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Why did Tim Kaine call for gun control after the Ohio State rampage


Well-Known Member
One use of a gun by a police officer that stopped a mad man who drove into a crowd the day after Thanksgiving who leaped out of a car and stabbed 15 people. and lunged toward the officer to stab him.

Reasonable? or not so much?

Was he thinking the officer should have concealed the man more


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Because Kaine is an idiot, but knows shouting gun control could get him noticed by the globalists and perhaps help his self serving career goals.


Premium Member
Jumped the gun. Heard of someone going on a rampage and made the assumption guns are involved (this is not unreasonable r.e. the States, although a little caution would have been great).


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Sounds like he got a bit ahead of himself. To be fair, the media didn't help with spreading of misinformation. I am disappointed, though, that he jumped to make this a political issue so fast. I find that to be distasteful in any political figure, not just Kaine.


Premium Member
I've read that he was duped by some fake news site, I dunno.

I quite like the guy, in general.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
It's pretty funny that the "senseless gun violence" they decry was by the cop,
who stopped further carnage by killing a perp who deserved to die.
Knees will jerk.
I think you will agree that the cop made the right call. At least, based on the information I have seen so far anyway.


Veteran Member
Your talking about a politician here.
And politicians need face-time and Kane just got dumped on.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
I'd call for gun control based on this incident.

Another psycho went in a rampage, and not one innocent person died.

Because he didn't have a gun.


Well-Known Member
One use of a gun by a police officer that stopped a mad man who drove into a crowd the day after Thanksgiving who leaped out of a car and stabbed 15 people. and lunged toward the officer to stab him.

Reasonable? or not so much?

Was he thinking the officer should have concealed the man more

Almost seems likes some "expected" the guy to be shooting with a gun, rather than stabbing with a knife. Perhaps he didn't follow his precise orders.


Well-Known Member
Aye, since a gun wielding guy saved the day.

Well, I don't know anyone calling for cops to have guns taken away.

It's not about banning all guns for most sane people. It's about controlling them to reduce the times the wrong people get a hold of them.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
That's a point I made on Facebook. It didn't go well.

I'd imagine not. :)

I can also imagine what would happen if 20 students and facility are also packing, and start blazing away at the knife weilder. How many people die in that scenario?

The answer was not "we need more guns," it's that only law enforcement had them. . . The bystanders didn't have them, and neither did the perpetrator.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well, I don't know anyone calling for cops to have guns taken away.
In this case though, what I find significant is that no one called him.
He just happened to be there, armed, & willing to do what had to be done.

Btw, it turned out relatively well, considering how bad it could've been.
The victims are all alive.
The perp is getting his reward in Heaven.
And we're spared a spendy trial & having to provide room & board to the martyr for the rest of his life.
It's not about banning all guns for most sane people. It's about controlling them to reduce the times the wrong people get a hold of them.
I know.
You're one of the reasonable gun grabbers.

(Hah! That'l confuse'm.)
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Veteran Member
I'd imagine not. :)

I can also imagine what would happen if 20 students and facility are also packing, and start blazing away at the knife weilder. How many people die in that scenario?

The answer was not "we need more guns," it's that only law enforcement had them. . . The bystanders didn't have them, and neither did the perpetrator.
and you know what opinions are like don't you?


Well-Known Member
In this case though, what I find significant is that no one called him.
He just happened to be there, armed, & willing to do what had to be done.

Btw, it turned out relatively well, considering how bad it could've been.
The victims are all alive.
The perp is getting his reward in Heaven.
And we're spared a spendy trial & having to provide room & board to the martyr for the rest of his life.

I know.
You're one of the reasonable gun grabbers.

(Hah! That'l confuse'm.)

I think most gun control people think along the same vein as me. The myth is perpetrated widely that most liberals or democrats want to ban all guns in an attempt to make them look loony. Clearly it has worked.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
I think most gun control people think along the same vein as me. The myth is perpetrated widely that most liberals or democrats want to ban all guns in an attempt to make them look loony. Clearly it has worked.

Exactly this.

And of course that tactic works. The "uneducated" put Trump into office, didn't they?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think most gun control people think along the same vein as me. The myth is perpetrated widely that most liberals or democrats want to ban all guns in an attempt to make them look loony. Clearly it has worked.
I've only run across a minority of Dems who want to ban'm all.
They don't concern me. The real problem is too much wrongful
regulation, & too little attention to effective mitigation.