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Who Or What Is Christian?


Well-Known Member
Being Christian can include any of that. There's nothing wrong with drinking. Jesus after all went to a party and turned water into wine. Martin Luther used to have table talks where the beer flowed. Many of the early Lutheran hymns were modified pub songs, or at least that's how the tradition goes. And going to the pub and having a few drinks with other is not a problem. In fact, it can lead others into the faith. You meet them where they need to be met.
Deuteronomy 32:14

14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.

Why do you think it is Fermented Wine and not Pure Grape Juice that Yeshua/Jesus Produced? Yeshua/Jesus does Not Produce Corrupt Things.

And getting plastered every weekend probably isn't a good idea. But it doesn't mean you aren't a Christian. It probably means you have a drinking problem.
Do you understand a Christian to be a Follower of Yeshua/Jesus? If yes, did Yeshua/Jesus every get drunk? It's part of the Tradition among many English to get Drunk every weekend to escape the weekly grind.

Being born in England and being White can lead to one being Christian. Not necessarily, but if they were to take a religion, Christianity probably would be it strictly speaking statistically.
Therefore, you are saying that having So-Called White DNA Without the practice of Christianity does not make you Christian. Is that correct?

And being Christian may in part have something to do with genetics. Not genetics themselves, but if you're parents are Christians, you're likely to be Christian, at least for part of your life. That goes with any religion.
Yes, if they follow in the footsteps of their parents. This requires the practice of the Religion.

Being Christian means many things. Some can take an inclusive way and demand only their narrow view of Christianity matters, but I personally think that is naive. Others take the other side, which is pluralistic. There are many ways to God, and you just need to follow the path that fits you best. And then you have those who are exclusive. As in, other forms may be okay, but their way is probably the right way, at least generally speaking.
Are you saying that Quakers and Anabaptist on the one hand and Nazi and KKK on the other are Equally Valid Christians in the Right Way?

I think the pluralistic way is a good way to be Christian, as it practices the commandments that matter; Love God with all you are, and love your neighbor.
The Nazis and KKK Assert that they are Christian. Do they Love Elohim/God and their Neighbour?


Well-Known Member
Jude 3

3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

Is Being a Christian about going to the Pub, having Wine and drinking Beer?

Is Being Christian about Getting Plastered every weekend?

Does Being born in England and you are White British make you a Christian?

Is Being Christian about Genetics in the same way Jews are Jewish by Inheritance?

LIVE: Church Of England FINALLY Start Fighting Islamism

WILD City MOCKED the Street Preachers HARD BUT the UNEXPECTED Happened!
Being a Christian is not about DNA or blood, but it is about a form of nurture that allows one to get beyond nature. For most of its history, Christianity was connected to Rome. It starts as a possession and even enemy of Rome, until in the 4th century AD, onward, an it became part of an alliance with the pinnacle of the ancient Western World. Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire, was a paradoxical blend of spiritual and secular; render onto God and render onto Caesar. Learning how to walk that fine line between was the challenge and training. It is hard to serve two masters, but there is a way.

This unique combination of life style and nurture, formed a unique type of human, who as history would show, was always part of a global leadership role. All the first world counties of Europe, were part of the Holy Roman Empire; Seven Divine Kingdoms. Many settled in the America's and then opened it to all people; land of immigrants and pilgrims seeking religious and secular freedom; way of God and Rome.

The brain is more than the DNA. The DNA defines the brain's natural operating system, but since the brain also interacts with natural reality and cultural reality, it also gains extra data, and new ideas, allowing the brain to become more than the sum of its generic parts. Christianity is like adding a new operating system, to your old self computer, making it more capable. History reflects this.

Much of this update was due to the massage of Jesus, to love one another, and turn the other cheek. This less self serving attitude allowed people of all races and ethnicities to cooperate on large scales. To be successful, the many different parts had to be willing and able to mesh, and not hate and add sand to the gears. The political divide and Liberal hate monger is not Christian, since it breaks unity and causes a dumb down. The Left hate the Right more than the Right hates the Left. Trump derangement syndrome is not Christian.

