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Who wrote the Quran, and is it infallible ?

Booko said:
What drives me bonkers is reading scholars talking about Muhammad (pbuh) saying things for "political" reasons, but in the same book if Jesus (pbuh) or Moses (pbuh) say something, it's because God told them to say it

A point well made

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
XAAX said:
I agree that the Islamic concept of God is one of the best, as religions go, that I have heard. If indeed that you don't worship Muhammad, but instead follow him, then yes you are a step ahead of the Christians. This is in fact where our opinions on the Universe branch. The God (Universe) I know would never send message to me through anyone other than myself.
How do you know what God would do. Has He spoken to you. What God are you speaking of exactly because Allah the Creator of the Heavens and Earth sends His Message through individuals who have the best character.

Just as everyone else would receive the same type of message through there own connection with God.
You see that is the problem with Christianity and all the others because they will interpret the message however they feel emotionally. Everyone cannot be a messenger for they are the examples of mankind. You think alot of these religious figure heads and people living today are the best example. Come on now seriously look at the state of people today. I am not accepting what anybody says if they are claiming to say God is speaking to them. Their hearts are not pure enough for God to speak to them.

Also, I am not sure what your definition of worship is, but by mine, God does not "desire" this. Instead of worship, you are to strive to maintain the balance between positive (good) and negative (evil) within yourself and your life.
And how does one do that exactly what is the criterion for this measure. what are the limitations and boundaries for doing that and how can one achieve it really when they cannot control anything. Some things yes but not everything.

Always open and exploring for more understanding. The end result isn't to go to a destination that God has created, but instead, to become one with God. To evolve into the next evolution of being.
Where are the complete instructions for one to do this. what are the steps exactly and who is the best example of this meaning who has actually accomplished what you are saying.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Apple Pie said:
Hi Michel,

There is not a single solitary passage within the Koran itself that mentions the Islamic "Muhammad" as writing, nor dictating the Koranic scriptures...
because he did not author the quran.

Thus, based upon this most basic premise...it is pure myth for Muslims to think that their "prophet" had anything to do with the text at all.
How did you jump from since there are no things in the Quran saying Muhammed wrote it then he did not author it. The same can be said for your holy bible. God never said he wrote it neither did Jesus so since they did not say it then God did not write it according to your logic.

Furthermore, the Koran tells us plainly where its material came from in scores of places.

It came from the Holy Bible.
did you get that from wikipedia also.

It was translated from Biblical Hebrew and Greek into Arabic.

In fact, 80% of its content is taken from the Book of Revelation, alone....!
wow that is amazing. It is obvious you have never even read the Quran.

Observe these interesting comments by E.W. Lane…
It is quite inescapable that Islam’s “prophet”….who is not even mentioned in the Koran at all (due to the fact that he was a fictional character)… and did NOT write the Koran…

Moreover…the authors, who did finally put pen to paper, and translated the Hebrew and Greek into Arabic, were more than likely Christians…..!!!

where are the facts this is just some misguided person's opinion. But He is write on one thing He did not write the Quran. the Quran is authored by Allah. Funny I see your signature as something from wikipedia. the website where anyone can edit. HELLO, ANYONE CAN EDIT WIKIPEDIA. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO A JOB WHERE ANYONE CAN GET IT. I THINK YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH TO FIGURE IT OUT. ANYONE CAN EDIT WIKIPEDIA. ANY CRACK POT, DELUSIONAL, DRUNKEN, COMPLETELY RETARDED INDIVIDUAL ETC. ETC. ANY NUTBALL WITH A COMPUTER CAN EDIT.

And read the Quran and learn the truth about Islam. Stop filling your head up with Propaganda and listening to people who are not an authority on our religion.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Popeyesays said:
The Baha`i point of view is that there IS only one religion already--The Religion of God. Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, Buddha, Krshna, Muhammad, the Bab, Baha`u'llah continue to reveal that single religion.

Therefore there is only one Scripture, but it will not ever be finished because we will never be without God's Revelation. All the Prophets are the Revealers of ONE God, and speak with ONE Voice.

