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Who wrote the Quran, and is it infallible ?

Apple Pie

Active Member
tehuti is very similar to "iris" on other boards...in which she (a JW) can only present her "quality research" pastings and is incapable of defending it...


Active Member
astarath said:
That would be a seperate question for a seperate post and quite irrelevant to the current thread should you wish to ask this question and receive an answer from me start a new thread or PM and I may respond. As it stands you may continue to reply to my previous post or stop this thread.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Hey Forget It , You Don't Know Anyway Because If You Did You Wouldn't Use It For And Icon !


Well-Known Member
The word of God is and always be just that the word of God, how we speak his word will be ever changing.


Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Hey Forget It , You Don't Know Anyway Because If You Did You Wouldn't Use It For And Icon !

Actually I will dignify this, the symbol is Judaic in origin representing the importance of the #7 throughout the faith (six points and the centre make 7) The star or shield of David is used to remind of the origins (genesis:7 days) it was also similar to a zoarastrian symbol and regal symbol of the time associated to royalty.


Active Member
Popeyesays said:
Tell me, TaHuti. When you close your eyes, scream and stamp your feet in your day job, does it make people do what you want them to do?

I thought not.

rarely has any effect on anyone.


I'm Not Here To Feed You And astarth Ego Nor Tell You Want You Want To Here And You And Her Can't Deal With That . I See How Both Of You Are Jumping On Applepie LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL COWARDS Always Come In Two Don't They .


Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
I'm Not Here To Feed You And astarth Ego Nor Tell You Want You Want To Here And You And Her Can't Deal With That . I See How Both Of You Are Jumping On Applepie LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL COWARDS Always Come In Two Don't They .

Which causes me to ask again:
When you squeeze your eyes shut, hold your breath and turn blue, lie down kicking and screaming to keep from passing out, does that make people do what you want them to do in person?



Well-Known Member
Apple Pie and I are in discussion no more, I do not seek to attack but rather to explain an alternative view and potentially clarify any misconception. As however it is slightly obvious I am not Muslim and therefor often do not have the complete knowledge to clarify in pristine detail. As such a fellow brother of God has assisted in this action. I wish no boost to my own ego rather I seek to understand and display love and understanding to those with whom I speak. This goes for you as well. I do not fear and so can not be a coward for I am walking the path and searching for the lord as are many on this site. And I will continue to discuss with you Tehutli and refuse to shrink because you may post inaccuracies, half truths, and then when confronted hurtful comments. Become used to my posts you are going to see a lot of them!


Active Member
gnostic said:
Muhammad's disciples, since Muhammad can't write

Prove that Muhammed was illiterate, not by what people/muslims say but by using the Quran. You have no chance. Sorry if you think I'm being arrogant, I'm just being honest.

If it was infallible, then no-one can interpret the text differently.
we're all individuals everyone has a different perception.
The Qur'an will also be indestructable from fire or the pages cannot be tore to shred....not that I have done these things.
hehehe.....no comment.


The Lost One
Laila said:
Prove that Muhammed was illiterate, not by what people/muslims say but by using the Quran. You have no chance. Sorry if you think I'm being arrogant, I'm just being honest.
Well it is the assumption of most Muslims I have come across with. I did not say that I believe he was illiterate, but I did write it down as I think that Muslims believe to be.

Muslims, here and elsewhere, keep quoting the so-called prophecy from the bible that the prophet (Muhammad) could neither read nor write, although, I don't believe this is a prophecy.
gnostic said:
The Qur'an will also be indestructable from fire or the pages cannot be tore to shred....not that I have done these things.
laila said:
hehehe.....no comment.
astarth said:
I think he meant the word will live on...you page ripper you :p
:rolleyes: *feigning innocence*
*hiding a pair of scissors his back*


Active Member
Popeyesays said:
We are discussing al Bukhari. No hadith comes with a higher pedigree. Stick to the subject please.


