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Who did the Muslims worship?


Before Mohammed had his vision in the 6th century a.d., who did the Muslims worship?

About 600 years after Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) came Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

In this span of time, polytheism was mainly practised. So the Arabs used to practise idolatry until the message of Islam revived again as Allah sent the final Prophet to mankind (Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)).

The Qur'an states:

وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَسَخَّرَ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ ۖ فَأَنَّىٰ يُؤْفَكُونَ

And If you were to ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" They will surely reply: "Allâh." How then are they deviating (as polytheists and disbelievers)? [Al-Qur'an 29:61]

وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ نَزَّلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الْأَرْضَ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَوْتِهَا لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ ۚ قُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ ۚ بَلْ أَكْثَرُهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ

And if you ask them Who is it that sends down water from the clouds, then gives life to the earth with it after its death, they will certainly say, Allah. Say: All praise is due to Allah. Nay, most of them do not understand. [Al-Qur'an 29:63]

Thus they (the pre-Islamic Arabs) knew that Allah Existed and worshiped Allah, but they also worshiped their idols too, which is what made the polytheists.

They claim that the bible has lies in it so how did they know where to find the Word of God?
It is the Christians who amongst themselves argue as to what is the true Bible - so no need to bring Muslims into the equation.

Or do they believe that God abandoned them for thousands of years until Mohammed?
It was stated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

“There are four (who will protest) to Allah on the Day of Resurrection: the deaf man who never heard anything, the insane man, the very old man, and the man who died during the fatrah (the interval between the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) and the time of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)). The deaf man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I never heard anything.’ The insane man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but the children ran after me and threw stones at me.’ The very old man will say, ‘O Lord, Islam came but I did not understand anything.’ The man who died during the fatrah will say, ‘O Lord, no Messenger from You came to me.’ He will accept their promises of obedience, then word will be sent to them to enter the Fire. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, if they enter it, it will be cool and safe for them.” [FONT=&quot][Reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan, and deemed sahih by al-Albaani in Sahih al-Jaami – Number 881][/FONT]

Thank you.
You welcome.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
of course it does deal with the physical, it can't prove that let alone to go into spiritual wich i recon you thinking about evolution being spiritual is completely non realistic. evolution does not suppor that kind of stuff, especially spirituality which science is in contradiction with.

Evolution is essentially, fundamentally is JUST CHANGE

thats all it is...

I am saying change occurs not only in the physical, but in the spiritual...

but I'm also saying, I could care less....
to me such truths, are not something one can place into a concept so easily.

Ultimatly I think, we are here because God wanted to BE...rather than Just exist...

but that is a concept, there will always be more to the story than anythign I can conceptualize


In the name of the Great Life!
I worship Life and I praise my lord
Manda-d-Hiia and that great Presence of Glory
Which emanated from Itself.
“All life is just a progression toward, and then a recession from, one phrase
— I love you.”
–F Scott Fitzgerald


Active Member
Muslims didn't exist before Muhammad started preaching Islam, so it's rather like asking who did Christians worship before Jesus. Of course Muslims themselves hold a different view, that all prophets right up to Adam were Muslims in the sense of being submitters to Allah's will.

All right, then I'll rephrase: who did the sons of Ishmael worship before the 6th century a.d.? According to the bible they were pagans who worshiped worldly things, not the living God. In that case, why do they claim that they worship the same God Judeo-Christians worship since they rejected Him for so long or did God abandon them for thousands of years and only turn up in the 6th century a.d.? :confused:


Well-Known Member

time because thats a ridiculous amount of time

The grudge itself as its essentially arrogance and stroking the ego....

however unless I am wrong, you are one of the muslims that actually believes the grudge is a good thing....

fortunatly not all Muslims are that stupid...

