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Why are conjoined twins a thing?


Revelation all the time
I'd also note that if natural selection is at work, that the question seems applicable to ask in same fashion, as in:

If natural selection is beneficial to anything, why would it manifest con-joined twins? A process that would allow conjoined twins is either lazy or a cruel jokester.

Those are the only two viable options. Choose one!


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I don't see this relevant question in OP that you are bringing up. OP says:

Yes, the final part is about God allowing it. True, it is more of a statement than a question, but I think the question is implicit.

So, let me make it explicit: why does He allow it? But maybe He wants to repair the situation if you pray really hard. Incidentally, do you think that prayers can help in that case?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
That makes it all the worse, to blame God for everything, as if God is a puppetmaster and micro-manager. I refuse to believe any God does that.

Would you call two girls sharing a brain a case that goes beyond hIs competence of macro mega super duper manager? I can only imagine Him thinking: why are you disturbing me with this micro management issues? Ask my inferior prophets, I am busy creating other Universes.

But I have a question: when people pray, do they ask God things that are beyond micro management?


- viole


Revelation all the time
Yes, the final part is about God allowing it. True, it is more of a statement than a question, but I think the question is implicit.

I actually think the question you are raising is the wise one. The other one, for me, shows a lack of understanding and an understanding I'm very familiar with.

So, let me make it explicit: why does He allow it? But maybe He wants to repair the situation if you pray really hard. Incidentally, do you think that prayers can help in that case?

Yes, I think prayer would help in this case, like all cases. It would depend on how the prayer is framed, which goes back to understanding why (and how) this manifested. I do not see Creator God as manifesting anything in the physical that our physical eyes perceive. Yet, I do see same God as allowing it. I think prayer would inevitably help find peace with this. I could see how those words would be perceived as 'that's simple' (as in grossly simplistic), but it would surely mean it wouldn't be framed or filtered through lens of 'only a lazy or cruel jokester' would see this as okay. To me, a medical doctor (not all of them, but many of them) would have that level of peace with it. But that would just be the simplistic version. Another level of peace would fully appreciate the manifestation and if truly something was desired to be done, it would get 'er done.

If that expressed desire is coming from a place of lack (as in 'they, the twins' lack health) and making demands of how the solution needs to occur, I see the (higher) level of peace finding that humorous. And plausibly doing nothing given the 'logic' at work.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I'd also note that if natural selection is at work, that the question seems applicable to ask in same fashion, as in:

If natural selection is beneficial to anything, why would it manifest con-joined twins? A process that would allow conjoined twins is either lazy or a cruel jokester.

Those are the only two viable options. Choose one!

Not applicable. Evolution is amoral and blind. Evolution does not care basically. Evolution does not eat popcorn while watching kids dying from Her white throne. And it is not beneficial to everything.If it were, it would not be the case that 99% of all species got extinct.


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I actually think the question you are raising is the wise one. The other one, for me, shows a lack of understanding and an understanding I'm very familiar with.

Yes, I think prayer would help in this case, like all cases. It would depend on how the prayer is framed, which goes back to understanding why (and how) this manifested. I do not see Creator God as manifesting anything in the physical that our physical eyes perceive. Yet, I do see same God as allowing it. I think prayer would inevitably help find peace with this. I could see how those words would be perceived as 'that's simple' (as in grossly simplistic), but it would surely mean it wouldn't be framed or filtered through lens of 'only a lazy or cruel jokester' would see this as okay. To me, a medical doctor (not all of them, but many of them) would have that level of peace with it. But that would just be the simplistic version. Another level of peace would fully appreciate the manifestation and if truly something was desired to be done, it would get 'er done.

If that expressed desire is coming from a place of lack (as in 'they, the twins' lack health) and making demands of how the solution needs to occur, I see the (higher) level of peace finding that humorous. And plausibly doing nothing given the 'logic' at work.

Too complicated. Would God separate those twins, by magically creating the extra brain parts, and without doctors, if you pray hard enough?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
You don't know this, but your opinion is duly noted.

Of course I know that. I also know that electrical particles do not attract each others because they find themselves sexy. Do you think gravitation or electromagnetism are moral agents?

Evolution is not substantially different from them. It is a blind mechanism of nature.


- viole


Revelation all the time
Of course I know that. I also know that electrical particles do not attract each others because they find themselves sexy. Do you think gravitation or electromagnetism are moral agents?

I'm not sure. I'd say probably not. I'm thinking they don't actually exist. Perceived to exist? Sure. Like the observable gravitation and electromagnetism that is 'observable' in my night dreams exists.

Evolution is not substantially different from them. It is a blind mechanism of nature.

I'm not sure which part of the last assertion makes sense. Can still be a 'blind mechanism' (whatever that is) and be lazy and cruel jokester.


Revelation all the time
Maybe their mother, or themselves, do not. If they had a chance. At least, I hope so.

Maybe all of them who you mention would prefer magical separation over peace. I find that impossible to go along with, but here in hypothetical assertions, I'll concede that maybe you are correct.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I'm not sure. I'd say probably not. I'm thinking they don't actually exist. Perceived to exist? Sure. Like the observable gravitation and electromagnetism that is 'observable' in my night dreams exists.

You seem to believe in things that have no evidence and not believe in things that do. Way to go.

I'm not sure which part of the last assertion makes sense. Can still be a 'blind mechanism' (whatever that is) and be lazy and cruel jokester.

Nope. Because as I said, blind mechanisms are, well, blind and amoral. If I am hit by a lightning, I would be insane to accuse the lightning to be cruel. But I suppose that God is neither amoral nor blind, isn't He? He could prevent all these things. So, at best, the attributes cruel and jokester are applicable to Him.


- viole


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Would you call two girls sharing a brain a case that goes beyond hIs competence of macro mega super duper manager? I can only imagine Him thinking: why are you disturbing me with this micro management issues? Ask my inferior prophets, I am busy creating other Universes.

But I have a question: when people pray, do they ask God things that are beyond micro management?


- viole

You're approaching this as if I believe God is a micro-manager and does these nasty things, or permits them. I don't know what other people pray for.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Maybe all of them who you mention would prefer magical separation over peace. I find that impossible to go along with, but here in hypothetical assertions, I'll concede that maybe you are correct.

I know it is impossible. For, no matter how much you pray, those girls will stll share the same brain. God performs miracles only under the condition that they are not obvious miracles, for some reason. Probably, He does not want to mess around with our free will by making His existence obvious, although He did exactly that, in the past, allegedely. Still, for some reason.

But of course, there is a much more parsimonous explanation.


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Why are you asking me? :confused:

Yes, if He does not micro manage, what does He do? If you do not believe He micro manages, then you must believe He macro manages. But what does He macro manage? By the way, I expect that He would not get a burn out by micro managing sometimes. That is one of the perks of being almighty.


- viole
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