You are recongnize the haith as powerful , and legit as the Quraan even though the Hadith is only writing of men Written Hundreds of years after Muhammads death , Such as ; Al Bukhari Muslim , Tirmidhi , Abu Daa'uwd Etc ,
( 1 ) There is A certain way you are supposed to . When and how to Urinate , which determines if you go to hell or paradise . If that the case , Humans shouldn't think , Allah should just create humans to Urinate a certain way voluntarily . THIS IS STUPID .
( 2 ) . Muhammad said to drink Camel's Urine , Can imagine HOW SICK you will get from drinking the waste by products of a camel ! SOMETHING IS WRONG WHOEVER SAID THIS AND RECORDED THIS AS WELL !
( 3 ) . This ine scared me half to death , when I was little and it is , If you forget to wash out your mouth , Brush your teeth after eating , The Jinn / Devils Urinate in your mouth . You will get bad breath and your teeth turn a little yellow , but you sure wont have any pissy breath !
( A baby plam tree cried like a baby because Muhammad used A Pulpit to preach instead of standing beneath the tree until it stopped crying ( Vol . 2 No 41 ) Have you ever heard of tree crying ? That common sense . unless it rained in the desert and the water fell down dripping off the tree . But , we all know that is not true .
( 4 ) The splitting of the moon in half ( Vol . 4 nOS . 830 , 832 ) if he could split the moon in half why did he had to fight to convert some mortal being to his religion ? THINGS THAT MAKE YOU SAY UMMMMM !
( 5 ) When a man who once a Muslims , and then reconverted back to Christianity died and was buried , THE EARTH WOULD NOT ACCEPT HIS BODY , BUT THREW IT OUT OF THE GRAVE ! ( Vol 4. No .814 ) Tell and show me any record of the Earth ever refusing somebody's body because of their religion , race or color . How did the eath manage to do such a thing ? Does the Earth have arms and fingers ?
( 6 ) Gabriel opened Muhammad's chest and washed his insides with ZAM -ZAM WaTER . He took wisdom and faith and poured them into his chest and then closed it up ( Vol. 1 , No . 345 ) , If you open somebody's chest , You must be A Sugeon . And Gabriel is never mentioned as being A Surgeon , And if you pour water into your chest , WHAT WILL HAPPEN ... YOU WILL DIE

Just To Name A Few


Well-Known Member

Some things are symbolic, you know. Knowing which is which and deciding judiciously upon the metaphoric meanings of a passage is sane, rational and expected of believers.

In Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Parsi, Baha`i, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain--whatever.

In Christianity almost anyone will agree that Baptism is symbolic, that water does not wash away sin in any physical sense. The moon was not split in a physical sense:
"This is the Day whereon the earth shall tell out her tidings. The workers of iniquity are her burdens, could ye but perceive it. The moon of idle fancy hath been cleft, and the heaven hath given out a palpable smoke. We see the people laid low, awed with the dread of thy Lord, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. The Crier hath cried out, and men have been torn away, so great hath been the fury of His wrath. The people of the left hand sigh and bemoan. The people 41 of the right abide in noble habitations: they quaff the Wine that is life indeed, from the hands of the All-Merciful, and are, verily, the blissful."
(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 40)

Judaism has careful injunctions on cleanliness of food and body--anecessity for desert people--so does Islam. So what?

The Hadith must be judged, not followed blindly. After all superstition is supsertition and truth is truth. One is called upon to choose wisely. Right up to the early 20th century baby urine was considered beneficial as medicine and was a preferred dentifrice. We have better concepts today.

I've seen videos of the earth refusing the dead, so have you. Any number of earthquakes have seen the bodies and coffins of graveyards scattered on the surface.

Do I need to define symbolism, metaphor and simile to you? Surely in your vast education, you have stumbled across those words before?


Active Member
Popeyesays said:

Some things are symbolic, you know. Knowing which is which and deciding judiciously upon the metaphoric meanings of a passage is sane, rational and expected of believers.

In Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Parsi, Baha`i, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain--whatever.

