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Who Or What Is Christian?


Well-Known Member
I tend to be sympathetic to this. It is an idea very entrenched in Jewish culture.

However, my studies in Psychology have led me to a very different conclusion. It is actually quite common for people to have beliefs that are at odds with their behavior. This is a form of cognitive dissonance. For example, a person who truly values health and fitness might go out for a big mac.

Usually a person will manage this one of two ways.The first is to provide a rationalization. "I really do care about the environment, but my family really needs this larger car." The second is to compartmentalize, meaning they simply don't allow the thoughts from the two sides to ever interact. That's a little harder to understand, but trust me, people do this all the time.
Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Real Christians do Not Suffer from the Gentile Sickness of Cognitive Dissonance. Real Christians practice what they Believe because Elohim/God is Primary Above All Other Things. For example, Elohim/God has told me to be Celibate and because Elohim/God is Primary it is not possible for me to engage in the Unbelief of Sexual Activity.

Earlier this week I watched a 48 hours episode about a serial killer. He was devoutly Christian, not just attending his church regularly, but taking an active role. He was well known for his generosity both of his money and his time, like spending hundreds of hours helping a friend remodel his basement for free. He was a mentor to the kids in his church, and all the kids just loved him. Then he would go out at night, cruising the streets, hunting a child to rape, torture, and kill. It was like he was two different people. That's compartmentalization.

Bizarre? Yes, absolutely. But this sort of thing DOES happen
Also you have to consider that Psychopaths present a Mask of Normality and Charity to Conceal their Great Evil Practices. On the other hand, if the Christian Believes Jesus to be a Child Rapist Torturing Killer than that person is a Real Devout Christian from their perspective.

Have you seen the movie The Clovehitch Killer? From my perspective the Serial Killer is a Psychopath Wearing a Mask of Respectability. The work that the Serial Killer does in the Community is Not Genuine. What do you think?

The Clovehitch Killer - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight


N. Germanic Descent
I believe what is said in the Bible.

In Bible Christian is defined as a disciple of Jesus, a person who remains in word of Jesus. Getting plastered doesn't necessary mean one is not a Christian. But, I think Christian should not get plastered.

I don't think I am right person to say. But, if they don't remain in word of Jesus, they are not.

I get drunk very rarely. When I'm drunk, I'm drunk, not a drunkard. Ecclesiastes suggests there's a time for all things under the sun. I won't deny them the title. The title involves some consequence due to expectations from people who have preconceived notions of what a Christian ought to be, as opposed to what a Christian might be as an individual who happens to be a Christian. Some would prefer me to be as they think I ought to be. I prefer to live my true and be who I am, learning as I go.



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Isaiah 44:6

6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

Real Christians do Not Suffer from the Gentile Sickness of Cognitive Dissonance. Real Christians practice what they Believe because Elohim/God is Primary Above All Other Things.
Unless "real" Christians aren't human beings, they absolutely do experience cognitive dissonance.

For example, Elohim/God has told me to be Celibate and because Elohim/God is Primary it is not possible for me to engage in the Unbelief of Sexual Activity.
I don't know what to tell you. I don't believe for one second that God has told you a single thing.
Also you have to consider that Psychopaths present a Mask of Normality and Charity to Conceal their Great Evil Practices.
What you are calling a mask of normality, I'm explaining to you happens due to compartmentalization.
On the other hand, if the Christian Believes Jesus to be a Child Rapist Torturing Killer than that person is a Real Devout Christian from their perspective.
Okay, this I find very odd. Who exactly is it that is saying Jesus was a child rapist? Perhaps this was a brain burp, a mistype.
Have you seen the movie The Clovehitch Killer? From my perspective the Serial Killer is a Psychopath Wearing a Mask of Respectability. The work that the Serial Killer does in the Community is Not Genuine. What do you think?

The Clovehitch Killer - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight
I watched this long ago, but maybe I'll rewatch it. :)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Your Pope Condemns Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests as Satanists. Your Pope Francis Condemns Pedophile Priests as "Tools of Satan". Do you agree with your Pope that Roman Pedophile Priests are "Tools of Satan"? Can you be a Christian and a Satanist at the same time?

