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Who Or What Is Christian?


Well-Known Member

Its about the same, since parents in each try to infuse the holy spirit into their children, and converts can be from any group. Possibly one thing that is heritable is the butcher job of Levi which is passed down; but its unclear what a 'Line' of descendants is composed of. Obviously a line can contain adoptions. In Levi's case its possibly the same. Additionally a Jewish person is commanded to reject any children that won't be obedient, so the genetic idea is not accurate. It is about learning not about blood similar to how Christians today do things, but it is a lot of learning not just a little. This where is Jews and Christians mostly differ when it comes to converts. A Christian convert or child born to parents has some things to learn but not anything like the burden a Jewish convert or child has. That is the actual 'Line' when talking about the line of David.
There are So-Called Christians Asserting that they are Christian because of what they Look Like regardless of what they Believe and the way they Behave. This is akin to Jews Asserting that Atheists and Apostates are Jewish because of their Mothers Genes.

Anybody can Claim Israel's Genetic Inheritance, although Nobody can prove it. Israel is Produced and Maintained through Total Devotion to the Elohim/God Of Israel. It's a Mystery that Yeshua/Jesus is Israel. That means Christian is Israel. For example, King David is a Christian because of the Anointing of Elohim/God.


Well-Known Member
...as anyone who has studied ancient history is aware Christianity is a mix a Ancient Roman mythology and norce mythology...
Please give one example of what in Christianity is from Roman mythology and what is from Norse mythology?
St Augustine Stole laws from the Roman region to justify war killing apox 100 million people
Please tell why do you think so?
A lot of the stories about Jesus are just taken from Norse mythology
I think that is a ridiculous claim.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Here is another Roman Catholic on the Holy Spirit:

My Catholic Life!

Where Do We Meet the Holy Spirit?

"...The human author of each book of the Scriptures, as explained in Chapter 1, is a true author of the Holy Scriptures. Through that person, each particular book of the Scriptures was written. The human author’s unique personality and experiences shine through. But the human author is not the only one writing the book or letter. We also profess that the human author wrote under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit! It was the Spirit who guided each word revealing what He wanted written. It was a joint effort and 100% of both their works. This shows the power of the Holy Spirit to act in us and to use us as instruments. Yes, He acted in a very unique and powerful way when He inspired the human authors of the Scriptures in their writings. This is not something the Holy Spirit will do again, inspiring more Scripture to be written. But the fact that the human author was inspired and was used as such a powerful instrument should tell us not only much about this wonderful gift of the Bible, it should also tell us much about the fact that the Holy Spirit wants to use us humans for divine work. He wants to inspire each and every one of us for a powerful work He has given only to us. Not in the same way that He once inspired the books of the Bible, but certainly in powerful ways nonetheless. When this is properly understood, we should be in awe and greatly anticipate what God has in mind for us while we travel this pilgrimage on earth!..."

From a Christian Gnostic perspective those that have the Same Religious Experience as the Priests, Prophets, Disciples and Apostles through the Holy Spirit Write Holy Scriptures. The Divine Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures/Bible is Not Limited to a particular Era. The Holy Spirit is Not bound by Time. Given that I'm Filled With the Holy Spirit these Writings are Holy Scriptures.

I don't know Tolkien's level of Relationship with the Holy Spirit. If Tolkien Wrote The Lord of the Rings in the Flesh than The Lord of the Rings is Elohim's/God's Manifestation in Flesh Form. Elohim/God is Flesh, Soul and Spirit. Elohim/God is All Things, The Good and the Evil.
Your quote above refers to the Catholic understanding of how its canon of Scripture came to be the canon of Scripture. It is NOT meant to be an argument for non-canonical writings being divine. You are taking the text so far out of context that is like a contortionist being a human pretzel! :)

I'm not going to continue arguing with you over this. You are absolutely twisting Catholic teaching. Again, the ONLY thing they consider authoritative is the Church, which canonized the Bible and which rendered decisions in ecumenical councils. They do not base their dogma on the LOTR, or "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene, or any other novel written by a Catholic.


Well-Known Member
Your quote above refers to the Catholic understanding of how its canon of Scripture came to be the canon of Scripture. It is NOT meant to be an argument for non-canonical writings being divine. You are taking the text so far out of context that is like a contortionist being a human pretzel! :)

I'm not going to continue arguing with you over this. You are absolutely twisting Catholic teaching. Again, the ONLY thing they consider authoritative is the Church, which canonized the Bible and which rendered decisions in ecumenical councils. They do not base their dogma on the LOTR, or "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene, or any other novel written by a Catholic.
Job 19:26

26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

I'm Not Twisting Roman Catholic doctrine. I'm showing the Difference between Christian Gnosticism and Roman Catholicism. I'm saying that if Tolkien had a Mature Relationship with the Holy Spirit The Lord of the Rings is a Wholly Divine Work According to the Spirit. If Tolkien was in the Flesh while Producing the Work than it is Elohim's/God's Manifestation in its Lowest Evil Flesh Form. Roman Catholics have a Different Belief.

