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Who wrote the Quran, and is it infallible ?


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
This is a horrible translation to english but OK, I am not getting your point. In Arabia at that time there were two groups muslim and non muslims. The ones who are ignorant of the commands Allah sent down to His Messenger. Uh, the muslims accepted the commands so they are not the arabs who this is referring to come on man. you can do better then that this ayat has absolutely no relevance to the importance of real arabs in Islam. What is the relevance and what is your evidence.

You write down ayat and then give no tafsir to support anything.

Still we all wait for your evidence. You and ariel Messenger have alot in common. Maybe if you two puts your heads together you could possibly come up with one shred of evidence for any of your claims.

I Notice You Have As Of Yet Disprove Anything I Have Posted , You Do A Lot Of Danceing Around My Answer Ether You Know What I'm Saying Is The Truth Or Your Trying To Keep The Facts Hidden . This Is Why I Gave You This Chapter / Verse A While Back Quraan 17 ; 81 .

Now All I Want To Know Are You Going To Answer These Question ( Yes or No )

Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ?

I Am About To Answer The Question That Was Ask In The Beginning Of This Post Which Hasn't Be Answer Yet .

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
I Notice You Have As Of Yet Disprove Anything I Have Posted , You Do A Lot Of Danceing Around My Answer Ether You Know What I'm Saying Is The Truth Or Your Trying To Keep The Facts Hidden . This Is Why I Gave You This Chapter / Verse A While Back Quraan 17 ; 81 .
What are you talking about you said we are a moon cult. I gave you the verse. You make ridiculous acussations which are not even close to relevant. You asked me where in the Quran it tells us not to worship the black stone. I say it is not there and you need to show me where it is. You said Muhammed has the same teachings as Jesus. This is something we beleive.

You have come up with nothing. Read your posts. You give an ayah of Quran with no tafsir. The verses you pick are not even related to what you address.

Now All I Want To Know Are You Going To Answer These Question ( Yes or No )

Question ; Who Are The Real Arabs ..
Question ; Where In The Quraan Where Allah Tells Muslims To Worship The Black Stone ?
You want me to answer these questions yes or no? are you even looking at what you are writing.

I Am About To Answer The Question That Was Ask In The Beginning Of This Post Which Hasn't Be Answer Yet .
that would be a pleasant change. Just answer one question.


Active Member
Ans: It Does Not Exist! However,

They Will Lie And Say That They Have

The "Oldest" Koran; Giving You The Impression

That It Is The Original. Oldest Is Not Original!

They Did Not Expect For Me To Read Their Books

In Arabic Carefully And Find The Contradictions

And Arabic Mistakes In The Koran.

The Koran Was Revealed In The Dialect Of The Prophet Muhammad

(Koran 43:2, 106:1).

Muslims Say It Was In Muhammad's Dialect

And His Dialect Was The Quraish Dialect Which They

Say Was Not The Most Intelligent Dialect.

All Of The Poets Did Not Come Out Of His Tribe.

The Dots Are, When You See The Letters Beh And They Put A

Dot On The Bottom, When You See The Taa , They Put

Two Dots On The Top. When You See The Letter Thaa,

They Put Three Dots You See The Letter Jeem, You See A Dot Etc.

Those Dots Did Not Exist In Ancient Kufic.

So It Was Almost Impossible To Differentiate

Between Beh ,Taa And Thaa

Or Ha And

Jeem Or Geem, And Khaa Or Ta , Dha.

It Was Almost Impossible.

So With The Creation Of The Letter


Which Is Merely A Taa Maftuha Or An "Open Taa"

That Is Marbutta From The Root

Rabata Meaning "To Tie" Or A Tied Taa.

When You Tie A Taa And You See That It Has Added,

Two Dots In Its Ending Form It Was No

More Than The Letter Ha .

In It's Ending Form With Two Dots Added.

Even In The Koran They Write Out The Name


And They Write It Without The Taa-Marbutta (s).