Pope Francis: Abusive clergy 'tools of Satan'

Saying that someone is a tool of Satan is a figurative remark that indicates how evil you think they are. It does NOT mean the Pope thinks they are Satanists, which is something quite different. In fact, it does not even mean the Pope thinks they weren't Christian or Catholic. Same thing for his remark comparing the sexual abuse to a Satanic Mass. It is a remark designed to indicate the depravity of the act. It is NOT saying that they were Satanists.


Well-Known Member
Unless "real" Christians aren't human beings, they absolutely do experience cognitive dissonance.
Truly Devoted Followers of Elohim/God does what Elohim/God tells them to do. It is called Obedience. When you are Obedient to Elohim/God your Belief is Evidenced by what you practice. It's impossible for Humans Beings to do this. It's only through the Power of Elohim/God this is Attained.

I don't know what to tell you. I don't believe for one second that God has told you a single thing.
You don't believe that Elohim/God told me to be Celibate, yet you believe that a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest is a Christian because they a part of the Roman Catholic Church. Do you believe that anybody that Claims to be a Christian regardless of what they practice is Christian because they said so?

What you are calling a mask of normality, I'm explaining to you happens due to compartmentalization.
Not everybody that Claims to be something is actually the thing they claim to be. Every adult should know that lots of people pretend to be what they are Not to conceal their True Identity. A Psychopath Serial Killer is like a Heroin Addict doing anything to get their next Fix. A Psychopath Serial Killer is a Possessive Obsessive where their entire life revolves around getting their Next Kill including pretending to be a Normal person in the Community doing Charitable deeds. In the same way Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests puts themselves in positions of Power and Trust to get access to Children to Abuse.

Okay, this I find very odd. Who exactly is it that is saying Jesus was a child rapist? Perhaps this was a brain burp, a mistype.
I'm saying that if Elohim/God showed to a person that Jesus is a Child Rapist Torturing Killer than that person is a Christian from their perspective. They are practising what they believe Jesus to Be. People have different understanding about Who Yeshua/Jesus Is. Are all the different understandings Equally Valid?

I watched this long ago, but maybe I'll rewatch it. :)
I found The Clovehitch Killer movie to be Educational.
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Well-Known Member
Saying that someone is a tool of Satan is a figurative remark that indicates how evil you think they are. It does NOT mean the Pope thinks they are Satanists, which is something quite different. In fact, it does not even mean the Pope thinks they weren't Christian or Catholic. Same thing for his remark comparing the sexual abuse to a Satanic Mass. It is a remark designed to indicate the depravity of the act. It is NOT saying that they were Satanists.
Satan/Devil is the Arch Adversary of Elohim/God. Devil/Satan Practices Sin in Total Rebellion Against Elohim/God. Pedophilia is one of the Greatest Sins a person can practice. Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Great Sinners Worshipping and Glorifying Devil/Satan. Most of the 8 Billion people on the Planet are Little Satans while Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests, for example, are Big Satans because of the Greater Devotion.
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Jesus in me
Jude 3

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Is Being a Christian about going to the Pub, having Wine and drinking Beer?

Is Being Christian about Getting Plastered every weekend?

Does Being born in England and you are White British make you a Christian?

Is Being Christian about Genetics in the same way Jews are Jewish by Inheritance?

LIVE: Church Of England FINALLY Start Fighting Islamism

WILD City MOCKED the Street Preachers HARD BUT the UNEXPECTED Happened!
I believe it varies, depending on context:

ornChristian Michael Leonard Slater
August 18, 1969 (age 55)
New York City, U.S.
  • Actor
  • producer - Wikipedia


Jesus in me
Jude 3

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Is Being a Christian about going to the Pub, having Wine and drinking Beer?

Is Being Christian about Getting Plastered every weekend?

Does Being born in England and you are White British make you a Christian?

Is Being Christian about Genetics in the same way Jews are Jewish by Inheritance?

LIVE: Church Of England FINALLY Start Fighting Islamism

WILD City MOCKED the Street Preachers HARD BUT the UNEXPECTED Happened!
Evidnetly you are automatically a Christian if you are king of England even though you have mistresses and have your wives killed like Henry VIII.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Satan/Devil is the Arch Adversary of Elohim/God.
In your religion, but not in mine.
Devil/Satan Practices Sin in Total Rebellion Against Elohim/God.
In your religion. Not in mine.
Pedophilia is one of the Greatest Sins a person can practice.
I agree.
Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Great Sinners
I agree.
Worshipping and Glorifying Devil/Satan.
Nope. This is a totally different thing.
Most of the 8 Billion people on the Planet are Little Satans
This is total nonsense. But at least everyone can see how much you hate humanity. It's always good to know who you are talking to.


