Ken Brown
Well-Known Member
If what you said is true, it would only apply to homosexuals who got, and transimitted Hep B to other people.
Unsafe sex is unfortunate for homosexuals, or heterosexuals. Yes, homosexuals generally do have unsafe sex a good deal more than heterosexuals do, but the best solution for that would be for them to practice safe sex, which would be the same recommendation for heterosexuals.
If all disease on earth was eliminated, you would still object to homosexuality. In addition, AIDS if a modern disease, and you object to all homosexuality that occured before AIDS developed.
Heart disease, cigarette smoking, and obesity are easily far more dangerous than homosexuality is, are far more expensive to treat, and are often preventable.
As serious as those problems are, they pale by comparison with the possible effects of global warming, which might one day destroy all human life by means of global cooling as a result of melting ice being cirulated in the world's oceans.
If you wish to claim that God's commands are always practical from a secular perspective, you are wrong since the majority of people know that sometimes, divorce is a good thing. Jesus supposedly said that divorce is wrong except in cases of adultery, but many Christians who did not commit adultery get divorced, and, in their hypocrisy, criticize homosexuals.
Hi Agnostic75, ahh, global warming, yes, something that is definitely going to occur, maybe not in the way most think though. And I don't think you followed correctly about the Hep B reasoning...if it wasn't for the inappropriate activity of MSM, the Hep B vaccine would not have been administered to those NYC gay men, and the explosion of AIDS in the U.S. would have been drastically reduced.
And concerning homosexuality and divorce without a just cause (adultery). I don't see much difference. They are both sins and need to be repented from and overcame. You might ask, how do you overcome divorce? Through repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. But if you truly are loving your spouse as you should, it should ever even come to the point of divorce. So the point could be that maybe someone is not a true Christian if they get to the point of divorce without a just cause. KB