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Who wrote the Quran, and is it infallible ?


Active Member
Why do ( SOME ) Muslims resort to name calling and throwing temper tantrum , Instead of discussing the facts ?


Active Member
Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
They knew who Allah was becasue of Ishmael the son of Ibrahim.
Where is the evidence from Quran Allah is the moon god.

what finds?

The evidence is in the above post if you read with your Eyes and not your heart[/quote]These are not facts these are just your statements, where are the references and sources from Quran and Sunnah.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !
What do real arabs have to do with Islam? They are the minority I am not getting where this line of questioning is leading.

What do Arabs have to do with Islam?


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
The evidence is in the above post if you read with your Eyes and not your heart
These are not facts these are just your statements, where are the references and sources from Quran and Sunnah.[/quote]

I Gave You The Information Rather You Accept It Thats On You . But Hey It Cool


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Who? I just want your evidence for your claims.

Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ? ( Becareful What You Ask For )

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
These are not facts these are just your statements, where are the references and sources from Quran and Sunnah.

I Gave You The Information Rather You Accept It Thats On You . But Hey It Cool
You just gave me your reports. Where are these archaelogical finds. Where is the relevancy of their finds to teachings in Islam. If these things were discovered surely there is a book, a paper by someone, something.

ANd if they worship the moon, why as I said in the verse of Quran 41:37 does Allah say that.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
From Dr Malachi Z. York
Oh, you learned from him. So he is your source for what is Islam.

Now I understand why you think the way you do. I have seen his tapes he is doing his own thing. He has no authority in our religion he has created his own moon cult with a an islamic like twist. This guy is wild and way off track.

So from your understanding who is an authority in our religion meaning who defines to us what is our religion. If you think he is a source or anything he says is above what the blessed individuals who gave us our religion i.e. Muhammed and his companions say is Islam you will be just as wrong as everybody else who does that.

Islam is what Muhammed brought and how the companions acted out thid way of life called Islam. A complete account of the most blessed way to live your life in all matters small and big.

Besides Allah says if you come with anything other than Islam you will be among the losers who are those in the fire Imran 3:85



Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
You just gave me your reports. Where are these archaelogical finds. Where is the relevancy of their finds to teachings in Islam. If these things were discovered surely there is a book, a paper by someone, something.

ANd if they worship the moon, why as I said in the verse of Quran 41:37 does Allah say that.

Like said I Gave you the facts and its in the post . now are you going to answer these question ;

Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ? ( Becareful What You Ask For )


Active Member
The Koran Gets Its OverStanding From The Torah ; Because It Used The Torah Character
( Genesis17 ; 18 , Joshua 24 ; 4 , Matthew 17 ; 4 , Koran 2 ; 136 ) . It Uses The Torah Idea Of Creation ( Genesis 1 ; 31 , Genesis 1 ; 3 , Genesis2 ; 4 , Koran 2 ; 117 , 7 ; 54 . 23 ; 12 ) .. It Uses The 3 .

Torah Idea Of Hell And Heaven ( Genesis 8 ; 2 , Koran 15 ; 45 - 48 , Deuteronomy 32 ; 22 , Koran 2 ; 9 - 11 ) ; The System Of Prayer ( Genesis 17 ; 3 , Koran 96 ; 19 , Fasting ( Judges 20 ; 26 , Koran 2 ; 184 ) . And Its Dietary Laws In Relation To Eating Pig Or Not Eating Pig ( Leviticus 11 ; 7 , Koran 5 ; 4 )

Then You Can Safely Say That '' The Koran Is A By - Product Or A Child Of The Torah '' The Koran Came After The Torah . The Torah Had Already Given Birth To A Child Called The New Testament . Then The Torah Is The Koran's Grandfather , Because The New Testament Focused On Jesus ( Matthew 1 ; 1 ) And The Koran Focused On Jesus ( Koran 19 ; 34 ) . He Is The Character Most Mentioned Within It's Covers .

