My question at the moment is what if what I said you believed was true, how does that change anything?
Not sure if I understand your question, actually...
I can't imagine why any provaxxer at all don't take the government views into consideration-especially in the states. They can make good decisions that out weigh the cons even if some of the conspiracies where true. Devaluing conspiracies' doesn't prove one is right just most likely it was pushed aside because of cognitive dissonance. Especially if you already have the vaccine-anything that makes sense on the other side-even when experts say it, would cause a bit of a pause. Physiological and psychological survival response to what we thought was safe and we were thrown off guard by perceived danger.
For starters, I don't listen to politicians when it comes to
medical information about covid, vaccination, treatment, social measures to stop the spread, etc....
I listen to medical professionals.
Whatever the politicians have to say about it - either they are repeating what the experts told them, or they are only giving their (unprofessional) opinion, or they are trying to win votes.
I don't care what politicians, bakers, butchers, car mechanics, librarians, anonymous posters on the internet, joe from around the corner, pastors, priests, imams, farmers, .... have to say about MEDICAL subjects.
What matters is what medical professionals, who aren't affiliated with the companies that make the vaccines, have to say.
Case in point...
Last year in October / November, "politicians" were letting go of a bunch of social measures. The social bubble was expanded from 2 to 10. Some business could re-open. And some other stuff.
Every single medical professional said it was "too soon" and a "recipy for disaster". Their literal words were "gratz politics - you just blew up christimas by ensuring we'll be in the middle of a third wave then".
Sure enough, within 2 to 3 weeks, cases skyrocketed again.
I didn't take part in the "letting go" of measures. I continued living like I did before, with a small social bubble and I stayed away from the re-opened businesses. Why? Because the professionals said it was a bad idea and too soon. And big surprise (not really): they were right.