Well-Known Member
Evidnetly you are automatically a Christian if you are king of England even though you have mistresses and have your wives killed like Henry VIII.
Isaiah 5:20

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Matthew 12:33

33 `Either make the tree good, and its fruit good, or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad, for from the fruit is the tree known.

Therefore, there Must be a Good and and Evil Anointing/Christian. That's why you get Anabaptist and Quakers on the one hand and Nazis and KKK on the other. From the perspective of the Anabaptists and Quakers the Nazis and KKK is the Evil Anointing and from the Perspective of the Nazis and KKK the Anabaptists and Quakers is the Evil Anointing. Inverted Cross Practitioners from the Contrary Perspectives.


Fury Ending Credits
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Well-Known Member
In your religion, but not in mine.
1 Chronicles 21:1

21 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Satan is a Sinner that provokes Israel to Sin. How you do you understand 1 Chronicles 21:1? Don't you believe that the Foreign Nations are Sinners that are provoking Israel to Sin? Satan has been trying to get me to Sin 24/7 for many years in London England.

In your religion. Not in mine.
Given that in your Religions Satan/Devil does not practice Sin in Total Rebellion Against Elohim/God, Who or What is Devil/Satan in your Religion? Do you have any Holy Hebrew Scriptures to support your beliefs? The Enemy of Israel is the Enemy of Elohim/God and in 1 Chronicles 21:1, for example, Satan/Devil is the Enemy of Elohim/God.

Nope. This is a totally different thing.
Given that Satan/Devil is the Arch Sinner, than those that Sin Worship and Glorify Devil/Satan. Don't you believe Devil/Satan is a Sinner in your Religion?

This is total nonsense. But at least everyone can see how much you hate humanity. It's always good to know who you are talking to.
Psalm 51:5

5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

I have said many times on these forums, that every person on the planet are Born Evil Children of the Satan/Devil from the Womb. Some people are more Evil than others. It's Love and Hate of Humanity Actually. I'm showing Love my telling you the Truth For Salvation and Showing Hatred of the Human Sin Nature. This Hatred extends to Self-Hatred as I'm on the Journey Transitioning from the Sin Human Nature.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
1 Chronicles 21:1

21 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

Satan is a Sinner that provokes Israel to Sin. How you do you understand 1 Chronicles 21:1? Don't you believe that the Foreign Nations are Sinners that are provoking Israel to Sin?
Your reply ASSUMES that God didn't want Israel provoked. In fact, God frequently provoked Israel through the prophets. In 1 Chron 21:1, the reference to Satan provoking, even if you take it literally, does not imply that Satan was not acting on God's behalf.
Satan has been trying to get me to Sin 24/7 for many years in London England.
Rather than blaming Satan, try examining your own personal character flaws. In my experience, there is absolutely nothing wicked that people do that cannot be explained by the evil in men's hearts.
Given that in your Religions Satan/Devil does not practice Sin in Total Rebellion Against Elohim/God,
Correct. In Judaism, Angels have no free will, so they cannot rebel. There is therefore no such thing as a fallen angel.

Who or What is Devil/Satan in your Religion?

HaSatan, The Adversary, is an Angel. He is God's employee. He has an ugly job to do. But he basically can do nothing that God does not allow. He may be OUR adversary, but he is not God's adversary.
Given that Satan/Devil is the Arch Sinner,
No, that is NOT a "given."
than those that Sin Worship and Glorify Devil/Satan.
No, that's not true at all. Yo have reached all sorts of unwarranted conclusions. There are people who sin who don't even believe in Satan, so we can't say they worship him.
Don't you believe Devil/Satan is a Sinner in your Religion?
That is correct. In Judaism, an angel is incapable of sinning.
Psalm 51:5

5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

I have said many times on these forums, that every person on the planet are Born Evil Children of the Satan/Devil from the Womb. Some people are more Evil than others. It's Love and Hate of Humanity Actually. I'm showing Love my telling you the Truth For Salvation and Showing Hatred of the Human Sin Nature. This Hatred extends to Self-Hatred as I'm on the Journey Transitioning from the Sin Human Nature.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of Satan.


