For thousands of years man relied on God as a source of information, but noōne could agree on what that information was, leading to endless wars and human misery. Why rely on divine information if it's no clearer than mud?
It was only when we abandoned this reliance on God and religion that mankind developed the technologies and insights that you've been using throughout this thread to distinguish us from animals.
The information in genes changes all the time. The embryo is not a replica of either of its parents.
The whole function of sex is to add yet another mechanism for shuffling the genes and adding variation to the mix -- particularly important in slow reproducing &/or long lived organisms if they're to be able to adapt to environmental changes successfully.
Biology explains and demonstrates the mechanisms whereby organisms and genetic blueprints change over time. There is no God, planning or magic needed. Ordinary chemistry and mechanics can explain it, which you'd know if you understood elementary biology.
And, again, I'd remind you, divine creation explains nothing, it just asserts an agent.
To me it’s very clear than man did not create himself. The complexity of formulating a human is beyond natural selection or man to accomplish. Man is just not that intelligent.