Scott :candle:
But they all had differnet ways. Abraham worshipped God and Him alone. People do not worship Abraham the same is applied for Moses. Now because people have corrupted the word of God intrusted to the people from the Messenger whom God chose. What evidence do you have from Zoroaster, Buddha, or Krishna that they were messengers of God. The Messengers of God did not order the people to worship them however this is the case with them. Also all the prophets and Messengers were descendants of Abraham. where is the proof that these other guys are.

Is not Muhammed included in this list. He preached the same message of Abraham and Moses and his message was protected by the Creator from corruption and sealed it because the word of God is perfect. No need to change it. the only one who can change it is Allah. So there is no progression in revelation. The revelation is what is is and should be accepted and followed as it is.

If this is something the Bahai's do then this is not what Allah wants the Quran and tafsir are clear as is the evidence of the Messengership of Muhammed.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JamesThePersian said:
Neither you nor whoever wrote your Quran actually understands the Trinity it seems.
Because none of you guys can explain it clearly. Explain it to me please within the context of all the verses contained in the bible. since the Trinity is a univeral truth you guys profess that and if my understanding is wrong Jesus is God incarnate, He is physically God, and Physically a man, and the spririt all at the same time. They are all equal at all times. Is this true or not true.

so clear some things up for me then James.

If Jesus is God or equal why does he say the father is greater then I. so is he less God then the father or himself. He is not equal to himself from his own statements.
Does God pray to himself? who was Jesus praying to if He is God? while He was up on the cross dying as God who was sustaining the Universe and making sure everything was in order.

Now when God died? why did say he was going up to Himself. Because he said I am going to Myself.

why did he say I will pray the father and not I will pray to myself.

why did God not teach the trinity to the disciples. where in all the times he(God as you say) was on earth why did he not in any of his speaches did he not once teach his disciples this concept.

why is a pagan ideology apart of a Abrahamic faith. where this thing is not accepted.

If Jesus is God and God authored the bible. In Numbers 23:19 why did God insprire this man to write that. For it will confuse someone. does God insprire mistakes in his perfect word.

If Jesus is God or part of the trinity. in my red letter bible there are only 7 books out of the whole book where God is speaking. why are the books of Genesis, Exodus etc. etc. void of red lettering if it is God speaking.

If God is all powerful and Eternal He can never die. He would have to first turn mortal. And if he was god does God need to eat, and drink and go to the restroom. Does God do these things.

do you believe that human beings can harm God. the God of the old testament destroyed nations for disobedience and nobody had the power to go against Him which is true of His nature. the god of the New testament is taken prisoner by the romans, tried and killed. How is this possible that God can be captured and killed. Man has more power then god.

If Jesus said he only came to fulfill the law. How is it he came with something different then what Moses brought. Moses taught what is the book of Isaiah 43:10,Deut 4:39, Isaidh 45:18,44:6.45:6, 45:22,Exodus 20:3, 34:14. etc. etc.
Even Jesus said the father in heaven is one is. He did not say I am one. He said the Lord of Israel is one.

I have many other question similar if you could shed light on how I am to make sense of this ideology from what you guys are giving me. Which is the bible.

What a shame.
Yeah it is quite a shame I can't ever find anybody to explain the trinity from all the verses in the bible since it is univeral in understanding it should be universal in scripture also.

Somehow that makes me wonder just how much the Quran owes to the various heretical Christian groups of that era and area (and when you add this to the various strands of Docetism and other beliefs shared with some Christian heretics, it seems like rather a lot).
for what reason does the Quran own Christians anything. Should it thank the Christians for changing the Injeel so Allah had to send it.

I have to also wonder as to the identity of the author, for if it were God, how could he make a mistake?
What mistake?

If he were describing an error made about Him by humans, wouldn't He at least get the description right?

The description is clear. You guys changed the book making errors in the word of God which is perfect this is what the Quran says and this is a FACT proven by scholars and historians.


Well-Known Member
Dear Mujahid,

Please don't confuse 'IkiIslam' with Wikipedia or the wiki software.

