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Why Christianity is Looked down on


Glass half Panda'd
Brother Jed is a man who comes to our campus for one week every spring. Loads of religous fanatics come every year to try and convert the masses, or let them know about the sins for which they're going to burn. The men and women who generally participate in this type of prosthlytization (sp?) harm the faith for those who really do believe in God and not fear. I tend to think these people are out for attention, so I usually don't let it bother me.

But yesterday during discussion with one of these men, I was called a demon. I asked him if he would hug me and he said that he didn't want to be tainted and that he didn't like me. Some things that were said don't need repeating, but I think it's important to see these people and learn from them. I'm sorry that you have to have them claiming your faith. Encourage them to stop.





Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
But yesterday during discussion with one of these men, I was called a demon. I asked him if he would hug me and he said that he didn't want to be tainted and that he didn't like me
That is disgusting...

:hug: it's not a real hug, but it's all I can do ;)


Well-Known Member
Brother Jed is a man who comes to our campus for one week every spring. Loads of religous fanatics come every year to try and convert the masses, or let them know about the sins for which they're going to burn. The men and women who generally participate in this type of prosthlytization (sp?) harm the faith for those who really do believe in God and not fear. I tend to think these people are out for attention, so I usually don't let it bother me.

But yesterday during discussion with one of these men, I was called a demon. I asked him if he would hug me and he said that he didn't want to be tainted and that he didn't like me. Some things that were said don't need repeating, but I think it's important to see these people and learn from them. I'm sorry that you have to have them claiming your faith. Encourage them to stop.

YouTube - Brother Jed on "The Forbidden Fruit"

YouTube - Brother Jed on Breasts

YouTube - Brother Jed Pi day 2008 on U of A

YouTube - Brother Jed talks about Homosexuals

Yes, I'm sorry that happened to you, Ash. It is indefensible to have men like this representing the Christian religion. But I think you understand that these sorts of men see what they want to see, and use Christianity to spread their own prejudices and hate against all reason and the will of God. Do you think Christ would have said things like that man in the videos? No.

Anyway, petition your Uni to have the man banned from future diatribes agains the women of your campus. It should not be hard to have him excluded in future.

peace and love,


Depends Upon My Mood..
I only watched a few seconds of the first two clips...Its obvious this man is out of his mind..And it sounded like to me people were laughing at him..Its probably amusing for them to watch this crazy man.Like a religious fanatic clown.He's probably harmless..And most people who have been in that part of the world for any length of time have met met many Chirstians and know they arent all like that.




Depends Upon My Mood..
Not only that...you would have to assume that in fact some of those students were Christians themselves and knew this guy was off his rocker.Like someone else said..I think this guy is lookign for attention and deliberatley being outrageous and inflamatory to get a thrill...Some sort of exibitionist in a negative way.

I wouldnt let it bother you too much..Im sure eventually they will ban him ...





Bodhisattva in Recovery
I tried watching Ash, but it doesn't work for me. I would be inclined to do the Christ forgiveness shtick with him and ask him why he was so angry. "Why are you yelling, Brother? Doth not the spirit of the One speak with but a whisper from within the heart of the beloved? To whom do you hope to reach with your uncouth shouting, child."

Then again, I might just throw a latte at him and giggle. It would be really funny for two (or three), bold, gay young men to sit down and begin smooching in front of him. <evil grin>

If folks are lucky he may have an aneurism on the spot.


Glass half Panda'd
Well, I had a thought about it, and I actually feel that these men were only out for attention and nothing more. If they had wanted to spread the word of an angry wrathful God, they were doing an excellent job. If they wanted to show the message of Yeshua, then they'd be better off doing work for the community. :)


Deviled Hen
Hey, Ash, you know what Yeshua said about beware wolves in sheep's clothing.

Looks like you found one who couldn't quite disguise the fangs well enough. :(

Sorry about that.


Not your average Mormon
Yeah, it's the same kind of thing that happens twice a year in Salt Lake City when the Latter-day Saints meet for their semi-annual General Conference. There are always a few of these types who stand outside the Conference Center and scream at us that we're going to hell and are worshipping a false Christ and all the rest. It's really annoying, but they don't really reflect negatively on any of the people they're condemning. They just come across looking like fanatic crazies.


Glass half Panda'd
I've also realized that nothing brings people together like religious fanaticsm. I have laughed and talked with so many people - who started talking about how insane these men are. People really connect when there's something that everyone can agree on. Amazing how that happens.


Glass half Panda'd
Is it better to hate sin ... or to love God?

from what that guy says, God's angry and vengeful. Apparently, so he says, There is only one time in the Bible where it says "God is Love" Interesting isnt it? I mean, it's been a while since I've read the good book myself, but if what he says is true, then would it change anyone's opinion of God?


Let's go racing boys !
I feel like a lot of Christians would be embarrassed by his behavior. I think he is very offensive and would do more harm than good....He turns people off to religion.

This is the type of person who thinks he can beat you over the head with the bible and make a believer out of you........Since everyone has to make this choice by their own conclusions, I think his method is ignorant and inappropriate.:bible::bonk:

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Brother Jed is a man who comes to our campus for one week every spring. Loads of religous fanatics come every year to try and convert the masses, or let them know about the sins for which they're going to burn. The men and women who generally participate in this type of prosthlytization (sp?) harm the faith for those who really do believe in God and not fear. I tend to think these people are out for attention, so I usually don't let it bother me.

But yesterday during discussion with one of these men, I was called a demon. I asked him if he would hug me and he said that he didn't want to be tainted and that he didn't like me. Some things that were said don't need repeating, but I think it's important to see these people and learn from them. I'm sorry that you have to have them claiming your faith. Encourage them to stop.

YouTube - Brother Jed on "The Forbidden Fruit"

YouTube - Brother Jed on Breasts

YouTube - Brother Jed Pi day 2008 on U of A

YouTube - Brother Jed talks about Homosexuals

Yea...what a NUT-Burger....!!!!!:D