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Who is the true church?


Ammon is awesome
Well, I just joined and havn't read all of your guys' posts, so I'm just going to answer the promopt and go from there. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(Mormons) is the only true religion on the Earth. I know this is true. I have read and studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, then I prayed about what I read. The feeling that I received when I prayed about it was one of the most amazing events of my life. I felt a burning that I just know that what I read was true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I challenge all of the nonmembers on this forum to read the Book of Mormon just once and most importantly pray to ask if it's true. I know that not one of you will be able to tell me truthfully that the things which you read are not true


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
mormonman said:
Well, I just joined and havn't read all of your guys' posts, so I'm just going to answer the promopt and go from there. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(Mormons) is the only true religion on the Earth. I know this is true. I have read and studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, then I prayed about what I read. The feeling that I received when I prayed about it was one of the most amazing events of my life. I felt a burning that I just know that what I read was true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I challenge all of the nonmembers on this forum to read the Book of Mormon just once and most importantly pray to ask if it's true. I know that not one of you will be able to tell me truthfully that the things which you read are not true
Hello, Mormonman.

Welcome to the forum! There are a number of us here who share your testimony of the restored Gospel. In order by number of posts, they are:

Myself -- Katzpur (Kathryn)

Plus a few others who post only on rare occasions.

This is a great forum. You will find most people here open-minded and respectful of your beliefs. It is also a forum where people with a wide-variety of beliefs are as commited to their religions as you and I are to ours. While you share what you believe to be true, you will also have the opportunity to learn about the beliefs of others. It's a great bunch of people. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here.



White Crow
gnosis_777 said:
Does there have to be a true church at all?
Interesting question...but if we were to decide that there there doesn't have to be a true church, that doesn't mean there isn't one.


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
Welcome to the forum! There are a number of us here who share your testimony of the restored Gospel. In order by number of posts, they are:
You forgot AngelMoroni, my personal favorite. ;)


Well-Known Member
Something that has always amused me is the word 'Catholic' and its lingusitic root. As the Oxford English Dictionary has it...

catholic, a. and n. 1. gen. Universal. 1551 T. WILSON Logike 1b, Catholike being a greeke word signifieth nothing in English but universall or common. 1613R. C. Table Alph. (ed. 3) Catholicke, vniuersall or generall. 1660N. INGELO Bentiv. & Ur. (1682) 11, The Indisputable Commands of a Catholick Dictator in knowledge. 1885 Times (weekly ed.) 11 Sept. 7/1 Science is truly catholic, and is bounded only by the universe.

With this in mind I like to look up at the night sky, illuminated by stars, beyond the deceptive light of the day's sun, and consider the created universe the church. It makes me smile when I think 'Churches with closed roof are for closed minds.' When one considers this the pontifications of the Bishop of Rome fall tidily into some kind of perspective. It's unlikely that should extra terrestial life exist they will 'phone home' to inform their bretheren when the pontiff speaks ex cathedra.

On the subject of religious edifices, be they temporal or spiritual, I can't help thinking that Jeheshuah was not that fond of the temporal type. There is the famous tradition of the annointed telling the priesthood 'Knock down this temple and I shall rebuild another in three days'. Without going into the supposed allusion to the resurrection, it is of course interesting that most 'Christians' (tho' not all followers of Jeheshuah) speak of the Church over a Temple. There is of course the prophecy concerning Zion, the tried and tested cornerstone of the temple, which of course has been taken to mean Jehehsuah. Maybe then the temple which would be rebuilt in three days that the Messiach alluded to is one made of living stones, each stone as the cornerstone.

Once again to consider the concept from an Islamic perspective there is a stark warning to man concerning stones...

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem​

'O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness; Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth). And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith. '​

Sura 2: 21-24, Al-Baqara (The Cow)​


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi mormonman,

Welcome to the forum!

As I notice this is your first post here, I thought you might like to introduce yourself to the other members by posting on Are you new to ReligiousForums.com?

You might like to check out our article with links for our newer members,

I look forward to reading your posts.;)

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
mormonman said:
Well, I just joined and havn't read all of your guys' posts, so I'm just going to answer the promopt and go from there. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(Mormons) is the only true religion on the Earth. I know this is true. I have read and studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, then I prayed about what I read. The feeling that I received when I prayed about it was one of the most amazing events of my life. I felt a burning that I just know that what I read was true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I challenge all of the nonmembers on this forum to read the Book of Mormon just once and most importantly pray to ask if it's true. I know that not one of you will be able to tell me truthfully that the things which you read are not true
Read it long ago. The fact that my conversion to Orthodoxy took place after my investigation of the LDS should tell you that I emphatically do not believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and nor do I believe that the Book of Mormon is true. It seems that what you 'know' not one of us will be able to truthfully tell you, I can in fact do. I see neither validity nor value in the Book of Mormon. As far as I am concerned, the One True Church never became apostate, therefore is in no need of a restoration and exists up to this day. That is, after all, why I converted to the Orthodox Church.

gnosis_777 said:
Does there have to be a true church at all?

no actually there doesn't have to
but as an idolized place of beliefs yes it is needed
and by using binary latter day saints=666
any further questions?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
blood-lord14 said:
no actually there doesn't have to
but as an idolized place of beliefs yes it is needed
and by using binary latter day saints=666
any further questions?
Yeah. What are you talking about?


