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why a bible?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
as a one time christian, of many diffrent denonamation, my walk has lead me to understand that the still small voice, is just your own internal dilog, the bible offers to the reader ways to cement there understandings, right or wrong. that then we belive what we want, reinforce what we already are able to except as truth. i find that christians study to learn to fight eachother better, and to exploit the gray zones, they seek to confort tham selfs with what they think thay are winning in the afterlife in the great carnival in the sky.

has it ever accured to you that to sitting in church, in a large, clean, building in a nice part of town, sing songs to other people, just like your selfs, is not what jesus would have lived and died for "if he were real". the vast majority of christians dont know the 10 comandments, much less there centeral dogma. they dont wittness there faith, all the wile your religion claimes that narrow is the way, and small is the gate to heaven, and wide is the gate, of thoses that think that they are savied and ok. religion seeks its own. and most people are easly, scaired, or fooled, or both. religion for most people fills in the blanks to questions were there really are no answers to. what happens after you die.

religion hediges its bet, it fans the flaimes of the fear of death by promoting a belife that eternal pain awates those that dont comply to a reasonless ideal that god would father himself, so he could sacrofice himself to himself so he wont make himself seen us to hell. to the christian the bible means anything they want it to mean, if this were not so, there wold not be so many diffrent denomanations, so many well to do churches, so many diffrent ministry, the poor are still poor, the sick are still sick, the lame dont walk, the blind dont see, all the wile, the megga churches stuff there wallets, and there false idol pasters, bleat out there messages to the shepeople, you love god by giving him money. whitewash tombs, buildings of the dead, hawking religious pardons for a song and dance.

i can show you were you went wrong, but i will need to know a little about your religious conversion.
But you're not bitter...

Your judgment is clouded and your vision made myopic by your subjectivity and personal experience.

sky cake

Spirituality sets us free. It does not chain us down. Maybe you're attacking the wrong concept...

paul claimed he was prisner of christ,:slap:

my point was that when a slave becomes conforted by his chaines that that is sad.
that the bible replaces faith by offering sudoproof, denomanationalissim promotes a pack menitallity, that leads to group think, and dogma interpitation, and pestoh changeoh there interoitation becomes there god. dogma forces the group member to become invested in its up keep, so many belive in god because there afraid there going to go to hell. religions is there attempt to just know enough to get by.

religion is for weak minded people that lack the gaul to stand up and demand a conection with god. were are those that would take on punishment of hell, so those that dont deserve heaven go in there place?

sky cake

I doubt that's true of "most Xians." Relationship with God comes through relationships with other folks. God lives in the "spaces between us" -- not in the pages of a book. If there's anything that is true of "most Xians," it is that "most Xians know that."

disregarding all the christians that kill each other? most xians cant stand the other xians.

The Bible doesn't cause splits. Human misunderstanding causes splits. The Bible has lasted, not because it is "true," but because it is polyvalent. That polyvalency upsets a lot of people, who insist that "truth" must be limited to only one perspective -- theirs.

but jesus said that he came to pit us agenst each other, mother against daughter, father against son, if you are not willing to leave you family your not wothy, rember:slap: jesus never astablised which batpsism to do, he never condemd slavery, the bible is a vage bleary mess. it has been the root of all of mans missery sense it was edited and issued forth to the masses.:sad4:

In fact, if one looks at church history -- since the very beginning -- there has never been "one common dogma" -- even during the 400 or so years before there was a "Bible."

* see the entry "the jews" the church ripped off the jews and seek to replace them, you and thank paul for that.:facepalm:

The Bible is important, not because of the "textbook truth," but because of the Tradition it preserves for us.

you claim its all in the correct interpitation, and read a bible that was edited, and added to the jewish holy books, and even the cathloc books that were rip out of it for the prodies, god did not see fit to give you the correct version of it. how is man to interpitate that with so many moving parts?:no:

sky cake

But you're not bitter...

Your judgment is clouded and your vision made myopic by your subjectivity and personal experience.

why is christion ferver called holy, a reason induced ditribe called bitterness?

i am edgey, i am strong armed, i am direct. but if i was the christian here i would be celibrated:slap:

if you ever wonder how the christians come off looking to the nonreligious here is your sign.


Well-Known Member
as a one time christian, of many diffrent denonamation, my walk has lead me to understand that the still small voice, is just your own internal dilog,

Perhaps your walk has lead you to misunderstand.

the bible offers to the reader ways to cement there understandings, right or wrong.