Muhammad Basically Followed The Same Teaching As Yashua , Isa , Jesus . Christ , In The Koran 10 ; 94 , It Says '' When In Doubt Of ThisText Go Back ; So This Is To State That Muslims Had To Have Read The Torah ''
The Similarites Between The Temple Of Judaism ( The Holy Of Holies ) In Jerusalem And The Ka'ba In Mecca .

The Prophet Solomon's Temple - The Temple Of Judaism ,
1. The temple is shaped like a cube
2 . The High Priest Can only enter the Temple once a year on the day of atonement
3 . The Judahites be-lieved that when you visit the temple your sins are forgiven
4 . The Holiest place in the temple was covered with a veil ( Exodus 26 ; 31 - 37 )
5 . The Temple Of Judaism house the Ark of the Covenant & the mercy seat ( Exodus 26 ; 33 - 34 )
6 . Solomon the son of the Prophet built the Temple of Judaism ( 2Samuel 7 ; 12 - 13
1Kings 5 ; 5 , 8; 20 21 ) .

7 . The building was built with with gold hewn stones and cedar ( Exodus Chapter . 26 ).
8. The people of Judaism face Holy The Holy Temple In prayer ( 1Kings 8 ; 22 ) .
9 . The Judahites made a pilgrimage to worship at the Temple
10 . Solomon's temple was destroyed and then rebuilt
11 . The Temples fell into the hands of Israelis enemies of Islam today
12 . The Temples was rebuilt By Herod the Great who sought to buy the Judahites He started in 19 B.C. and finished 18 years later .
13 . Everyday from the temple a chant could be heard
14 . The Judahites who worshipped at the Temple prostrated in prayer ( Daniel 2 ; 46
15 . After Herod built the temple he charged his people a high tax
The Prophet Muhammad's Temple - The Temple Of Islamism .

The Ka'ba is shape like a cube .
The Saudi Arabian King's family enter the Ka'ba once a year on Hajj for atonement
Muslims believe that when you go on Hajj , which is to visit the Ka'ba your sins are forgiven ( Quran 2 ; 158 )
The Ka'ba is veiled with a black drape called a Kiswa .
The Ka'ba houses the Black Stone .
The Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Ka'ba ( The Quran 2 ; 125 ) .
The Kiswa is woven and embroidered in gold and silver . It is made of 670 kilograms of pure silk and dyed black . The border is embroidered in gold - plated silver wire and emblazoned with verse from the Koran .

Muslims face the direction of the Holy Temple where the Ka'ba sits ( Quran 2; 125 )
Muslims go on pilgrimage to worship at the Ka'ba
The Ka'ba was destroyed and then rebuilt .
The Ka'ba has fallen into the hands of Wahhabis , the enemies of true Islam today
The Wahhabis of Saudi are rebuilding Mecca and buying all Muslims .
Everyday from the minaret of the Ka'ba a chant ( the Adhan ) can be heard .
Muslims prostrate in prayer ( The Quran 2 ; 43 ) .

Saudi Arabian charge pilgrims Hajj tax of $250 . 00 per head << Should be more then this now .
Herd's Temples Or Ka'ba Encompassed An Area Of 35 Acres , It took 18 Years To Be Completed And Remained Only 6 Years Before It Was Destroyed By The Romans . The Only Part Of The Temple Which Still Remains Is The Western Wall . More Commonly Known As The '' Wailing Wall '' To This Day Jews Wear Around Their Heads A Cube - Shape Wooden Block Which Is Attached To Leather Straps Called A Tefillin When They Perform Morning Worship In Commemoration Of The Great Temple That Was First Built By The Prophet Moses On The Command Of The Almighty Allah . ( Exodus 25 ; 8 - 9 ) . Originally The Tabernacle Of The Congregation As It Was First Called Was Carried From

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ? ( Becareful What You Ask For )