Wikipedia has scholarly vetting of it's membership and a member's ability to 'edit' anything.

ApplePie would not be allowed to participate in Wikipedia because he is a rabid hate-monger.

WikiIslam only allows those who are opposed to Islam (for any reason at all seemingly) to edit their information.

It has a lot more to do with Nazi propaganda than love of education.

Any serious scholar who claimed credentials with wikiIslam would be laughed out of any peedr review venue.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Mujahid Mohammed said:
The description is clear. You guys changed the book making errors in the word of God which is perfect this is what the Quran says and this is a FACT proven by scholars and historians.

Hiya Mujahid Mohammed, it's that pesky little rat again. I won't try to answer your questions to James, but I do have a few observations to share and wonder how you respond.

It is true that I am not terribly impressed with the claims of Islam or of her beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammed [pbuh], but just to be fair I am also fairly unimpressed with Christianity, Judaism and the Bahai’s Faith. I guess my little problem is that I don't really "go for" the concept of "revelation" itself and remain suspicious of the motives of people who claim "divine revelations". Perhaps I should be more trusting or dare I say - gullible.

I guess what bothers me is that all the "revealed" religions base their premises on "coming from God". Quite honestly, to the unlearned, that would be a pretty awesome claim. What better authority, eh? Inherently everyone knows that "god" is a concept that cannot be proven in any empirical or factual way and so there is always that lingering doubt in the mind of the one hearing these messages "from god". "Hmmm, this guy could be right." I can't quite decide if it is a suspension of belief or a deep seated desire TO believe, myself.

If it is suspension of belief it is because the person hearing the “message” cannot come up with a coherent argument against what is said. Given that these messages purported are coming from “god”, it is little wonder that most people cannot come up with a meaningful rebuttal. I suspect the reason for this is because the average person doesn’t give the whole idea a lot of thought to begin with. It’s sort of like a wild-eyed math professor trotting up to you and asking you what you think of his latest equations. Most people would shrug and have no meaningful retort. I think most people would probably say, “You’re the expert. Heck, I don’t know! You tell me.”

If the accounts are correct, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed certainly believed they were in communication with "god". I don’t think there is any doubt of that. But in all fairness, we do not know 100% for sure that they were. It's not like the historical record is perfect in regards to these figures and there is always the possibility that none of them even existed. Personally I believe there is a high probability that each of them DID exist in historical terms but I think that the historical record in all cases has morphed over the ages. Think here of the old man's fishing tale and how the fish he caught gets bigger with each telling of his adventure. After a few years, the 10 pound salmon he caught has become a 40 ton whale. I hope you catch my meaning. It is my suspicion that the legends surround these individuals has grown in exactly the same way. I guess what I am saying is that it is a natural human foible to embellish things to make them greater than they in fact are.

For example, how do we know that Muhammed [pbuh] actually met the genuine Archangel Gabriel in the cave? How do we know that Muhammed was not mistaken? How do we even know that Archangel Gabriel is even real for that matter? Heck, we cannot even prove that “god” is real, let alone that angels are real. In essence, we have to take Muhammed’s (and others) words for it and I suspect that is why there is such great emphasis put on his (and their) personal integrity.

So I guess what disturbs me is this: If people simply said, "We believe that there is a very good chance that Muhammed [pbuh] was telling the truth." I wouldn't even bother to question the assertions. It is a somewhat reasonable statement, as it allows for the simple possibility that he was not speaking "the truth". It is in fact, far more realistic and believable. However, where things go right off the rails and into delusion is when people INSIST that Muhammed [pbuh], Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Baha’u’llah spoke the literal truth, without any possibility that they were in error. That is simply not reasonable. Is this perhaps why people are implored to have faith and are simply urged to accept what is said?

In effect, are not the followers of the various religions simply saying, “What he said!” because they themselves cannot think of anything better? Isn’t it more likely that it is because folks do not know these answers themselves that they willingly accept what others tell them so they don’t have to think about it all too much? IF the scholars have all done their homework properly what exactly is there left to think about? Not much, is my guess.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Popeyesays said:
Dear Mujahid,

Please don't confuse 'IkiIslam' with Wikipedia or the wiki software.