Of course many Jews are just as stupid....:sarcastic

I mean good, 5000 frickin years...and you cant say "sorry"


Someone needs their botty spanked and to go to bed without supper
Sorry for what? :sarcastic :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
To say that the Islam directs its followers to automatically hate and hold grudge against the Jews for being Jews is ridiculous, ignorant and dishonest if it came from non Muslims or Muslims. If the Muslim man can marry a Jewish woman, how can they live together if he has to hate her?
Moreover, how come if Muslims had to hate the Jews, such document, the document of Madina existed:
Here the first Islamic political document was written, and most probably dictated, by the order of the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This document was historically known as the Document of Madinah or the Paper of Madinah, although nowadays it is called it the Constitution of Madinah.
The following are some of the articles in this document:

  • This is a document from Muhammad, the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah (governing the relations) between the Muslims of Quraish and Yathrib, and those who joined them and struggled along with them.
  • They are one Ummah to the exclusion of all [other] men [i.e., people].
  • The Jews who follow us deserve aid and equality; they shall not be wronged nor shall their enemy be aided.
  • No polytheist shall protect a property belonging to Quraish nor shall he deter a believer from it.
  • The Jews shall contribute, along with the Muslims, to the cost of war if they are in a state of war.
  • The Jews of the Banu `Awf are one community with the believers; the Jews have their religion and the Muslims have theirs. This applies also to their freed slaves and their persons except those who behave unjustly and sinfully.
The document also mentions nine Jewish tribes and states that they have the same rights as the Banu `Awf. It also states that the Jews and Muslims must advise, cooperate, and help each other against anyone who attacks the signatories of this document. The document concludes by making Allah the witness of what is agreed upon.​
Moreover, Muslims weren't those haters who expelled the Jews from Islamic Andalusia...:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
The threads that discuss certain points about Islam always confuse me, as they always turn into the discussion of every possible topic in the world.


The Lost One
To answer the OP, there were no Muslims before Muhammad...from a general point of view, excluding Muslims, who have different point of view, as to there being "Muslims" like Adam and Abraham, but I don't want to get to that.

The pre-Islamic Arabs, or Ishmaelites, if you like, were pagan worshippers, and there were many gods (hence they weree polytheists). One of the gods they worshippped was Allah, a moon god, as well as a creator god and supreme ruler of Arabic pantheon, apparently. Allah was said to have 3 daughters, who were goddesses.

Isn't one of the Islamic sign is the crescent moon?
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Active Member
Again, no one has yet answered the OP. Who did the sons of Ishmael worship before Mohammed? If no one, then why do they think that God abandoned them for thousands of years? :confused: And also, how can they claim that allah is the same God as the Judeo-Christian God if they think that God's word in the bible contains lies? :confused:


The Lost One
carico said:
Again, no one has yet answered the OP. Who did the sons of Ishmael worship before Mohammed? If no one, then why do they think that God abandoned them for thousands of years? :confused: And also, how can they claim that allah is the same God as the Judeo-Christian God if they think that God's word in the bible contains lies?

There are perhaps hundred or more deities in the pre-Islamic pantheon. I don't of the names of the Arabic deities, because pre-Islamic Arabic mythology is not speciality.

Caladan have already list 3 goddesses they used to worshipped:

caladan said:
Pre Islamic Arabs worshiped a variety of deities, the Allah we know as the Monotheistic Islamic God, was worshiped as a god among other deities, for example, Allah was worshiped along side his daughters: Uzza, Manat, and al Lat.

I knew of Uzza, Manat, and al Lat.

There's Hubal, a god worshipped in Mecca. They are the only native deities that I know of.

And the polytheistic Arabs had adopted and worshipped some Mesopotamian (Babylonian) deities, such as Ishtar (Sumerian Inanna), Nebu and Nergal, and some Canaanite/Syrian deities, such as Astarte, Atargatis, and Bel (or Baal).

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Sorry for what? :sarcastic :areyoucra

in order to resolve conflict, people generally say sorry to each other.

Muslims and Jews haven't said sorry....for THOUSANDS of years...

sorry for what? How about thousands of years of hatred...

let alone the killings...


Of course the idea that the current palestine/Israeli conflict goes back to david and goliath... is of course hardly the full story
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Active Member
There are perhaps hundred or more deities in the pre-Islamic pantheon. I don't of the names of the Arabic deities, because pre-Islamic Arabic mythology is not speciality.