Being Christian Gnostic I Totally Reject that the Holy Spirit Power given to the Priests, Prophets, Disciples and Apostles to Write Holy Scriptures will not be done again. The Same Timeless Holy Spirit Power to Outpour Holy Scriptures is Available to those that Follow Exactly the Footsteps of the Priests, Prophets, Disciples and Apostles.

Further Roman Catholic perspectives on the Holy Spirit:

Understanding the Holy Spirit
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Sorry as I just read this as I've been sick since last Wednesday and still haven't fully recovered.
Awww, I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

My son is home today pretty sick. I'm just praying I don't catch it.

I think he really needs to be addressed by a Catholic. For one, I'm sure he isn't about to take the word of a Jew about Catholicism. LOL But also, I suspect that you will do a much better job than me at explaining.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry as I just read this as I've been sick since last Wednesday and still haven't fully recovered.
Firstly, please can you explain "Who Or What Is Christian?" from a Roman Catholic perspective. @The Papist member posted a list of Who Is Christian with Roman Catholics at the top of the list:

I will ask you the same questions that I asked the @The Papist that they didn't reply to:

Does being member of the Roman Catholic Church automatically mean that you are a Christian? Are Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests Christian? Is a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest a Baptised believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus Christ?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Awww, I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

Today is the first day in a week that I feel I'm finally on the mend, so thank you for your concern.

My son is home today pretty sick. I'm just praying I don't catch it.

I pray & hope he heals quickly. :heart:

I think he really needs to be addressed by a Catholic. For one, I'm sure he isn't about to take the word of a Jew about Catholicism. LOL But also, I suspect that you will do a much better job than me at explaining.

Well, you probably know more about Catholicism than some Catholics. Either way, I'll see what I may be able to add,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Does being member of the Roman Catholic Church automatically mean that you are a Christian?

Depends on how one defines "Christian" in such a context. But yes, Catholics in general are Christian.

Are Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests Christian?

See above

Is a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest a Baptised believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus Christ?

Probably so.

I know I'm vague but I'm not sure where you're coming from and why? Generally speaking, we are not encouraged to judge others.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how one defines "Christian" in such a context. But yes, Catholics in general are Christian.
Do you understand Christian to mean Disciple of Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ? Are you saying that Roman Catholics are Christian regardless of how they Behave and what they Really believe?

See above
Therefore, you are saying that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Christian from a Roman Catholic perspective. What makes a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest Christian? Are Pedophile Priests Christian because they have been Baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and take the Eucharist? Don't you Believe that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Filthy Evil Satanists?

Probably so.

I know I'm vague but I'm not sure where you're coming from and why? Generally speaking, we are not encouraged to judge others.
Does a Baptised believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus Christ Practice Pedophilia?


Well-Known Member
"Jew" is a nationality, not a religion.
Romans 2:28

28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

Jew/Israel is a Religion and Nationality. Therefore, Jew/Israel is an Ethno-Religion for Jews/Israel according to the Flesh.

Ancient Animal Sacrifice Ritual Makes a Modern Comeback

Jews recreate biblical Passover sacrifice
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Do you understand Christian to mean Disciple of Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ?
This simply begs the question. If a Christian is a disciples of Jesus, then define what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Are you saying that Roman Catholics are Christian regardless of how they Behave and what they Really believe?
Christianity is a belief based religion. "Believe and be baptized." "Whosoever believes in him..." You get the idea. So to know who is a Christian, first you have to determine which beliefs are necessary. Then you ask whether a person has those beliefs.

Regardless of what belief list you use, there will be those who share those beliefs but do terrible things. By definition they are Christians, they just are very wicked Christians.
Don't you Believe that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Filthy Evil Satanists?
Pedophiles, whether they are priests or anyone else, are certainly deeply evil people.

But Satanists? No. If you ask them, you will find that they don't worship Satan at all. Almost no one in this world worships Satan. Even most Satanists don't believe in Satan.
Does a Baptised believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus Christ Practice Pedophilia?
Sometimes, yes.

I'm reminded of the Poway shooter, who was a devout member of his Presbyterian church. After the shooting, his pastor went to see him. The pastor had to concede, the shooter genuinely believed the teachings of his church. He "had his doctrine straight." Yet it had been his plan to kill as many Jews as possible.

So, evil, yes. Satanist, no.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Do you understand Christian to mean Disciple of Yeshua Messiah/Jesus Christ? Are you saying that Roman Catholics are Christian regardless of how they Behave and what they Really believe?

Therefore, you are saying that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Christian from a Roman Catholic perspective. What makes a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest Christian? Are Pedophile Priests Christian because they have been Baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and take the Eucharist? Don't you Believe that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Filthy Evil Satanists?

