I am impressed with all your really smart ideas. I'm surprised that you didn't already think of this one.
What about, when you get to the store -- instead of putting your keys in your purse -- what if you look for a guy hanging around the front of the store, and just ask him to hold the keys for you until you get back. THAT WAY, you won't even have to dig around in your purse for them.
Just something to consider. It works great for me!
Well, just so you know, I DID think of this one! And I was so smart that I didn't even tell him what car the keys went to, because you know, I'm sure he's a really nice guy because I don't judge people by their looks even when they have a swastika tattooed right in the middle of their forehead.
But when I asked that guy to hold my keys he was so weird! He started following me around the mall and I was like, "Dude, quit following me" and he was like, "But you're so Aryan" and I was like, "THAT IS NOT MY NAME, YOU DOOFUS!" and finally I had to get the mall cop to help me and then he took me in that back room at the mall and showed me some more cop secrets (that I can't tell ANYBODY!
) and then I STILL didn't get my keys back!
I swear, these keys are so complicated. But you know what I just realized! I just realized that there is a flagpole in front of the mall! And I could get another fake rock and put my keys in it and drop it all casual like by THAT flagpole, even though the flag doesn't say "car keys" on it. I think I could still remember the rock was there, if there is only one flag (I can't remember now if there's other flags there).
OK, that's a plan. Now I just have to remember to only go to places that have flags in front of them. One flag.
That shouldn't be so hard!