Only for those who really don't care to think. I admit that there are such people.

has it ever accured to you that to sitting in church, in a large, clean, building in a nice part of town, sing songs to other people, just like your selfs, is not what jesus would have lived and died for "if he were real".

Well, we don't sing songs to other people, we sing them to God. And this is precisely what Jesus died for, that all creation would give glory to God and love each other.

the vast majority of christians dont know the 10 comandments, much less there centeral dogma. they dont wittness there faith, all the wile your religion claimes that narrow is the way, and small is the gate to heaven, and wide is the gate, of thoses that think that they are savied and ok. religion seeks its own. and most people are easly, scaired, or fooled, or both. religion for most people fills in the blanks to questions were there really are no answers to. what happens after you die.

You know the vast majority of Christians? You sure do get around!

religion hediges its bet, it fans the flaimes of the fear of death by promoting a belife that eternal pain awates those that dont comply to a reasonless ideal that god would father himself, so he could sacrofice himself to himself so he wont make himself seen us to hell. to the christian the bible means anything they want it to mean, if this were not so, there wold not be so many diffrent denomanations, so many well to do churches, so many diffrent ministry, the poor are still poor, the sick are still sick, the lame dont walk, the blind dont see, all the wile, the megga churches stuff there wallets, and there false idol pasters, bleat out there messages to the shepeople, you love god by giving him money. whitewash tombs, buildings of the dead, hawking religious pardons for a song and dance.

Quite the rant there, and not a few caricatures of Christian belief and practice.

i can show you were you went wrong, but i will need to know a little about your religious conversion.

How very paternalistic of you!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
paul claimed he was prisner of christ,:slap:

my point was that when a slave becomes conforted by his chaines that that is sad.
that the bible replaces faith by offering sudoproof, denomanationalissim promotes a pack menitallity, that leads to group think, and dogma interpitation, and pestoh changeoh there interoitation becomes there god. dogma forces the group member to become invested in its up keep, so many belive in god because there afraid there going to go to hell. religions is there attempt to just know enough to get by.

religion is for weak minded people that lack the gaul to stand up and demand a conection with god. were are those that would take on punishment of hell, so those that dont deserve heaven go in there place?
Yes, a prisoner for Christ, as opposed to a prisoner for the world. the issue in that passage isn't "prisoner," it's "Christ over and against the world." Eisegesis doesn't work when arguing the Bible.

We are not comforted by our chains, but liberated by Christ.

The Bible doesn't provide "proof." The Bible provides "witness."

Denominationalism doesn't provide "pack mentality." It provides community.

Perhaps some are dogma-driven, but most strive to point out and teach, rather than force theological understanding.

Religion is for open-minded individuals who wish to connect with God via connecting with others.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
you claim its all in the correct interpitation, and read a bible that was edited, and added to the jewish holy books, and even the cathloc books that were rip out of it for the prodies, god did not see fit to give you the correct version of it. how is man to interpitate that with so many moving parts?:no:
The Bible was never intended to be a cut-and-dried document. It was intended to be polyvalent. The Bible is edited because, by it's very nature, it is a process of editing. Oral stories were written down. That's a process of editing, to begin with. Therefore, using your definition of "correct," there has never been a "correct version" of the Bible. Using a better understanding of "correct," the Bible is "correct," because it is exactly what it is.

We do the best we can with what we've been given. Your final question begs the question of why Sola Scriptura is even considered valid.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
why is christion ferver called holy, a reason induced ditribe called bitterness?

i am edgey, i am strong armed, i am direct. but if i was the christian here i would be celibrated:slap:

if you ever wonder how the christians come off looking to the nonreligious here is your sign.
Straw man. "Christian fervor" isn't "holy." Many times, at least where I live, it's more like closed-minded fanaticism. But that doesn't mean that all "Christian fervor" is that way.

Moreover, your diatribe isn't "reasoned." It's got more holes than St. Andrews!

sky cake

Perhaps your walk has lead you to misunderstand.!

perhaps i am, i was a christain for 25 years, and i was seeking truth, so i cast away my make belive sky god, and i am better for it.

Only for those who really don't care to think. I admit that there are such people.!
so you see the masses of non thinking religious people too?

