Message to 1robin: I am interested in your statement that your arguments against homosexuality appeal to religion, and to science. The late Henry Morris, Ph.d., of the Institute for Creation Research, was an inerrantist. He once said that the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that Gods word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture. (Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science, 1970, p. 32-33)
Stanton Jones, Ph.D., psychology, and Mark Yarhouse, Ph.D., psychology, are conservative Christians. They wrote a book about homosexuality that is titled 'Homosexuality, The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate.' Chapter 4 is titled 'Is homosexuality a psychopathology?' After discussing a lot of scientific issues in that chapter, the authors conclude with the following paragraph:
"Finally, we have seen that there has never been any definitive judgment by the fields of psychiatry or psychology that homosexuality is a healthy lifestyle. But what if it were? Such a judgment would have little bearing on the judgments of the Christian church. In the days of Nero iit was healthy and adaptive to worship the Roman emperor. By contemporary American standards a life consumed with greed, materialism, sensualism, selfishness, divorce and pride is judged healthy, but God weighs such a life and finds it lacking."
Although I obviously diagree with Morris, Jones, and Yarhouse, I respect them for openly admitting that their primary bias is religious, not scientific. On the other hand, using science merely as a convenience when it agrees with your religious beliefs is not true science. So, what do you think of Morris', Jones', and Yarhouse's statements? Do you really need science to back up your religious beliefs about homosexuality, or are you just using science as a convenience because you believe that it agrees with your religious beliefs?
This is off topic, but do you accept creationism, sometimes referred to as the story of Adam and Eve, or theistic evolution?
Whatever problems homosexuality has caused in the world, they pale by comparion with heart disease, cigarette smoking, and obesity, and much more so global warming if the predictions of some climatologists come true. Some climatolgists predict that it is plausible, if not probable that global warming will eventually result in global cooling, and the end of human life on earth. That does not include the largest worldwide economic depression in history by far as a result of global warming. The majority of the world's large cities are located by oceans, bays, and rivers. A sea level rise of only a few inches would be devastating for many of those cities.
So, from a secular perspective, homosexuals are not responsible for the biggest problems in the world, and many heterosexuals are.
It is important to note that many of the harmful effects of heart disease, cigarette smoking, obesity, and global warming, are preventable.
Now here is something that is really interesting. Often, the biggest threat to an individual is not someone else, it is themself. I am partly referring to preventable cases of heart disease, and preventable problems that are caused by cigarette smoking, and obesity. From a secular perspective, no heterosexual who has a serious medical condition that is preventable has any business criticizing same-sex behavior, especially since same-sex behavior can be practiced safely.