The other key aspect was the promise of the Holy Spirit or Spirit of Truth, who would be left behind, forever. That was is more like a direct line to God, which gives the faithful people that extra inner drive and faith to take risks, become pioneers, and adapt to change. The Catholic Church alone has over 10,000 Saints, which are like advanced humans, living beyond their genetic program; using the update.

Christianity goes beyond Catholic, with many more undocumented Saints, who were leaders of destiny, such as the Founding Fathers of the USA. The idea of human rights; life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has its roots in the paradox of the Holy Roman Empire; render onto God and Caesar. The American dream is being able to have it both ways while living in peace with rights.
Deuteronomy 32:14

14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.

Why do you think it is Fermented Wine and not Pure Grape Juice that Yeshua/Jesus Produced? Yeshua/Jesus does Not Produce Corrupt Things.

Jesus produced alcohol. He did it so people could drink it and celebrate. In other words, he was fully okay with people drinking and getting at least a bit tipsy as they were celebrating. You can try to rationalize this in a different way, but the fact stands, Jesus turned water into alcohol so that people could continue to celebrate.

Do you understand a Christian to be a Follower of Yeshua/Jesus? If yes, did Yeshua/Jesus every get drunk? It's part of the Tradition among many English to get Drunk every weekend to escape the weekly grind.
I have no idea if Jesus got drunk as we know almost nothing of him. I do know that he partook in drinking alcohol, as in he drank wine and served it. So drinking alcohol seems to be perfectly fine.

And here's the thing, I can try to follow Jesus, and imitate Jesus to a point. But I'm not Jesus nor am I called to be Jesus. And the argument that Jesus never got drunk means you shouldn't is completely ignorant. You're using the internet, but Jesus never did. We all do many things Jesus didn't do.
Therefore, you are saying that having So-Called White DNA Without the practice of Christianity does not make you Christian. Is that correct?
Not even close to be correct. There is no such thing as white DNA. And you clearly missed what I was saying. I was saying that based on where you are born, that's going to have a huge influence on what religion you follow. As in, if you're a white British person, you're probably, if you're going to follow a religion, going to be Christain. That's simple statistics. That's what I was pointing out.
Yes, if they follow in the footsteps of their parents. This requires the practice of the Religion.
Not sure what you're point here is. You asked a silly question, I gave a semi-serious answer, because that's the best that could be done. You're questions were not asked in good faith, but instead of answering in bad faith, I actually tried to address them. What you're saying here has no bearing on what I said.
Are you saying that Quakers and Anabaptist on the one hand and Nazi and KKK on the other are Equally Valid Christians in the Right Way?
You really like logical fallacies. Not only are you misrepresenting what I said, you then took your misrepresentation to an asburd level. What you said has no bearing on what I said. I never implied that every view was equally valid. Just because there may be many ways to God, as per a pluralistic view, doesn't mean everything is a path to God, nor that they are all equal.

More so, Nazism wasn't a Christian view. The KKK wasn't a brank of Christianity.
The Nazis and KKK Assert that they are Christian. Do they Love Elohim/God and their Neighbour?
See above, as you're resorting to an asinine line of thinking here that is being done in bad faith. More so, the Nazis weren't Christian. Christianity didn't push their ideas. In fact, the Nazis attacked many Christian groups and often promoted a form of paganism. The KKK is not a Christian branch.

Just because one can see multiple paths, doesn't mean they think all paths are okay. The fact that I specifically mentioned the great commands should tell you something about my position. To instead jump to such a bad faith argument tells me a lot about you.