Wikipedia has scholarly vetting of it's membership and a member's ability to 'edit' anything.

ApplePie would not be allowed to participate in Wikipedia because he is a rabid hate-monger.

WikiIslam only allows those who are opposed to Islam (for any reason at all seemingly) to edit their information.

It has a lot more to do with Nazi propaganda than love of education.

Any serious scholar who claimed credentials with wikiIslam would be laughed out of any peedr review venue.

I will agree with this synopsis Scott. This fake Wiki is simply garbage with no real merit. On the real Wikipedia, many pages cannot be directly edited any longer, and any suggested changes are reviewed before they are allowed to be included.

Apple Pie

Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
How did you jump from since there are no things in the Quran saying Muhammed wrote it then he did not author it.

Show us some Koranic scripture which states that he did…

The same can be said for your holy bible. God never said he wrote it neither did Jesus so since they did not say it then God did not write it according to your logic.
Who ever said that He did…?

did you get that from wikipedia also.
This comes from the authors who penned the Koran.

where are the facts this is just some misguided person's opinion.

Its all right in the classic Arabic of your book of faith.

But He is write on one thing He did not write the Quran. the Quran is authored by Allah.

The Koran had human authors….and they merely copy/translated Biblical material.

Mainly Torah and Book of Revelation scriptures.

Funny I see your signature as something from wikipedia.

the website where anyone can edit.


And read the Quran and learn the truth about Islam.

A) We don't need to prove that Muhammad (saw) wrote the Quran because Muhammad (saw) was illiterate. So I really don't understand what your trying to argue there

B) You claim there are authors of the Quran, yet thats where it end, FALSE CLAIMS!!

C) So the quran is a translation of the bible? We've been through this already find me in the bible where it talks about Hud(as), Salah (as), and Shuaib(as). Where do you find Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Hunain, and Hudybiah? where do you find the completed story of the prophet Ismeal(as) YOU DON'T!!!! but you still believe the quran is a translation. If so then how come in the quran it doesn't say God rested on the Sabath, or that God was jelous of the jew (authubillah)??? Where in the bible does it talk about the fate of the people who Musa (as) took on to the mountain? does it tell you all the miracles of Musa? what about the last words of Pharoah? I could ask thousands of questions and you wouldn't be able to answer

Don't try to pull something on us you haven't read the quran if you did you wouldn't make such bougus statements!!

Apple Pie

Active Member
mohamedhassan said:
A) We don't need to prove that Muhammad (saw) wrote the Quran because Muhammad (saw) was illiterate. So I really don't understand what your trying to argue there

If you believe that your "prophet" was illiterate...then you must also believe that he was an ignoramous...as any dictionary will give the definition "illiterate" and the heading of an ignoramous.

Not something to be very proud of....now is it...?


Well-Known Member
Apple Pie said:
If you believe that your "prophet" was illiterate...then you must also believe that he was an ignoramous...as any dictionary will give the definition "illiterate" and the heading of an ignoramous.

Not something to be very proud of....now is it...?

Dictionaries do not have "headings", they offer definitions, synonyms, and antonyms.

"Ignorant" is indeed a synonym for illiterate, as in "ignorant of letters".

Ignoramous is not a synonym. It is actually the name of a fifteenth century play character "ignoramus", an overblown and not really very intelligent lawyer. He fills much the same role as Milos Gloriosus did in the Roman Comedy by Plautus. The name is a play on "ignorant" and "Muses" and means in actuality within the play "Without real inspiration".

Muhammad, on the other hand, is held up as illterate to PROVE that He did NOT write the Qur'an, but rather that He was inspired of God to recite the Qur'an.

A "nuance' you seem to miss as you miss so friggin' much.

Regards (fewer everyday that parades you as the overblown scholar of a fifteenth century play),



Active Member
Ans: It Does Not Exist! However,

They Will Lie And Say That They Have

The "Oldest" Koran; Giving You The Impression

That It Is The Original. Oldest Is Not Original!