Well, we don't sing songs to other people, we sing them to God. And this is precisely what Jesus died for, that all creation would give glory to God and love each other.!
and you dont go to church dressed up not to be seen? right:facepalm:

You know the vast majority of Christians? You sure do get around!!
my father was a penitostal minister, i volintered with may diffrent churches, i am aware of my own self, and my own pit falls, i see the church after church act in the name of men only. i have seen the christin kill and mame its own followers, when you imply that i cant know the vast majority, i will concede that no i dont personal know each and every christian alive, and all the dead ones too. but i do see the actions of the ones i do know, and i live in a world that is greatly shaped by the religious whoremongers, i can show you that your religion is fake and full of fakes, but in the end you have to want to except the overwelming evidance. because faith is nothing more than wishfull thinking. and you are full if it. full of faith.

Quite the rant there, and not a few caricatures of Christian belief and practice. !
you guys make it eazy, with all the posion coolaid, and burnt bodys, and pedifila, and money changing.

How very paternalistic of you!
ehh just trying to help


Well-Known Member
perhaps i am, i was a christain for 25 years, and i was seeking truth, so i cast away my make belive sky god, and i am better for it.

So you say.

so you see the masses of non thinking religious people too?

Not masses, but I admit they're there. Do you see the masses of non thinking secular people? I do.

and you dont go to church dressed up not to be seen? right:facepalm:

What did I wear to church last Sunday?

my father was a penitostal minister, i volintered with may diffrent churches, i am aware of my own self, and my own pit falls, i see the church after church act in the name of men only. i have seen the christin kill and mame its own followers, when you imply that i cant know the vast majority, i will concede that no i dont personal know each and every christian alive, and all the dead ones too. but i do see the actions of the ones i do know, and i live in a world that is greatly shaped by the religious whoremongers, i can show you that your religion is fake and full of fakes, but in the end you have to want to except the overwelming evidance. because faith is nothing more than wishfull thinking. and you are full if it. full of faith.

I have no more faith than you.

you guys make it eazy, with all the posion coolaid, and burnt bodys, and pedifila, and money changing.

I can see there will be no point talking with you. You are officially on my ignore list.

ehh just trying to help

No, you're not. You're just trying to be mean. Succeeding, too.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
i can show you that your religion is fake and full of fakes, but in the end you have to want to except the overwelming evidance. because faith is nothing more than wishfull thinking. and you are full if it. full of faith.
You're projecting.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
i am edgey, i am strong armed, i am direct. but if i was the christian here i would be celibrated:slap:

This all by itself shows me that you have a tendency to pass judgments and form opinions without bothering to investigate anything .


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
i am edgey, i am strong armed, i am direct. but if i was the christian here i would be celibrated:slap:
Perhaps the word you're looking for is "celebate..."


Well-Known Member
as a one time christian, of many diffrent denonamation, my walk has lead me to understand that the still small voice, is just your own internal dilog, the bible offers to the reader ways to cement there understandings, right or wrong. that then we belive what we want, reinforce what we already are able to except as truth. i find that christians study to learn to fight eachother better, and to exploit the gray zones, they seek to confort tham selfs with what they think thay are winning in the afterlife in the great carnival in the sky.

has it ever accured to you that to sitting in church, in a large, clean, building in a nice part of town, sing songs to other people, just like your selfs, is not what jesus would have lived and died for "if he were real". the vast majority of christians dont know the 10 comandments, much less there centeral dogma. they dont wittness there faith, all the wile your religion claimes that narrow is the way, and small is the gate to heaven, and wide is the gate, of thoses that think that they are saved.
You are incredibly insightful. It would be really awesome to talk to you in person. You know, the people who considered themselves religious and pious in Jesus' day were the ones that rejected his message and took the "wide gate." The sad state of affairs is that much of what goes on in organized religion today is just what you describe. Arguing doctrine, patting each other on the back, pointing fingers at the unenlightened hell-bound heathens, and a large amount of hypocrisy. All the while, the things that Jesus (and other great religious leaders of history) really taught are completely ignored. Perhaps you are rejecting the bible when in truth, you should be rejecting what people have done to it.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You are incredibly insightful. It would be really awesome to talk to you in person. You know, the people who considered themselves religious and pious in Jesus' day were the ones that rejected his message and took the "wide gate." The sad state of affairs is that much of what goes on in organized religion today is just what you describe. Arguing doctrine, patting each other on the back, pointing fingers at the unenlightened, and a large amount of hypocrisy. All the while, the things that Jesus (and other great religious leaders of history) really taught are completely ignored. Perhaps you are rejecting the bible when in truth, you should be rejecting what people have done to it.
I think this is incredibly pessimistic. That's the "sad state of affairs in organized religion." I'd agree that there's a fair amount of inattention going on, but there's a lot of attention, too. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.