Well-Known Member
Being a Christian is not about DNA or blood, but it is about a form of nurture that allows one to get beyond nature. For most of its history, Christianity was connected to Rome. It starts as a possession and even enemy of Rome, until in the 4th century AD, onward, an it became part of an alliance with the pinnacle of the ancient Western World. Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire, was a paradoxical blend of spiritual and secular; render onto God and render onto Caesar. Learning how to walk that fine line between was the challenge and training. It is hard to serve two masters, but there is a way.
Matthew 6:24

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Totally Agree that Real Christianity is Nurture that Enables One to Transcend Nature. Totally Disagree that Roman Catholicism is the Way to Transcend Nature. Transcending Nature means Becoming Sinless and Roman Catholicism does Not teach anyone to Become Sinless.

What is Spiritual from your perspective? There are Billions of Christians Asserting that they have the Holy Spirit while doing Carnal things. What do you mean you can serve two masters? Yeshua/Jesus instructs that nobody can serve two masters.

This unique combination of life style and nurture, formed a unique type of human, who as history would show, was always part of a global leadership role. All the first world counties of Europe, were part of the Holy Roman Empire; Seven Divine Kingdoms. Many settled in the America's and then opened it to all people; land of immigrants and pilgrims seeking religious and secular freedom; way of God and Rome.
What you call the Holy Roman Empire is Elohim's/God's Earthly/Temporal Kingdom.

The brain is more than the DNA. The DNA defines the brain's natural operating system, but since the brain also interacts with natural reality and cultural reality, it also gains extra data, and new ideas, allowing the brain to become more than the sum of its generic parts. Christianity is like adding a new operating system, to your old self computer, making it more capable. History reflects this.

Much of this update was due to the massage of Jesus, to love one another, and turn the other cheek. This less self serving attitude allowed people of all races and ethnicities to cooperate on large scales. To be successful, the many different parts had to be willing and able to mesh, and not hate and add sand to the gears. The political divide and Liberal hate monger is not Christian, since it breaks unity and causes a dumb down. The Left hate the Right more than the Right hates the Left. Trump derangement syndrome is not Christian.
Evidently this is Roman Catholic Romanticism that has no bases in Reality. The History of the Roman Catholic Church is the Inquisition Genocide and Torture of those that Interpret Holy Scriptures/Bible Contrary to the Established Church.

This is the fruitage of the Catholic church - Jordan Maxwell

Neither the Left or the Right have learnt to stop Sinning, therefore, this is a Phony War. The Real War is Against the Satanic Sinful Nature.

The other key aspect was the promise of the Holy Spirit or Spirit of Truth, who would be left behind, forever. That was is more like a direct line to God, which gives the faithful people that extra inner drive and faith to take risks, become pioneers, and adapt to change. The Catholic Church alone has over 10,000 Saints, which are like advanced humans, living beyond their genetic program; using the update.

Christianity goes beyond Catholic, with many more undocumented Saints, who were leaders of destiny, such as the Founding Fathers of the USA. The idea of human rights; life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has its roots in the paradox of the Holy Roman Empire; render onto God and Caesar. The American dream is being able to have it both ways while living in peace with rights.
John 8:34-36

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

This is More Romanticism from a Biased Catholic. Are Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests Christian? Do Roman Catholic Priests have the Holy Spirit?

You Conveniently forget in the United States Rights were not extended to all. The United States was built on Slavery in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Is Slavery part of Christianity?
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Well-Known Member
Jesus produced alcohol. He did it so people could drink it and celebrate. In other words, he was fully okay with people drinking and getting at least a bit tipsy as they were celebrating. You can try to rationalize this in a different way, but the fact stands, Jesus turned water into alcohol so that people could continue to celebrate.
There is no Holy Scripture bases that Jesus produced Alcohol. This is just your wishful imagination.

I have no idea if Jesus got drunk as we know almost nothing of him. I do know that he partook in drinking alcohol, as in he drank wine and served it. So drinking alcohol seems to be perfectly fine.
John 5:39

39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Real Christians no Everything about Yeshua/Jesus. The Entire Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about Yeshua/Jesus Relation to the Father.