Veteran Member
The true church of Jesus Christ would include all of Jesus Christ's teachings (principles and ordinances), not just some of them.

The true church on the face of the earth would claim to have all of the necessary ordinances and priniciples of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has all of the PRINCIPLES and ORDINANCES necessary for the salvation of man.


New Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:
The true church of Jesus Christ would include all of Jesus Christ's teachings (principles and ordinances), not just some of them.

The true church on the face of the earth would claim to have all of the necessary ordinances and priniciples of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has all of the PRINCIPLES and ORDINANCES necessary for the salvation of man.
What "PRINCIPLES and ORDINANCES necessary for the salvation of man" is the Catholic church missing? I'm not necessarily defending the Catholic church, I'm just curious as to what you think.


Well-Known Member
EnhancedSpirit said:
I know that Horton heard a 'who', but I didn't know a church could be a who, I thought it was a 'what'.
I smile every time I see this thread for that very reason.


Veteran Member
LikeMothsToFlame said:
What "PRINCIPLES and ORDINANCES necessary for the salvation of man" is the Catholic church missing? I'm not necessarily defending the Catholic church, I'm just curious as to what you think.

Baptism by Emersion
The Gift of the Holy Ghost by the "Laying on of Hands"

There are many other PRINCIPLES in the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints scriptures) and there are many other ORDINANCES that are performed in LDS Temples.

If you want to know more go to www.lds.org or contact an LDS missionary or email me at [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Faith_is_an_assurance said:

Baptism by Emersion
The Gift of the Holy Ghost by the "Laying on of Hands"
As far as I know, the Catholic church has those principles and ordinances also. It's more of a question of authority and you're not going to convince anyone of that on these boards. Believe me, I've tried. :p


Well-Known Member
mormonman said:
Well, I just joined and havn't read all of your guys' posts, so I'm just going to answer the promopt and go from there. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(Mormons) is the only true religion on the Earth. I know this is true. I have read and studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, then I prayed about what I read. The feeling that I received when I prayed about it was one of the most amazing events of my life. I felt a burning that I just know that what I read was true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I challenge all of the nonmembers on this forum to read the Book of Mormon just once and most importantly pray to ask if it's true. I know that not one of you will be able to tell me truthfully that the things which you read are not true
hmm, I had a book of mormon some years ago, and have met people on their missions from different continents and on different continents. When I pray its about worship, the angels don't interrupt prayer only devils, so any voice I hear anywhere near prayer isn't an angel. As regard to guidance, that usually comes when I ponder, read, or try and dialectically argue out the word. But I guess you probably think its God talking to you, go figure. The voices I hear are probably Angels or Devils, but let me tell Devils are very good at disguises. They're quite happy to tell you truth for years and years, just to get you to buy a


Veteran Member
jonny said:
As far as I know, the Catholic church has those principles and ordinances also. It's more of a question of authority and you're not going to convince anyone of that on these boards. Believe me, I've tried. :p
I wouldn't try to. it's not appropriate to discuss in detail church principles and ordinances, even as a missionary. I am only taking basics.

I can't convince or convert anyone, this is the job of the Holy Ghost. I am only trying to educate in simple terms. Our role is to educate in simple terms then it is up to the Holy Ghost to tell a person to study it further for themselves.


New Member
Jesus didnt use scare tactics. He was a leader of peace and love. The churches today scare their congregations into believing certain things and create layers of superiority over other denominations. All a denomination is is a club where chosen (self-appointed) leaders pick and choose parts of the Bible that fit with their fear-mongering message of the day. They also look too closely to Armageddon. God created this world for us to serve him and make the world a better place, not look forward to everyone else's damnation and the destruction of the world. People gather around a piece of toast and worship it likes it's the best thing since...buttered toast. All these "phenomena" amount to are a bunch of free association and groupthink mentalities. Churches and denominations are frauds. Constantine the "great" leader was one of the originators of this fear-mongering, whose religious followers though stout in heart were blinded by fear and caved to his narrow interpretation of Jesus's teachings. Jesus didn't yell and scream, he didn't tell people they were going to Hell. He calmly laid down his ideas and let the people decide for themselves what to believe based on the feelings in their hearts. It's time the fractured soul of Christian churches united again under His love.