Caladan have already list 3 goddesses they used to worshipped:

I knew of Uzza, Manat, and al Lat.

There's Hubal, a god worshipped in Mecca. They are the only native deities that I know of.

And the polytheistic Arabs had adopted and worshipped some Mesopotamian (Babylonian) deities, such as Ishtar (Sumerian Inanna), Nebu and Nergal, and some Canaanite/Syrian deities, such as Astarte, Atargatis, and Bel (or Baal).

So they worshiped pagan gods and rejected the God of Christians and Jews which they still do today since they claim that the bible contains lies. So it's a lie when they say that they worship the same God as Christians and Jews do.

So Islam is nothing but one lie after another. But that's no surprise since Mohammed's experience with the ("angel of light" which was actually darkness) was shrouded in darkness and anguish to the point that he thought he was going insane and wanted to commit suicide. that describes a Satanic experience perfectly. And since Satan is the father of lies, then it's also no surprise that the Koran is full of lies. Satan was also a murderer from the beginning as Jesus says, so it's also no surprise that the "solution" to conflict that Muslims implement is murder.
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Well-Known Member
[QUOTE Carico]So they worshiped pagan gods and rejected the God of Christians and Jews which they still do today since they claim that the bible contains lies. So it's a lie when they say that they worship the same God as Christians and Jews do.(End Quote)

Response: No muslim ever worshipped a pagan God.

(Quote Carico)
So Islam is nothing but one lie after another. But that's no surprise since Mohammed's experience with the ("angel of light" which was actually darkness) was shrouded in darkness and anguish to the point that he thought he was going insane and wanted to commit suicide. that describes a Satanic experience perfectly. And since Satan is the father of lies, then it's also no surprise that the Koran is full of lies. Satan was also a murderer from the beginning as Jesus says, so it's also no surprise that the "solution" to conflict that Muslims implement is murder.(End Quote)

Response: There's the statement. Where's the proof?


Well-Known Member
To answer the OP, there were no Muslims before Muhammad...from a general point of view, excluding Muslims, who have different point of view, as to there being "Muslims" like Adam and Abraham, but I don't want to get to that.

The pre-Islamic Arabs, or Ishmaelites, if you like, were pagan worshippers, and there were many gods (hence they weree polytheists). One of the gods they worshippped was Allah, a moon god, as well as a creator god and supreme ruler of Arabic pantheon, apparently. Allah was said to have 3 daughters, who were goddesses.

Isn't one of the Islamic sign is the crescent moon?
Allah wasn't a moon God, just correcting your info. He was the supreme God.


Active Member
[QUOTE Carico]So they worshiped pagan gods and rejected the God of Christians and Jews which they still do today since they claim that the bible contains lies. So it's a lie when they say that they worship the same God as Christians and Jews do.(End Quote)

Response: No muslim ever worshipped a pagan God.

(Quote Carico)
So Islam is nothing but one lie after another. But that's no surprise since Mohammed's experience with the ("angel of light" which was actually darkness) was shrouded in darkness and anguish to the point that he thought he was going insane and wanted to commit suicide. that describes a Satanic experience perfectly. And since Satan is the father of lies, then it's also no surprise that the Koran is full of lies. Satan was also a murderer from the beginning as Jesus says, so it's also no surprise that the "solution" to conflict that Muslims implement is murder.(End Quote)

Response: There's the statement. Where's the proof?

In their own contradictions which I just exposed. ;)All you have to do is read the Hadith or any history book to see Mohammed's "conversion." ;)


The Lost One
carico said:
In their own contradictions which I just exposed. ;)All you have to do is read the Hadith or any history book to see Mohammed's "conversion." ;)

No, Carico.

You are contradicting yourself.

You asked what people worship before Muhammad.

Carico said:
Before Mohammed had his vision in the 6th century a.d., who did the Muslims worship? They claim that the bible has lies in it so how did they know where to find the Word of God? :confused: Or do they believe that God abandoned them for thousands of years until Mohammed?

The facts of the matter, there were no Muslims before Muhammad. So it is your dumbass question in the OP that are contradictory.

