate all disabilities in humans
who have them

17) Insist on campaign finance reform, limit lobbyist’s power, and include 3rd political
parties in government

18) Create a scientific and educational industrial complex in America instead of a military
industrial complex. Spend money on wars against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes—
not on wars in far-off countries

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Clinton needs 46.25% of the remaining regular delegates.
Sanders needs 53.75% of them to win.
Trump needs 53.97% for his party's nomination without a brokered convention.
Cruz needs 60.87%.
Rubio needs 75.37%.
Kasich needs 82.13%,
and finally Carson needs 85.33%.

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
Clinton needs 46.25% of the remaining regular delegates.
Sanders needs 53.75% of them to win.
Trump needs 53.97% for his party's nomination without a brokered convention.
Cruz needs 60.87%.
Rubio needs 75.37%.
Kasich needs 82.13%,
and finally Carson needs 85.33%.
Good stuff, I like it.

Carson dropped out a week ago you should probably stop counting him.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Not even Ted Cruz the ballerina?


well...errr... that was ...."unexpected". :eek:

at least it took my mind off Trump.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
I am going to vote for Trump, even though he is a little rough around the edges in foreign affairs etc. However, Trump has the skills to get the USA manufacturing something other than big macs again. We desperately need to reestablish our eroded industrial/manufacturing base while eliminating dead weights on our GNP like NAFTA, with its lopsided blood sucking agreements that favor every one but the USA. I feel only Trump has the balls and the skills to deflect next recession, or more probably a 1920's style depression, or worse*. And we do not have long to do so. I am the coming depressing will overcome the world faster if the wilder-beast Clinton or Bernie Marx gain the White house.

Yes, a commander in chief Trump is scary, but maybe thats a good thing. Especially if he scares our foes. I am sure he will not be ignored. I am sure he will not be laughed at either. I am sure he will now be going around the world hat in hand apologizing for the way our beautiful USA makes a living. Trump is giving me the warm fuzzies' that I had the same feelings about Regan before he was elected.

* Or worse means we lose faith in ourselves our banks and our worthless over valued fiat currency and make a mad dash for the banks....
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Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
I am going to vote for Trump, even though he is a little rough around the edges in foreign affairs etc. However, Trump has the skills to get the USA manufacturing something other than big macs again. We desperately need to reestablish our eroded industrial/manufacturing base while eliminating dead weights on our GNP like NAFTA, with its lopsided blood sucking agreements that favor every one but the USA. I feel only Trump has the balls and the skills to deflect next recession, or more probably a 1920's style depression, or worse*. And we do not have long to do so. I am the coming depressing will overcome the world faster if the wilder-beast Clinton or Bernie Marx gain the White house.

Yes, a commander in chief Trump is scary, but maybe thats a good thing. Especially if he scares our foes. I am sure he will not be ignored. I am sure he will not be laughed at either. I am sure he will now be going around the world hat in hand apologizing for the way our beautiful USA makes a living. Trump is giving me the warm fuzzies' that I had the same feelings about Regan before he was elected.

* Or worse means we lose faith in ourselves our banks and our worthless over valued fiat currency and make a mad dash for the banks....
It'd be nice if Trump could actually explain how he's going to reestablish the eroded manufacturing base, deflect recessions and fix all of America's problems.


Veteran Member
I am going to vote for Trump, even though he is a little rough around the edges in foreign affairs etc. However, Trump has the skills to get the USA manufacturing something other than big macs again. We desperately need to reestablish our eroded industrial/manufacturing base while eliminating dead weights on our GNP like NAFTA, with its lopsided blood sucking agreements that favor every one but the USA. I feel only Trump has the balls and the skills to deflect next recession, or more probably a 1920's style depression, or worse*. And we do not have long to do so. I am the coming depressing will overcome the world faster if the wilder-beast Clinton or Bernie Marx gain the White house.