Well-Known Member
Your reply ASSUMES that God didn't want Israel provoked. In fact, God frequently provoked Israel through the prophets. In 1 Chron 21:1, the reference to Satan provoking, even if you take it literally, does not imply that Satan was not acting on God's behalf.
I'm Not Implying such a thing at all. Elohim/God uses Satan/Devil to Provoke Israel to make Israel Stronger in Resistance to Sin. Devil/Satan is an Instrument of Elohim/God to Try the Saints and Punish Evildoers. Yet, Devil/Satan is the Arch Sinning Enemy of Elohim/God.

Rather than blaming Satan, try examining your own personal character flaws. In my experience, there is absolutely nothing wicked that people do that cannot be explained by the evil in men's hearts.
Exodus 15:3

3 The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.

Happy to say I'm on the Receiving end of 24/7 Satanic Ritual Abuse in London England. A Strong Opposing Enemy makes Real Christians Stronger. My situation is quite simple. I Am Keeping Elohim's/God's Ten Commandments, Celibate, Free From Alcohol, Free From Drugs and Vegan in the Midst of Totally Perverted Marquis de Sade, Jacob Frank and Aleister Crowley Inverted Satanic Cross Practitioners. This is Ordained by Elohim/God.

Aleister Crowley - Bio

Correct. In Judaism, Angels have no free will, so they cannot rebel. There is therefore no such thing as a fallen angel.
That's False. Sin is Total Rebellion Against Elohim/God. Elohim/God has Different Forms and one Form is in Total Rebellion Against another Form. The Devil/Satan is Elohim/God in its Lowest Form.

HaSatan, The Adversary, is an Angel. He is God's employee. He has an ugly job to do. But he basically can do nothing that God does not allow. He may be OUR adversary, but he is not God's adversary.
Satan/Devil is an Employee of Elohim/God and The Adversary of Elohim/God at the same time. This is a Mystery that you don't understand.

No, that is NOT a "given."
Are you saying that in your Religion the Devil/Satan is not a Sinner?

No, that's not true at all. Yo have reached all sorts of unwarranted conclusions. There are people who sin who don't even believe in Satan, so we can't say they worship him.
People Demonstrate Worship and Belief in Devil/Satan by what they Do, regardless of what they declare with their mouth. If a Cat asserts that they are Dog with their mouth, does that make the Cat a Dog?

That is correct. In Judaism, an angel is incapable of sinning.
Therefore, in your Religion the Devil/Satan is not a Sinner.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of Satan.
John 8:44

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

1 John 3:8

8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

That's why Real Christianity is the Opponent of the Judaic Religion that you practice. The difference in the Fundamentals makes them Contrary Religions. I Am Christian Gnostic.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Happy to say I'm on the Receiving end of 24/7 Satanic Ritual Abuse in London England.
No one can possibly be abused 24/7 unless they are literally being held prison in some kind of dungeon basement. And no one in that position would be allowed to be on the internet. Because at best your claim is a gross exaggeration, I'm not taking you seriously. "Feeling" like you are constantly attacked by Satan is NOT ritual abuse.
Are you saying that in your Religion the Devil/Satan is not a Sinner?
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Since angels have no free will, they cannot rebel. "Sin" requires freedom of choice. You wouldn't say a snail sins, since it lacks any awareness of right and wrong, which means it lacks the capacity to choose.
People Demonstrate Worship and Belief in Devil/Satan by what they Do, regardless of what they declare with their mouth.
Not true. You cannot worship any being you don't believe to be God.
John 8:44
I think I've already mentioned to you that I'm a Jew and not a Chritian. Quoting John to me is no different than quoting the Quran or the book of Mormon.
I Am Christian Gnostic.
Yes, you've said this many times.


Well-Known Member
No one can possibly be abused 24/7 unless they are literally being held prison in some kind of dungeon basement. And no one in that position would be allowed to be on the internet. Because at best your claim is a gross exaggeration, I'm not taking you seriously. "Feeling" like you are constantly attacked by Satan is NOT ritual abuse.
You can believe what you like. It's 24/7 Satanic Ritual Abuse Organised by the State with the Police, Paramedics/Ambulance Service and Fire Department. Other Deliverance Christians experiencing the same know this to be True. It's Called Gangstalking. Totally Devoted Satanists do Not Sleep as they take turns in a Shift Rota.

