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Who wrote the Quran, and is it infallible ?


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Again what do you want to know. What it means linguistically or religiously. And are you asking because you want to know or are you asking to lead me in to some broken record misconception or statement regarding Islam.

You Say Your Muslim ( Yes )
You Also Say You Live Islam Because It's A Way Of Life Not A Relgion ( Yes)
When One Has A Question About Islam Shouldn't They Ask A Muslim ( Yes ) ?


Islam is to submit your will to God ,
acts of worship like praying , fasting ,...... are only part of it , as brother Mujahid mentioned , its aim is to provide the believer with energy and strenght , so that he can make his whole life a living model of islam ,

islam is a comprehensive way of life that includes all aspects of life , based on " submission to God " and trying to improve our manners continously


TehuTi said:
You Also Say You Live Islam Because It's A Way Of Life Not A Relgion

Islam is a Religion , that includes all aspects of life

it's not practiced only at the mosque , but everywhere , and everytime ......


Active Member
maro said:
Islam is to submit your will to God ,
acts of worship like praying , fasting ,...... are only part of it , as brother Mujahid mentioned , its aim is to provide the believer with energy and strenght , so that he can make his whole life a living model of islam ,

islam is a comprehensive way of life that includes all aspects of life , based on " submission to God " and trying to improve our manners continously

What Is Islam ? You Will Have Some Say The Submission To The Will Of Allahu - Sunhaanahu Wa - Ta ' Ala / God ;..... However , The Word Islaam Is Taken From The 5th Of Their God , Allah < As Salaam > Meaning '' The Peace '' Taken From The Ashuric / Syriac / Arabic Root Word ' Salama ' Meaning '' To Have Peace . To Be Peaceful '' Which The Euro - Arab Amd Muslims Greeting ''As - Salaamu - Alaykum '' Meaning '' Peace Be Upon You '' Come From . The Word Salaam Was Derived From The Aramic / Hebrew Word Shalom Meaning '' Peace '' The Religion Islam Is One Of The World's Youngest


Active Member
Do the Muslims Know that Allah And Allat , The Moon God and Goddess statues have been Un-Earth in ( Saudi Arabia ) ?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Do the Muslims Know that Allah And Allat , The Moon God and Goddess statues have been Un-Earth in ( Saudi Arabia ) ?
Allah is not a moon God. More broken record misconceptions. Something new please. What is Allat? you are just making up things now?


TehuTi said:
What Is Islam ? You Will Have Some Say The Submission To The Will Of Allahu - Sunhaanahu Wa - Ta ' Ala / God ;..... However , The Word Islaam Is Taken From The 5th Of Their God , Allah < As Salaam > Meaning '' The Peace '' Taken From The Ashuric / Syriac / Arabic Root Word ' Salama ' Meaning '' To Have Peace . To Be Peaceful '' Which The Euro - Arab Amd Muslims Greeting ''As - Salaamu - Alaykum '' Meaning '' Peace Be Upon You '' Come From . The Word Salaam Was Derived From The Aramic / Hebrew Word Shalom Meaning '' Peace '' The Religion Islam Is One Of The World's Youngest

i don't know what is the purpose from repeating the question after being answered ?

if you are interested to know the litteral meaning of the word in arabic , watch the video i posted

and this thread is useful too ,


Do the Muslims Know that Allah And Allat , The Moon God and Goddess statues have been Un-Earth in ( Saudi Arabia ) ?

people in Gahilya (before islam), worshiped many idols , Allat wa al 'oza were two of them ,

but these idols have nothing to do with word (Allah) , which refers to the one God , the great creator , the omnipotent , the most merciful and gracious.......

Who is Allah?

Is Allah a different God?

What is His name?/Ahmed Deedat


Active Member
maro said:
i don't know what is the purpose from repeating the question after being answered ?

if you are interested to know the litteral meaning of the word in arabic , watch the video i posted

and this thread is useful too ,


people in Gahilya (before islam), worshiped many idols , Allat wa al 'oza were two of them ,

but these idols have nothing to do with word (Allah) , which refers to the one God , the great creator , the omnipotent , the most merciful and gracious.......

Who is Allah?

Is Allah a different God?

What is His name?/Ahmed Deedat

What The Title Of This Post ?
It Doesn't Say Accepting Anything Anyone Says Does It ?


