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Who will you vote for?


Deviled Hen
There's always Mike Gravel. If the Libertarians nominate Gravel, I'll vote for him.
Didja see him in the new Obama Girl vid?

If the Libertarians nominate Bob Barr and the Greens nominate anybody but Cynthia McKinney, I'll vote for the Green candidate.

Ah yes, I live in McKinney's old district. Nuff said.

If the Libertarians nominate Bob Barr and the Greens nominate Cynthia McKinney, I'll vote for Obama. Or Clinton. Whatever.

It likely won't matter who I vote for because GA's electoral votes would go to the GOP unless Armageddon happens first, so I'll give that a little thought about a week before the election in November.


Well-Known Member
Vote the Green Party oh wait you don't have a green party in the States, get one and vote for them.


Active Member
doesn't matter. they don't need voters any more, they can rig the whole thing easily with electronic voting because it doesn't leave a paper trail. first, they use the media to control people to vote for obama because that's who they want to be president. the whole delegate thing and primaries is very much rigged. any one who speaks against them like ron paul isn't allowed to get any coverage.

ron paul in a certain state's primary (nebraska i think) got not even a single vote. this was strange cos he knew that some people did actually vote for them so why didn't the votes of those people show up, why did his whole vote show up as 0 (and i'm only using this as an example).

pontless, your next president will be obama whether you like it or not because obama's the one they've chosen. some of those events happening to show racial slurs after obama announced his candicy haven't happened by coincidence. they've been used to get more respect for the black man because one is going to be the president. things like that kramer guy making the racial slur at a comedy club being captured on camera (i dunno if you know this but camera's are NEVER allowed in comedy clubs or they're taken away but someone by coincidence happened to capture this). the main girl on the golf channel being told to make that tiger woods racial slur then being suspended for two weeks didn't make enough of a bang. so they did the same sorta thing with the head or executive or something of the magazine getting him fired which made a huge bang. then that football show host getting fired, he always made racial slurs, they just happened to fire him then (but he's now on a different show getting a healthy salary...they take care of their people).

ok, this is long, i'm not gonna keep giving all the examples like the 20,00 ppl protest in that college town, but you get the point. there will be more of it in the months leading to obama's win.


Emergent Anglo-Catholic
I feel like slapping myself. My political understand has evolved somewhat and now I see that Ron Paul is a false Libertarian (first clue, he is against same-sex marriage). I cannot say if I will vote for McCain or Obama till I step in that voting booth.
But he's for state's rights on it, and at the federal level, I think that is and should be the libertarian position.


Done here.
But he's for state's rights on it, and at the federal level, I think that is and should be the libertarian position.
Why? I thought libertarians were supposed to be for liberty, not merely for having the people abridging your liberties closer to home.


I have three options:
Write in Ron Paul
Write in someone else.
Not vote at all.

I can't accept any of the current possibilities(no offense intended to anyone):

I disagree with Barrack Obama, he's not going to really make that much change.
Anyone who supports Hillary must be a complete idiot. She's an outright lier! She's not going to change anything.
McCain is Bush's clone.

At least Ron Paul would get rid of the Federal Reserve. That's a start in the right direction.


Active Member
yep. i'd only vote for ron paul but he won't get nominated obviously. he's a constitutionist. he's against the new world order. that's why he won't win though cos they choose who win. if he did somehow win, he'd get assassinated. oh wait, the 44th prez is supposed to get killed so obama will probably die in office.


yep. i'd only vote for ron paul but he won't get nominated obviously. he's a constitutionist. he's against the new world order. that's why he won't win though cos they choose who win. if he did somehow win, he'd get assassinated. oh wait, the 44th prez is supposed to get killed so obama will probably die in office.

Well I used to think Obama was going to win but I'm not so sure anymore. I've heard that if Obama get's the nomination most of the Hillary supporters will vote for McCain.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
doesn't matter. they don't need voters any more, they can rig the whole thing easily with electronic voting because it doesn't leave a paper trail. first, they use the media to control people to vote for obama because that's who they want to be president. the whole delegate thing and primaries is very much rigged.
Who is THEY?
your next president will be obama whether you like it or not because obama's the one they've chosen.
If the Democratic party had the ability to rig elections, they would not have let the last two slip through their fingers. :sorry1:

If anyone is going to rig an election, it will be the folks with experience doing this and Obama won't be the winner. :D


Active Member
haha when did i say the democrats were the ones rigging the elctions or the republicans rigged the 2004 election? i think democrats/republicans are the same anywyas and just different from the outside.

btw, have a look at obama's ridiculously royal/famous bloodline compared to clinton and mccain. and consider this scenario. obama's ridiculously popular with our younger generation yeah? imagine how devastated they'd all be if he gets assassinated in a year or two like JFK did...


Well-Known Member
Man, if I was American, I'd TOTALLY vote for Rudy Guilliani! Only because you KNOW he's hardcore a mobster. If I didn't vote for him, I'd end up in the East River with a pair of cement shoes.

Besides, I think the white house needs a mobster. He would have been an awesome president... He's not in the running anymore, right?


Man, if I was American, I'd TOTALLY vote for Rudy Guilliani! Only because you KNOW he's hardcore a mobster. If I didn't vote for him, I'd end up in the East River with a pair of cement shoes.

Besides, I think the white house needs a mobster. He would have been an awesome president...


He's not in the running anymore, right?

No he's not, thank goodness!



Well-Known Member
I am not voting in this election I do not see the point in voting for the less of 2 evils

Mccain is going to win anyhow Obama can't beat him Watch the debates Mccain is going to make a fool of him. Mccain has the experence Obama keeps talking about change bu tall hes doing is repeating more or less what HIllary is & shes repeating him.

Hillary is vicious enough to stand toe to toe with Mccain Obama is not, besides why vote for someone who came out of no where & that no ones has heard of before??? :shrug:


Done here.
He would have been an awesome president... He's not in the running anymore, right?
Nope. Rudy Gi911ani is out of the race. The only reason anybody liked him in the first place was that he was on the ground on 9/11 while Bush was in hiding.
I'm leaning towards McCain because Obama doesn't seem to have any intestinial fortitude, and Hilary is just plain crazy. His recent fire challenging McCain to a debate on "How to protect this country" would have been humorous if I didn't think he was serious. McCain is going to grind him to dust if it comes to the general election.


Done here.
I'm leaning towards McCain because Obama doesn't seem to have any intestinial fortitude, and Hilary is just plain crazy. His recent fire challenging McCain to a debate on "How to protect this country" would have been humorous if I didn't think he was serious. McCain is going to grind him to dust if it comes to the general election.
You think Hillary is crazy, but you're leaning toward McCain? Have you listened to McCain? If he's not a lunatic, he does a very good impression of one.

I have a fairly strong dislike of Obama, but he doesn't seem nearly as scary as McCain.
You think Hillary is crazy, but you're leaning toward McCain? Have you listened to McCain? If he's not a lunatic, he does a very good impression of one.

I have a fairly strong dislike of Obama, but he doesn't seem nearly as scary as McCain.

Probably been hearing different things. What are you talking about? Obama doesn't scare me the way McCain does. Obama has a bit of the FDR syndrome in him I think. He'll talk to much and won't act. Where as McCain may act too much, but not talk enough. I see McCain as a strong military leader and Obama as a bit of a umm... wuss. I'm an Infantryman so I'm thinking along those lines as well. I see McCain as someone that gutted out and has the mental ability to know when and when not to send me to war I don't see that in Mr. Obama.