Seeing the vitriol heaped upon Rand & any sympathetic souls makes me reluctant to barge in on the ranting
cyber sisters, but here it goes anyway.
Yes, she is an awkward & verbose writer. (Really.... 50+ pages for one soliloquy.) But she spoke to us. We, who slogged thru her interminable Atlas
Shrugged, grew up in a seemingly unquestioned statist environment which didn't favor the individual much.
- We were to ask what we can do for our country, rather than require that our gov't do its job for us.
- We had compulsory noon prayer in my public school.
- We were subject to a capricious draft into a misused military.
- Some were denied dominion over their own body.
- I was to accept a government employee at a state university refusing my job application cuz I'm the wrong race & gender.
Rand was the first voice we bumped into, who addressed our discomfort, & she favored upsetting the government's apple cart. We also discovered that
we weren't alone in our minority perspective & values. Sure, some of us created a bad image for ourselves by becoming annoyingly exuberant newbies,
much like that formerly fun drunk friend who now only drones on about being clean, instead of partying with us. Fortunately, that fades as we find our
political niche. (Ironically, many become Libertarian, a party she described as "monstrous".)
Philosophers are a sorry lot. They start with nothing (ie, invented premises) & then reason from there. They all reach conclusions which are no more "true"
than anyone else's. Rand is no exception, except for her own different perspective. Is she more "stupid" or misguided than any other philosopher? I think not.
Show me the one claiming access to inerrant universal truth, & I'll show you a charlatan.
Socialist, statist & other zealots may rail against our "stupidity". But they fail to appreciate that intelligence & reason are generally irrelevant to basic values,
which we get from genetics & environment. We don't arrive at them by reasoning from absolutely true premises, even those who mistakenly believe in such.
Woe unto the pious extremist who believes he is righteous, & that the other side is just low, dishonest, stupid & backward. To him I advise empathy. Try to
sincerely understand a contrary position & skip the insults. Oh, it would help to sober up too.