In Christianity almost anyone will agree that Baptism is symbolic, that water does not wash away sin in any physical sense. The moon was not split in a physical sense:
"This is the Day whereon the earth shall tell out her tidings. The workers of iniquity are her burdens, could ye but perceive it. The moon of idle fancy hath been cleft, and the heaven hath given out a palpable smoke. We see the people laid low, awed with the dread of thy Lord, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. The Crier hath cried out, and men have been torn away, so great hath been the fury of His wrath. The people of the left hand sigh and bemoan. The people 41 of the right abide in noble habitations: they quaff the Wine that is life indeed, from the hands of the All-Merciful, and are, verily, the blissful."
(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 40)

Judaism has careful injunctions on cleanliness of food and body--anecessity for desert people--so does Islam. So what?

The Hadith must be judged, not followed blindly. After all superstition is supsertition and truth is truth. One is called upon to choose wisely. Right up to the early 20th century baby urine was considered beneficial as medicine and was a preferred dentifrice. We have better concepts today.

I've seen videos of the earth refusing the dead, so have you. Any number of earthquakes have seen the bodies and coffins of graveyards scattered on the surface.

Do I need to define symbolism, metaphor and simile to you? Surely in your vast education, you have stumbled across those words before?

First I'm Not Impress Nor Do I Accept Testimony , Face It You Did Not Know What You Were Talking About When It Came To Hadiyth'sss , And I Blow Your Mind With Those Hadiyth Didn't I , Now You Want To Play On Words . Little Advice For You Never Talk About Things You Know Not Then You Don't Have To Make Up Things To Save Face Overstand .


Flaming Queer
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all members, while discussing and debate here at RF, please remain civil and respectful of other members, even if you disagree with them. forum rule 4.) While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or inflammatory posts. We will allow faith to be debated and discussed by a member only when there is no hostile, rude, or insulting opinion of another's faith.

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Active Member
gnostic said:
Well it is the assumption of most Muslims I have come across with. I did not say that I believe he was illiterate, but I did write it down as I think that Muslims believe to be.

you're right many do(including myself before I realised that there is no evidence for this statement), it's when you start actually reading the scriptures (any scriptures) that you start to understand that what you may have believed as true for many years is not actually the reality.
I have found no evidence in the Quran that states Muhammed (pbuh) was illiterate.
Muslims, here and elsewhere, keep quoting the so-called prophecy from the bible that the prophet (Muhammad) could neither read nor write, although, I don't believe this is a prophecy.
they do and they will probably have a go at me for writing this. Nobody said that the truth was easy to accept, however if you're going to say Muhammed (pbuh) was illiterate you can't claim the Quran will back you up on this one.


Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
First I'm Not Impress Nor Do I Accept Testimony , Face It You Did Not Know What You Were Talking About When It Came To Hadiyth'sss , And I Blow Your Mind With Those Hadiyth Didn't I , Now You Want To Play On Words . Little Advice For You Never Talk About Things You Know Not Then You Don't Have To Make Up Things To Save Face Overstand .

You know if starting each word in a paragraph with a capital letter relieves frustration, TaHuti, think how much better it will feel if you scream in all caps.

You do know for the record that I am NOT Muslim, right?



Active Member
Popeyesays said:
You know if starting each word in a paragraph with a capital letter relieves frustration, TaHuti, think how much better it will feel if you scream in all caps.

You do know for the record that I am NOT Muslim, right?


Like I Said Never Speak About ANYTHING You Know Not , Then You Wont Have To MAKEUP / PLAY One Words To Save Face .

By The Way I Never Heard CAPS As You Call Them Say / Scream ( Anything ) . Could It Be That Voice Inside Of Your Head Again.


Well-Known Member
TehuTi said:
Like I Said Never Speak About ANYTHING You Know Not , Then You Wont Have To MAKEUP / PLAY One Words To Save Face .

By The Way I Never Heard CAPS As You Call Them Say / Scream ( Anything ) . Could It Be That Voice Inside Of Your Head Again.

It's simple Netiquette, Toody. All CAPS indicates a hissy fit on the part of the individual using them. Using caps to start everyword is just ignorance of the English language.

Simply no regard at all,



Obstructor of justice
Popeyesays said:
It's simple Netiquette, Toody. All CAPS indicates a hissy fit on the part of the individual using them. Using caps to start everyword is just ignorance of the English language.

Simply no regard at all,


And, it's also really creepy to capitalize every word....