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Well-Known Member
DITTO please see my previous response to you. I do not believe your nonsense. I prefer the scriptures that are in disagreement with you.

Why do you reject the scripture that disagrees with your preferred scripture then claim this is a disagreement with me and call the word of God that I posted "Your Nonsense" ? This is mind bending loopy doopy friend. Why are you blaming your rejection of God's word on me as if I was the author .. contradicting your previous claim that the spirit was the author ?

Why do you reject the word of God in the Bible calling it nonsense and then blame me for this scripture calling it nonsense ? I did not write the Bible friend .. in whole or in part. It is the word of God that disagree's with your preferred scripture .. not me.

Now that we have that sorted out.. Which God do you disagree with in relation to Adultery - Lord Jealousy says to kill the Adulteror - Lord YHWH concurs - Lord Jesus - says not to stone the Adulterous woman to death ..


Well-Known Member
Angel is the other person in this 3 way convo :) Judaism believes portions are inspired.. but books like Chronicals .. Kings .. Proverbs .. Psalms .. are not meant to be inspired .. Psalms for example "Songs" .. were literally songs that were sung in the Temple .. the authors of which are often named .. David being credited with many. . The Wisdom of Solomon .. Chronicals is just listing genealogy for the most part .. Kings Chronicals the History of the Israelites. Now . interspersed in the stories in Kings you will have what Orthodox Jews might consider inspired .. but it is simply not believed that 100% of the Talmud was penned by God .. Judaism does not require this nonsensical belief to be true .. and it would be an insult to Jewish intelligence to make that claim generally .. None but the Fundamentalist Cults in Christianity believe 100% inerrancy .. and if we are talking on the theological/Academic level .. well . NO > no no no .. not in any of the "Serious circles"
Lots of claims that I am not touching
Who said the Bible was Pagan ? -- and that was for Angel in any case.
I quoted you:
Sargonski said:
""not believed by any of the mainstream Christian denominations Orthodox - Catholic - Protestant .. only the fundamentalist cults hold this preposterously false Pagan ideology.""

To believe that a God named Jealousy said Stone the Adultress and the Idolater - kill them and their Children . ("Exodus 34:14" ) that a God named YHWH said .. kill the Idolater but let the Children Live .. and that a God named Jesus said Let ye who is without sin cast the first rock .. is to believe in 3 different Gods.

Just as an aside on Paganism though .. the Israelites were raging Pagans .. so although I did not claim this previously .. we could certainly say that portions of the Bible are Pagan .. the definition of Pagan being the belief in the existence of more than one God.

That 3 guy is kind of funny but all of that baiting has you writing some strange replies.


Well-Known Member
Lots of claims that I am not touching

I quoted you:
Sargonski said:
""not believed by any of the mainstream Christian denominations Orthodox - Catholic - Protestant .. only the fundamentalist cults hold this preposterously false Pagan ideology.""

That 3 guy is kind of funny but all of that baiting has you writing some strange replies.

I don't state the the Bible is Pagan .. I say Angel's ideology is "False Pagan Ideology" - at least according to Christian Doctrine.

what is it you find strange .. .. All the stuff I posted is directly from the Bible which I agree is strange .. but how does that make my reply strange?


Well-Known Member
I don't state the the Bible is Pagan .. I say Angel's ideology is "False Pagan Ideology" - at least according to Christian Doctrine.

what is it you find strange .. .. All the stuff I posted is directly from the Bible which I agree is strange .. but how does that make my reply strange?
OK........ you have enough on your plate with 3.

I will step out and apologize for interrupting.


Well-Known Member
OK........ you have enough on your plate with 3.

I will step out and apologize for interrupting.

Look friend -- was enough with 2 -- it is called Mutual Exclusivity -- when two events can not happen simultaneously. The claim on the table is that the entire Christian Bible is "Inspired" by the same spirit coming from the same (Yet Unnamed God).

In addition we have the claim that one is to follow the word of this Yet Un-named God responsible for the entire Bible.