They Write It With A Taa Maftuha ,

Which Is The Word Faatiha

Which Means "Opening. "

They Take An Open "Taa" And Call It


This Would Not Have Been Here Either To Differentiate

Whether That Was Allah , Alat Or Allaat.


Active Member
So Dialect...

Is WhatDestroyed The Koran And If All Of These Things

Had To Be Added To The Koran, That Means That

The Koran Is Not By Far Authentic!

If You Can Walk Up To Any muslim At Any Given Time

And Ask Them

"Have You, Not Your Teacher,

Ever Seen The Original Copy Of The Koran In Which

You Put Your Soul's Destiny?"

Then You Can Ask Them

"Are You A Reader?

If You Are A Reader Do You Know That There Is

No Original Copy Of The Koran,

That All Your Average Copies Are Copies?"

Do You Know That The Script That Your Koran

The Ka, Lam, Ya, Fa, Taamarbuta Are Nothing But

Persian Letters And That The Persians

Really Set Up Kufic;

Because Amiyr Al Mu'miniyn All Went To A Place Called Kufa

And He Protected The Original Koran?

Do Some Research And You'll Find Out Muslims

Don't Know That They've Never Seen A Copy Of The Original Koran.

Muslims Don't Know What They Are Holding In

Their Hands Today,

Whether It's Authentic Or Not.

And I'm Not Talking About The Translation.

I Am Not Talking About

Abdullah Yusef All's Verses,

Pickthall's Verses,

Mir Ahmed Ali Or The Many Other Mis-Translated Korans.

I'm Talking About The Arabic Koran That's Supposed

To Have Had Several Different Pieces.

They Have One Or Two Pages,

But They Don't Have Any Of The Original Koran.

They Have Less Of The Original Koran

Than Was Found Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Of Jewism And Christianism.


Active Member
Again They Don't Even Have One True Original Koran

So In Order To Unify Everybody Through The Trade In Mecca,

They Had To Come Up With A Universal Dialect And Call It Classical.

So The Best Of Them Got Together Who Was

Muhammad's Son-In-Law,

Amiyr Al Mu'miniyn Ali And His Family And Took

The Religion Seriously.

You Read It In Their Own Doctrine Or Seerah

About Who Was Going To Become The Khalifah (Successor).

Muhammad Was Brought To Glory Again When

They Saw A Dissension Taking Place That Caused The

Trade Not To Center Around That Dressed Up Cube Called

The Kaaba,

Which Translates As Cube,

Like Ice Cube.

They Were Mainly Concerned With People Coming To

Mecca And Circling Around Their Kaaba.

They Put 360 Idols Inside Of The Kaaba Whether You

Are Aware Of It Or Not.

That Is No Coincidence!

That Happens To Be The Same As 360 Degrees Of Knowledge

And 360 Degrees Of The Circle They Make For Each Degree

That A Muslim Makes Around The

Kaaba Called The Tawwaaf.

He Is Re-acknowledging 360 Idols That Were Taken Out Of The Kaaba

By The Prophet Muhammad.

This Proves That Muslims Were And Still Are Idol Worshippers.

This Couldn't Have Happened If Hamza Didn't Come Along

And Protect Him,

Because The Meccans Were Going To Kill Muhammad

When He Set Out To Destroy The Idols Inside Of The Kaaba.


Allah Allowed Hamza To Be Struck Down And Killed

At The Battle Of Uhud (Koran 3:20-21)

And All His Relatives Died As Well.

Hamza Was A Great Warrior

Which Is How He Gained His Name Meaning

"Lion Of Allah".

Hamza Was The Son Of Abdul Muttalib Who Was

The Grandfather Of Muhammad.

So They Were Really Interested In Bringing People Here To Make

This Circle And To Keep You There In Mecca

For Ninety Days So That You'll Have To Buy,

Trade And Sell To Survive.

