Well, the Quran and the Muslim narratives are taken from Jewish (people of the book), Christian, and Persian narratives. Supposedly written in an Arabic with no vowels or dots, leading to confusion, which was written down supposedly by a consortium of consorts of a supposed personage called "the praised one" (Mohammad), which was supposedly shipped out to Arab strong holds, after burning every other previous writings, including the resurrected part eaten by the household goat. The problem being is that there are no copies of the original authorized written text, and the following texts have differing numbers of chapters. In the early 20th century, supposedly they came up with a new Quran canon, and were supposedly to throw the other differing versions into the Nile River. Well, today you have around 100 different versions, with around 96,000 deficiencies having been pointed out. Most of the writers of the Muslim narratives were Persians, from the area around present day Baghdad, not Mecca, which as a city, Mecca did not exist at the time of this supposed Mohammad. The Muslims will say God wrote the Quran and admit that this Mohammad could not read or write, yet according to the Muslim narrative, that after the murder of this Mohammad, and it being found that there were different versions being preach, his man Friday, a Persian, was asked to put the sayings of Mohammad to paper. There was no Mohammad living out of the made-up trading center of Mecca in the early 7th century, and there was no Koran at that time. No man, no book, and no Mecca. The term Islam is documented around the time of 690 A.D., the time of Abd al-Malik, an Arab who ruled Jerusalem, and according to his coinage of the time, was probably an anti-Trinity Christian, who as did Constantine, apparently created his own state religion to further unify the Arab tribes. Their whole narrative was taken from different elements, and mostly contrived to unite the Arabs into a one faith religious state. Since less than 20%of Muslims can read Arabic, they don't even know what they believe, because they can't read the Koran as supposedly written. They simply believe the parts they are told about. Differing sects have differing interpretations, which results in them killing each other, which is an ongoing process.I don't think a Muslim would say as he did " My personal tools consist of eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and body, which function through a neurological network connected to an even larger network that functions the same way." Muslims believe the Quran is a source of truth.