And here's the thing, I can try to follow Jesus, and imitate Jesus to a point. But I'm not Jesus nor am I called to be Jesus. And the argument that Jesus never got drunk means you shouldn't is completely ignorant. You're using the internet, but Jesus never did. We all do many things Jesus didn't do.
True Followers of Yeshua/Jesus do everything that Yeshua/Jesus does. People are seeing Different Yeshua/Jesus. My Yeshua/Jesus is not the same as yours. You are Ignorant of the Yeshua/Jesus that I see. Yeshua/Jesus is Not Carnal and getting Drunk is Carnal Activity. Do you understand what it means to be led by the Spirit or do you think Spirit means Alcoholic Drink?

Not even close to be correct. There is no such thing as white DNA. And you clearly missed what I was saying. I was saying that based on where you are born, that's going to have a huge influence on what religion you follow. As in, if you're a white British person, you're probably, if you're going to follow a religion, going to be Christain. That's simple statistics. That's what I was pointing out.
Do you agree that Being Christian is not Determined by what you Look Like?

Not sure what you're point here is. You asked a silly question, I gave a semi-serious answer, because that's the best that could be done. You're questions were not asked in good faith, but instead of answering in bad faith, I actually tried to address them. What you're saying here has no bearing on what I said.
You have to practice Christianity to be a Christian. Is that so difficult for you to understand? A person born to Christian parents don't make that person Christian if they don't practice the Religion.

You really like logical fallacies. Not only are you misrepresenting what I said, you then took your misrepresentation to an asburd level. What you said has no bearing on what I said. I never implied that every view was equally valid. Just because there may be many ways to God, as per a pluralistic view, doesn't mean everything is a path to God, nor that they are all equal.

More so, Nazism wasn't a Christian view. The KKK wasn't a brank of Christianity.
Who are you to determine who or who is not a Christian. You almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus. The Nazis and KKK Assert that they are Christian. Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic. They see a different Yeshua/Jesus from you. I see a Different Yeshua/Jesus from you and the Nazis/KKK. Are the different Interpretations Equally Valid? Are yo able to answer Important questions.

See above, as you're resorting to an asinine line of thinking here that is being done in bad faith. More so, the Nazis weren't Christian. Christianity didn't push their ideas. In fact, the Nazis attacked many Christian groups and often promoted a form of paganism. The KKK is not a Christian branch.

Just because one can see multiple paths, doesn't mean they think all paths are okay. The fact that I specifically mentioned the great commands should tell you something about my position. To instead jump to such a bad faith argument tells me a lot about you.
Christians have been attacking other Christian groups that had Contrary beliefs for thousands of years. Everybody thinks that the Christianity that they practice is the Right Christianity. The Nazis and KKK believe that they are Loving Elohim/God and their Neighbour through their practices. You believe these are Pagan practices and I believe your Yeshua/Jesus is Pagan. You said yourself, you almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus. Given that you almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus, how can you know that you are a practising Christian?
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There is no Holy Scripture bases that Jesus produced Alcohol. This is just your wishful imagination.
Wine is alcohol. Jesus also partakes in wine at the last supper. Wine, again, is alcohol.
Real Christians no Everything about Yeshua/Jesus. The Entire Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about Yeshua/Jesus Relation to the Father.
Being a Christian doesn't mean you know anything. And no, Jesus is never mentioned before Matthew. To see Jesus in the OT, you have to force him into it. I won't disrespect the Bible in that manner.
True Followers of Yeshua/Jesus do everything that Yeshua/Jesus does. People are seeing Different Yeshua/Jesus. My Yeshua/Jesus is not the same as yours. You are Ignorant of the Yeshua/Jesus that I see. Yeshua/Jesus is Not Carnal and getting Drunk is Carnal Activity. Do you understand what it means to be led by the Spirit or do you think Spirit means Alcoholic Drink?