Gangstalking Freemasons Targeted Individuals And Prayer

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Since angels have no free will, they cannot rebel. "Sin" requires freedom of choice. You wouldn't say a snail sins, since it lacks any awareness of right and wrong, which means it lacks the capacity to choose.
Sin has nothing to do with Freedom of Choice. For example, a Crack Baby born to a Crack Cocaine Addicted Mother Inherits the Sin of their Mother with no Free Will being excercised.

Not true. You cannot worship any being you don't believe to be God.
2 Corinthians 4:4

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

People Believe Satan/Devil to be god by Sinful Inheritance. Some people are more Devoted Worshippers of the Devil/Satan than others. The More Devoted Worshippers of Satan/Devil Control the Less Devoted Worshippers of the Devil/Satan.

I think I've already mentioned to you that I'm a Jew and not a Chritian. Quoting John to me is no different than quoting the Quran or the book of Mormon.
Yes, you have a few times. I post for all readers of this thread to read and not just the person I'm communication with. I'm showing that your Judaism Religion is Fundamentally Different from Real Christianity and is Actually the Opponent of Real Christianity.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You can believe what you like. It's 24/7 Satanic Ritual Abuse Organised by the State with the Police, Paramedics/Ambulance Service and Fire Department. Other Deliverance Christians experiencing the same know this to be True. It's Called Gangstalking. Totally Devoted Satanists do Not Sleep as they take turns in a Shift Rota.
I'm so sorry. I didn’t realize you were facing some challenges that might be affecting your thinking. If I had known, I would have approached things with more understanding and support. You really need to talk to your doctor about this, or your therapist if you already have one. I wish you the very, very best.
Is Being a Christian about going to the Pub, having Wine and drinking Beer?

Is Being Christian about Getting Plastered every weekend?

Does Being born in England and you are White British make you a Christian?

Is Being Christian about Genetics in the same way Jews are Jewish by Inheritance?
Being Christian can include any of that. There's nothing wrong with drinking. Jesus after all went to a party and turned water into wine. Martin Luther used to have table talks where the beer flowed. Many of the early Lutheran hymns were modified pub songs, or at least that's how the tradition goes. And going to the pub and having a few drinks with other is not a problem. In fact, it can lead others into the faith. You meet them where they need to be met.

And getting plastered every weekend probably isn't a good idea. But it doesn't mean you aren't a Christian. It probably means you have a drinking problem.

Being born in England and being White can lead to one being Christian. Not necessarily, but if they were to take a religion, Christianity probably would be it strictly speaking statistically.

And being Christian may in part have something to do with genetics. Not genetics themselves, but if you're parents are Christians, you're likely to be Christian, at least for part of your life. That goes with any religion.

Being Christian means many things. Some can take an inclusive way and demand only their narrow view of Christianity matters, but I personally think that is naive. Others take the other side, which is pluralistic. There are many ways to God, and you just need to follow the path that fits you best. And then you have those who are exclusive. As in, other forms may be okay, but their way is probably the right way, at least generally speaking.

I think the pluralistic way is a good way to be Christian, as it practices the commandments that matter; Love God with all you are, and love your neighbor.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry. I didn’t realize you were facing some challenges that might be affecting your thinking. If I had known, I would have approached things with more understanding and support. You really need to talk to your doctor about this, or your therapist if you already have one. I wish you the very, very best.
Exodus 15:26

26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.

Real Christians Relish the War Against Totally Devoted Satanic Inverted Cross Practitioners making Us Stronger.

Elohim/God Is My Doctor that Keeps Me Healthy. No Need for UK NHS or Drugs. Those that Disobey Elohim/God Depend on the State Health Service and Drugs Being Sick. Sickness is Evidence that you are Disobedient to Elohim/God. From my perspective you are Mentally and Physically Sick and from your perspective I'm Mentally Sick. Therefore, one of us is an Evil Satanic Invert. The readers can judge for themselves who they think it is. Sin makes people Mentally and Physically Sick.

Elohim/God is True and All Men/Women are Liars!
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