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why can't we have a relationship with other men?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
This implies that you want to have lady parts instead of the male one. I am pretty sure you do not want to give it up. :sarcastic

Then again, I legitimately do identify as a male lesbian, but don't feel any desire to give up my male body for a female one.


yawn <ignore> yawn
OK, show of hands.

How many of you are old enough to actually remember when race mixing was the big threat to all that is good and decent in civilization?
I am.



yawn <ignore> yawn
Straight guys can join the ranks of the PC protected person list by "identifying as lesbian".

Short of getting AIDS or becoming black its about the the only way.



Are you sure?
Would you stop hating it...for a Klondike Bar?!?


No. I will not stop hating what is either a lame attempt to hit on women (including lesbians which is blatently disrespectful) or a complete ignorance of the topic.

If you're gender queer at least you have an argument. If you're a cis man, then just be a straight dude who isn't a "bro" or who lacks delusions about being "alpha" or whatever it is about YOU that makes you think that you're a "lesbian."

It isn't a joke when I say I hate something.


Straight guys can join the ranks of the PC protected person list by "identifying as lesbian".

Short of getting AIDS or becoming black its about the the only way.

I'm going to use your post as a teaching tool to point out that your assumption that "guys" without a modifier = white is exactly what the whole "privilege" conversation is all about. White guys get to be guys. Black guys have to have a modifier. And I assume Asian guys are around somewhere if you bothered to notice them.

And straight cis guys who "identify as lesbians" typically annoy or anger the crowd you consider "PC protected people." Because you appropriate the name "lesbian" without actually having to deal with the violence: Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Individuals - Confronting the New Faces of Hate
History of violence against LGBT people in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without having to deal with being threatened with rape to "Fix" you:
Jamaican lesbian threatened with
BBC News - South Africa's lesbians fear 'corrective rape'

Bull. You don't get the name.

And clearly they're not so "protected" after all. So bulllllllll on you too.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
There is a whole thread titled "Giving up on religion". It is pretty dumb, and went on for days.


Don't you try to deflect (badly and offensively) from your stupid and offensive post. I'm a member of many minorities and I hardly feel as if I am "protected".


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
How is this different from being an excruciatingly PC straight guy?


Because being PC is something done deliberately against one's own nature for the sake of broad marketing appeal or fitting in with the crowd.

I just naturally relate to women on a personal basis far more than I relate to men, in addition to being sexually attracted to them. That is to say, it's in my nature, and so it's not being PC.

Hence, male lesbian.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
If you're gender queer at least you have an argument. If you're a cis man, then just be a straight dude who isn't a "bro" or who lacks delusions about being "alpha" or whatever it is about YOU that makes you think that you're a "lesbian."

No can do, I'm afraid. When something is a scale, there's more to it than the currently identified points on it; there's also everything in between.

Not being familiar with the currently accepted LGBT+ labels doesn't mean being unfamiliar with myself.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I'm going to use your post as a teaching tool to point out that your assumption that "guys" without a modifier = white is exactly what the whole "privilege" conversation is all about. White guys get to be guys. Black guys have to have a modifier. And I assume Asian guys are around somewhere if you bothered to notice them.

That's a psychological phenomenon common in ethnically homogenous areas.

And straight cis guys who "identify as lesbians" typically annoy or anger the crowd you consider "PC protected people." Because you appropriate the name "lesbian" without actually having to deal with the violence: Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Individuals - Confronting the New Faces of Hate
History of violence against LGBT people in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without having to deal with being threatened with rape to "Fix" you:
Jamaican lesbian threatened with
BBC News - South Africa's lesbians fear 'corrective rape'

Bull. You don't get the name.

And clearly they're not so "protected" after all. So bulllllllll on you too.

Didn't see this post when I made my above post.

I don't take a single word back. It's a personal sexual identity/orientation, that I came up with on my own a few months ago, well into my 7-and-a-half year ongoing and committed relationship with Moonwater. I had no idea that there was a history of men identifying as "lesbians" for one reason or another.

But for now, I stick to the name I've given myself. If female lesbians who've never once been threatened or harassed can use the term despite the atrocities committed on others, then so can I.

If you've got a better name for what I am (perhaps some male equivalent to "extreme tomboy"), I'm all ears.