So .. we have a situation on our hands .. a woman caught in adultery .. and wish to do what is right in the eyes of God. I one place we are told to Stone the Adulterous whore .. in another we are told to tell the lass to go and sin no more.

What is the difficulty in understanding that this is not the same spirit .. not the same God speaking.. unless of course you wish to claim "God changed her mind" which even the adherents don't do because would be completely ridiculous nonsense .. on such a variety of fronts that even fundi's don't go there .. thus if you wanted to to with that argument then errrr ..aaheeeemmmm .. be ashamed :)

now on the topic of 3 .. was just getting started .. we have yet to get to the Most High God of the Bible .. EL Elyon .. The Supreme One "EL Oliun" .. the God of Jesus and High God of the Canaanite Pantheon .. Head of the Divine Council before which YHWH stands in Psalm 82 .. The high God who "For some reason" we hear no Polemics Against .. like the Evil Baal's and the Asherah's that Stood in the Temple of YHWH. Why do you think that is Friend ? EL -- God of Abraham, and Melchi-Zedek High Priest and King of Jerusalem.

EL is God worshiped by the Patriarchs as "Most High" --- Jacob's Dream

3 There above it[c] stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. 1

16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” 17 He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”

18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. 19 He called that place Bethel,[e] though the city used to be called Luz.

Bet-EL "Bethel" literally "House of EL" - the place where God's name and presence resides.

but never mind that .. "Other Gods" -- Define God .. or a being having "God-like Powers" say able to hurl lightningbolts from the sky .. influce humans to do what ever the God wishes .. hangs out in some heavenly abode with other "Sons of God" and converses with the Most High God .. .. who is his father .. who chides his Father .. makes wagers with Daddy.. but also carries out the will of the Father from time to time and has complete power over the whole earth ... The Title that Lord YHWH was fighting for and Lost.

Is our good friend Sataniel not a God ?


Well-Known Member
I posted nothing untruthful
Well that statement has no truth in it. You have indeed been teaching a lot of untruthful things that are unsupported by scripture (e.g. Gods name; new testament is not scripture; Jesus is not the Messiah; Jesus is not God; the new testament scriptures do not come from the old testament scriptures; God kills the children of the fathers who sin against Him; Pseudepigrapha is included in the Hebrew bible (Jewish Virtual Library) etc etc).
Did not say the Jewish Bible is not Sripture
So you believe that the Jewish bible is scriptures? You said (quoting you verbatim) in post # 835; "Judaism believes portions are inspired.. but books like Chronicals .. Kings .. Proverbs .. Psalms .. are not meant to be inspired .. Psalms for example "Songs" .. were literally songs that were sung in the Temple". They are your words not mine.
Did not say the Jews got it wrong. Contratulations on 3 falsehoods .. putting words in the mouth of your debate opponent just like you put words in the mouth of our Lord.
I have seen the phenominon of "lying for Jesus" is common among fundamentalist cult adherents .. What is your excuse for these falsehoods ?
Again it was you that is claiming that Judaism believe that portions of the bible are not inspired right? So no I have not done three falsehoods but quoted you in your own falsehoods.


