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Who was the most influential person to walk the earth?


Premium Member
Maybe because his "understanding" is not well founded and only a few truths are admitted to so his lies LOOK true.

Good enough reason?

If one knows the truth but yet cites unreliable source, A source, that is the opposite of the truth what do you think is being done?

One incident was hunted down to "refute" what I said which IS true, that incident not even legitimate or reliable.

Don't be so easily duped by words, this person is telling fairy tails.

I find it worrisome you think this person is anything but deceptive and devious, unreliable and not concerned with the truth at all, willing to quote unreliable sources as fact, and that this passes for informed in your eyes.

I can do no better than my best to ascertain how reliable people are. Thus far, I have been impressed with Augustus. Remember, you are naturally going to reject much of what they say due to your theological stances, but this isn't something that impacts me.


Active Member
@Augustus is rather more convincing and plausible. Better sources and all.

You think I am surprised you sided against Islam?

He didn't have A SOURCE, period, so it is kind of impossible to be better.

The one thing he cited says of itself, "BETTER SOURCES NEEDED" which is likely Wikipedia.

Yeah, you are impressive!


Active Member
You think I am surprised you sided against Islam?

He didn't have A SOURCE, period, so it is kind of impossible to be better.

The one thing he cited says of itself, "BETTER SOURCES NEEDED" which is likely Wikipedia.

Yeah, you are impressive!
The fact is that I do agree with a good deal of the things you say. But I also think you have blinders on when it comes to Islam and particularly Islamic culture.

You think incorrectly then, because I certainly have no blinders.

But I don't expect you to just know my thoughts, although you should not assume either.

So, you agree with much of what I say while I have provided numerous reliable sources.

But one self admittedly poor source is better?

That doesn't even make sense.

I have sources in almost every comment of mine going back to my second or third, pages I have provided with sources, not just this page.

Go back and read them before you make ridiculous statements like ONE source that admits it's poor are better than all the names, books, etc, that I actually quoted AND from reliable sources.
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Active Member
The fact is that I do agree with a good deal of the things you say. But I also think you have blinders on when it comes to Islam and particularly Islamic culture.

Yet a guy who says things that are typical of propaganda while citing a source that admits it's poor makes Augustus more believeable?

On what planet exactly does this make a bit of sense?


Active Member
I am not against Islam. Neither am I slavishly accepting of implausible assertions because they make me feel better.

Well...you actually DID believe an unverified and implausible fairy tale was "more believeable" than legitimate facts.

That's absurd of you to say considering.

If negative about Islam you accept it no matter how ridiculous and untrue.

But the truth you find implausible?

That's a tough scenario. I don't envy you.


yawn <ignore> yawn
If negative about Islam you accept it no matter how ridiculous and untrue.
This is simply not true. But with the blinders you have on I am sure you will continue to believe that you know more about me than I do myself.
You just aren't much worth discussing this with. There are other Muslims who are more reasonable.
Yet a guy who says things that are typical of propaganda while citing a source that admits it's poor makes Augustus more believeable?

On what planet exactly does this make a bit of sense?

What did I say that was typical of propaganda?

Does anti-Islamic propaganda frequently talk about the Romantic literary influences on 19th C orientalism? (note: I didn't say anything about Muhammad, just the reliability of 19th C European orientalism)

Does propaganda challenge the 'convert or die' myths often used to criticise Islam?

Does propaganda make a point of highlighting the fact that the (proto)Islamic conquests were little different to, those of the Romans or Persians and that Jizya (an anti-Islamic bugbear) is likely derived from a Persian word, and that post conquest administration utilised many existing local customs?

Does propaganda avoid highlighting some imaginary 'unique evil' about Islam when mentioning historical facts about bad things done by historical Muslims as the world was a violent place in general and all Empires did bad things? (Btw, can we agree that the devshirme was real yet, even if it went against Muslim teachings, so I wasn't lying?)

Well...you actually DID believe an unverified and implausible fairy tale was "more believeable" than legitimate facts.

What fairy tale?


Active Member
I was just floating around the internet looking at the websites run specifically to slander Islam run by Fundamentalist fanatics calling themselves Christians.

While they have much to claim they have no evidence that is not out of context to support such lies.

Taking advantage of the fact that people are generally ignorant of foreign cultures the best they can do is lie about the meaning of certain concepts and distort the truth.

One site with no contact information said it would supply the evidence when addressed by a Muslim. Which was not possible to even do, I wanted to.

My point?

Mohammed (s.a.w.s) Prophet of God Most High inspires Muslims with his positive message and logical approach to everything, it is inspiring and makes one want to make the world a better place. If you are a Muslim or otherwise sensible person of moral purpose.

If you are a Fundamental Christian he inspires some of your leaders and you to blind hatred and hypocrisy (although that was around in Paul's day too), specifically being a liar while saying it is "taught to all Muslims that deception is permissible."

And other nonsense.

I was going to say it is Mohammed (saws) that influences them to lie but it is in the Epistles of Paul actually that they get the same justification for lying (and use the isht out of it) they accuse Islam of teaching, sans proof and accurate understanding of Muslim concepts.

"If my lie abounds to God's glory why am I being judged a sinner?"

"I became all things to all men."

Paul was the deciever par excellence and if not for him the God of Abraham PBUH might not have needed to give the world Islam.


I do stuff
Who do you think was the most influential person in History? I'm guessing Jesus...and He was born in a barn ;)
The first person. Without him or her the rest of us wouldn't be here.


Active Member
Yes you are right, I apologize as that statement was somewhat premature and based on a misunderstanding from an article I was reading. However, before long that may change.
In fact most predictions are that worldwide, the Muslin population will outnumber Christians by the year 2030 and then gradually leave the latter biting the dust.

