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why did God kill many people?


Liebe ist für alle da
The text that is supposed to be his own words says he did - and does - and will again. If you believe his "word" he is a monster who would be in jail in any civilized society. And rightly so.

The Don is Hindu not Christian. So yeah that doesn't work there.


New Member
well, He is ultimately our Creator, and the One worthy of judging when our lives are to be taken back, and under what circumstances.

He is also the One who measures what men know, what they knowingly ignore, and what they deserve. while our perspective is limited, His is not.

He does love each human being, but we are also held responsible for what we do, and for how we live and treat one another. and His love is not the kind of love which ignores flaws and ignores evil, and stands aside forever, unwilling to intervene or correct / punish wrongdoing.

sometimes God's correction takes the form of ending life, or ending the life of a society. and He does give peoples ample warning and the ability to understand what is right and wrong before taking life on account of evil.

So God is Judgemental? God as our creator made us less than perfect so that with limited perspective and not bright enough to inherantly know what is right or wrong? Are you implying that we were created so that he would need something from us? So is God Needy as well as Judgemental? You say God loves every Human Being, but then sets conditions on that love. So someone or something as powerful and as perfect as our creator cannot love in the purest and truest way and sends. And what sort of God punishes those that he loves.
CAn you please explain or try to explain, why God would create us to be such an unworthy species??


Well-Known Member

Said one among them--"Surely not in vain
My substance of the common Earth was ta'en
And to this Figure molded, to be broke,
Or trampled back to shapeless Earth again."

Then said a Second--"Ne'er a peevish Boy
Would break the Bowl from which he drank in joy;
And He that with his hand the Vessel made
Will surely not in after Wrath destroy."

After a momentary silence spake
Some Vessel of a more ungainly Make;
"They sneer at me for leaning all awry:
What! did the Hand then of the Potter shake?"

"Because the life is his, the dirt is his, the spark is his."

So you say. But you present no evidence for this beyond your dogmatic assertion. :(

Why not bring this god of yours around for a chat? A few questions should settle this entire matter.;)

The OP begins with the premise that God exists. Therefore my reply was from that standpoint.


This question has to be answered as though to someone who believed in god and wanted to understand why there was so much killing in the OT otherwise the answers don’t make sense to an atheist. But anyway….

God created everything, all was perfect until man defied God and got himself thrown out of paradise, where he would then eat ‘by the sweat of his brow’ and eventually die. But god made a promise before doing this, prophesying that there would be a seed that would crush the evil and give men the choice to return to the perfection he once was.

In order to achieve this, God had to choose a race to carry the seed through time – which were the Hebrews – and these he centered his attention on, giving them the rules and procedures that would keep them safe, productive, healthy and prosperous. He guided the armies of his people and yes, he was ruthless in some instances, ordering the killing of whole cities etc. and this wasn’t always done to prosper the Jews but sometimes to punish them lest they fell away altogether which would ultimately have ruined Gods plan and our salvation. Everything had to be done in a physical way back in the OT until Jesus came and transferred it to the spiritual. The examples of the physical deaths were precursors to the future spiritual deaths (eternal life) for those who do not belong to God.

The death portrayed in the OT was necessary in order to benefit ALL MEN in the long run, because through the Jewish people came Jesus, the promised seed, and the savior of mankind.

God gives and God takes away but everything he does, he does with good reason and for the sake of his creation. If you think he can be judged by our standards then you don’t really understand what it is that Christians believe at all.


Well-Known Member
"If you think he can be judged by our standards then you don’t really understand what it is that Christians believe at all."

Oh, I understand it well enough.

We are often destitute of the things that life demands,
Want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands;
We are trusting in the Lord, and according to God’s Word,
We will understand it better by and by.

But it is STILL a medieval myth and taking it at face value is foolishness.


Liebe ist für alle da
If you think he can be judged by our standards then you don’t really understand what it is that Christians believe at all.

Funny, this can be turned around on Christians when you all decides to judge others and the religious beliefs and god/goddess.
Really what with all this self-righteous crap.


Guardian of Asgaard
Funny, this can be turned around on Christians when you all decides to judge others and the religious beliefs and god/goddess.
Really what with all this self-righteous crap.