Well-Known Member
You are welcome to call the word of God in the Bible nonsense if you like
Why would I do that. I do not believe the Word of God is nonsense and I never said it was so why pretend that I have? I believe what you posted was nonsense and stated so. Why pretend I was saying something different. Is that not bearing false witness and is that not sin in Gods eyes?
.. but why are you attributing this nonsense to me instead of the spirit who you claim is responsible for scripture ??.
Because you are posting unbiblical nonsense as already shown to you in earlier posts.
The scripture from Ezekiel you prefer does not disagree with me ?
Sure it does. It disagrees with your claims that God teaches is to kill the children for the sins of the fathers.
The scripture you prefer disagrees with the command of the God in the Bible named Jealousy.
Hmm what?
You also failed to tell us the name of the God who's scripture you prefer in the case the Adulterous woman. Lord Jealousy says to kill the Adulterous woman - Lord YHWH concurs - Do we follow the advise of these Gods .. or would you like to follow another God .. by name Jesus .. and let the Girl live. Islam has made its choice .. Going with God YHWH ..
Nonsense. Again we are in the new covenant now not the old. Are you still sacrificing animal sacrifices for sin offerings, in the earthly Sanctuary in front of a Levite Priest every time you sin in order to seek Gods forgiveness of sin?
Which God do you chose and what is your rational for rejection of the commands of the other God's mentioned in the Bible.
I already told you but you do not believe me. I believe the God of the bible who is the creator of Heaven and earth and I believe and follow His Word and obey His commandments. It seem you do not know this God or His Words.
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Well-Known Member
Why do you reject the scripture that disagrees with your preferred scripture then claim this is a disagreement with me and call the word of God that I posted "Your Nonsense" ?
You did not post scripture but simple posted you. Your words are not scripture. You were posted scripture in disagreement with your words. Again I did not call Gods Words nonsense. So please stop pretending that I did. That is dishonest. I posted your words that are not Gods Word are nonsense and posted scripture in disagreement with you.
This is mind bending loopy doopy friend.
Then do not practice mind bending loopy doopy friend. Its not good for your walk with God and trying to understand His Words.
Why are you blaming your rejection of God's word on me as if I was the author .. contradicting your previous claim that the spirit was the author ?
Again, I do not reject God and His Spirit. I reject your words that are not Gods Word showing why from the scriptures.
Why do you reject the word of God in the Bible calling it nonsense and then blame me for this scripture calling it nonsense ? I did not write the Bible friend .. in whole or in part. It is the word of God that disagree's with your preferred scripture .. not me.
Again, I do not reject the Word of God in the bible and I have never called it nonsense (false witness). I reject your words that are not Gods Word showing why from the scriptures that are in disagreement with you.
Now that we have that sorted out.. Which God do you disagree with in relation to Adultery - Lord Jealousy says to kill the Adulteror - Lord YHWH concurs - Lord Jesus - says not to stone the Adulterous woman to death ..
Again we are in the new covenant now not the old. Are you still sacrificing animal sacrifices for sin offerings, in the earthly Sanctuary in front of a Levite Priest every time you sin in order to seek Gods forgiveness of sin?
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Well-Known Member
I don't state the the Bible is Pagan .. I say Angel's ideology is "False Pagan Ideology" - at least according to Christian Doctrine.
what is it you find strange .. .. All the stuff I posted is directly from the Bible which I agree is strange .. but how does that make my reply strange?
Yet here you still are unable to prove anything you say is true from the bible. Does that not worry you? It should.


Well-Known Member
Look friend -- was enough with 2 -- it is called Mutual Exclusivity -- when two events can not happen simultaneously. The claim on the table is that the entire Christian Bible is "Inspired" by the same spirit coming from the same (Yet Unnamed God).

In addition we have the claim that one is to follow the word of this Yet Un-named God responsible for the entire Bible.

So .. we have a situation on our hands .. a woman caught in adultery .. and wish to do what is right in the eyes of God. I one place we are told to Stone the Adulterous whore .. in another we are told to tell the lass to go and sin no more.

What is the difficulty in understanding that this is not the same spirit .. not the same God speaking.. unless of course you wish to claim "God changed her mind" which even the adherents don't do because would be completely ridiculous nonsense .. on such a variety of fronts that even fundi's don't go there .. thus if you wanted to to with that argument then errrr ..aaheeeemmmm .. be ashamed :)

now on the topic of 3 .. was just getting started .. we have yet to get to the Most High God of the Bible .. EL Elyon .. The Supreme One "EL Oliun" .. the God of Jesus and High God of the Canaanite Pantheon .. Head of the Divine Council before which YHWH stands in Psalm 82 .. The high God who "For some reason" we hear no Polemics Against .. like the Evil Baal's and the Asherah's that Stood in the Temple of YHWH. Why do you think that is Friend ? EL -- God of Abraham, and Melchi-Zedek High Priest and King of Jerusalem.