They Did Not Expect For Me To Read Their Books

In Arabic Carefully And Find The Contradictions

And Arabic Mistakes In The Koran.

The Koran Was Revealed In The Dialect Of The Prophet Muhammad

(Koran 43:2, 106:1).

Muslims Say It Was In Muhammad's Dialect

And His Dialect Was The Quraish Dialect Which They

Say Was Not The Most Intelligent Dialect.

All Of The Poets Did Not Come Out Of His Tribe.

The Dots Are, When You See The Letters Beh And They Put A

Dot On The Bottom, When You See The Taa , They Put

Two Dots On The Top. When You See The Letter Thaa,

They Put Three Dots You See The Letter Jeem, You See A Dot Etc.

Those Dots Did Not Exist In Ancient Kufic.

So It Was Almost Impossible To Differentiate

Between Beh ,Taa And Thaa

Or Ha And

Jeem Or Geem, And Khaa Or Ta , Dha.

It Was Almost Impossible.

So With The Creation Of The Letter


Which Is Merely A Taa Maftuha Or An "Open Taa"

That Is Marbutta From The Root

Rabata Meaning "To Tie" Or A Tied Taa.

When You Tie A Taa And You See That It Has Added,

Two Dots In Its Ending Form It Was No

More Than The Letter Ha .

In It's Ending Form With Two Dots Added.

Even In The Koran They Write Out The Name


And They Write It Without The Taa-Marbutta (s).

They Write It With A Taa Maftuha ,

Which Is The Word Faatiha

Which Means "Opening. "

They Take An Open "Taa" And Call It


This Would Not Have Been Here Either To Differentiate

Whether That Was Allah , Alat Or Allaat.


Active Member
So Dialect...

Is What Destroyed The Koran And If All Of These Things

Had To Be Added To The Koran, That Means That

The Koran Is Not By Far Authentic!

If You Can Walk Up To Any Muslim At Any Given Time

And Ask Them

"Have You, Not Your Teacher,

Ever Seen The Original Copy Of The Koran In Which

You Put Your Soul's Destiny?"

Then You Can Ask Them

"Are You A Reader?

If You Are A Reader Do You Know That There Is

No Original Copy Of The Koran,

That All Your Average Copies Are Copies?"

Do You Know That The Script That Your Koran

The Ka, Lam, Ya, Fa, Taamarbuta Are Nothing But

Persian Letters And That The Persians

Really Set Up Kufic;

Because Amiyr Al Mu'miniyn All Went To A Place Called Kufa

And He Protected The Original Koran?

Do Some Research And You'll Find Out Muslims

Don't Know That They've Never Seen A Copy Of The Original Koran.

Muslims Don't Know What They Are Holding In

Their Hands Today,

Whether It's Authentic Or Not.

And I'm Not Talking About The Translation.

I Am Not Talking About

Abdullah Yusef All's Verses,

Pickthall's Verses,

Mir Ahmed Ali Or The Many Other Mis-Translated Korans.

I'm Talking About The Arabic Koran That's Supposed

To Have Had Several Different Pieces.

They Have One Or Two Pages,

But They Don't Have Any Of The Original Koran.

They Have Less Of The Original Koran

Than Was Found Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Of Jewism And Christianism.

And They Will Kill On Behalf Of Religion

Because It's All About Money.

Again They Don't Even Have One True Original Koran

So In Order To Unify Everybody Through The Trade In Mecca,

They Had To Come Up With A Universal Dialect And Call It Classical.

So The Best Of Them Got Together Who Was

Muhammad's Son-In-Law,

Amiyr Al Mu'miniyn Ali And His Family And Took

The Religion Seriously.

More In Next Post


Active Member
You Read It In Their Own Doctrine Or Seerah

About Who Was Going To Become The Khalifah (Successor).

Muhammad Was Brought To Glory Again When

They Saw A Dissension Taking Place That Caused The

Trade Not To Center Around That Dressed Up Cube Called

The Kaaba,

Which Translates As Cube,

Like Ice Cube.