Take a stroll over to the Homsexuality thread. Our dear friend Emiliano used scripture to justify his hateful judgement of Homosexuals.

Apparently, Christians are allowed to Judge whoever they want, even though if you call them on it, only God may judge. DOuble standards if you ask me.


Democratic Socialist
Take a stroll over to the Homsexuality thread. Our dear friend Emiliano used scripture to justify his hateful judgement of Homosexuals.

Apparently, Christians are allowed to Judge whoever they want, even though if you call them on it, only God may judge. DOuble standards if you ask me.

emiliano is an evangelical. their insane by definition.

btw, you dont need a god to judge others. i do it all the time, difference being, i dont have a god telling me not to.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
in Gods commandments it says Thou Shalt Not Kill. then why in historie has God destroyed cities and killed many people. if God create humankind i n his image and if God is love then why does he kill people.

Adverse judgments from God have always resulted because wicked people adamantly refuse to abandon a bad course, not because Jehovah enjoys killing people. "God is patient with you, because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9)

‘“As I am alive,” is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why is it that you should die, O house of Israel?" (Ezekiel 33:11)

As man's Creator, Jehovah has the right to decide how we live. Adam and Eve rejected God's authority, and placed themselves under Satan's authority. Since then, wicked men have filled the earth with the blood of innocents and continue to do so. If we listen to God's instructions, we will never be responsible for the murder of our fellow man. (2 Peter 3:10-12)

Sadly, the majority of mankind continues to defy God and act as if he doesn't exist.
For the sake of those who love him, Jehovah will soon destroy those who cause suffering for others. It would be neither loving nor just for God to allow wicked men to continue to terrorize the Earth indefinitely. The Bible assures us God will soon take action to destroy the wicked. (2 Peter 3:7). Those who accept God's righteous rulership will enjoy everlasting life and peace. (Revelation 21:1-5). As the Bible assures us, "God is Love" (1 John 4:8)



Funny, this can be turned around on Christians when you all decides to judge others and the religious beliefs and god/goddess.
Really what with all this self-righteous crap.

I did say...."This question has to be answered as though to someone who believed in god and wanted to understand why there was so much killing in the OT otherwise the answers don’t make sense to an atheist. But anyway…." So this kind of proves my point.

BTW no one should be judging, how can one man judge another or know who he really is? I'm a christian and I certainly don't and I'm sure there are many, many more like me, it's just the few rotten apples that spoil the barrel and get all of the attention. Self-righteous? No, not me mate - far from it :D


Intentionally Blank
This question has to be answered as though to someone who believed in god and wanted to understand why there was so much killing in the OT otherwise the answers don’t make sense to an atheist. But anyway….

God created everything, all was perfect until man defied God and got himself thrown out of paradise, where he would then eat ‘by the sweat of his brow’ and eventually die. But god made a promise before doing this, prophesying that there would be a seed that would crush the evil and give men the choice to return to the perfection he once was.

In order to achieve this, God had to choose a race to carry the seed through time – which were the Hebrews – and these he centered his attention on, giving them the rules and procedures that would keep them safe, productive, healthy and prosperous. He guided the armies of his people and yes, he was ruthless in some instances, ordering the killing of whole cities etc. and this wasn’t always done to prosper the Jews but sometimes to punish them lest they fell away altogether which would ultimately have ruined Gods plan and our salvation. Everything had to be done in a physical way back in the OT until Jesus came and transferred it to the spiritual. The examples of the physical deaths were precursors to the future spiritual deaths (eternal life) for those who do not belong to God.

The death portrayed in the OT was necessary in order to benefit ALL MEN in the long run, because through the Jewish people came Jesus, the promised seed, and the savior of mankind.

God gives and God takes away but everything he does, he does with good reason and for the sake of his creation. If you think he can be judged by our standards then you don’t really understand what it is that Christians believe at all.

If this story makes sense to you, you may be a Christian.


Intentionally Blank
Why would a being who has created everything be bound by the same rules as His creation?

Yes, God is "good" in the sense of "but if He were a person, He would be a genocidal, vengeful, petty despot." In that sense, God is very good.