EL is God worshiped by the Patriarchs as "Most High" --- Jacob's Dream

Bet-EL "Bethel" literally "House of EL" - the place where God's name and presence resides.

but never mind that .. "Other Gods" -- Define God .. or a being having "God-like Powers" say able to hurl lightningbolts from the sky .. influce humans to do what ever the God wishes .. hangs out in some heavenly abode with other "Sons of God" and converses with the Most High God .. .. who is his father .. who chides his Father .. makes wagers with Daddy.. but also carries out the will of the Father from time to time and has complete power over the whole earth ... The Title that Lord YHWH was fighting for and Lost.

Is our good friend Sataniel not a God ?
Well you are a funny one getting caught up on one of the many names of God in the bible without knowing His Word. I wonder what is more important?
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Well-Known Member
Well that statement has no truth in it. You have indeed been teaching a lot of untruthful things that are unsupported by scripture (e.g. Gods name; new testament is not scripture; Jesus is not the Messiah; Jesus is not God; the new testament scriptures do not come from the old testament scriptures; God kills the children of the fathers who sin against Him; Pseudepigrapha is included in the Hebrew bible (Jewish Virtual Library) etc etc).
Funny stuff. The name is the holy of holies, jesus required to return proves he was not messiah nor a god, NT was wriiten well after OT and jesus exposed the time was not right. The fathers do live within us but few comprehend the spirit, the light.
So you believe that the Jewish bible is scriptures?
So do most abrahamic believers.
You said (quoting you verbatim) in post # 835; "Judaism believes portions are inspired.. but books like Chronicals .. Kings .. Proverbs .. Psalms .. are not meant to be inspired .. Psalms for example "Songs" .. were literally songs that were sung in the Temple". They are your words not mine.
the songs are not by god. simple.
Again it was you that is claiming that Judaism believe that portions of the bible are not inspired right?
judaism are not people, it's a religion.



Well-Known Member
Funny stuff.
Yep your posts are indeed funny but to the point of being a little sad because according to the scriptures unbelief leads us away from God not to God.
The name is the holy of holies, jesus required to return proves he was not messiah nor a god, NT was wriiten well after OT and jesus exposed the time was not right. The fathers do live within us but few comprehend the spirit, the light.
More funny stuff. Please forgive me but I do not believe you. Fear not though, there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgment day.
So do most abrahamic believers.
Yep me too.
the songs are not by god. simple.
Who says? You. Sorry I do not believe you. Songs can be truthful too.
judaism are not people, it's a religion.
Exactly I was quoting the other poster.
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Well-Known Member
More funny stuff. Please forgive me but I do not believe you.
OK, because you have no idea what is coming for the unveiling.
Fear not though, there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgment day.

My point exactly. The unveiling fulfills, not the religious wingnuts that have no idea what to look for.
Yep me too.
The you would know that 'the name' is the key.
Who says? You. Sorry I do not believe you. Songs can be truthful too.
Pslams are not by god but by people.
Exactly I was quoting the other poster.

Then it should be easy to understand that the dialogue is man made.
Then why argue about what IS REAL or 'the name' of god.


Well-Known Member
OK, because you have no idea what is coming for the unveiling.
No because I do.
My point exactly. The unveiling fulfills, not the religious wingnuts that have no idea what to look for.
You did not make any points did you? I agree with the second part of your statement though as applied to those who reject Gods promised Messiah in Jesus and do not believe and obey Gods Word where you say "The unveiling fulfills, not the religious wingnuts that have no idea what to look for."
The you would know that 'the name' is the key.
If you knew the scriptures you would know that God has many names.
Pslams are not by god but by people.
Yes indeed to an unbeliever. But to those of us who believe they are still Gods inspired words (2 Timothy 3:16).
Then it should be easy to understand that the dialogue is man made.
Not really. You cannot understand this though because it is written in the scriptures "the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14.
Then why argue about what IS REAL or 'the name' of god.
I am not arguing about the name of God. Your friend was. I am discussing what is true and what is not true though from a biblical and scriptural perspective because this is s scripture forum and the only standard here of what is true and what is not true are the scriptures.


Well-Known Member
No because I do.
Then you know the holy of holies? The name?

In which language?