So you don't eat pork, and you keep all of the Jewish laws? So you're Jewish, just as Jesus was. And you don't judge people right? Well we know that you're very judgmental and condescending, so not like Jesus.
Do you agree that Being Christian is not Determined by what you Look Like?
You clearly missed the point I was making. Of course one isn't a Christian just because of how they look.

You have to practice Christianity to be a Christian. Is that so difficult for you to understand? A person born to Christian parents don't make that person Christian if they don't practice the Religion.
You missed the point I was being. I was talking about statistics. If you're born to Christian parents, you're more likely to become Christian. If you're born to Muslim parents, you're more likely to become Muslim. That's what I was pointing out. You missed my point because you're not interested in what I have to say.

Who are you to determine who or who is not a Christian. You almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus. The Nazis and KKK Assert that they are Christian. Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic. They see a different Yeshua/Jesus from you. I see a Different Yeshua/Jesus from you and the Nazis/KKK. Are the different Interpretations Equally Valid? Are yo able to answer Important questions.
Aren't you constantly talking about what real Christians are? And you're upset that I said Nazis and the KKK are not branches of Christianity? That's called hypocrisy and Jesus was against it. I'm not going to debate whether some Nazis and some KKK members were Christians. It doesn't matter. What's clear with your line of reasoning here is that you once again didn't understand my point and are just jumping to an inane conclusion.

Christians have been attacking other Christian groups that had Contrary beliefs for thousands of years. Everybody thinks that the Christianity that they practice is the Right Christianity. The Nazis and KKK believe that they are Loving Elohim/God and their Neighbour through their practices. You believe these are Pagan practices and I believe your Yeshua/Jesus is Pagan. You said yourself, you almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus. Given that you almost No Nothing about Yeshua/Jesus, how can you know that you are a practising Christian?
I didn't say I know nothing about Jesus. Never said that at all. Why are you bearing false witness now? Again, not very Christ like.


Well-Known Member
Wine is alcohol. Jesus also partakes in wine at the last supper. Wine, again, is alcohol.
I'm in Agreement with the Methodists that it is Pure Grape Juice. You are in Agreement with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox that it is Alcoholic Wine.

Sacramental wine


"The majority of liturgical churches, such as the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, require that sacramental wine should be pure grape wine. Other Christian churches, such as some Methodist Churches, disapprove of the consumption of alcohol, and substitute grape juice for wine (see Christian views on alcohol)...."

Being a Christian doesn't mean you know anything. And no, Jesus is never mentioned before Matthew. To see Jesus in the OT, you have to force him into it. I won't disrespect the Bible in that manner.
John 5:46

46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me.

You have to know All About Yeshua/Jesus to be a Christian because a Christian is a Follower of Yeshua/Jesus. Every word in the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about the Father and the Son Yeshua/Jesus. Yeshua/Jesus said Moses wrote about him.

So you don't eat pork, and you keep all of the Jewish laws? So you're Jewish, just as Jesus was. And you don't judge people right? Well we know that you're very judgmental and condescending, so not like Jesus.
Ephesians 5:18

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

That's Absolutely Correct. I do Not eat Pork. I Am Christian Ascetic Monk Keeping the Ten Commandments, Celibate, Free From Alcohol, Free From Drugs and Vegan. For example, I'm in a position to Judge you for claiming you are Christian and getting Drunk because I don't drink Alcohol. No doubt you are having Recreational Sex, Drinking Alcohol, Taking Drugs and Eating anything you want.

Aren't you constantly talking about what real Christians are? And you're upset that I said Nazis and the KKK are not branches of Christianity? That's called hypocrisy and Jesus was against it. I'm not going to debate whether some Nazis and some KKK members were Christians. It doesn't matter. What's clear with your line of reasoning here is that you once again didn't understand my point and are just jumping to an inane conclusion.
Matthew 12:33

33 `Either make the tree good, and its fruit good, or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad, for from the fruit is the tree known.

