I can suggest things but whether I could or could not has no effect on whether they are wrong or right. First can you tell me why this question is meaningfull.Do you have a recommended solution to the problem? If not, what is your purpose of stating the problem?
My personal suggestions:
1. No gay traditional marriage.
2. No gays in the military.
3. Education based in fact not political correctness.
4. Some system that funds or suggests religous education for any one that desires it.
There is some truth to that. I am dealing with perception of a problem not teh application of a solution but it is immoral that I must pay for surgery and treatment for anyone practicing what has been devient behavior after a certain point. The fact is that paying for things that are the natural consequence of immoral acts will eventually break the system. I work with a guy who is friends with a Navy doctor and I will not repeat the problems but the military is now sattled with paying for some of the most bizarre and unnecessary surgeries and procedures imaginable that are the result of homosexuality. We do not say well people will drink and drive simply deal with nor should we do so with this.If you are suggesting that if everyone was heterosexual, there would be fewer medical problems in the world, I agree, but that is not the way that things are. We must work with what we have.
I believe there is but I do not think the problem a bilogical issue in the first place.There is no cure for homosexuality. If there was, some homosexuals said that they would take it for various reasons.
I have no intention of judging individuals just actions. Yes they are wrong. It is no more right in this case than a theft if the thief could pay the person back for the item. The absence of fallout does not make an action right.Do you find fault with homosexuals who are monogamous, and healthy?