You did not make any points did you? I agree with the second part of your statement though as applied to those who reject Gods promised Messiah in Jesus and do not believe and obey Gods Word where you say "The unveiling fulfills, not the religious wingnuts that have no idea what to look for."
Jesus did not fulfill and why a return is required (claimed)

Did you forget that part?
If you knew the scriptures you would know that God has many names.
Sure, many claim to know 'the name' but have any been able to show how 'the name' fulfills?
Yes indeed to an unbeliever. But to those of us who believe they are still Gods inspired words (2 Timothy 3:16).
Lots of inspired words. Songs, psalms do not fulfill. Otherwise even jesus would have completed revelation.
Not really. You cannot understand this though because it is written in the scriptures "the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14.

Agreed, the finality was and still is incomplete. You are having a hard time with accepting that.
I am not arguing about the name of God.
Sure you are. As you still have no idea the importance, let alone the language.
Your friend was. I am discussing what is true and what is not true though from a biblical and scriptural perspective because this is s scripture forum and the only standard here of what is true and what is not true are the scriptures.

If that was the case, you would not be allowed to post!


Well-Known Member
Then you know the holy of holies? The name? In which language?
קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים‎ Qōḏeš haqQŏḏāšīm or Kodesh HaKodashim in Hebrew
Jesus did not fulfill and why a return is required (claimed)
Only to unbelievers. Not to those who believe and follow what Gods Word says.
Did you forget that part?
Nope. I know you make false statements and do not believe.
Sure, many claim to know 'the name' but have any been able to show how 'the name' fulfills?
Fulfills what? You might need to be more specific.
Lots of inspired words. Songs, psalms do not fulfill. Otherwise even jesus would have completed revelation.
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures you do not believe.
Agreed, the finality was and still is incomplete. You are having a hard time with accepting that.
Nope I am not having a hard time accepting anything. You are the one having a hard time accepting scripture is the inspired words of God not me.
Sure you are. As you still have no idea the importance, let alone the language.
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures that you do not believe are Gods inspired Word. I think it is you that is having a hard time coming to terms with you do not understand the scriptures because it is written in them ""the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14. Which is why I posted this earlier as a help to you.
If that was the case, you would not be allowed to post!
Quite the opposite. Sorry I do not believe you.


Well-Known Member
קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים‎ Qōḏeš haqQŏḏāšīm or Kodesh HaKodashim in Hebrew
Hebrew is not the universal language, nor the last word.
Only to unbelievers. Not to those who believe and follow what Gods Word says.
Keep the commandments, not the religion.
Nope. I know you make false statements and do not believe.
But you cannot identify even one false.
Fulfills what? You might need to be more specific.
See revelations if you need help.
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures you do not believe.
But yet, you do not know them.
Nope I am not having a hard time accepting anything. You are the one having a hard time accepting scripture is the inspired words of God not me.
I accept that the fulfillment is incomplete.

Have you not read the bible yet?
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures that you do not believe are Gods inspired Word.
Sure, you make that claim and yet do not know what revelation is about.
I think it is you that is having a hard time coming to terms with you do not understand the scriptures because it is written in them ""the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14. Which is why I posted this earlier as a help to you.

In other words, ""But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.""

You have no idea about revelation and prefer trying to condemn people from the kingdom, if they do not accept your opinion.
Quite the opposite. Sorry I do not believe you.
you do not believe any but your own opinion.

it's clear that you do not accept OT or NT.