Active Member
Do the Muslims Know that Allah And Allat , The Moon God and Goddess statues have been Un-Earth in ( Saudi Arabia ) ? Some Muslims will say , Allah Is / Was Not A Moon God ? Contray to what the Muslims Say , During the nineteeth century . Three Archaeologists ; Arnaud , Halevy and Glasser , Went to Saudi Arabia and dug up thousand of Sabean , Mineaean and Qatababian Inscriptions which was translated . Then in 1940's and 50's , They were followed by G.Caton Thompson and Carleton S . Coon , Wendell Phillips , W.F. Albright , Richard Bower Who Excavated sites At Qataban , Timna and Marib ( The Ancient Capital ( Sheba ) .

These Inscription And Votive Bowls Read Used In The Worship Of The ,
( DAUGHTERS OF ALLAH ) '' The Three Daughter Were Al-lat , Al-Uzza , and Manat Were Sometimes Depicted Together With Allah , The Moon God , Represented By A Crescent Moon Above Them . They Weren't Just Found In Arabia . They Were Found In Palestine , Lebanon , And Iraq . Etc .

The Archaeological Evidence Demonstrates That The Dominant Religion Of Arabia Was The Cult Of The Moon . In The Old Tesament Times , Nabonidus ( 555-559 B.C. ) . The Last King Of Babylon , Built Tayma Arabia As A Center Of Moon God Worship . Segall States , '' South Arabia's Stellar Religion Has Always Been Dominated By The Moon God In Various Variations .''


Active Member
Many Scholars Have Also Noticed That The Moon-God's Name '' Sin '' Is Part Of Such Arabic Word Sinai , The Wilderness Of Sin , Etc . When The Popularity Of The Moon God Wanted Elsewhere . The Arabs Remained True To Their Conviction That The Moon God Was The Greatest Of All Gods . While They Worshipped 360 Gods At The Ka'aba In Mecca , The Moon God Was The Chief Deity . Mecca Was In Fact Built As A Shrine For The Moon-God . This Is What Made It The Most Sacred Site Of Arabian Paganism ,

The Overwhelming Evidence Reveals That The Temple Of The Moon God Was Active Even In The Christian Era , And During Muhammad's Time And It Was Still The Dominant Cult . The Moon God Was Also Known As ( Sin) A Title Of Ishtar . The Mother Of Tammuz , And Her Father Nannar Son Of ( Enqi and Mulittu ?? ) The Title Of Sin Was Al-Ilah Meaning '' The Deity '' Notice How Similar Al-lah is To Al-Lah or Allah ? Meaning He Was The Chief Or High God Among The Gods . As Coon Pointed Out . '' The God '' II or Ilah '' Was Originally A Phase Of The Moon God .

The Fact Remain '' Why Is Allah Never Defined In The Quraan ? Why Did Muhaamad Assume That The Pagan Arabs Already Knew Who Allah Was .
'' Allah , Your Lord And Cherisher And The Lord And Cherisher Of Your Father Of Old ? As Qurran 37;126 So Like I Said , The Arabs Knew And Worshipped The Moon God Allah , Muhammad Only Wanted Them To Recognize That '' He Was Alone , Because They Had Already Recognized Allah As The Greatest God Or Deity ,

Say It , '' Allah Akbar '' Greatest Or Oldest Of Who ? That's Right The Rest Of The 359 Gods And Goddesses !!!! Muhammad Fatherb Name Was Abdullah Servant Or Slave Of Allah ; If Allah Wasn't A Pagan God , Why Was Muhammad Father's Name '' ABDULLAH ???? '' So , The Muslims Claim That Allah Is The God Of The Bible And Islam Arose From The Religion Of The Prophets And Apostles Is Contradicted Big Time With All Of These Archaeological Finding . The Evidence Is There Islam Is Just Another Moon God Cult , And Even The Name Of Its God From The Ancient Pagan Religion Of Moon Worship '' Diyn '.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
TehuTi said:
Do the Muslims Know that Allah And Allat , The Moon God and Goddess statues have been Un-Earth in ( Saudi Arabia ) ? Some Muslims will say , Allah Is / Was Not A Moon God ? Contray to what the Muslims Say , During the nineteeth century . Three Archaeologists ; Arnaud , Halevy and Glasser , Went to Saudi Arabia and dug up thousand of Sabean , Mineaean and Qatababian Inscriptions which was translated . Then in 1940's and 50's , They were followed by G.Caton Thompson and Carleton S . Coon , Wendell Phillips , W.F. Albright , Richard Bower Who Excavated sites At Qataban , Timna and Marib ( The Ancient Capital ( Sheba ) .