For the record whether or not Islam surpasses in number Christianity, in the future, I hope "the latter" is not harmed physically or bites any dust.

If (real) history is any indication (as in Saladin) Islam will protect them. And probably gloat a little because of all the trash talk that Muslims also engage in, just not as despicably ignorant of the truth, facts, or nearly as hardcore and unrelenting.

After all the truth usually is spoken once and left to be accepted or denied.

Lies need constant repetition. While Islam really doesn't have anything they need to lie about as it is always done on their behalf without consent and they know it is b.s.

Christianity has lied about pretty much everything since ever with few exceptions.

I speak of mostly leadership but also the blind followers of preacher men to a lesser degree.

The majority are innocent until they turn not just pro their religion, Xtianity, but anti every other religion as if "of Satan."

Then they are fanatics, not just Xtians but Jews and Muslims too.

Thing is Islam can't disrespect Jesus pbuh like they can Mohammed (s.a.w.S) and Jesus in Judaism, pbuh. They have the same God and Prophets, PBUT.

Although we have Paul and that is actually a great source to use against Xtian attacks on Islam, false apostle that he was.

So it is not like Islam can or would want to lie and say that the God of the Bible is Satan as is done with God (Arabic Allah, same deity) in the Qur'an, not realizing that they are blaspheming their own God in ignorance!!!

Thank God for the flaws in Xtian doctrine or it'd be impossible to go on the offensive, albeit in response to slander and defensive actually.

But the flaws in the Bible are legion.

The Talmud just plain racist and lacking in any sense of non Jew on Jew human decency, has instructions for infant sacrifice to Moloch and claims Jesus pbuh is "Boiling in hot excrement in hell."

And circumcision is done with the mouth of the Rabbi, seriously.
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Active Member
As a Muslim you probably have some idea of what I think of Donald Trump.

Assad has blamed Trump for the recent chemical attacks that it is quite obvious that it was Assad who calls innocent civilians protesting "terrorists" and treats them as such.

If it is not some dubious conspiracy and Trump takes action, removes the terrorist, not even human Al Assad from power, and for a change American intervention works in granting Syria the freedom it deserves, even if the UN does or doesn't help (which should have happened during the Arab Spring).

I will willingly and with a smile consider nominating this man I do not even like as the second most influential person in (my lifetime) history.

Al Assad needs to be assassinated as a tyrannical, anti Islamic dictator. What is so confusing is why do people hate Syrians for being innocent civilians who are Muslims when on one side the ruler of their country wants to oppress them.

The blind ignorant hatred of Islam doesn't stop with Syria and Iraq.

A buffoon even tried saying,err, fabricating, a heinous lie the well known peaceful Muslims of India "persecute Hindus daily" which doesn't have a fraction of truth to it.

Hindus are the only polytheist religion to be accepted as "People of the Book", a Quranic idiom for people of good religion.

This person just flat out invented something negative to say just because I said something (true and) positive.

You know who you are. Actually I don't think it is this thread but that person is....@#$&.

On the other side ISIS is fighting Assad and if you can believe it Syrian civilians too.

Nothing makes sense about this.

Neither Assad or IS represent what Islam is, has been and will always be, they are traitors TO Islam, maybe not even actual Muslims at all and imposters.

But people are so clueless about reality they hate the innocent civilians for being Muslims and nothing else, because in their feeble brain it is unthinkable to distinguish between the two.

Mohammed (s.a.w.s) would have known how to handle it.
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Veteran Member
The Talmud just plain racist and lacking in any sense of non Jew on Jew human decency, has instructions for infant sacrifice to Moloch
For someone who fights so vociferously against anti-Islamic propaganda, don't you feel a little hypocritical to quote antisemitic propaganda yourself?

and claims Jesus pbuh is "Boiling in hot excrement in hell."
That is consistent with the punishment for mocking the Sages as the Talmud points out. Jesus wasn't special in that.

And circumcision is done with the mouth of the Rabbi, seriously.
Circumcision is not done with the mouth of the Rabbi. After the circumcision is done, there is a custom to draw out the blood from the wound with the mouth.


Active Member
For someone who fights so vociferously against anti-Islamic propaganda, don't you feel a little hypocritical to quote antisemitic propaganda yourself?

That is consistent with the punishment for mocking the Sages as the Talmud points out. Jesus wasn't special in that.

Circumcision is not done with the mouth of the Rabbi. After the circumcision is done, there is a custom to draw out the blood from the wound with the mouth.

The Talmud is a sacred text.

Not propaganda. I'm stating factually what it says. Just because you don't know something doesn't make it propaganda.

It's the Talmud, it IS IN THERE.

So why the hell would I in a million years feel that way. It makes no sense. You never do though


Active Member
For someone who fights so vociferously against anti-Islamic propaganda, don't you feel a little hypocritical to quote antisemitic propaganda yourself?

That is consistent with the punishment for mocking the Sages as the Talmud points out. Jesus wasn't special in that.

Circumcision is not done with the mouth of the Rabbi. After the circumcision is done, there is a custom to draw out the blood from the wound with the mouth.

What you are saying is false.

Everything I said was in it I HAVE READ.


Active Member
What is with people hearing correct information and just assuming it is "propaganda?"

The Talmud is online, Come and hear is one site but to say that the Talmud Jeshu stories and Toledot Jeshu are propaganda as well as the fact that circumcision is done by the mouth of the Rabbi is to be oblivious but not realize it.

It's not propaganda if it IS ACTUALLY IN THERE. Millions of people know this for D's sake!

I hate know it alls who don't know anything but run around telling people that they are wrong about stuff.

Stop. It's so annoying. I don't spew propaganda, if it's in the Talmud and Toldot Jeshu available to read online also you are wrong for assuming it's propaganda without checking.

Which means you were told so and duped that it was so.