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !
you tell me where it does


Active Member
Muslims Would Like To Believe That The Prophet Muhammad Was Superior To Any Other Prophet Of Allah , The Following Hadith = Words Of Me And Not Of Allahu Subhaanahu Wa Ta'ala , Demonstrates The Extraordinary Qualities Which The Prophet

Muhammad Was Suppose To Have Possessed ;
According to Hadith ; Amina Muhammad'smother is related to have said that , among many other marvels at his birth , she heard a voice cry '' Go around all the world with Muhammad and arrange

before him all angels , genii , men and beasts , Give him Adam's form , Seth's science , Noah's bravery , the love God had towards Abraham , Ishmael's tongue, Isaac's prosperity , Salih's eloquence , Lot's wisdom , Jacob's joy at finding

Joseph , Moses , Strength , Job's patience , Jonah's submissiveness , Joshua's , skill in war , David's voice , Daniel's love for God , Elijah's nobleness , John's firmness , and Jesus ' continence ( Weil , '' Mohammed der Prophet '' pp 23, 24 ) , ( Religion of the Crescent page 26 , Rev . W . St . Clair Tisdall ,

M.A. , DD , SPCK , London . 1910 A.D. ) . The Prophet Muhammad Was A Supreme Being In The Sense That He Was Supreme Amongst The People Of His Time , The Angel Gabriel Came To Him ;... This Mean That The Power Of Allah Is Working Through This Body . The Prophet Muhaamad , A Human , Is A '' Supreme Being '' Because It Says In The Qur'aan That The Angel Gabriel Expanded The

Prophet Muhammad's Chest , Expanded It And Gave Him His Inspiration ( The Qur'aan 94 ; 1 ) , He Was Not Cut Open . Muhammad Was Khuluqin - Aziym = Created Supreme '' . And Is In A Statre Of Grace ( The Quraan 68 ; 4 ) And Sublime Morality . Thous , His Burden Was Taken Off Him And His Fame Was Exalted . The Messiah Jesus Is Mentioned Many Times In The Qur'aan .

The Prophet Muhammad Is Mentioned Only Twice By His Name ( The Qur'aan 33 ; 40 ; 61 ; 6 ) . The Quran Bring Out The Extraordinary Qualities Of The Messiah Jesus More Than The Prophet Muhammad .

Qur'anic Quotes On The Messiah Jesus. Click here: beliefnet El's Holy Quraan Verses The Messiah Jesus Is Glorified In The Qur'aan More Than Any Other Prophet . He Is Mentioned In 15 Chapters One Of The More Common Title For The Messiah Jesus Is '' Son Of Maryam . He Is Mebtioned 15 Times As Isa Ibn Maryam ( Jesus , Son Of Mary ) . 2 ; 87 ; 2; 253 ; 3; 45 ; 4 ; 157 ; 4 ; 171 ; 5; 49 ; 5 ; 81 ; 5 ; 113 ; 5 ; 115 ; 5 ; 117 ; 5 ; 119 ; 19 ; 34 ; 33; 7 ; 57; 27 ; 61 ; 6 ;....

Fourteen Times As The Son Of Mary , Ibn Maryam , Alone Or With SomeOther Title
5; 19 ( Twice ) , 49 , 78 , 113 , 115 , 117 , 119 , 9 ; 31 ; 19 ; 34 ; 23 ; 50 ; 43 ; 57 ; 57 ; 27 ; 61 ; 6 ;....