No, it's not Hypocrisy. And by your reasoning you are being a Hypocrite for Judging that I'm a Hypocrite because you said Christians are not meant to Judge. If you check the content on this thread I said that if, for example, a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest is Seeing Yeshua/Jesus as a Pedophile than that person is a Real Christian from their perspective. From my Perspective it is False Christianity because I'm Seeing a Different Yeshua/Jesus. That's because there is an Good Christian/Anointing and an Evil Christian/Anointing. From the perspective of the Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest My Christianity if False Christianity in the Inverse Relation.

I didn't say I know nothing about Jesus. Never said that at all. Why are you bearing false witness now? Again, not very Christ like.
There you go again, by your reasoning, hypocritically Judging and doing so Falsely. You said we know almost nothing about Yeshua/Jesus in post #123: Who Or What Is Christian?

You said:
"...I have no idea if Jesus got drunk as we know almost nothing of him..."
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I'm in Agreement with the Methodists that it is Pure Grape Juice. You are in Agreement with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox that it is Alcoholic Wine.
I'm in agreement with the Bible. It clearly states Jesus had wine at the last supper. That was part of the tradition of Passover, and the Greek here is clear. The fact is, Jesus was fine with wine, which is alcohol.

You have to know All About Yeshua/Jesus to be a Christian because a Christian is a Follower of Yeshua/Jesus. Every word in the Holy Scriptures/Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about the Father and the Son Yeshua/Jesus. Yeshua/Jesus said Moses wrote about him.
[/quote]No. That's a statement of faith, not a statement of fact. Moses never wrote anything. Moses, from a historic point of view, never existed.

And the fact is, no one know everything about Jesus, nor are we called to do such. That isn't even based on the Bible, that's just based on your own faith. And no, the entire Bible isn't about Jesus. Much of it doesn't even talk about God.

That's Absolutely Correct. I do Not eat Pork. I Am Christian Ascetic Monk Keeping the Ten Commandments, Celibate, Free From Alcohol, Free From Drugs and Vegan. For example, I'm in a position to Judge you for claiming you are Christian and getting Drunk because I don't drink Alcohol. No doubt you are having Recreational Sex, Drinking Alcohol, Taking Drugs and Eating anything you want.
There you go judging. I guess you don't keep what Jesus says, as he tells you not to judge, nor to bear false witness. You did that here. I don't drink. I don't take drugs. And I don't eat anything I want, even though Paul states that it's not really a big deal. I also keep the 10 commandments, and as God commanded, I've been fruitful and multiplied. I don't keep all of the other Jewish laws, because I'm not a practicing Jew.

So while you're being exceptionally self-righteous here, like Jesus rebuked some Pharisees and Scribes for, you're not really hitting on what Jesus taught.

No, it's not Hypocrisy. And by your reasoning you are being a Hypocrite for Judging that I'm a Hypocrite because you said Christians are not meant to Judge. If you check the content on this thread I said that if, for example, a Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest is Seeing Yeshua/Jesus as a Pedophile than that person is a Real Christian from their perspective. From my Perspective it is False Christianity because I'm Seeing a Different Yeshua/Jesus. That's because there is an Good Christian/Anointing and an Evil Christian/Anointing. From the perspective of the Roman Catholic Pedophile Priest My Christianity if False Christianity in the Inverse Relation.

I pointed out the hypocrisy. That's not judgment, that's pointing out an action. I'm not judging you personally. If you lie, I can point out that what you said is a lie. That's not judging you as anything.

And you can try to reframe your whole dismissing others as Evil Christians or whatever, but it really boils down to self-righteousness and an assumption that you're better than others because you supposedly have all of the answers. Yet, funny enough, you've demonstrated a host of actions that suggest otherwise.