Yes, a commander in chief Trump is scary, but maybe thats a good thing. Especially if he scares our foes. I am sure he will not be ignored. I am sure he will not be laughed at either. I am sure he will now be going around the world hat in hand apologizing for the way our beautiful USA makes a living. Trump is giving me the warm fuzzies' that I had the same feelings about Regan before he was elected.

* Or worse means we lose faith in ourselves our banks and our worthless over valued fiat currency and make a mad dash for the banks....
Trump has his entire clothing line manufactured in China or Mexico. For his Florida resort, he HIGHLY favors hiring immigrants (foreign workers on visas) because he can pay them less than what he would pay Americans. These facts are insanely easy to find online.

So, tell me, how is Trump going to get USA manufacturing jobs up and running again and why would you believe him with his track record of giving away our jobs?

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
Trump has his entire clothing line manufactured in China or Mexico. For his Florida resort, he HIGHLY favors hiring immigrants (foreign workers on visas) because he can pay them less than what he would pay Americans. These facts are insanely easy to find online.
He took advantage of the current system to maximise profit. Principles don't really work in business, not when you have to deal with competitors. It doesn't mean he wouldn't want to change the current system if he was in charge of it.


Veteran Member
He took advantage of the current system to maximise profit. Principles don't really work in business, not when you have to deal with competitors. It doesn't mean he wouldn't want to change the current system if he was in charge of it.
You honestly think he'd change the system and bring all his manufacturing back to the US? I don't.

I'm a retail business owner and have a choice where to buy the products I resell just like Trump has the choice. I have 100% of my custom metal products made in the US even though I could have replicas made in China for much, much less. Why do I do this? Because I want to put Americans to work, that's why.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I initially backed Clinton until Sanders announced. I'm backing Bernie first, Hillary second. I will vote blue no matter who, and even though there's several areas I don't agree with him in>>> if I were to vote Republican, Rubio is the most reasonable one in this year's lot.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
It'd be nice if Trump could actually explain how he's going to reestablish the eroded manufacturing base, deflect recessions and fix all of America's problems.

I am considering his background as a business man. He isn't as bought and PAC paid for as the other candidates. My vote is also a protest vote. We could not do much worse than Obama the liar and Bush the brainless. Personally I dont like ANY of the choices. He claims he would eliminate NAFTA and I think he would spend less than Clinton or the socialist, and everyone knows we as a nation are spending more than we bring in thanks to the stupid war on drugs and traditional wars etc. Trump is the lesser of the evils we have to choose from.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I am considering his background as a business man. He isn't as bought and PAC paid for as the other candidates. My vote is also a protest vote. We could not do much worse than Obama the liar and Bush the brainless. Personally I dont like ANY of the choices. He claims he would eliminate NAFTA and I think he would spend less than Clinton or the socialist, and everyone knows we as a nation are spending more than we bring in thanks to the stupid war on drugs and traditional wars etc. Trump is the lesser of the evils we have to choose from.
Trump has come out in favor of legalizing drugs.
But he's also hedged his position on this lately.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
Trump has his entire clothing line manufactured in China or Mexico. For his Florida resort, he HIGHLY favors hiring immigrants (foreign workers on visas) because he can pay them less than what he would pay Americans. These facts are insanely easy to find online.

So, tell me, how is Trump going to get USA manufacturing jobs up and running again and why would you believe him with his track record of giving away our jobs?

I think his ego would persuade him to leave a 'presidential legacy' morally and ethically better than his business 'legacy' with the small potato purchases and employment practices. I do not think he would run the country like he runs Trump inc.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
Trump has come out in favor of legalizing drugs.
But he's also hedged his position on this lately.

I am down with that. The war on drugs is the war on citizens and individual freedoms as is the war on terror (but to a far lesser extent in number of victims, but with far greater destruction of lives). One of my fears is that we are becoming a kind of Orwellian police state where nothing is as it seems. will check out your web sites ASAP.

In any case, if trump turns out to be really bad he can always be impeached etc.....however I think much of trumps rudeness and silliness is just an act to gain votes or to engineer a desired response from the media or his challengers.....gotta go check out charters new channel VICELAND....It seems good and raw.
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