Well-Known Member
Hebrew is not the universal language, nor the last word.
Ok.. soo your point here is? You asked what was the name of the holy of holies and what language was it in. I answered you and said קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים‎ Qōḏeš haqQŏḏāšīm or Kodesh HaKodashim in Hebrew. Your response here does not really make much sense and only shows you are posting random stuff with no points attached.
Keep the commandments, not the religion.
No one keeps the commandments if they do not believe and obey what Gods Word says. They are still in their sins and unbelief standing guilty before God of sin and death according to the scriptures in Romans 3:9; Romans 3:19 and Romans 3:23 because we have all already sinned against God so keeping Gods commandments cannot atone for your past sins when you have already broken Gods commandments standing guilty before God of sin and death. (Romans 3:19-20).
But you cannot identify even one false.
Well that is not true.. lets go through a few of your false statements (Jesus is not the promised Messiah; Jesus is not God; scripture is not Gods Word; etc etc etc)
See revelations if you need help.
Thanks but I do not need help from you as you do not know God or His Word
But yet, you do not know them.
Nope it is you who do not know them because you do not believe them. You are confused.
I accept that the fulfillment is incomplete. Have you not read the bible yet?
Yes I have read the bible. This is why I have been correcting you and trying to help you.
Sure, you make that claim and yet do not know what revelation is about.
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures that you do not believe are Gods inspired Word.
In other words, ""But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.""
I think you that is having a hard time coming to terms that you do not understand the scriptures because it is written in them ""the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14. Which is why I posted this earlier as a help to you.
You have no idea about revelation and prefer trying to condemn people from the kingdom, if they do not accept your opinion.
See the previous section. If you feel condemned by the scriptures that were shared with you that is Gods Words not mine. Why not accept them and be blessed. Ignoring Gods Word does not make them disappear. The words of God we accept or reject become our judge come judgement day according to Jesus in Matthew 12:47-48.
you do not believe any but your own opinion.
Not at all. I believe the scriptures that have been shared with you that are in disagreement with you.
it's clear that you do not accept OT or NT.
Be truthful. I accept both the OT and the NT scriptures that come from it. Be honest. It is you who does not believe either and have stated so. Therefore please forgive me again but I do not believe you.
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Well-Known Member
Ok.. soo your point here is?
Lots of names, but the yhwh jehovah etc labels are not 'the name' of god.
You asked what was the name of the holy of holies and what language was it in.
I answered you and said קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים‎ Qōḏeš haqQŏḏāšīm or Kodesh HaKodashim in Hebrew. Your response here does not really make much sense and only shows you are posting random stuff with no points attached.
No, i was succinct. Your and the accepted label is (are) incorrect.
No one keeps the commandments if they do not believe and obey what Gods Word says.
You keep using that but there is no 11th commandment, 'thou shalt accept the bible as the last word'. Apparently you have never read the bible to comprehend that the unveiling has yet to come.
They are still in their sins and unbelief standing guilty before God of sin and death according to the scriptures in Romans 3:9; Romans 3:19 and Romans 3:23.

Again you use letters between church as absolute.
because we have all already sinned against God so keeping Gods commandments cannot atone for your past sins when you have already broken Gods commandments standing guilty before God of sin and death. (Romans 3:19-20).

There is no commandment to follow the letters between church as law.
Well that is not true.. lets go through a few of your false statements (Jesus is not the promised Messiah; Jesus is not God; scripture is not Gods Word; etc etc etc)
And still not one commandment broken. But when you falsely accuse, that is breaking the commandments directly.
Thanks but I do not need help from you as you do not know God or His Word
There it is again, false witness of truth, you falsely accused me, directly. I asked you to read the book of revelation, so that you can understand what is expected even by bible. Torah and tanakh are perhaps too much reading for you, so I stuck with a simple book for you to refresh the comprehension that the bible, religious prophecy are incomplete.
Nope it is you who do not know them because you do not believe them. You are confused.

Yes I have read the bible. This is why I have been correcting you and trying to help you.
You are not correcting anyone. Just falsely accusing. Eventually you will learn the commandment, 'thou shalt not falsely accuse.'
Sorry I do not believe you. I prefer the scriptures that you do not believe are Gods inspired Word.
Again, there is no commandment, 'thou must accept the bible as the 'word of god'
I think you that is having a hard time coming to terms that you do not understand the scriptures because it is written in them ""the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - 1 Corinthians 2:14. Which is why I posted this earlier as a help to you.

The spirit of the word, is to keep the rules by choice.
See the previous section. If you feel condemned by the scriptures that were shared with you that is Gods Words not mine. Why not accept them and be blessed. Ignoring Gods Word does not make them disappear. The words of God we accept or reject become our judge come judgement day according to Jesus in Matthew 12:47-48.
I have zero guilt about what bible is about and keeping the commandments are knowing the spirit of truth.