There you go again, by your reasoning, hypocritically Judging and doing so Falsely. You said we know almost nothing about Yeshua/Jesus in post #123: Who Or What Is Christian?

You said:
"...I have no idea if Jesus got drunk as we know almost nothing of him..."


A Christian is someone who follows Jesus Christ and believes in His teachings. Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God who came to save humanity.


Well-Known Member
No. That's a statement of faith, not a statement of fact. Moses never wrote anything. Moses, from a historic point of view, never existed.
True Religion is about Faith. Faith Realised is Absolute Fact. To those that do Not Know, it is Faith. To those that Know, Faith Established Absolute Fact. What evidence do you have that Moses never existed? Do you believe that Jesus existed from a Historical point of view?

And the fact is, no one know everything about Jesus, nor are we called to do such. That isn't even based on the Bible, that's just based on your own faith. And no, the entire Bible isn't about Jesus. Much of it doesn't even talk about God.
You cannot speak for everybody given that not everybody has the same level of Christian Maturity. It's not based on the Holy Scriptures/Bible to you because you current level of growth of lack thereof. As you grow as a Christian you learn new things. Every Word in the Holy Scriptures/Bible is about Elohim/God. Every Word Written is Written by Elohim/God whether Religious or So-called Non-Religious. Elohim/God is All Things. Elohim/God is Omni.

There you go judging. I guess you don't keep what Jesus says, as he tells you not to judge, nor to bear false witness. You did that here. I don't drink. I don't take drugs. And I don't eat anything I want, even though Paul states that it's not really a big deal. I also keep the 10 commandments, and as God commanded, I've been fruitful and multiplied. I don't keep all of the other Jewish laws, because I'm not a practicing Jew.

So while you're being exceptionally self-righteous here, like Jesus rebuked some Pharisees and Scribes for, you're not really hitting on what Jesus taught.
Romans 10:3

3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Based on your current level of understanding it doesn't appear that you are keeping the Ten Commandments. For example, do you keep the Sabbath Day Holy?

You say you don't drink, yet you are encouraging people to get Tipsy with Alcohol. When I say Drugs I mean Pharmaceutical and Recreational Drugs. Recreational drugs including Coffee and Tea. Elohim/God has provided Drugs for the Natural Man. Recreational Sex means Sex Without the Intention to Procreate. For example, Man uses Condom or Woman takes the Pill. Sex is for Procreation Purposes Only between Mature Married Man and Woman. Are you Vegan or Vegetarian? Do you eat Pork and other Red meat?

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.

Self-Righteousness is when you Establish your own Righteousness that is Not Elohim's/God's Righteousness. Ignorance upholds Self-Righteousness. The Natural Man lowers Elohim's/God's Moral Standard to a Base level that they are Comfortable with.

I pointed out the hypocrisy. That's not judgment, that's pointing out an action. I'm not judging you personally. If you lie, I can point out that what you said is a lie. That's not judging you as anything.
You are Judging me to be a Liar when it is you that is the Liar. You said we Know Almost Nothing About Yeshua/Jesus and you lied about me bearing False Witness for me writing that you said such a thing. You are the one that Knows Almost Nothing About Yeshua/Jesus because of your Immaturity as a Christian. You cannot speak for everybody because not everybody has the same level of Maturity. No reasonable person is going to take seriously somebody claiming to be a Christian that Knows Almost Nothing About Yeshua/Jesus.

And you can try to reframe your whole dismissing others as Evil Christians or whatever, but it really boils down to self-righteousness and an assumption that you're better than others because you supposedly have all of the answers. Yet, funny enough, you've demonstrated a host of actions that suggest otherwise.
Isaiah 5:20

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

For example, Evil Christians Practice Pedophilia and Serial Killing? Do you agree that Pedophilia and Serial Killing is Evil? Pedophile and Serial Killing Christians view me as Evil because I practice the Total Opposite Ascetic Inverse. What is Good and what is Evil is from the practitioners perspective.
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