Let me just make it clear, I have no problem with gay people. Its not in me to hate like that. They can contribute to society in other ways, say, the emotional baggage many gays carry allows them to define themselves better, and arguably, makes them more determined in their pursuit of goals - thus, perhaps, more productive members of society.
I only have problem when a person capable of having a kid doesn't have one.
Imagine you would have an offspring, who experiences joys and sorrows of life, who contributes to society in his/hers way, influences other people, has children of his/her own...they do the same things in their cycle, and have kids of their own...etc.
By making the decision to prefer sexual pleasure over family raising one erases possibly hundreds of years of future life experience for others, that would otherwise exist. Doesn't this make anyone feel sadness, this prospect? Am I the only one? After all, the very purpose of ancestral worship is to express gratitude for them and their choice of continuing the bloodline - without their choice back then, we wouldn't exist. Its the same logic - and it has been practiced in several great, high cultures. For what its worth, it lends my point some merit.
Now, is the purpose of sexuality not to encourage an individual to reproduce? The very attribute of sexuality is not that of servant, a tool for pleasure, but that of encourager, that which drives us to continue bloodline? I don't see this happening in homosexuality.
Then again...speculation is never productive. What could be, could be. What is, is. I do not hate people who didn't do it the way Uncle Evolution does. And I feel anger when people label me bigot. I just...love life too much to not have issue with this. However, let others do as they please. I have no sovereignty over their lives, this I recognize.