But you enjoy trying to accuse a person (throw the first stone)
Not at all. I believe the scriptures that have been shared with you that are in disagreement with you.
OK....... but until a god conveys a commandment that all must keep the bible as absolute, then I will retain the spirit, that keeping the commandments is the wisdom to retain.
Be truthful. I accept both the OT and the NT scriptures that come from it. Be honest. It is you who does not believe either and have stated so. Therefore please forgive me again but I do not believe you.

That's OK....... The most truthful part is to maintain personal responsibility. Having the spirit of god, is to keep the rules by choice.

The letters between church are not gospels.


Well-Known Member
Lots of names, but the yhwh jehovah etc labels are not 'the name' of god.
Who says YHWH or Jehovah are not some of the many names of God? Perhaps you should consider its time you start reading the bible. Your statement here only proves you do not read the bible.
and? No, i was succinct. Your and the accepted label is (are) incorrect.
You might need to get your facts right before posting. The name holy of holies is קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים‎ Qōḏeš haqQŏḏāšīm or Kodesh HaKodashim in Hebrew. Your response here does not really make much sense and only shows you are posting random stuff with no points attached again.
You keep using that but there is no 11th commandment, 'thou shalt accept the bible as the last word'. Apparently you have never read the bible to comprehend that the unveiling has yet to come.
As posted earlier, no one keeps the commandments if they do not believe and obey what Gods Word says and have already broken them. (see Romans 3:9; 19-20; 23; John 3:36). No one said there is an 11th commandments so why make claims like this that no one has said? Lets be honest now. It is you that have not read the bible and do not believe and obey Gods Word. Your deflecting again.
Again you use letters between church as absolute. There is no commandment to follow the letters between church as law. And still not one commandment broken. But when you falsely accuse, that is breaking the commandments directly.
Again no I just believe the scriptures. Your not paying attention again. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for correction and instruction in righteousness." - 2 Timothy 3:16. Not believing and obeying Gods Word is the very definition of what sin is according to the scriptures. Does that not worry you? It should. The wages of sin and unbelief according to the scriptures is eternal death and separation from God (see John 3:36; Romans 14:23; Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 18:4 and Isaiah 59:2)
There it is again, false witness of truth, you falsely accused me, directly.
I did not falsely accuse you. I told you the truth by sharing scriptures with you that is the very definition of truth (John 17:17) but you choose not to believe the scriptures that have been shared with you. Again no one can claim to know God if they do not believe and obey what Gods word says according to the scriptures (see John 3:36 and 1 John 2:3-4).
I asked you to read the book of revelation, so that you can understand what is expected even by bible. Torah and tanakh are perhaps too much reading for you, so I stuck with a simple book for you to refresh the comprehension that the bible, religious prophecy are incomplete.
Well aren't you the funny one trying to give advice about the bible when you do not even believe and follow it and are still in your sins and unbelief not knowing God or His Word. Please forgive me but I do not believe you.
You are not correcting anyone. Just falsely accusing. Eventually you will learn the commandment, 'thou shalt not falsely accuse.'Again, there is no commandment, 'thou must accept the bible as the 'word of god' The spirit of the word, is to keep the rules by choice.
It is not falsely accusing you by correcting you with scripture that is not in agreement with you. If you feel guilty from the scriptures that are shared with you that may be in disagreement with you that is between you and God. Jesus says in John 3:19-21 19, And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20, For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21, But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are worked in God.
I have zero guilt about what bible is about and keeping the commandments are knowing the spirit of truth. But you enjoy trying to accuse a person (throw the first stone)
Please forgive me but I do not believe you. If that was true you would not be here anymore and would not be saying you feel condemned by the scriptures that I have been sharing with you. Again it is not throwing stones at you by sharing the scriptures with you. For someone saying you have zero guilt you do not seem to be acting that way. Then again these are Gods Words not mine. You are free to believe as you wish as we all stand before God for the words of God we accept or reject according to Jesus in John 12:47-48.