They Were Mainly Concerned With People Coming To

Mecca And Circling Around Their Kaaba.

They Put 360 Idols Inside Of The Kaaba Whether You

Are Aware Of It Or Not.

That Is No Coincidence!

That Happens To Be The Same As 360 Degrees Of Knowledge

And 360 Degrees Of The Circle They Make For Each Degree

That A Muslim Makes Around The

Kaaba Called The Tawwaaf.

He Is Re-acknowledging 360 Idols That Were Taken Out Of The Kaaba

By The Prophet Muhammad.

This Proves That Muslims Were And Still Are Idol Worshippers.

This Couldn't Have Happened If Hamza Didn't Come Along

And Protect Him,

Because The Meccans Were Going To Kill Muhammad

When He Set Out To Destroy The Idols Inside Of The Kaaba.


Allah Allowed Hamza To Be Struck Down And Killed

At The Battle Of Uhud (Koran 3:20-21)

And All His Relatives Died As Well.

Hamza Was A Great Warrior

Which Is How He Gained His Name Meaning

"Lion Of Allah".

Hamza Was The Son Of Abdul Muttalib Who Was

The Grandfather Of Muhammad.
So They Were Really Interested In Bringing People Here To Make

This Circle And To Keep You There In Mecca

For Ninety Days So That You'll Have To Buy,

Trade And Sell To Survive.


Active Member
However, After Muhammad Died,

Dissension Came About. Muhammad's Family Took The

Religion Which Was Really A Branch Of

Christianity And Judaism

Combined Together And Started Going In Their Own Direction.

The People Who They Called "Sunnis"

Were Not Religious At All. They Were Strictly Business.

They Are Still Strictly Business,

It's Just That The Negro Sunnis Don't Know That The People

Who Come From Egypt, Arabia And Other Foreign Countries

To America Who Call Themselves Being

Your Imams And Sheiks Are Into Money,

Not Saving Your Poor Soul.

These Men Come Over Here As

Doctors, Lawyers And Professors.

If You Ask The Average Imam Who Is A Sunni, Not The Negro,

I'm Talking About The One Who Came Over Here

From Egypt Or Saudi Arabia Or Palestine,

"What Are You Doing Here?"

He'll Say,

"I'm A Student".

Walk Up To The Average Arab You See On The Street And Say

"As Salamu Alaykum"

They'll Say

"Walaykum Salam ",

You Ask

"What Are You Doing?"

They'll Say "I'm A Student".

"What Are You Studying?"

They'll Say

"Economics, Sociology, Political, Science, Chemistry, Algebra".

They Study All Kinds Of Science That Deal With Building The Economics

Of Their Country,

Not Here In America.


Active Member
They Were Trying To Control The Wealth.

They Even Put A Whole Section In The Koran,

Chapter 106 About Them.

They Wanted To Put A Protection On That Tribe Wherever They Traveled.

Koran 106:1
O Tribe Of Quraysh, Who Are Descendants Of Abraham; You Have Become Accustomed To Thousands Of Allah's Protections.

Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic

That Is The Game.

So The Word Allat Could Not Have Existed In The Time Of The

Original Koran.

It Was In The Possession Of The Descendants Of

Muhammad Because Neither The Taa Or Taamarbuta Existed

For They Didn't Use Dots.

Go To Any Library Or Museum. Look It Up And See

What They Call A Page Or An Out Search From

The Original Koran.

So You Can Go See It. Then Go Ask Them

"How Do You Determine Geem From Jeem,

And Geem Alone You Already Messed It Up.

From Ha , Ta -

How Do You Determine That Word?

Do You Call Khalifah, What Is Jalifah, Or Galifah, Or Halifah?

This Can Be Asked Because There Were Many Dialects

Spoken"; Because Muhammad Spoke His Dialect,

Abu Bakr Sadiq-The Trusted, Spoke His Dialect.