You speak of reading the history book and the hadith (which were written after Muhammad) in your latest post, but ask illogical questions in the OP of before any Islamic was ever written showed, how stupid this whole topic of yours really is.

Make up your bl@#dy mind, carico. :mad:

  • Do you want to know what people worship before Muhammad?
  • Or what people worship after the Islamic writings were written?


Active Member
No, Carico.

You are contradicting yourself.

You asked what people worship before Muhammad.

The facts of the matter, there were no Muslims before Muhammad. So it is your dumbass question in the OP that are contradictory.

You speak of reading the history book and the hadith (which were written after Muhammad) in your latest post, but ask illogical questions in the OP of before any Islamic was ever written showed, how stupid this whole topic of yours really is.

Make up your bl@#dy mind, carico. :mad:

  • Do you want to know what people worship before Muhammad?
  • Or what people worship after the Islamic writings were written?

Sorry but it's you who is ignorant. Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael and they absolutely existed before Muhammed. So research your history so you can speak from knowledge rather than ignorance for once. :rolleyes:


The Lost One
carico said:
Sorry but it's you who is ignorant. Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael and they absolutely existed before Muhammed. So research your history so you can speak from knowledge rather than ignorance for once. :rolleyes:

I see how little you have done in research department.

Histoically, the word "Muslim" have never exist until Muhammad's time, and denote as being followers of Muhammad, or Islam.

What happens between the time of Ishmael and of Muhammad, historically, is rather debatable, and the only references to them come from the Qur'an and the Hadith, and neither of these, can hardly be called historical or factual. The contents in the Qur'an about events before Muhammad's time seemed to be nothing more than a poor rehash of Judaic and Christian literature.

The Bible mentioned Ishmael and the Ishmaelites, but the bible itself is hardly a history book. If you call it a book of Judaeo-Christian theology, then I would agree with you. If you call the bible as book of morals and laws, myths and parables, and occasionally of wisdom, then I would agree with you.

A history book it is not.

And a book of science, certainly not.

Likewise is the Qur'an in regard to events before and currently in Muhammad's time.

The Ishmaelites and the Muslims are 2 different things, and no Muslims, Christians or Jews, or even historians can prove without doubts that the Muslims were descendants of Ishmael.

What you are doing is no better than what other people in the past have done. They tried to link themselves to ancient and famous people.

  • Alexander the Great made outrageous claim that he was descendant of the Trojan War hero, Achilles (and his son Neoptolemus).
  • Do you know how many people claiming to be descendants of the Trojan hero Aeneas? Romans, Vikings, and even those people who write about the legends of King Arthur.
  • In the legend of the Arthurian Grail, authors claimed that Perceval was descendant of Joseph of Arimathea, while Lancelot and Galahad were descendants of King David.
  • Do you know how many people claimed to be the reincarnations of David, Solomon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Elvis, etc.
It is really not surprising that the gospel authors claimed that Jesus was a descendant of David, and yet the genealogy of Matthew and Luke don't match. Nor is surprising that Muhammad would silly claim to be descendant of Abraham and Ishmael.

They all have delusions that they are somehow linked to people of past greatness.

I can trace my own ancestry to 22-23 generations. None of them were great, and to me greatness matters not. If there was someone of my ancestor was famous, like a king or prince in some distant and forgotten past, I actually couldn't care less, because I am not seeking delusion of greatness.

Do your own research, you're ignorant blind fool. If you wish to believe in psuedo-history, myth, legend or fairytale, then that's your problem, not mine.
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Well yeah, this is why (one reasons) muslims hate Jews....

thanks for the history lesson...

My girl friend is the expert there, being a coptic christian and nearly a carmelite nun....not I

That sentence leads to a BIG lol!

Why do Muslims have to hate Jews? & specially based on the story of Hagar? non-sense.
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New Member
Sorry but it's you who is ignorant. Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael and they absolutely existed before Muhammed. So research your history so you can speak from knowledge rather than ignorance for once. :rolleyes:

Wrong statement: Some Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael.

I suggest you read more about your topic and come back.