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Who would you like to see run in '08?


Obstructor of justice
We all have our political opinions, and I'm interested in hearing people's hopes for cantidates for the 2008 elections, which I happen to be looking forward to.

Please limit your...suggestions....to actual potential cantidates. Johnny Depp would make a fine commander in chief, but it's not particularly feasible. =)

Personally, I am really hoping the rumors are true, and Rudy Giuliani is considering running. Maybe it's because I'm a New Yorker, but I think that he is the best possible man for the job. I like him because he thinks for himself instead of just towing the Republican party line.


Harvey Wallbanger
1. Pat Buchanan
2. David Duke
3. Walter Mondale
4. Geraldine Ferraro
5. Pat Robertson
6. Ross Perot
7. Ralph Nader


Harvey Wallbanger
(those were just a few of my personal favorites)

I honestly don't know at this point! I'll just wait and see who throws thier name into the hat, I don't know enough about any of the people thinking about it right now to make a suggestion.


Obstructor of justice
David Duke? Realy? I thought his chances of ever being president went out the window when his close ties to the KKK were made public.

I wish I could remember that song about him...


Pneumatic Spiritualist
I agree with Nader and Perot on Comet's list, but I am perplexed to see them on a list with Pat Buchanan and DAVID FRIGGIN DUKE!:slap:

I personally like Wesley Clark and John McCain, I feel our CIC should have REAL military experiance.

I also have an idea I want to hear some opinions on. Eliminate the running mates and make the runner up the VP.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Who would I like to see run in '08.... *mulls this over*

Depends on whether they're running 'to' or 'from'! :D

*ducks and hides*


Following Christ
spacemonkey said:
...Eliminate the running mates and make the runner up the VP.
/me whispers a friendly reminder that this would require a Constitutional Amendment.:D

I'd have to say John McCain is a good choice. He is much more moderate on social issues than GWB and has a history of coalition buildling in Congress.

/me mulls over Comet's list again and runs to duck and hide with Feathers.:run:


Pneumatic Spiritualist
CaptainXeroid said:
/me whispers a friendly reminder that this would require a Constitutional Amendment.:D

I realize that, I said it was just my idea that I wanted opinons on. If I thought my ideas should be automatic laws, then I would be "Dubbyah" :eek:


Reason, and reason again
Comet said:
1. Pat Buchanan
2. David Duke
3. Walter Mondale
4. Geraldine Ferraro
5. Pat Robertson
6. Ross Perot
7. Ralph Nader

Pat Robertson. Eek, I don't want to be thrown in jail.

I liked spacemonkey's choice of Wesley Clark.


I'd like to see John Kerry run.......into an industrial mulcher.


I smell something....
In this order.

1. Jessie Ventura
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Dennis Kucinich
4. John McCain
5. Howard Dean


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I'd like to see Mitt Romney run -- and no, it's not just because he's LDS. It's only partly because he's LDS. :D I'd like to see him run because I trust him and that's something I can't say about very many politicians these days. He has no skeletons in his closet. He's a decent, intelligent man with high principles. He's a rather moderate Replublican (which appeals to me, as I'm not into the extreme right or left) and he'd do an excellent job of improving the nation's economy.

It'll never happen, though. There are just too many Baptists out there who wouldn't vote for a Mormon if he were running against Osama bin Ladin.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I would like to see someone run who is supportive of equal rights for same sex couples, instead of treating us as second-class citizens.


Done here.
Eugene McCarthy. :(

Too late for that though, so:

1) Russ Feingold
2) Barack Obama
3) Molly Ivins
4) Urvashi Vaid
5) Jim Hightower
6) Gavin Newsom
7) Martin Luther King III


Well-Known Member

Who is she? Former First Lady now serving as senator from New York - the first former first lady to go on to hold elected office.
Hillary Clinton: Leader of the pack

Why take her seriously? Unbeatable name recognition and unmatched fundraising ability make Hillary - no surname necessary - the clear front-runner for the Democrats. She has tried to stake out a position as a centrist in her six years in the Senate - and has raised an estimated $40m for her Senate re-election campaign. What's going to stand in her way? If Bill Clinton remains a divisive figure in American politics, that goes at least double for Hillary - some estimates say one in three Americans would never vote for her. And the US has never yet elected a woman president.



Who is she? President Bush's high-flying secretary of state, and his national security adviser before that.
Condoleezza Rice: High-flying insider

Why take her seriously? Top figures around the world have suggested she is presidential material, including First Lady Laura Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Australian Prime Minister John Howard. Former presidential pollster Dick Morris had a bestselling book based on the idea of a Hillary-Condi contest up in 2008. What's going to stand in her way? Ms Rice has often said she is not planning to run for president. Despite her glittering career, she has never been elected to public office - and the US has never elected an African-American or a woman president. Would voters be ready to smash two barriers at once?

With these two, we are sure to have the first Lady President of USA:yes: :yes:

More on others.