The Egyptians Had Their Hands On The Koran And They Spoke

Their Dialect And


Active Member
Then Babylonians, The Persians And The Pakistanis

Had Their Hands On It Which Means That It Changed To Suit Each

One Of Their Dialects Or Tongues And The Pakistanis

Had A Combination Of Urdu And Hindi And

Mixed Their Dialect In It.

Which One Is Right?

Well, One Will Say The Quraish Dialect And That Is Where

The Conflict Begins.

So Are You Telling Me That The Heavenly Father Allah

Speaks In Your Dialect? What An Egotistical Thing To Say.

Doesn't He Speak In A Universal Language?

Wouldn't The Almighty Be Able To Speak In A Scripture That Everybody

On Every Part Of The Planet, Under Every Rock,

In Every Crevice Can Understand?

He Doesn't Have To Reveal A Book Like This In Hebrew

Only For The Hebrews

Or In Greek Only For The Greek, Let Alone In Arabic,

The Quraish Dialect - Only For A Bunch Of Backward, Rock Throwing, Cube

If Muslims You Say This Is The Universal Religion
And The Koran Came Down For Everybody You Are

Putting Allah In A Very Strange Position.

You Are Making Him Look Like He Is Incompetent Because

If Allah Wants To Send A Message To All Humanity

Regardless Of Race, Creed Or Color,

And That Message Is A Message Of Submission In Peace,

Then When He Spoke,

Everybody That He Was Speaking To Would Understand Him.

Otherwise You Are Saying That He Is Incapable Of Speaking

To The Whole World At One Time.

Meaning Muhammad Would Not Have Been Necessary.

In Fact The Muslim Themselves Render Muhammad Helpless

And Unecessary Because In The Koran

They Make The Statement


Active Member
Mattaa Nasru Allahi"


"When Is The Help Coming",

While Muhammad Was Standing Right There In Front Of Them Meaning

That Muhammad Was No Help To Them
Refer To Koran 2:214).

Or Have You All Calculated That You Will Enter Into The Enclosed Garden Of Delight, And There Has Not Come Upon You The Likeness Of What Has Come Upon Those Children Of Israel, Who Were Before You All? They Suffered Distress, Affliction And Adversity, And They Were So Shaken Until The One Sent Muhammad, And Those Who Were Faithful To Him Said: "When Will The Aid Of The Source Come?" However, Surely The Time For The Aid Of The Source, Is Near.
Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic
Mistranslation By Abdullah Yusef Ali 1938 A.D.


In The Koran 19:33,

The Muslims Say The Messiah Isa A1 Masih Or

The Messiah Jesus, Is Going To Return.

They Have This In Their Hadiths. The Muslims Have All Kinds

Of Silly Writings About The Messiah.

Yet, They Claim That The Koran Was Total And Complete

And That Muhammad Was The Seal Of The Messengers And

Of The Prophets.

If You Seal Something Up, Then You Don't Need Anybody

To Come After That.

If The Koran Was Totally Complete, Then You Don't Need Another

Messenger With Another Conversation,

Regardless To Whether Jesus Is Coming Back To Explain

The Koran Or Not.

If Jesus Came Back To Explain The Koran, Then Jesus Is The

Messenger Of The Koran

And Muhammad Is The Prophet Of The Koran.

Thus, Muhammad Wasn't The Last Messenger.

He May Have Been The Last Prophet For Those Of You

Who Want To Believe In That. And The Koran Is 1,400 Years Old

And Has Not Changed The World Or Shaitan's Power.

And If The Conditions Of The World Hasn't Changed During Or

After The 1,400 Years That The Koran Has Been In Existence,

We Need A New Book.

Even That Word "Prophet"

Has An Industrial Sound To It.

Listen To The Phonetics Of The Word Prophet And Profit.

And It Seems Like They Are The Only Ones Doing All Of The Profiting.

You Should Ask Yourself,

"Why Is This So?"

I'll Tell You Why. Because They Know Something About You.

They Know That You Are Still Suffering From An Identity Crisis.

In 2007 A.D.

Islam Has Not Change Anything In This World For The Beeter

In Fact Islam Help Create

More Death , War , Hate , And Racism