Does a Baptised believer in the Trinity and the Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus Christ Practice Pedophilia?
Christianity is a religion, not a judgement; and Catholicism is a denomination, not a religion.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Christianity is a religion, not a judgement; and Catholicism is a denomination, not a religion.
I think he/she is trying to "trap" you into saying that bad people can be Christians, because apparently he/she doesn't realize what the No True Scotsman fallacy is. He/she thinks if he can get you to say this, he'll have a "gotcha" moment. On the flip side, if you were to say "No, bad people are not Christians," then he would celebrate that you have made his point.


Well-Known Member
This simply begs the question. If a Christian is a disciples of Jesus, then define what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
A Disciple of Yeshua/Jesus is a Follower of Yeshua/Jesus. People have Different Interpretations about what it means to Be a Follower Yeshua/Jesus, that's why you get the Quakers and Nazi/KKK.

Christianity is a belief based religion. "Believe and be baptized." "Whosoever believes in him..." You get the idea. So to know who is a Christian, first you have to determine which beliefs are necessary. Then you ask whether a person has those beliefs.

Regardless of what belief list you use, there will be those who share those beliefs but do terrible things. By definition they are Christians, they just are very wicked Christians.
This is False. Belief is Evidenced by what you practice. Given that you do Not practice what you Profess with your mouth, this is Unbelief.

Pedophiles, whether they are priests or anyone else, are certainly deeply evil people.

But Satanists? No. If you ask them, you will find that they don't worship Satan at all. Almost no one in this world worships Satan. Even most Satanists don't believe in Satan.
Isaiah 59:2

2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

This is False again. Satan/Devil is the Arch Adversary/Enemy of Elohim/God. Pedophiles are the Adversaries/Enemies of Elohim/God. Do you Believe that Pedophiles are the Enemy of Elohim/God? Sin is the Enemy of Elohim/God. Apart from a Few hundred/thousand Elect, every person on the planet are Evil Satanist Sinning Enemies of Elohim/God. Some people are more Evil than others.

Sometimes, yes.

I'm reminded of the Poway shooter, who was a devout member of his Presbyterian church. After the shooting, his pastor went to see him. The pastor had to concede, the shooter genuinely believed the teachings of his church. He "had his doctrine straight." Yet it had been his plan to kill as many Jews as possible.

So, evil, yes. Satanist, no.
Amos 3:6

6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?

A Baptised Believer in Yeshua/Jesus and his Passion does Not Practice Pedophilia unless that person Interprets Jesus to be a Pedophile or is using Yeshua/Jesus to Cover/Hide their Pedophilia.

Everything that happens is the Will of Elohim/God. From what I've read, John Earnest appears to be Genuine Believer in a Violent Brand of Christianity. When Serial Killers say Elohim/God told them to do it, Elohim/God actually told them to do it because Everything that happens is the Will of Elohim/God.

Therefore, are you saying that Pedophile Roman Catholic Priests and Violent Killers, such as John Earnest, are Christians because that's how they have Interpreted Jesus to Be?
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Well-Known Member
Christianity is a religion, not a judgement; and Catholicism is a denomination, not a religion.
Your Pope Condemns Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests as Satanists. Your Pope Francis Condemns Pedophile Priests as "Tools of Satan". Do you agree with your Pope that Roman Pedophile Priests are "Tools of Satan"? Can you be a Christian and a Satanist at the same time?

Pope Francis: Abusive clergy 'tools of Satan'



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Your Pope Condemns Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests as Satanists. Your Pope Francis Condemns Pedophile Priests as "Tools of Satan". Do you agree with your Pope that Roman Pedophile Priests are "Tools of Satan"? Can you be a Christian and a Satanist at the same time?

Pope Francis: Abusive clergy 'tools of Satan'


Let me repeat: I DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Belief is Evidenced by what you practice. Given that you do Not practice what you Profess with your mouth, this is Unbelief.
I tend to be sympathetic to this. It is an idea very entrenched in Jewish culture.

However, my studies in Psychology have led me to a very different conclusion. It is actually quite common for people to have beliefs that are at odds with their behavior. This is a form of cognitive dissonance. For example, a person who truly values health and fitness might go out for a big mac.

Usually a person will manage this one of two ways.The first is to provide a rationalization. "I really do care about the environment, but my family really needs this larger car." The second is to compartmentalize, meaning they simply don't allow the thoughts from the two sides to ever interact. That's a little harder to understand, but trust me, people do this all the time.

Earlier this week I watched a 48 hours episode about a serial killer. He was devoutly Christian, not just attending his church regularly, but taking an active role. He was well known for his generosity both of his money and his time, like spending hundreds of hours helping a friend remodel his basement for free. He was a mentor to the kids in his church, and all the kids just loved him. Then he would go out at night, cruising the streets, hunting a child to rape, torture, and kill. It was like he was two different people. That's compartmentalization.

Bizarre? Yes, absolutely. But this sort of thing DOES happen


Well-Known Member
Let me repeat: I DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS.
Therefore, you have Confirmed that you disagree with your Pope Francis that Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests are Satanists. Do you think Pedophilia is Evil? Do you know the difference between Christianity and Satanism or do you think there is a Difference between the two?