Once As The Sign Of The Hour = Alamus - Saa'ati ...43 ; 61
Eleven Times As Rasuwl ;... 2 ; 87 ; 3; 49 ; 4; 157 ; 5 ; 78 ; 57 ; 27 ; 2 ; 253 ;

3 ; 52 - 53 ; 4 ; 171 ; 5 ; 114 ; 61 ; 6 ,
The Messiah Jesus Is Mentioned In The Qur'an Nine Times Named In Conjuction With Other Prophet ;... 2 ; 136 ; 3; 84 ; 4 ; 163 ; 5 ; 81 ; 33; 7 ; 42 ; 13 ; 57 ; 26 - 27
6 ; 58 ,

The Messiah Jesus Is Mentioned As Isa In The Quraan 10 Times ;.. 2 ; 136 ; 3;51 ; 2;54 , 3; 59 ; 3 ; 84 ; 4;163 ; 6; 58 ; 42; 13 ;19 ; 34; 43 ; 63 ;

The Messiah Jesus Occurs In Connection With , Ar - Ruhu , As Often As Five Times In The Qur'aan , 2 ; 87 , 2;253 ; 5; 110 ; 4 ; 171 ; 21 ; 91 ,
The Messiah Jesus Is Mentioned As A Witness , Shahidan , In The Qur'aan Twice
4; 159 , 5 ; 120

The Messiah Jesus Is Mentioned As Blessed , Mubaarakan , In The Qur'an Once ,
19; 31 ;..... As Illustrious , Wajihan , In The Qur'aan Once 3 ; 45 , As A Sign In The Qur'aan 3 ; 48 ; 19 ; 21 ; 21 ; 91 ; 23 ; 50 , As Mercy , Rahmah In The Qur'aan 19 ; 21;..... Mentioned As

A Statement Of Truth , Qawlal , 19 ; 34 , As The One Near To Allah , Min - Al - Muqarrabiyna 3 ; 45 ;.... As The Righteous One , Min - As - Salihiyna , 3 ; 45 ;..... As And Example , Mathal , 43 ; 57 ; 43; 59 ;.....As A Simulator , Mathalan , 3 ; 59 ;..... As Al Masih = The Messiah , 3;45 , 4 ; 157 ; 4 ; 171 ; 4 ; 172 ; 5 ; 19 < Twice > 5 ; 75 < Twice > 5 ; 78 ; 9 ; 30 ; 9 ; 31 ;...

As Slave , Abd , 4 ; 172 ; 19;30 ; 43 ; 59 ;... As The Word Of Allah 3 ; 45 ; 4 ; 171
Mentioned As Be And He Became , Kuwn - Fayakuwn , 3 ; 59 ;..... The Prophet Abraham Is Also Just As Exalted As The Messiah Jesus , The Prophet Abraham Brought Zakat / Alms , Sacrifice , Qurbaan , Hajj , Pilgrimage , Dress And Then

Truth And Faith Came Throught The Messiah Jesus ( John 14 ; 6 ) , Who Was Born Of The Word Of Allah , The Prophet Muhammad Did Not Establish These Principles Of Islam , They All Came From The Prophet Abraham . That Is Why The Prophet Muhammad Was Instructed To Follow '' Milla

Ibrahim Or The '' Religion Of Abraham '' Which Is Mentioned In These Verse Of The Qur'aan . 2 ; 130 , 135 ; 3 ; 95 ; 4 ; 125 ; 6 161 ; 12 ; 38 ; 16 ; 123 ; 22 ;78 ;... Two Times As The Religion Of Former Prophets , 14 ; 16 , 38 ; 7

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
The Koran Gets Its OverStanding From The Torah ; Because It Used The Torah Character
( Genesis17 ; 18 , Joshua 24 ; 4 , Matthew 17 ; 4 , Koran 2 ; 136 ) . It Uses The Torah Idea Of Creation ( Genesis 1 ; 31 , Genesis 1 ; 3 , Genesis2 ; 4 , Koran 2 ; 117 , 7 ; 54 . 23 ; 12 ) .. It Uses The 3 .