These Inscription And Votive Bowls Read Used In The Worship Of The ,
( DAUGHTERS OF ALLAH ) '' The Three Daughter Were Al-lat , Al-Uzza , and Manat Were Sometimes Depicted Together With Allah , The Moon God , Represented By A Crescent Moon Above Them . They Weren't Just Found In Arabia . They Were Found In Palestine , Lebanon , And Iraq . Etc .

The Archaeological Evidence Demonstrates That The Dominant Religion Of Arabia Was The Cult Of The Moon . In The Old Tesament Times , Nabonidus ( 555-559 B.C. ) . The Last King Of Babylon , Built Tayma Arabia As A Center Of Moon God Worship . Segall States , '' South Arabia's Stellar Religion Has Always Been Dominated By The Moon God In Various Variations .''

Hmmmmmm. What is your source for this?

Is it another anti-muslim site?

I guess you said .....

TehuTi said:
What The Title Of This Post ?
It Doesn't Say Accepting Anything Anyone Says Does It ?

Go figure. :rolleyes:


Active Member
The Truth said:
Hmmmmmm. What is your source for this?

Is it another anti-muslim site?

I guess you said .....

Go figure. :rolleyes:

Just because one doesn't agree with one teaching doesn't make them Anti - Anything . The Question You Should Be Asking Why Haven't Your Teacher Taught You These Things . Labeling thing doesn't change them .


Active Member
The Truth said:
Hmmmmmm. What is your source for this?

Is it another anti-muslim site?

I guess you said .....

Go figure. :rolleyes:

Just because one doesn't agree with one teaching doesn't make them Anti - Anything . The Question You Should Be Asking Why Haven't Your Teacher Taught You These Things . Labeling thing doesn't change them .


Active Member
The Truth said:
Hmmmmmm. What is your source for this?

Is it another anti-muslim site?

I guess you said .....

Go figure. :rolleyes:

Just because one doesn't agree with one teaching doesn't make them Anti - Anything . The Question You Should Be Asking Why Haven't Your Teacher Taught You These Things . Labeling thing doesn't change them .

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Many Scholars Have Also Noticed That The Moon-God's Name '' Sin '' Is Part Of Such Arabic Word Sinai , The Wilderness Of Sin , Etc . When The Popularity Of The Moon God Wanted Elsewhere . The Arabs Remained True To Their Conviction That The Moon God Was The Greatest Of All Gods . While They Worshipped 360 Gods At The Ka'aba In Mecca , The Moon God Was The Chief Deity . Mecca Was In Fact Built As A Shrine For The Moon-God . This Is What Made It The Most Sacred Site Of Arabian Paganism ,

The Overwhelming Evidence Reveals That The Temple Of The Moon God Was Active Even In The Christian Era , And During Muhammad's Time And It Was Still The Dominant Cult . The Moon God Was Also Known As ( Sin) A Title Of Ishtar . The Mother Of Tammuz , And Her Father Nannar Son Of ( Enqi and Mulittu ?? ) The Title Of Sin Was Al-Ilah Meaning '' The Deity '' Notice How Similar Al-lah is To Al-Lah or Allah ? Meaning He Was The Chief Or High God Among The Gods . As Coon Pointed Out . '' The God '' II or Ilah '' Was Originally A Phase Of The Moon God .