However, After Muhammad Died,

Dissension Came About. Muhammad's Family Took The

Religion Which Was Really A Branch Of

Christianity And Judaism

Combined Together And Started Going In Their Own Direction.

More In Next Post


Hey TehuTi, may you mention the reference to these information you just provided?
Cause I can simply say, all what you said is rubbish!!

I just don't have the time now to reply to all this, so I will wait for your references right now, and reply later...


Active Member
EiNsTeiN said:
Hey TehuTi, may you mention the reference to these information you just provided?
Cause I can simply say, all what you said is rubbish!!

I just don't have the time now to reply to all this, so I will wait for your references right now, and reply later...

It just show how much you know about islam that all but hey nobigthing .
for the pen thing.... When it says "read", it means to gain knowledge, and the saying "he who taught by the pen" means allah(god), taught people knowledge through text written by means of the pen, which he also taight man to use.

hope that answers your question

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Again They Don't Even Have One True Original Koran

So In Order To Unify Everybody Through The Trade In Mecca,

They Had To Come Up With A Universal Dialect And Call It Classical.

So The Best Of Them Got Together Who Was

Muhammad's Son-In-Law,

Amiyr Al Mu'miniyn Ali And His Family And Took

The Religion Seriously.

You Read It In Their Own Doctrine Or Seerah

About Who Was Going To Become The Khalifah (Successor).

Muhammad Was Brought To Glory Again When

They Saw A Dissension Taking Place That Caused The

Trade Not To Center Around That Dressed Up Cube Called

The Kaaba,

Which Translates As Cube,

Like Ice Cube.

They Were Mainly Concerned With People Coming To

Mecca And Circling Around Their Kaaba.

They Put 360 Idols Inside Of The Kaaba Whether You

Are Aware Of It Or Not.

That Is No Coincidence!

That Happens To Be The Same As 360 Degrees Of Knowledge

And 360 Degrees Of The Circle They Make For Each Degree

That A Muslim Makes Around The

Kaaba Called The Tawwaaf.

He Is Re-acknowledging 360 Idols That Were Taken Out Of The Kaaba

By The Prophet Muhammad.

This Proves That Muslims Were And Still Are Idol Worshippers.

This Couldn't Have Happened If Hamza Didn't Come Along

And Protect Him,

Because The Meccans Were Going To Kill Muhammad

When He Set Out To Destroy The Idols Inside Of The Kaaba.


Allah Allowed Hamza To Be Struck Down And Killed

At The Battle Of Uhud (Koran 3:20-21)

And All His Relatives Died As Well.

Hamza Was A Great Warrior

Which Is How He Gained His Name Meaning

"Lion Of Allah".

Hamza Was The Son Of Abdul Muttalib Who Was

The Grandfather Of Muhammad.

So They Were Really Interested In Bringing People Here To Make

This Circle And To Keep You There In Mecca

For Ninety Days So That You'll Have To Buy,

Trade And Sell To Survive.

However, After Muhammad Died,

Dissension Came About. Muhammad's Family Took The

Religion Which Was Really A Branch Of

Christianity And Judaism

Combined Together And Started Going In Their Own Direction.

More In Next Post
Still dodging questions and still making blanket statements with no evidence I see.


TehuTi said:
It just show how much you know about islam that all but hey nobigthing .
why don't you come teach me my religion??

I'm asking you (please) to enlighten me with your superior knowledge about Islam!!

(I don't know what the heck are you posting?...I was just asking for your references, and you went mocking?, what the hell??)


Well-Known Member
Einstein,TehuTi is permanently banned, so he can't participate anymore. Don't worry everybody knew he was talking through some other orifice than his mouth.Regards,Scott


Popeyesays said:
Einstein,TehuTi is permanently banned, so he can't participate anymore. Don't worry everybody knew he was talking through some other orifice than his mouth.Regards,Scott
thanks Scott..
I didn't know he was banned:eek:

Sorry for that!