Torah Idea Of Hell And Heaven ( Genesis 8 ; 2 , Koran 15 ; 45 - 48 , Deuteronomy 32 ; 22 , Koran 2 ; 9 - 11 ) ; The System Of Prayer ( Genesis 17 ; 3 , Koran 96 ; 19 , Fasting ( Judges 20 ; 26 , Koran 2 ; 184 ) . And Its Dietary Laws In Relation To Eating Pig Or Not Eating Pig ( Leviticus 11 ; 7 , Koran 5 ; 4 )

Then You Can Safely Say That '' The Koran Is A By - Product Or A Child Of The Torah '' The Koran Came After The Torah . The Torah Had Already Given Birth To A Child Called The New Testament . Then The Torah Is The Koran's Grandfather , Because The New Testament Focused On Jesus ( Matthew 1 ; 1 ) And The Koran Focused On Jesus ( Koran 19 ; 34 ) . He Is The Character Most Mentioned Within It's Covers .
Uh, first thing the Torah was a book given to Moses by Allah. Now it does not exist in the original form because alterations were made. So bible verses are not the Torah. You have no way of verifying. Now if one were to read the Quran it tells you that these things in the Torah, Injeel, and Zaboor are all revealed books from the same source. They were given to the prophets and each one carried the same message. To worship Allah alone and to accept the Prophethood of Muhammed as the last of a long line of Messengers and prophets.

So when you read the bible there are some things that they agree on some of which you mentioned. Some with slight variation by still almost the same. However it is not the agreement which is the issue. It is where the contradictions come it is the problem.

Now because these came from the same souce which is Allah they could not take out everything God said for the people may not have accepted it. But the deal is Muhammed never read the bible, the Torah, the Injeel, the Zaboor. He could not read those books. His people did not practice that religion. People in Arabia did not practice that religion minus a few here and there. But the arabs of arabia were simple people with a simple religion. They did not care about the religion of the Romans, they had their own thing their own culture. Now if the bible is the same as the Quran. show me where and when the Messenger of Allah who could not read or write learned this information. Where when and from who.

Muhammad Basically Followed The Same Teaching As Yashua , Isa , Jesus . Christ , In The Koran 10 ; 94 , It Says '' When In Doubt Of ThisText Go Back ; So This Is To State That Muslims Had To Have Read The Torah ''
We know they are the same teachings, same source. But the christians have altered some of them. And it is the differences which are the problem as I have said. Allah said there are no differences between the Messengers and prophets. What is your point?

The Similarites Between The Temple Of Judaism ( The Holy Of Holies ) In Jerusalem And The Ka'ba In Mecca .

The Prophet Solomon's Temple - The Temple Of Judaism ,
1. The temple is shaped like a cube
2 . The High Priest Can only enter the Temple once a year on the day of atonement
3 . The Judahites be-lieved that when you visit the temple your sins are forgiven
4 . The Holiest place in the temple was covered with a veil ( Exodus 26 ; 31 - 37 )
5 . The Temple Of Judaism house the Ark of the Covenant & the mercy seat ( Exodus 26 ; 33 - 34 )
6 . Solomon the son of the Prophet built the Temple of Judaism ( 2Samuel 7 ; 12 - 13
1Kings 5 ; 5 , 8; 20 21 ) .

7 . The building was built with with gold hewn stones and cedar ( Exodus Chapter . 26 ).
8. The people of Judaism face Holy The Holy Temple In prayer ( 1Kings 8 ; 22 ) .
9 . The Judahites made a pilgrimage to worship at the Temple
10 . Solomon's temple was destroyed and then rebuilt
11 . The Temples fell into the hands of Israelis enemies of Islam today
12 . The Temples was rebuilt By Herod the Great who sought to buy the Judahites He started in 19 B.C. and finished 18 years later .
13 . Everyday from the temple a chant could be heard
14 . The Judahites who worshipped at the Temple prostrated in prayer ( Daniel 2 ; 46
15 . After Herod built the temple he charged his people a high tax
The Prophet Muhammad's Temple - The Temple Of Islamism .

The Ka'ba is shape like a cube .
The Saudi Arabian King's family enter the Ka'ba once a year on Hajj for atonement
Muslims believe that when you go on Hajj , which is to visit the Ka'ba your sins are forgiven ( Quran 2 ; 158 )
The Ka'ba is veiled with a black drape called a Kiswa .
The Ka'ba houses the Black Stone .
The Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Ka'ba ( The Quran 2 ; 125 ) .
The Kiswa is woven and embroidered in gold and silver . It is made of 670 kilograms of pure silk and dyed black . The border is embroidered in gold - plated silver wire and emblazoned with verse from the Koran .

Muslims face the direction of the Holy Temple where the Ka'ba sits ( Quran 2; 125 )
Muslims go on pilgrimage to worship at the Ka'ba
The Ka'ba was destroyed and then rebuilt .
The Ka'ba has fallen into the hands of Wahhabis , the enemies of true Islam today
The Wahhabis of Saudi are rebuilding Mecca and buying all Muslims .
Everyday from the minaret of the Ka'ba a chant ( the Adhan ) can be heard .
Muslims prostrate in prayer ( The Quran 2 ; 43 ) .

Saudi Arabian charge pilgrims Hajj tax of $250 . 00 per head << Should be more then this now .
Herd's Temples Or Ka'ba Encompassed An Area Of 35 Acres , It took 18 Years To Be Completed And Remained Only 6 Years Before It Was Destroyed By The Romans . The Only Part Of The Temple Which Still Remains Is The Western Wall . More Commonly Known As The '' Wailing Wall '' To This Day Jews Wear Around Their Heads A Cube - Shape Wooden Block Which Is Attached To Leather Straps Called A Tefillin When They Perform Morning Worship In Commemoration Of The Great Temple That Was First Built By The Prophet Moses On The Command Of The Almighty Allah . ( Exodus 25 ; 8 - 9 ) . Originally The Tabernacle Of The Congregation As It Was First Called Was Carried From
What is your point. What does any of this have to do with how the quran is the same as bible.


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Uh, first thing the Torah was a book given to Moses by Allah. Now it does not exist in the original form because alterations were made. So bible verses are not the Torah. You have no way of verifying. Now if one were to read the Quran it tells you that these things in the Torah, Injeel, and Zaboor are all revealed books from the same source. They were given to the prophets and each one carried the same message. To worship Allah alone and to accept the Prophethood of Muhammed as the last of a long line of Messengers and prophets.

So when you read the bible there are some things that they agree on some of which you mentioned. Some with slight variation by still almost the same. However it is not the agreement which is the issue. It is where the contradictions come it is the problem.

Now because these came from the same souce which is Allah they could not take out everything God said for the people may not have accepted it. But the deal is Muhammed never read the bible, the Torah, the Injeel, the Zaboor. He could not read those books. His people did not practice that religion. People in Arabia did not practice that religion minus a few here and there. But the arabs of arabia were simple people with a simple religion. They did not care about the religion of the Romans, they had their own thing their own culture. Now if the bible is the same as the Quran. show me where and when the Messenger of Allah who could not read or write learned this information. Where when and from who.

We know they are the same teachings, same source. But the christians have altered some of them. And it is the differences which are the problem as I have said. Allah said there are no differences between the Messengers and prophets. What is your point?

What is your point. What does any of this have to do with how the quran is the same as bible.

LOLOLOLOLOL According To Quraan Yashu'a , Isa , Son Of Maryam Is Above Your Prophet Muhammad Whom Some Of You Muslims Worship . Plus Isa Son Of Maryam Is The God Of Your Quran LOLOLOLOLOL

Araaka Fiy Maa Ba'd In Shaa - A Allah


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Uh, first thing the Torah was a book given to Moses by Allah. Now it does not exist in the original form because alterations were made. So bible verses are not the Torah. You have no way of verifying. Now if one were to read the Quran it tells you that these things in the Torah, Injeel, and Zaboor are all revealed books from the same source. They were given to the prophets and each one carried the same message. To worship Allah alone and to accept the Prophethood of Muhammed as the last of a long line of Messengers and prophets.

