Dear Peg,
To understand who Babylon was, it is nice to know who she sat upon in Rev 17:3. The beast with the 7 heads upon which the "mother of harlots" sat, was simply the same beast of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, with the Roman part of the beast expanded upon. The head of the statue of Daniel 2, was the king of Babylon, whose religion was that of Nimrod of Babylon. The same gods which they worshipped, by different names, were Ishtar (Queen of heaven), now worshipped by the Catholics as "Mother of God", Sol Invictus, whose day is the "Day of the Sun", and whose day is now the "day of rest" per the establisher of the Roman Church, Constantine, and is worshipped by homage to the cross of Constantine, which was in homage of Sol Invictus. All the heads of the beast worshipped the same gods under different names. The term babel means confusion, such as you find among the 41,000 denominations of the daughters of the Roman church, who was herself simply a daughter of a daughter of the original church of Babylon, which is the worship of the sons of the fallen angels, the mighty men of renown (Gen 6:4) Basically it is the worship of Lucifer and his descendants. The Babylon religion is simply the worship of the sons of the fallen angels, which is part of the traditions of all the "Christian" churches. Because of idolatry, the Jews were also one of the harlot daughters.