The Fact Remain '' Why Is Allah Never Defined In The Quraan ? Why Did Muhaamad Assume That The Pagan Arabs Already Knew Who Allah Was .
'' Allah , Your Lord And Cherisher And The Lord And Cherisher Of Your Father Of Old ? As Qurran 37;126 So Like I Said , The Arabs Knew And Worshipped The Moon God Allah , Muhammad Only Wanted Them To Recognize That '' He Was Alone , Because They Had Already Recognized Allah As The Greatest God Or Deity ,

Say It , '' Allah Akbar '' Greatest Or Oldest Of Who ? That's Right The Rest Of The 359 Gods And Goddesses !!!! Muhammad Fatherb Name Was Abdullah Servant Or Slave Of Allah ; If Allah Wasn't A Pagan God , Why Was Muhammad Father's Name '' ABDULLAH ???? '' So , The Muslims Claim That Allah Is The God Of The Bible And Islam Arose From The Religion Of The Prophets And Apostles Is Contradicted Big Time With All Of These Archaeological Finding . The Evidence Is There Islam Is Just Another Moon God Cult , And Even The Name Of Its God From The Ancient Pagan Religion Of Moon Worship '' Diyn '.
Are you claiming Allah is a moon God? If so where is your evidence. Read the Quran man. 41:37 i think this verse is sufficient for people who claim we worship the moon.


Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Many Scholars Have Also Noticed That The Moon-God's Name '' Sin '' Is Part Of Such Arabic Word Sinai , The Wilderness Of Sin , Etc . When The Popularity Of The Moon God Wanted Elsewhere . The Arabs Remained True To Their Conviction That The Moon God Was The Greatest Of All Gods . While They Worshipped 360 Gods At The Ka'aba In Mecca , The Moon God Was The Chief Deity . Mecca Was In Fact Built As A Shrine For The Moon-God . This Is What Made It The Most Sacred Site Of Arabian Paganism ,
Hubel was their main deity, from narrations from Abu Sufyan and others.

The Overwhelming Evidence Reveals That The Temple Of The Moon God Was Active Even In The Christian Era , And During Muhammad's Time And It Was Still The Dominant Cult .
So give us this overwhelming evidence.

The Moon God Was Also Known As ( Sin) A Title Of Ishtar . The Mother Of Tammuz , And Her Father Nannar Son Of ( Enqi and Mulittu ?? )
Where is your evidence the muslims called it this in jahiliyah.

Al-Ilah Meaning '' The Deity '' Notice How Similar Al-lah is To Al-Lah or Allah ? Meaning He Was The Chief Or High God Among The Gods . As Coon Pointed Out . '' The God '' II or Ilah '' Was Originally A Phase Of The Moon God .
Al-ilah and Al-lah are not the same for someone who claims to speak arabic you should know this. They may be similar but they are not the same.

The Fact Remain '' Why Is Allah Never Defined In The Quraan ? Why Did Muhaamad Assume That The Pagan Arabs Already Knew Who Allah Was . [/quote] They knew who Allah was becasue of Ishmael the son of Ibrahim.
'' Allah , Your Lord And Cherisher And The Lord And Cherisher Of Your Father Of Old ? As Qurran 37;126 So Like I Said , The Arabs Knew And Worshipped The Moon God Allah , Muhammad Only Wanted Them To Recognize That '' He Was Alone , Because They Had Already Recognized Allah As The Greatest God Or Deity ,
Where is the evidence from Quran Allah is the moon god.

Say It , '' Allah Akbar '' Greatest Or Oldest Of Who ? That's Right The Rest Of The 359 Gods And Goddesses !!!! Muhammad Fatherb Name Was Abdullah Servant Or Slave Of Allah ; If Allah Wasn't A Pagan God , Why Was Muhammad Father's Name '' ABDULLAH ???? '' So , The Muslims Claim That Allah Is The God Of The Bible And Islam Arose From The Religion Of The Prophets And Apostles Is Contradicted Big Time With All Of These Archaeological Finding . The Evidence Is There Islam Is Just Another Moon God Cult , And Even The Name Of Its God From The Ancient Pagan Religion Of Moon Worship '' Diyn '.
what finds?


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Hubel was their main deity, from narrations from Abu Sufyan and others.

So give us this overwhelming evidence.

Where is your evidence the muslims called it this in jahiliyah.

Al-ilah and Al-lah are not the same for someone who claims to speak arabic you should know this. They may be similar but they are not the same.

The Fact Remain '' Why Is Allah Never Defined In The Quraan ? Why Did Muhaamad Assume That The Pagan Arabs Already Knew Who Allah Was .
They knew who Allah was becasue of Ishmael the son of Ibrahim.
Where is the evidence from Quran Allah is the moon god.

what finds?[/quote]

The evidence is in the above post if you read with your Eyes and not your heart