So when you read the bible there are some things that they agree on some of which you mentioned. Some with slight variation by still almost the same. However it is not the agreement which is the issue. It is where the contradictions come it is the problem.

Now because these came from the same souce which is Allah they could not take out everything God said for the people may not have accepted it. But the deal is Muhammed never read the bible, the Torah, the Injeel, the Zaboor. He could not read those books. His people did not practice that religion. People in Arabia did not practice that religion minus a few here and there. But the arabs of arabia were simple people with a simple religion. They did not care about the religion of the Romans, they had their own thing their own culture. Now if the bible is the same as the Quran. show me where and when the Messenger of Allah who could not read or write learned this information. Where when and from who.

We know they are the same teachings, same source. But the christians have altered some of them. And it is the differences which are the problem as I have said. Allah said there are no differences between the Messengers and prophets. What is your point?

What is your point. What does any of this have to do with how the quran is the same as bible.

Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ? ( Becareful What You Ask For )

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
LOLOLOLOLOL According To Quraan Yashu'a , Isa , Son Of Maryam Is Above Your Prophet Muhammad Whom Some Of You Muslims Worship . Plus Isa Son Of Maryam Is The God Of Your Quran LOLOLOLOLOL

Araaka Fiy Maa Ba'd In Shaa - A Allah
No evidence again huh? Guess you will never give me any.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ? ( Becareful What You Ask For )

Think Before You Answer Ok , And Don't Come With That All Muslims Are Brother's Because You All Don't Adhere To The Same Teaching OverStand !
Not gonna answer the questions. OK just keep asking questions irrelevant to the discussion.

So I will ask again what do arabs have to do with Islam on the whole grand scale of things.


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Not gonna answer the questions. OK just keep asking questions irrelevant to the discussion.

So I will ask again what do arabs have to do with Islam on the whole grand scale of things.

This Is Why

El's Holy Quraan 9 ; 97 ( Revealed In The Year 631 A.D. ) And I Quote ; < Al A'araab > The Desert Arabs ( Red Arabs ) are the most < Ashaddu > 'Forceful ( Severe ) < Kufraan > 'Concealers Of That Which Is The Facts and the ( Biggest ) < Nifaaqaan > Hypocrites , and more without knowledge of the < Huduwd > Limits of what was sent down by The Source ALLAH upon His ( His Not Our ) < Rasuwl > One Sent , ( Muhammad ) and The Source , ALLAH is The < Aliym > 'Knower , The < Kakiym > 'Wise .

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
This Is Why

El's Holy Quraan 9 ; 97 ( Revealed In The Year 631 A.D. ) And I Quote ; < Al A'araab > The Desert Arabs ( Red Arabs ) are the most < Ashaddu > 'Forceful ( Severe ) < Kufraan > 'Concealers Of That Which Is The Facts and the ( Biggest ) < Nifaaqaan > Hypocrites , and more without knowledge of the < Huduwd > Limits of what was sent down by The Source ALLAH upon His ( His Not Our ) < Rasuwl > One Sent , ( Muhammad ) and The Source , ALLAH is The < Aliym > 'Knower , The < Kakiym > 'Wise .
This is a horrible translation to english but OK, I am not getting your point. In Arabia at that time there were two groups muslim and non muslims. The ones who are ignorant of the commands Allah sent down to His Messenger. Uh, the muslims accepted the commands so they are not the arabs who this is referring to come on man. you can do better then that this ayat has absolutely no relevance to the importance of real arabs in Islam. What is the relevance and what is your evidence.

You write down ayat and then give no tafsir to support anything.

Still we all wait for your evidence. You and ariel Messenger have alot in common. Maybe if you two puts your heads together you could possibly come up with one shred of evidence for any of your claims.