It seems that all of the problems that plague the Jewish people and all the anti-Semitism stems from the fact that people just can't seem to leave the Jews alone, which appears to be all they wanted in the first place. The Greeks tried to conquer them and erase their religion. Didn't work. The Romans tried it, too. They got kicked out of their land for the most part because of it, but it didn't destroy the Jewish people. The Christians and Muslims tried to conquer them, convert them and erase them, too, but that hasn't worked, either. The Jews remain. They're not giving up their religion or their culture. This is apparently a thorn in the side of many, for various reasons (especially religious ones).
I just don't understand why people can't leave them alone and let them have their land and their Temple. The Jews never really were interested in converting others. They tended to have a "live and let live" approach to their religion and culture. They don't complain about the practices of the other people around them. They just carried on doing their own thing. (I think we could all learn from that rather mature approach to things, honestly.)
I just don't get it.