Many believe that the Catholic Church is the Great Harlot sitting on the back of the seven headed, ten horned, Scarlet Colored Wild Beast, because she demonstrates many of the descriptions. Didn't she persecute true Christians during the dark ages, burning many at the stake, especially those who tried to translate the Bible into languages that could be understood by the common people, and not kept in Latin, which few understand. What about the Crusades?? The Inquisitions?? The Catholic Church was the cause and the force behind them, causing the greatest suffering, and torture in history.
BUT, the Catholic Church is NOT the Great Harlot, but just a part of it. This Great Harlot, Babylon the Great is actually the Whole World Empire of False Religion, with Catholicism being a big part.
The reason for this understanding is the Beast she is riding. This Scarlet Colored Wild Beast is the same as the Image of the Wild The Beast mentioned at Rev 13:14-18. This Image is identified at Rev 17:7,8, as the United Nations, which started out as the League of Nations in 1920, then was not during WW2, then present again in 1945, as the United Nations,
The reason this beast has seven heads is : This is the number of World Powers throughout history, who had dealings with God's chosen people. They arte Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medes and Persions, Greece, Rome, and the Anglo-American World Power, NOW RULING, The USA and Briton. Consider Rev 17:9-11. John is writing, he lived during the Roman World Power, sixth one, Anglo-American, the seventh, and the Eighth will be The United Nations, very shortly. The reason??? Because the USA is realizing that we cannot be the policemen of the world, this country will soon call on the United Nations to help bring peace on earth
This will be a very trying time, because the TEN KINGS, mentioned at Rev 17:12,13,17, will attack Babylon the Great and destroy her, because God put it into their minds to destroy False Religion, Rev 17:16-18.
When you see the United Nations gaining power, the end of this system will be very close. Every one not in the ONE RELIGION that God is blessing, will not survive!!! This is the most critical time in all of mankind's history!!!
Dear j,
Very good, except your United Nations is an empty shell, and does not match the description of the beast of Rev 13 which matches the beast of Daniel 7, which is Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman empires, with another beast then coming out of the earth with two horns like a lamb, who was to deceive "those who dwell on the earth", which is Constantine, who established the Roman church. The last power crushed has to match the feet of iron and clay of Daniel 2. The last head of the beast," which was and is not, is himself an eighth, and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction".(Rev 17:11) The ten horns of Rev 17:12 are kings who receive power for "one hour."
Revelation was written during the period of the 6th beast, with Constantine being the 7th beast who according to Dan 7:24-25, will subdue 3 kings (Daia, Caius Flavius, and Licinius), and change the Times and the Law. In 321 A.D., Constantine change the Sabbath day of rest into the day of rest being on the "Day of the Sun", the day of his god Sol Invictus. His Council of Nicaea changed the One God only into the prelim of the Trinity doctrine. His decree on 331 A.D. sentenced anyone to death who held deviate literature to this new multi-headed god.
The eighth head of the beast will be in the image of the 5th head of the beast, Julius Caesar, whose "fatal wound" was healed. (Rev 13:3) Julius Caesar was declared a god, and usurped the power of the Roman Republic, and created a dictatorship. The same happened during the 3rd Reich, whereas Hitler usurped the power of the German Republic for a dictatorship. The same is happening today in the form of a Muslim messiah figure, by the name of Hussein Soetoro, and his rule by decree. The nations coming against Jerusalem will have to conform to Dan 2 and Psalms 83, a mixture of iron and clay.
Constantine's law of 321 [C.E] uniting Christians and pagans in the observance of the "venerable day of the sun" It is to be noted that this official solar worship, the final form of paganism in the empire , was not the traditional Roman-Greek religion of Jupiter, Apollo, Venus, and the other Olympian deities. It was a product of the mingling Hellenistic-Oriental elements, exemplified in Aurelian's establishment of Eastern Sun worship at Rome as the official religion of the empire, and in his new temple enshrining Syrian statutes statues of Bel and the sun . Thus at last Bel, the god of Babylon, came into the official imperial temple of Rome, the center of the imperial religion. It was this late Roman-Oriental worship of one supreme god, symbolized by the sun and absorbing lesser divinities as subordinates or manifestations of the universal deity, that competed with young Christianity. This was the Roman religion that went down in defeat but infiltrated and colored the victorious church with its own elements, some of which can be seen to this day. (Cramer 4)
On March 7, 321, Sunday was declared the official day of rest, on which markets were banned and public offices were closed,[ Constantine the Great and Christianity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In addition, if any writing composed by Arius should be found, it should be handed over to the flames, so that not only will the wickedness of his teaching be obliterated, but nothing will be left even to remind anyone of him. And I hereby make a public order, that if someone should be discovered to have hidden a writing composed by Arius, and not to have immediately brought it forward and destroyed it by fire, his penalty shall be death. As soon as he is discovered in this offence, he shall be submitted for capital punishment....." Arianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia