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Who's more racist... the religious or the non-religious?


Well-Known Member
Natural selection tells us that dying is just a part of evolution and surviving of the strongest so murder and kills have no moral judgement its actually promoted.

Also Evolution tells us that Moral Behaviour is evolving like hair and nails so what Hitler did was actually good if you consider that Germany was a secular state and following the Social pressure what lead them to kill 6 million people because it was in the sack of society (Therefore good).


Admiral Obvious
Evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an interview: “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question."[19] The interviewer wrote, regarding the Hitler comment, "I was stupefied. He had readily conceded that his own philosophical position did not offer a rational basis for moral judgments. His intellectual honesty was refreshing, if somewhat disturbing on this point. Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia

I strongly suggest a visit to this site it is most informative.

I am poltely saying your bogus claim is bogus.
I politely state that your source took the quote out of context and is at best dishonest and at worst a flat out liar:
I asked an obvious question: “As we speak of this shifting zeitgeist, how are we to determine who’s right? If we do not acknowledge some sort of external [standard], what is to prevent us from saying that the Muslim [extremists] aren’t right?”

“Yes, absolutely fascinating.” His response was immediate. “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question. But whatever [defines morality], it’s not the Bible. If it was, we’d be stoning people for breaking the Sabbath.”

I was stupefied. He had readily conceded that his own philosophical position did not offer a rational basis for moral judgments. His intellectual honesty was refreshing, if somewhat disturbing on this point.

Dawkins proceeded to cite the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement as examples of Western moral advancements, but would not credit Christianity in the slightest.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an interview: “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question."[19] The interviewer wrote, regarding the Hitler comment, "I was stupefied. He had readily conceded that his own philosophical position did not offer a rational basis for moral judgments. His intellectual honesty was refreshing, if somewhat disturbing on this point. Adolf Hitler - Conservapedia
I strongly suggest a visit to this site it is most informative.
It wasn't informative.
The fact that evolution doesn't prescribe against Hitler's acts is irrelevant to a scientific theory.
Is The Theory Of Gravity justification for Hitler's agenda because it also doesn't say it's wrong.
But Hitler did mention that he was a big fan of Jesus. Although I don't blame Jesus either.

You should be careful about citing Conservapedia. And no, I'm not impugning your source just cuz I disagree.
Rather, I've contributed a little to that site. (They need so much help.) Try this one instead....
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A Troubled Man

Active Member
A recent thread entitled "Are Athiests Racist?" got me thinking...

1. If you divided people into 2 groups, the religious and the non-religious, which group would have more racists in it?

I think racism is another form of indoctrination and can be found in both the religious and non-religious, depending on the individuals upbringing.

It can be argued that some religious doctrines support racism, but it may not be reason to conclude one group may have more racists than the other.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The most racist are those who follow the teachings of Darwin.
I think those who follow the teachings of Newton are even more racist.
Gravity was used to lynch black folk many many times.
Such a cruel theory it is!


I would say that most racists are Christian.
Though Muslims are catching up rather fast and may actually out number Christians here soon.
I will admit that there is racism in every group including Christianity. But there is no justification for this claim you made. There is no reason consistent with the biblical narrative to be racial. However in evolution there is. Evolution justifies the heard mentality which justifies racism. In fact racism or (groupism) is a definate advantage in natural selection.

politely state that your source took the quote out of context and is at best dishonest and at worst a flat out liar:
I asked an obvious question: “As we speak of this shifting zeitgeist, how are we to determine who’s right? If we do not acknowledge some sort of external [standard], what is to prevent us from saying that the Muslim [extremists] aren’t right?”

“Yes, absolutely fascinating.” His response was immediate. “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question. But whatever [defines morality], it’s not the Bible. If it was, we’d be stoning people for breaking the Sabbath.”

I was stupefied. He had readily conceded that his own philosophical position did not offer a rational basis for moral judgments. His intellectual honesty was refreshing, if somewhat disturbing on this point.

Dawkins proceeded to cite the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement as examples of Western moral advancements, but would not credit Christianity in the slightest.

I honestly don't see how the context is changed in any meaningful way by what you sited. Richard Dawkins is one of many evolutionists that point out the fact that good and evil loose their meaning and context within evolution. Let me illustrate this. If Hitler and Churchill met in 1944, and Churchill said that he had used his reason, logic, and empathy gained through evolution to conclude that what Hitler was doing was wrong and he should stop it. Hitler replies that he used those same methods but he thinks they justify his actions. There is no way consistent with the evolutionary frame work to settle this. Either only force or an external standard like (God) would allow action. There is no escape from the implications of non-theistic evolution. That doesn't mean it isn't true just undesirable if true.


It wasn't informative.
The fact that evolution doesn't prescribe against Hitler's acts is irrelevant to a scientific theory.
Is The Theory Of Gravity justification for Hitler's agenda because it also doesn't say it's wrong.
But Hitler did mention that he was a big fan of Jesus. Although I don't blame Jesus either.

You should be careful about citing Conservapedia. And no, I'm not impugning your source just cuz I disagree.
Rather, I've contributed a little to that site. (They need so much help.) Try this one instead....
Adolf Hitler - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
I have talked to you before, and know your too smart to not be able to see the obvious implications of non-theistic evolution. The professional debaters includeing, Dawkins, Dennet, Hitchens, Barker etc.... Aknowledge the implications of evolution. They have spent hours in debates dealing with this issue alone. Their usual position is that there are no objective standards in evolution which reneders it insuffecient for human need at best and completely impotent at worst. Non-theistic evolution has been cited by it's supporters as the source of subjective morality, while not biological this is inseperable and obvious from it's nature. Gravity has never been cited as a generater of Morals. Just to name one, non-theistic evolution cannot justify the sanctity of human life, we are of no more value than a flea. Evolution rules out objective morals or absolute moral standards of any kind. To compare evolution with gravity in this sense is meaningless. as for the source that quote and many more just like it can be found on many sites.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
This claim requires support.
(I'm politely saying it's bogus.)

Back to the OP.....some things are certain:
Atheism & agnosticism have no dogma whatsoever, so they don't push people towards or from racism.
Religions do have dogma, & some of them do or once did push racism. I'll skip examples, since there
would be great offense taken (supported by lame arguments that their religion is color blind, or the
the ole No True Scotsman thingie).
So I'd say that the faithful have a greater tendency towards racism. But this matters naught to me,
since I judge people by individual behavior. Religion tells me little about them.

From the interview with Dawkins by Larry Taunton:


"I'm actually rather interested in the shifting zeitgeist. If you travel anywhere in the Western world, you find a consensus of opinion which is recognizably different from what it was only a matter of a decade or two ago. You and I are both a part of that same zeitgeist, and [as to where] we get our moral outlook, one can almost use phrases like "it's in the air."

What's to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn't right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question."

Atheist Quotes / Atheism Quotes - Richard Dawkins Quotes | True Freethinker

I'm only posting this to point out that one can find this interview on sites that are not "conservative."
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I would say that most racists are Christian.
Though Muslims are catching up rather fast and may actually out number Christians here soon.

They will for sure if the "Christian" birthrate keeps dropping. Give it, oh, twenty to thirty more years in many European cities...
