Who does not believe in freedom of choice in religion? Confessions? I hear some here don't believe in it.... Come out come out wherever you are. You can also just name one from the last 1000 years and that way safely divert attention from yourself.
Probably nobody here that isn't a religious person trying to impose his beliefs on the unwilling.
As others have noted, there are actually people in the world who are religiously oppressed, but not the ones I hear clamoring about their religious freedoms in America. They have all of the religious freedom they are entitled to and more, so there is no issue there.
Yet these people cry persecution anyway whenever there is any effort to stem their incursion into the lives of the unwilling. Like just about every American going on about their rights, these are mostly selfish, self-indulgent people who don't care about the rights of others, in this case, to be be free from their religion.
I put them in the same basket with the people complaining about their right to go out into public without a mask, also self-indulgent people who don't seem to care about anybody but themselves.
And the gun rights people.
And even the freedom of speech complainers demanding the right to be heard on any platform of their choice unimpeded, like Trump whining about being censored on social media platforms, as if he had the right to express himself however he likes wherever he like, but efforts to contain that are unfair.
So not surprisingly, I don't care about any of these people (all conservatives, you'll note), nor any of what they want, including the religious complaining about religious persecution for not being allowed to do whatever they want without regard for anybody else. And when I hear about rights from these tantrumming infants, I turn a deaf ear.
The real rights issues in America involve the right to vote, the right to affordable health care, the right to be a person of color without punishment for that alone.